Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Item #17 - Stranger Things Have Happened - A Himmmm Blind Item - Part 10

After years, Cissy finally moved on.  She found a great man to support her and heal her heart, and she started a great family away from the business.  Too painful to stay.  She deserves her happiness, as Buddy would've wanted.  Nin found strength and peace in her own budding movie career, as a way to stay connected to what Buddy would've wanted for her.  She will never get over losing her hero, her brother.  But she's learned to put it where it belongs and move ahead.  I'm so in awe of her beauty, her brilliance, genius, and the love she shares with everyone.  She had a good run in a few films and shows, but decided she'd rather live life than act it.  With her amazing Mom, she's become a genius businesswoman and their foundation has helped tons of worthy people.  She is her father's and her brother's keeper – and a great woman whom I will love forever.  As she does me.  Those things we lost in one split-second shot – our futures altered forever – we've accepted as part of a greater plan.  We have to.  Our love for each other remains, just differently.  She and I still talk and see each other now and then.  We share things deeper than any man and wife will ever share – a cord connecting us through Buddy's spirit that will carry us into eternity.

Whenever that time comes.  But just not yet.

No remake of that movie will ever touch the deep root of passion, humanity, and raw burning soul that burns through that film.  My buddy – my brother – is alive and breathing in every frame of that film.  Some things are best left as they are, and remain too sacred to desecrate for pure financial greed.  Is that selfish of me? Perhaps.  But I earned the right to say it.  I endured a crashing, forceful amputation of half my soul and nearly my own life for that film.

Every night I see a star, and every time I see the waves break on the beach at night, I know Buddy is there with me.  Like the character he played in the film, he's right beside me.  Alive and re-born to continue watching over me; protecting me; and leading me from beyond his grave.  I feel him in the wind, and hear his raucous laugh echo in the darkness.  If he were alive today? He'd be right here as one of us Himmmms I can promise you that.  Many, many times he's been there to help me through tough times; nightmares neverending; and tragic times which I've since learned to handle as part of life.  That fragile dynamic which is our life.  Yours and mine…all of our lives.

Even tonight as my friend Nin and I hover over this keyboard typing, I can still see Buddy right next to me. Alive and running around the den in here.  All I have to do is look at a certain dark-haired, sparkplug, little boy running around my own house as he does now and then.  Those wavy long dark locks and that Cheshire-cat grin that says "oops! Sorry!"…and laughs his little-self right out of trouble.  That little boy is a living, breathing, offspring in my own family.  He is the same little boy who has my blood in his veins – my blood pumping through his own heart – and he carries the same name of my deceased buddy.  As a tribute in honor of my buddy, friend, and "brother".  And sometimes, when nobody else is around, I see a little glint in that little boy's mischievous eye.  Then and there – I feel my brother has come back, almost winking at me again.  Like the universe is talking to me through him.  Like he HAS been reborn in some way, to get another chance and to laugh with me again.
Because, after all…"stranger things have happened".


  1. "If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."

  2. Info on Bill Allen and his book,

    "Discover the drama of being “an up and comer” in the ‘80s alongside his close friends, young Hollywood hopefuls, among them George Clooney and Brad Pitt, as well as his best friend, Brandon Lee (son of Bruce Lee), and his firsthand view of the dark side of movie making through his near-death beside Tom Cruise while in Marine jungle training for Born and the Fourth of July, and Brandon’s tragic death on the film, The Crow."

    3) Have you seen the guy on YouTube that wants to make a movie of Brandon's life? What do you think about that?
    I think you might be referring to Bill Allen? During the year I dated Brandon, Bill was one of his closest friends. So if anyone knew him well, it would be Bill.

    4) Whatever happened to the famous hearse?
    I don't know what happened to the hearse. Just typing "hearse" makes me sad.

  3. "Can't rain all the time". <3

  4. For some reason, I go to Natalie Wood as the icon who passed and feel like this is about Brandon Lee. But Could be wrong, I haven't had coffee in three days. Not as sharp.

    May all those who have transitioned, Rise In Power. Thank you for sharing your personal memories and stories of your friends and loved ones.

