Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blind Item #1

Desperate for more attention and pushing the edge more and more to maintain it, there have been ongoing talks about releasing a new sex tape. The A+ list reality star feels she is losing the fame game to others and wants to grab the leadership back.


  1. Replies
    1. So who was Kanye’s fluffer....Diddy?

    2. I know Kanye bashing has always been trendy as he presents such an easy target, but "George Bush doesn't care about Black people" is still one of the realest and bravest things uttered on television, and you know it by Mike Myers reaction.

    3. He was right about that!

  2. I'm not good at this guessing but even I know who this is. Kim Kardashian. She has already started by releasing a partial vagina photo but says it to promote her new perfume......These people are pathetic!

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Ryan Seacrest should interview PMK live from inside Kim’s cervix

    2. I do not want perfume that smells like Kardashian vagina.

  3. Oh, @Tricia13!


    So mean!


    Great laugh first thing this AM!

    (I thought Kim Ka-Trash-ian, first, too!)

    1. My pleasure @David!
      Ps- enjoy London town. Haven’t been in years but a great restaurant (romantic/ quaint and fab food) is called BlueBird-hope it’s still there:)

    2. Bluebird in Chelsea it is still there x

    3. 🍽🍽thx! What a sublime place❤️

  4. Velma and Scooby, exchange for any cartoon character that takes your fancy (rolls eyes)

  5. Off subject-ish, but Deray Davis is funny af. Here's him from Hip Hop Squares shading RayJ over Kim K in front of Ray J's wife

    also, no comment re another comment

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. and, ps to js..💙 your convo w/aj

  8. Kim kartrashian? This woman is crazy lol, an empty person!

    1. Rob Kardashian Sr. trashed the machine in public view once.
      Consequences can be generational.

  9. This could only be Kum.

  10. I like Kim K and the entire family. If that's what it takes to regain control, so be it.

  11. Robert Kardashian III is Black Chyna's kid, you realize this.
    That's an attack on Armenians everywhere.

  12. Anonymous7:07 AM

    A sex tape with who...y’all know she’s not sleeping with Kanye!

  13. Ok. Why does everyone think Kanye is gay?

  14. What a role model for her children she is! Especially her daughters. I shudder to think what they'll be doing in the future.

  15. And some people say Kim K didn't make it big based on a sex tape.

    1. She puts naked pictures every day and no one pays attention. She does these things and then people just do not care... Most people do not even know that Kim has a sexual tape!

  16. its a sex tape between Kanye and.... (wait for it)

    caitlyn jenner

    1. I wouldn’t be shocked since he had Caitlyn naked in one of his music videos

  17. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Kim started showing bits from her vag*ina recently. So another Po*n movie makes sense.problem is that she is 37 and youngsters dont want to see her.

  18. They didn't say anything about *MAKING* a new sex tape. This could be a golden oldie from the vaults.

    Kanye not required.

  19. 21 tour dates in 2016 after suffering a “nervous breakdown,” but there are new fears for his health after he abruptly fired manager Scooter Braun and a “friend” claimed West had been addicted to opioids.

    Kanye West fires manager Scooter Braun
    Kanye West fires manager Scooter Braun
    On Monday, Hot 97 host Ebro Darden told listeners that he had spoken with West this weekend, and West allegedly told him, “Nobody really showed love for me when I was addicted to opioids and in the hospital.”

    If West had actually canceled the tour due to drug use, it could have legal ramifications.

    The rapper filed a 2017 $10 million lawsuit against insurers Lloyd’s of London, claiming they were refusing to pay for his lost dates and citing his marijuana use as an excuse.

    The insurer finally caved in and agreed to pay most of what was due to cover the lost tour dates.

    Lawyers for Lloyd’s didn’t return calls for comment Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, a source close to West tells Page Six they were “doubtful” he was hospitalized for opioid use and “disappointed” Darden made those claims on-air.

    West sources had said at the time of the 2016 breakdown that it was due to the death of his mom, the stress of juggling his fashion line and the tour, and acute sleeplessness and paranoia.