  5. Bill Allen is too old.

  6. Oh god. This story and the movie quotes are killing me. Takes me right back to being 13 and having my sister shave the back of my head to be more like Sarah. Thanks again Himmm for this story especially since it must be really hard to share. Know that it means everything to the fans. Sorry for your loss

  7. Every candidate is too old. Hmm.

  8. If Himmmm is Branson Lee's best friend then Himmmm is Bill Allen.

    1. The writer is Shannon’s age and a “few” years younger than Brandon. Shannon was born in 1969. Bill was born in 1962.

  9. Wow, that was epic and so well written. I was a bit young for The Crow; I was aware of what happened but had never watched it. These blinds are heartbreakingly and beautifully written. I Will definitely watch The Crow now.

    +1 Not to out Himmms

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Himmm who has pretty much outed himself in prior blinds fits age-wise, but there is nothing about him on the internet that matches him up with the Lee family.

    Still leaning towards him though. I assume the offspring named Brandon is a nephew? Because he doesn't have a son named Brandon.

  12. Himmmmm is younger than Brandon (born in 1965), Bill is older. Not sure if any of the Himmmms I think are Himmms knew Brandon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  13. BA does not appear to have family connections to the business.

  14. It's clearly not Bill Allen. I would assume Brandon Lee had more than one good friend.

  15. So sorry for the lost Himmmm.

    Back in the days, I was a fan of Bruce and my best friend, was an admirer of Brandon. She was inconsolable after she found out about his passing. I can't imagine the sorrow of someone who actually known him since childhood.

    We watched the Crow so many times (that was in 1996 or so). To this day, this movie still haunts me. I get goosebumps just by hearing the soundtrack.

    Thank you for sharing this very personal story.

    And people trying to find who Himmm is: just google the right name and you'll get it. it is easy and not to sherlocky ;-)

  16. Y'know everyone's like "DONT OUT HIMMMMs" but they're giving hints sooooo obvious or just straight out write it (the INXS blind) it's kind of hard not to... like maybe make yourself a little more anonymous and not so obvious if you don't wanna be outed

  17. Actually, if you try googling BL's friends, you'll end up with several different names referred to as "his best friend" and no one fits the clues.
    The Himmmmm that has outed himself does not have a son named Brnadon and there's no record of any connection between him and the Lees. And I'm not sure the details here really fit with how he described his life in that "big four" instalment.

  18. Bill Allen grew up in TX and moved to LA in 1983. He may have been Brandon’s good friend but they didn’t share a childhood.

  19. Wow. Great Story. Thank you for sharing, Himmmm. I hope it was a release. Such a tragic life event. Hope you are doing well now.

  20. @Mag

    That Himmmm has several brothers and sisters so it is possible that one of their kid's is names after Brandon.

    But I am still digging for some connection between the Lees and that family and can't find anything.

  21. I remember staying up late watching the portable TV my parents had for camping under the blanket and catching Siskel & Ebert reviewing this movie. I remember one of them sounded genuinely surprised it was as good as it was. I didn't get to see it in the theater, but I saw it as soon as it came out for rental. I still love that movie so much. Himmmm, I'm very thankful for your labor of love making and finishing the movie.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. thank you & nin for sharing. you put a memorable face on a story i knew very little about. sorry you lost your brother

  23. What a beautiful and tragic story.
    My heart hurts and I have tears in my eyes.

    When we are young, we are hopeful,
    spontaneous and brave.
    We feel invincible...until
    we get run over by our own proverbial truck

    I'm sorry for your loss and for many of us,
    it was our loss too.

  24. My heart is breaking on multiple levels right now having started reading this just as the tragedy in Toronto broke :(. Hug your loved ones and life life fully! @himmmm , I don’t need to speculate on any of the identities- I’ll leave that to the others’ I just want to say thank you for connecting us all with your memories. To share a part of your soul, a piece of your heart.. it’s a meaningful gift

  25. "...they want me to get YOU [himmmm] to come advise on it [the Crow remake]."


  26. LDP verified who the best friend is a few days ago. I think they just needed to tell their story and let go of some pain.
    The 1st part said "It was written WITH the help and love of one of the people in the story and her words and blessing." So maybe this was himmmm telling best friends story, not himmmm's own.

  27. Thank you Himmmm and Nin for sharing this story with us. I'm sorry for your loss.

  28. Not sure about Bill Allen, but found this interesting

  29. Bill Allen is too old to fit the blind.

  30. Bill Allen- Too old, didn't have family with high profile Hollywood connections, as the author of the blind did. The blind makes no sense at all if the age and the family connections don't exist.

    So, to sum up, not Bill Allen.