    West dramatically just fired Braun and others in his inner circle — despite having just announced five new albums on Twitter — with sources spreading rumors online that those cast out were “very worried for Yeezy’s mental health” and that he could be suffering from “another episode.”

    West hired Braun, who also reps Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, a couple of years ago.

    Scooter Braun, notorious pedophile.

    1. Lol, who are you??? You work for the feds

  20. George Bush did more for AID in Africa than any President to date. Don’t believe me. Research.

    1. Yeah, all that Church medical testing...
      That's part of it.
      Central Intelligence Agency
      Christians in Action
      or maybe
      The Federal Council of the Churches of

    2. Maybe you should go to "Africa" and see what the Bush sodomites have done to "help"

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      The Good Shepard has Matt Damon mud wrestling naked with another pledge doing Skull and Bones shit

      Gives new meaning to Greco Roman style

  21. @Geeljire - Anyone Scooter touches turns to a complete mess. I can only imagine what he's like. He and his wife were recently celebrating Dan Geffen. That said it all right there.

  22. She is ridiculous. Her vag photo, like all her other selfies, is being ridiculed all over the place. Her delusional husband is too mentally ill to recognize that she is an embarrassment to him. And when you point all this out to her little fangurls, their only response is "She's got millions." Millions of dollars that will never buy her respect or reverse her global reputation as a shallow, ridiculous, aging and desperate bimbo.

  23. So a sex tape is now like that button you push on the steering wheel in the Fast and Furious movies. Gives you that extra juice you need to win the race.

  24. Problem is she has already exposed every inch of her naked body nobody cares. People don't like the Kardashians because they are disturbing and the photos of the reality of Kim's backside just sealed the strange large implant obsession. Their days are over.

  25. Kim REEKS of desperation these days. She is so lame.

  26. I disagree that GWB didn't care about black people. I vividly remember Hurricane Katrina. For more than a week leading up to the storm, there was constant news coverage that explicitly said "if you do not evacuate, you will probably die". They could not have been any more clear. Instead of heeding that advice, people chose to stay put, putting themselves and emergency workers in danger and then they had the nerve to whine when help didn't come save them, in extremely dangerous situations, right when they wanted it to. Sorry, but if those people would have followed instructions, they would never have been in that situation to begin with. This is on par with people refusing to look both ways, instead just running into traffic, and then complaining when they get hit by a car. At some point, you need to take responsibility for yourself and quit expecting everyone to rescue you from your own bad decisions.

    1. If your memories come from the news there's a problem.
      George Bush jacks off in a coffin with Geronimo's bones while John Kerry fists him.
      Sorry, our leaders are that degenerate.
      Sorry you kept voting them in.
      I don't think it will happen again for some time.

    2. ChinaCatSunflower, one more thing: New Orleans wasn't even in the cone of uncertainty until 3 days before the storm. So no, the citizens didn't have more than a week of dire warnings to evacuate. Please, before you are unkind next time, at least be accurate.

    3. A lot of people in NO were too poor to do anything BUT stay put and hope. How do you propose someone barely scraping by in the poorest parts of an area, who may not even have a car or even bicycle, is supposed to leave town ahead of a massive hurricane?

      If you call that choosing, then yeah I guess a lot of people did “choose” to stay.

  27. Some people did not have the money to leave or another place to stay. But you probably don't know anything about poverty so it is not real to you. God help you.

    1. Molly, you are correct. Those who haven't experienced crushing poverty have no idea how it affects every aspect of your life.

  28. The biggest thing I remember from Katrina was Condoleeza Rice continuing her shopping spree at Ferragamo in NYC and not being in a particular hurry to return to DC. It was handled atrociously, but, as much as I disliked Bush, I don't think he is innately bigoted, though he did treat the family of James Byrd like dirt when they came to him to change the laws in Texas after James was murdered. Condi is like family to him.

  29. ChinaCatSunflower, most of the folks who didn't evacuate, couldn't. It wasn't a choice for those folks in the Superdome, which was a shelter of last resort. Poverty is rampant in New Orleans and it's almost impossible to evacuate without a car or disposable income. And while the storm was bad, the real problem came when the levees failed, after the storm, flooding virtually an entire metropolitan area.