  31. This can't be Bill Allen. No history as a producer. Grew up in Texas, not LA. No major powerful parent in the industry.

  32. Thank you all for your kind words, warm wishes, and compliments. It means a lot to more than just me. (and please, friends - leave poor Jeff Most and Bill Allen out of this. Nothing to do with anything here. Buddy had lots of friends growing up. But thank you for your interest. I'm more thankful for your kind hearts and appreciation of Buddy and his life).

    Take care, my friends.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story which must have been heart wrenching for you, but you told it beautifully. Much love to you.

  33. This is clearly Brandon Lee. The Himm identity can not be either LDP or Bill Allen. Both are several years too old and don't match the description. RDJ sort of does but is missing some power pieces in the decription of Himmm. Stumped.

  34. The most touching, heart wrenching, honest and beautiful tribute to a God given friend and his beautiful family. Brandon will read this from heaven and shed many tears.

  35. Most of Hmmm's blinds are specific enough that there must be any number of people that know who he/is, there/are. Surprising no on has come on CDAN saying they were present and identifying them or that they are a friend or connected to some celeb in a Hmmm blind and that the celeb identified them. It's possible that they (hmmm) really are just some noname hanger on types that no one would know their names so no real newsworthy value. Maybe just some kid that went to hollywood high and partied with celebs but no real celeb value of their own.

  36. Brad Wilk. It will also explain all the Chris Cornell blinds.

    1. Ahhhh, those would make sense then.

  37. Eliza Hutton, Brandon's fiance, and his best friends were at his side...

    "Eliza received the devastating news and was then comforted by Brandon's closest friends, Jeff Imada and Jeff Cadiente, two men Brandon considered his brothers.

    Also, I read that Eliza, born in Kansas City, MO had two other sisters. Did not mention a brother and :-( I cannot find the linky again.

  38. **Not trying to put a negative connotation to 'noname hanger on type', just trying to describe someone that might be around celebs given connections.

  39. Heh. I have a surprising candidate for himmmm in mind now. Guess I'll have to see if it works with past blinds.

    1. Sal, don’t hold out on us.

  40. Heartbreaking, beautifully written and slammed with something similar myself. Pointless death. Great Talent and huge loss for Himmmm, and the Lee family first with Bruce, then Brandon. Goddamn studio suits.

    Richard Bustillo told me before he passed that he thought Brandon's death was not a mistake. Never got anymore info.

  41. I feel like I watched a movie reading that. Very descriptive and alive.

  42. Every time you hear that someone has died, you always think "how awful for their loved ones".

    I remember when this happened, and to now get this story from Himmmm and actually read about the love all these people had for him and the awful details is chilling and made me cry.

    You never forget the people you love, no matter how much time passes. Special thoughts to Nin as losing any family member is beyond painful, even one that hasn't been born yet.

    Thank you both for relaying this to us

  43. Could the writer possibly be Keifer Sutherland (grew up around sets etc due to his dad Donald)
    Eliza Hutton worked for Keifers production company at one point..

  44. And I'm also with everyone that says don't out the Himmmms! What difference does it make who they are? I for one just love all these stories!

  45. My candidate for Hmmmmm, in addition to the famous director, is the son of a long-time Hollywood action star. But like everybody else, I can't find any connection between that son-of-action-star and "The Crow" or Brandon Lee.

  46. And yeah, just to follow-up: this was an AMAZING tale. The Crow means a great deal to me. Brandon's story meant a great deal to me. James' story (O'Barr) means a great deal to me.

    This isn't really a blind, as it isn't gossip or any real news, but it's an incredible tale of love and loss and surviving it.

  47. @ForeverALurker - Damn, you may be right! BW was born in 1968, is Buddhist (all the talk about BL being reborn in the child would fit), had a rich father (as per IMDB), and has two small children with his ex wife (hence the child running in his house "now and then" rather then every day), and worked on the coudtrack for The Crow.

  48. No interest in venturing a guess as to who this Himmmm is. Or anyone else in the blinds

    Just want to extend my condolences & gratitude to the Himmmm who chose to share the story with us. I've had my share of people die in my life (some old, some young, some fast & violent, some slower due to chronic illnesses). I can relate.