  30. Those who are lacking intelligence name call and personally attack those with a different view point. Sad that's where you two are mentally. Sigh. FWIW, I didn't vote for Bush or Trump so don't go making assumptions. Also, BS about not having money to get out of there. The city had shuttle buses set up to transport people. Volunteers were moving people. There were opportunities to leave, but just like with every hurricane, people don't want to bother and think they can ride out the storm. And no, I don't get all of my facts from the news. I actually have a personal friend who went their of her own accord to help so I know first hand what was going on.

    1. I didn't name call.
      I stated a fact about the Skull and Bones at Yale.
      This is strawmanning.
      Are you one of David Brock's $15/hr rent boys at Shareblue/CTR?
      Any port in a storm, eh.

    2. I don't see that anyone attacked you or called you names. I disagree with you because I worked that storm at the emergency operations center. 67 days straight, 14 hour overnight shifts. I also work daily with Louisiana citizens who have critical transportation needs and I understand the barriers they face daily, not just in an emergency. And if your friend told you what happened while she was there volunteering, that's second hand info.

    3. ChinaCat, kindly eff off. Question: if this was a known threat for a week, why was their a preseason Saints game that Friday night? Katrina landed late Sunday-early Monday. I know this, because I was there and not watching it unfold on the news.

    4. “I actually have a personal friend who went their of her own accord to help so I know first hand what was going on.”

      I’m afraid you don’t understand what “first hand” knowledge means. Tell your friend thanks for her assistance.

  31. If the donkey doesn't get equal pay I wanna see people in the streets.

  32. I'm going to be different and say Paris Hilton. From everything I've seen she wants back in the game.

  33. As a native of New Orleans and Katrina survivor, those bashing Bush over the Federal response to Katrina can kindly eff off and you don’t know a damn thing about what happened down here.

  34. No idea how this shifted to Katrina, but like others said, unless you were there...
    I wasn't. I was in Houston, then and during Harvey. You expect flooding and some chose to ride it out. Some, again as mentioned already, couldn't afford to leave. Initially, it was just the damage caused by nature. The rest was man made destruction due to the levees that were supposed to protect New Orleans. As with Houston, it was horrible planning by engineers, planners, etc that led to the catastrophic flooding (releasing the reservoir into the bayou because they allowed developers to build over the areas meant to retain flood waters, and just agreed to allow more development in the same area).

    In both disasters residents were helping each other, in particular The Cajun Navy, who were literal lifesavers during Harvey. Not after. During. They had already packed up and headed our way to be here before Harvey hit.

    Again, unless you were there, don't speak as if you know.

    1. It shifted because someone said Kanye was right about what he said about George Bush.

  35. Not sure Kimmy could raise an eyebrow if she released footage of herself being hanged, drawn, and quartered. The world has seen it all.

  36. I imagine that a Kim K perfume would smell like cheap liquor, In 'n out burger and douche.

  37. Are there really people who are attracted to Kim Kardashian's figure?

  38. I'm thinking Paris Hilton

  39. Considering she's made a fortune with her body alone, yes.

  40. +1 for Paris. I cant imagine Kanye doing a sex tape, hes too much of an artist

  41. If the rumors are true, Kanye's "artist" attitude would be the least reason he wouldn't do the sex tape with Kim. No performance art gonna happen there.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I actually feel sorry for Kanye. Kimmy married him to ally herself with someone of talent and boost her credentials. Now he is vulnerable and has lost some of his powerful friendships he's redundant.

  44. Old K-Pig is getting desperate.

  45. TO @Molly and other anti-Bush posters:

    Some people did not have the money to leave or another place to stay.

    If you google "Katrina flooded buses" you will get images of dozens of school buses in parking lots, flooded. Why? Because Mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin refused to use them to evacuate people. They were waiting for deluxe buses. He thought the school buses were not luxury enough and even blurted it out during a radio interview.