    Brandon and I studied together for a time with Jeff Corey in Malibu. Brandon didn’t have any close famous friends. All of his closest friends were regular folk, which I loved about him. He did know Lou Diamond Phillips somewhat and considered Miguel Ferrar (Jose Ferrar’s son) a close friend. But he was pretty low-key in the Hollywood scene when we were together. He certainly didn’t want friends who were attracted to him because of who his father was. He wanted to be appreciated for himself and kept that standard.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. this story made me cry. I loved this movie, its definitely one of my all time favorites. I cant describe the emotions this movie brings out in me. And the sadness, omg Brandon Lee had "it" and to see it tragically come to an end so soon my god.

  52. @ForeverALurker you may be spot on. note the cross reference to the 3s

  53. We don't need to out the Himmmms. We just need the Himmmms to keep telling these amazing stories.

    Seriously. I didn't think I'd last 10 parts. It flew by. I'm so sorry for your loss, Himmmm, but thank you for sharing that incredible tale of friendship with us.

  54. There is precious little about Brad Wilk's family and personal life online. I did find references like "After seeing how money corrupted his father's life," etc., but still can't find who the father is, nor names of his kids.

  55. Ultimately it's a tragic story of his best friend; which he conveys touchingly. To the readers it's a small part of Hollywood history, but to him it's probably the most devastating thing that's ever happened to him. Unfortunately, the way this site is designed, it's impossible not to try to figure out who he is through some of the clues. That's the major reason people come to this site. It isn't the PTA guessed Himmm, it's the one that partied with INXS and hooked up with Kate Beckinsale. It's crazy with how many clues his divulged that now one has figured it out, or maybe they have and don't want to reveal. I don't think he has a famous name on his own, but his family is a combo of music and movie power players.

  56. This was a gut wrenching read, thank you, Himmmm, for sharing this story. What a treasure to have had a friendship like that in your life, but what a tragedy that it ended so soon. Brayson87, well said.

  57. Brad Wilk never had any part of creating any movie that I can find. He is solely music since childhood. Can't find anything connecting he and Brandon Lee, either, other than a cut on The Crow soundtrack.

    Glad others liked this BI.

  58. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I'm a long time reader but have never posted. I posted LDP for Himmmm and where did it go?

  59. People are barking up the wrong tree with actors (Keifer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Bill Allen), and the Brad Wilk guess.

    1. Wayyy off. But, that's a good thing.

  60. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Brad Wilk supports the widow. As does Tom Morello (Audioslave), Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) and Taylor Momsen (subject of a few Cornell blinds). All the Chris Cornell/Widow blinds are BS. This entire site is BS. Himmmm is probably one nobody with a knack for storytelling LARPing as 4 celebrities. Remember when he claimed that Chris' bandmates hate Vicky and would team up to expose her? That was 6 months ago. Complete fanfic nonsense.

    1. One shill coin has been deposited into your account

  61. This was very moving. The tag line refrain “stranger things have happened” is totally cheesy and all the more endearing for it. Oddly enough, I’m a huge action and horror movie fan. And I’m totally of the age group that the movie was targeted to. But I’ve never seen The Crow. I even profess to be a fan of Alex Proyas. Dark City is one of my faves, and I even loved I Robot. I really don’t know what happened or why I’ve never seen it. I’m going to see it this weekend.

  62. “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." Cicero
    Thank you for being so open in sharing your story of tremendous love, respect and heartbreaking loss. It’s clear you keep him close and continue to honor your friendship in your life. What a beautiful tribute.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I’m so glad no one is guessing the right Himmmm, whether he wants to be known or not. Please stop guessing.
    Those of us who know just appreciate the writing and the stories. You should all do the same.

  65. Wow. What a great read.

    I NEVER read these long blinds, and I read every word of this one. Just a beautiful tribute to friendship and love. The imagery of Himmmmm's blood in Buddy's heart--brothers to the end--was really powerful.

    Thanks to all CDANers who guessed Brandon Lee and The Crow, because I'd've never figured that out.

    Truth is always more interesting than fiction.

    Thanks for sharing, Himmmmm.

  66. What a touching tribute to your friend and "brother". I was ugly crying as I lie reading in bed. I even woke my husband up with my sobs. He asked why I insist on reading something that upset me so. All I could muster is "because it's just so beautiful." This story needed told and I greatly appreciate it being shared with the world. Thank you. Bless you, Brandon, Nin, Cissy, and Brandon's other loved ones.

  67. Anonymous7:16 PM

    For those inclined to try and guess this Himmmm, he already said he was a budding writer/director/producer, so he's likely a filmmaker.

    Also...shut up John The Savage. You are clearly a troll.

  68. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Also....this Himmmmn already outed himself in his first "long crazy night" blind plus subsequent Oscar coverage. He may the inly Himmmm willing to be "open" about it. He's an Oscar favorite born in 1970. Raised ib SoCal, to industry people. He qnd Lee went to the same Boston college.

  69. @Melvin, I agree that is who we are supposed to think this Himmmm is.

    I just have a hard time believing there's absolutely NO information on any connection between those two families. The blind makes it sound like they were extremely close.

  70. This Himmmm, PLEASE write a book! You have had so many captivating experiences and are such a good writer!

  71. Himmmm & nin,
    Thank you for sharing your story and sharing it so beautifully. ❤️

  72. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I can @Pkelly. This Himmmm was not famous to wellllll after Lee's death. No one in rhe media is gonna give a rat's tookus about a celeb's unknown, no name friend. And it being pre-Internet, there'll be even LESS info available.

  73. Himmmm and Nin. The love you have for Brandon can been seen so clearly through lens of your story. Thank you for sharing.

  74. Could himmmm’s age or birth year be a red herring? I’ve connected the dots from several other himmmm blinds and other than his age it ALL fits!!!

  75. Bill Allen and Brandon Lee are only listed as 3 years age difference for those who think he is too old for the blind. Still Shannon Lee was 4 years younger so the would put she and Allen at 7 years apart which is really creepy for some of the school dance and childhood crush stuff wouldn't it? That being said did Allen grow up in Kansas whereas Lee lived in Southern cali so a lot of this hanging out in teen years doesn't ring true.

    1. Himmmm replied that it wasn’t Bill Allen

  76. This is a great story and I hope to see The Crow. Personally I don't think it should be re-made after reading this.

  77. Was a big big fan of the entire Lee acting family. Studied Jeet for a minute. When I started writing one of my first ideas (for the screen) was a story I thought Brandon would be perfect for, remembering that he wanted to get away from martial arts flicks, so I started writing the part with him in mind. Then he died, I was devastated. Trashed that story.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing. Peace to all of you. I hope the remake does not get made.

  80. Thank you, @Himmmm, for sharing this heartfelt memory. And to everyone else: Stop. Guessing. The Himmmms!!!

  81. i have worked with many of the crew members on "The Crow". i blame the death of Brandon Lee on that incompetent and greedy A-Hole, GRANT HILL! he was the unit production manager and in charge of the budget. It was his decision to release the firearms/amourer expert days before the terrible accident in order to SAVE MONEY!! an inexperienced prop man was put in charge of the gun/blanks used by the actor who shot Lee.
    As with most first-class A-holes, he has enjoyed a very long and profitable career. Was never held responsible-was all covered up as no one wanted to ruin their careers by pointing their collective fingers at him!

  82. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Hi All,

    I’ve been lurking here for the past few months or so, and boy can this site be addictive! I want to thank Himmmm for such a well written, touching story—and for ultimately breaking me of my CDAN habit. For as engaging as this story is, I am 98% sure that the author’s role in these events is fiction.

    I, like many of you, can’t resist a bit of sleuthing—especially when confirming the identity of the Himmmm’s is such a tantalizing reward. The idea of celebrities sharing gossip and exposing Hollywood is quite alluring. I’m sure the author of these posts gets a kick out of the community reactions, plus the guessing game drives traffic to the site.

    However, this story doesn’t hold up to much scrutiny. A bit of digging on The Crow revealed there was a book originally published in 2000 about the making of the film called The Crow: The Story Behind the Film by Bridget Baiss. There is an extensive preview of it on Google Books if you want to check out the first few chapters. I admit that I haven’t read the entire thing, but even the beginning sections that cover the acquiring of film rights and casting of Brandon Lee contradict Himmmm’s story with first-hand accounts.

    Himmmm wants us to believe that he (or at least one of Himmmm) is the scion of a prominent Hollywood family, that grew up with BL, and acquired the film rights to an underground comic when he was “barely out of his teens.” Why does no one fit this profile on The Crow’s IMDB? Because they don’t exist. The book makes clear that producer Jeff Most and novelist/screenwriter John Shirley were the ones that procured the rights from the comic’s author, James O’Barr. There is a slight disagreement on how they got these rights—who contacted O’Barr first, Most or another producer (and later director), Rachel Talalay. No mention of a childhood friend of Lee. No one from a prominent Hollywood family. Neither Most nor Shirley fit, both are New Yorkers, not from entertainment families, and are too old—don’t forget, the author having grown up alongside the Lees is a huge part of this story, not a trivial detail.