    This is the same Ray Nagin whose massive corruption was exposed by Katrina. People expected a bigger police response and Nagin said that some 600 of his police were "at a convention" in Vegas or something. This turned out to be false. He and the police chief were defrauding the federal government, by claiming to hire 600 cops and dividing the salary for said cops among themselves and their cronies. This had been going on for years. The police chief resigned, but he and Nagin should be in jail.

    Also, the black community apparently doesn't care about black people either. The issue arose that the media wasn't seeing a lot of black Red Cross workers; complaints about racism were made... until it was discovered that those Red Cross workers were unpaid volunteers. The black community at large couldn't find any volunteers to join the Red Cross; they'd rather sit at home watching KUWTK.

    A lot of those poor people who "couldn't afford to leave" were screwed by their own corrupt city covernment, regardless of whether George Bush "cared" about them.

  46. Kim Kardashian was exotically beautiful before all the surgery. She's just weird now. That whole family is well beyond the borders of reality, which is funny since they're a "Realty TV" franchise.

    If her popularity is really fading, showing off her vagina is unlikely to salvage it, unless she's putting it on the market as a garage.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      A five car garage

  47. @Don Kebelis, actually no. The sex tape didn't perform well, word on the street was the reality show didn't go anywhere until Seacrest stepped in and it's the network's effort not her bod that has made the money for the network. everybody knows the game here. Maybe you don't. As for her being "exotic beauty" before all the work, you clearly have never seen KK in person. She was not ugly, not stunning. Pretty, body was nothing special or hideous. She's very stumpy and short. The enhancements only make it worse.

  48. Yup, that's about how much carbon monoxide you'd need.

  49. Seriously,if anyone out there wants to see this old bag's gaping vag, then they need to seek help.

  50. Anonymous4:56 PM

    2019's new perfume release, Pap-Smear from Kim Kardsahian.

  51. Hey, I got an idea.... let's live in a known flood plain, stay put in huge Hurricanes, and rebuild in the exact same spot if anything gets messed up. Then whine and moan and bitch like the fools we are.

    There are no surprises in nature, when you look at long enough cycles.

  52. I wanted to chime in on the evacuation of New Orleans & the other towns along the gulf.
    Many people had health problems. I think they thought they could do better at home than on a school bus. Imagine going anywhere with no air conditioning, in August.
    The traffic jams were ridiculous, cars just sitting at a standstill. Gas & food money? Pets? Somewhere to evacuate to? Having something
    to come home to, that wasn’t looted?
    I live in tornado alley. My home was in the path of the F-5, May 20, 2013, tornado. My neighborhood was in OKC, the one next to mine
    was in Moore. Yes, I had an emergency plan for myself & 2 sons. I didn’t know for over an hour if my sons were hurt or even alive. I was focused on keeping the children at my school safe. When I was able leave I only cared that my sons & our pets were safe. The storm developed and moved much faster than we expected.
    I don’t know why I’m going into all of this. I don’t think we should cast blame on the residents of New Orleans for staying in their homes.
    I think Kayne was shocked and appalled, as were most of us, that this had happened in a major U.S. city.

  53. @ChinaCatSunflower W and Perry made sure to ship all the black people from New Orleans to Texas so whitey could take the city back. I met countless numbers of people displaced by that hurricane that never were able to return home.

    Also, remember the video of when W visited Haiti?

    You know what else went down in Haiti? Daddy Bush onto some little kids

    Lemme ask this, how does a man cut himself on his arms 11 times, then slash his throat twice, crawl a mile, climb a fence, and then shoot himself in the head?

    This is what happens when you find out the truth

    How does a man who attempted to kill a president walk free less than 20 years later?

  54. The only thing I can add to the Katrina Conversation is that I was in N.O. about a year or so after the storm and went to the 9th Ward to see what it looked like. I was surprised to find that for all the coverage Brad and Angie had gotten for their benevolent assistance, there were less than ten new homes there, and every one where I saw people in them, they were all white.

    I've never seen Kim K. in real life either, so maybe she wasn't exotically beautiful IRL at all.



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