    Notice that while nobody that fits Himmmm’s profile appears in the film’s credits—many of the people from the film’s IMDB page are in the book, whether they are mentioned by others or quoted directly. For example, two people that Lee knew from outside of the film did participate in the production—Chad Stahelski and Jeff Imada—but they were stunt guys that Lee knew from the martial arts community, not producers from well connected backgrounds. They weren’t helping score the soundtrack in London one day, then saving the production in North Carolina the next day.

    Look, I’m sure the book isn’t a 100% accurate account of the making of the film. Baiss admits that some people, including Alex Proyas, wouldn’t talk with her. This isn’t surprising considering the tragedy that occurred. And, frankly, her noting this gives her even more credibility in my eyes.

    I’m not trying to ruin CDAN for everyone (okay, maybe a little). It’s just important that people take what is posted on here with a grain of salt the size of a boulder. I know this post will change nothing for the majority of you—it is what it is—but the more I type this, the more I think of how Brandon Lee was a real person with a real family and friends that definitely miss him very much, and how exploiting his death is a crappy thing to do just to tell a story or drive traffic to a site (not that I expect much more from the Internet).

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. I’m out, but I’ll check back a couple of times if anyone wants to have a good natured back and forth—that consists of statements backed by some evidence. Laters.

    1. I respect your opinion. My question is why? Why would this piece be written. It was unsolicited, and the traffic to the site is just fine.
      There are people in Hollywood with the kind of power,(not fame) to do virtually anything. Scrubbing the internet of references (prior to the blinds release) and demanding no to ties to his name, is easy to a legacy. A real legacy, are few, but they are real.

  83. I commented on Part One, but again, I'm so sorry for your loss. I was a freshman in college when The Crow premiered, and it meant a great deal to me. (I saw it six times in theaters.) This movie is probably what put me on the path to developing a better relationship with my own little brother, and the soundtrack is amazing. I hope writing all of this has helped you and your loved ones. Much love to all of you.

  84. It's not often I get misty-eyed at reading a story, but this got me.
    Beautifully written, once again.
    And don't worry about a remake, because your film is always going to be there, and it won't be diminished by whatever CGI'd trash they do.

    Take care, Himmmm and thank you.

  85. @DownAndOut - That's what I've been thinking since reading the BI last night (CEST). Wonder what the real Shannon Lee would have to say to this. While many BIs here get confirmed by later revelations, many others are clearly pure fiction or mostly fiction (I call BS on all those that involve individuals and organizations poweful enough to kill off any enemy or inconvenient witness, and yet there is always somebody feeding the supposed intel straight from the source to Enty - not the police, mind you, but a blind items site - and getting away with it totally unharmed).
    Guessing the Himmmms is the best game here, and recently the only thing actually worth guessing, when the site is filled with rappers, teen moms and kid channels' stars hardly anybody knows or cares about. Oh, and readers' blinds. :D But even in the Himmmm guessing mode, I'm always aware of the fact that we are only guessing who the writers want us to believe they are, and not who they really are. People who keep saying "stop guessing the Himmmms" clearly forget that part. ;)))

    About this being a crappy way to generate traffic without any regard for the feelings of his family - I was thinking the same when the Dina Merrill BI was published. Oh, and I'm sure this BI, the DM one, and the dancing old lady at an Oscar afterparty have the same author. At least he's consistent not only with his writing style, but also with how he portrays his background and connections ;) Style-wise, I'm also pretty sure he's the one who wrote one of the first widow BIs (the one about two widows and how they differed). This guy must know EVERYONE. ;)

  86. Beautifully written and a heartbreaking story. But I have to admit this bit from the penultimate chapter struck me as odd:

    "My attorneys worked to quash and expunge my name and the names of my interests from every single action."

    Er....why? That doesn't seem like the act of a despondent man who feels responsible (even wrongly) for what happened. Defend yourself against lawsuits, of course, but why wipe your name from everything? It just seems odd to be telling his sister "I let him down," while telling the rest of the world, "Uh, what movie?" It comes off as if he was someone who needed to hide his involvement in the movie at all, not just in the tragedy, which I don't get. Maybe I'm misinterpreting that line. But that could explain why references to his involvement are harder to find than it seems like they should be.

    He also correctly used "lay" as the past tense of "lie," where 99.9% of people would have said "laid." Color me impressed.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. @Nubian Princess - I understand what you mean, but then why? Why write that Dina Merrill blind about how she was raped, abused, contemplalting suicide, unhappy in her marriage and finally how she was involved in the killing of her abuser? If the author was indeed as close to her as the BI suggested, and really loved her so much, why put it out here for a bunch of anonymous online gossip seekers to gush over? Why not consider how her family may feel about this being made public (whether true or not)? Why not consider the legal ramifications, possible civil actions for wrongful death, etc. (after all, there's a huge estate to sue)? I know most readers here sympathized and thought she did the right thing, but law is law and facts are facts, and killing someone out of vengeance is still murder. And then the entire thing is made public by a person who claims he had his attorneys scrub his own name from any records when he didn't want his involvement in something to be known (for whatever reason). Doesn't this seem like a double standard to you?

    Same here: Brandon is dead, but Shannon Lee got married a year after the events described and the official story is she had dated her husband for several years prior. Why would the writer now make it public - again, on a GOSSIP SITE - that her official bio contains a lie, that she had been in a relationship with someone else, got pregnant and miscarried just a year before marrying Keasel? I know he SAYS this is written with her blessing, but that's just his words. You can believe it or doubt it, but there is no way to know unless she confirms or denies these claims herself, and since it's a blind gossip site, there's very little channce she'll even acknowledge these claims exist. Very convenient, actually.

    1. I'm quite sure the Lee family would have shut this down. Dina as well. Perhaps both families have their blessing??? Look, I'm just trying to say, it's possible,and it really doesn't matter who the himm is.

  89. @everyone, it is very likely their are red herrings in the blind, that don't cha nge the story. This Himmmm is likely the same one who almost outed himself in a long blind. The writing style and proper grammar,for example. The other we may know is in the music business,different writing style. Why would you out him if you want the blinds to continue? By all means,you can call him out on things that don't add up, I have,so have others,he often answers. The blinds aren't about discovering Himmmm or Enty,but if you look hard enough, you will find it,probably. My point is,I prefer to keep the site alive,warts and all,than have it disappear because you "out" them.

  90. @DownAndOut


    There are no connections on The Crow that jive at all with this BI. That is getting to be a habit around here. I also notice that the authors of these BIs are likely to pick people to write about who are dead and whose families aren't interested in rehashing anything.

    Sure brings in traffic, though, especially from the Boomers with 80s nostalgia aching inside them.



    " a person who claims he had his attorneys scrub his own name from any records"

    Which is impossible in the USA to accomplish completely, btw. Attorney's don't make public records or copyrighted material simply disappear.

    Yeah, heh, double standard indeed!

    You probably skipped over the BI about the killer nurse who travelled the country for years giving cancer shots to politicians who thought that it was a flu shot. That was a doozy!

    Who knows what Hmmm's game is. If he were such an insider to so much, shouldn't he be out there working? What's he doing wasting his time here?

  91. @Plot - I have actually read that one, but I put it in the same category as Geffen killing multiple beloved rock stars, The Church, all that political murders committed by the Clintons, and the transsexual first lady blinds. ;) I have no doubt there are powerful people who can diasppear about anybody, and the US has had a fair share of those given the power of your government, but I'm not buying for one second that there are people willing to risk their lives outing them, and instead of working with the police, the FBI or whatever other agency, or simply with a reputed investigative journalist, all they do is contact a rather obscure blind gossip blog (with all due respect, Enty) ;)

    I didn't pay much attention to the writing style on that on, though. Do you think it's the same writer?

  92. I loved this series, and find it all so heartbreaking yet fascinating. So thanks for sharing.

    Of course I was totally digging for more information, and found this story interesting cross-referencing other things within the story, take or leave either way.

  93. No, I think the Nurse writer was the same Enty/Entern that leaves unattributed pronouns and adjective phrases dangling throughout their sentences without a single comma to help a reader out.

    This Hmmm repeats the same story of perfect romantic moments and friendships that never stumble. Everyone loves him! Even the killer widow, she adored him like a pet. Gosh, when does he find the time to actually work between hanging out with Joe Strummer, knocking up Kate Beckinsale, being the handsome boy for widows and rushing around the world to save the day on concert tours, videos and films where he receives no credit (therefore no money, right?)

    Like you said, who writes up stuff about their cherished friends, and bygone lovers (this guy sure has a lot of precious moments in that regard) this way for a gossip site? No matter what, his story pattern remains the same, like something learned from cut rate script writing software where he plugs in plot devices and characters when prompted.

    I'm not interested in rejecting Hmmm because he does bring in interesting comments (like yours) and sometimes better gossip in the commentary than the original BI.

  94. Aside from the age KS fits as well. I remember an Oscars himmmm blind and CDANrs we’re guessing that the people mentioned were all from the film A Time To Kill including himmmm. Also, there’s a connection between BL and KS. BLs fiancé was employed by KS production company at the time. KS also attended his funeral.

  95. I agree with plot and Mag's doubts here. There are indeed a bit too many similarities about the recent himmmm blinds (in particular: the one with Strummer and Waits, the one with INXS and this one). Aside of the identical writing style, it is almost as if one story morphs into the next, borrowing themes and plotlines (the great friendships, the crazy nights out, the charismatic one who dies) and adapting them to a new subject. The thing is, these must obviously be different Himmmms, since no single teenager/young adult could live all these different lives, yet they feel like they are reported by absolutely the same person. Don't know what to think , but I'd hate the idea of having been taken for a ride. Someone should ring Shannon Lee just to double check on this one.

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  97. The Himmmms stated the Himmmms are at least four people. Some even stated they were written by someone other than the narrator. Yes,I know some people who always make the story about them,being the hero,or the story revolves around them,even though it's about someone else. Hmmm is one of,or I should say,a few of those people.

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  99. @downandout

    I knew that BL was the subject of the BI just by seeing Wilmington mentioned. I didn't bother reading the rest thoroughly, just wanted to note that I was a big fan of BL. I've paid pretty close attention to the Lee family and the JKD enterprise over the years and after going back through a few of the posts I started to become skeptical. BL started thai boxing and JKD because of the movie roles he was offered, not because he was "slacking."

    It would be unsurprising if Himmm took the idea for The Crow to a producer and convinced them to go in with him on the rights but didn't get any story by credit (I might consider selling interest but a screen credit?). Also, Proyas, an Australian, directed an INXS (previous himm BI subject) video and the movie so it's possible that himm really did have the connection.

    It's kind of like when I tell my kids about events that happened to me; sometimes I embellish to hold their interest. I don't embellish when talking about my brother's early death though, and if this Himmmm well and truly knew BL but is embellishing to get attention well that's sad.

    It's all from the "too good to be true" department. OTOH, if you grow up in privilege, family in the business, the possibility of these kinds of things happening is always greater.

  100. @Guesser and just sayin, I know that there are at least 4 Himmmms. What I am saying is that these stories are very much alike, borrow ideas and themes from each other (the night out with Strummer becoming the night out with Hutchence, the death of Hutchence becoming the death of Brannon etc) and are written in identical style. If what you are sayin' (pardon the pun) is that the writer is "impersonating" the different characters (pretending to be them), but the original material really belongs to different people, who are telling their stories vicariously... (but why???) well then the follow-up heartfelt thank you messages are what, pretending, too? That's a bit messed up, a bit convoluted, don't you think?

  101. Great story. I cried, I also cried when we heard about Brandon Lee's death.

    The Crow is a great movie with a fantastic soundtrack. I remember seeing it in a packed cinema and I recently had the joy to show it to my teenage son. He loved it and cried, an amazing reaction showing how powerful a film it still is.

  102. @ancoranonhocapito - Great point!

    @Guesser - Let's assume there are, indeed, more than 4 Himmmms and new ones are brought in from time to time. Statistically, how probable do you think it is that all these people having all these adventures happen to contribute to CDAN? How probable is it that their experiences have so many similar major plot points? And they all (or most of them) have fathers who are power players in the entertainment industry? How many of them are loved to pieces by Old Hollywood movie legends (don;t forget there was also a story about the decades long friendship with Shirley MacLaine with Jackie O in it)? I'd say coincidences like this are rather rare.

    Also, this particular story is supposed to be written by the people in it (TWO people), at least that's what it seems: "Even tonight as my friend Nin and I hover over this keyboard typing, I can still see Buddy right next to me." It's not narrated by one Himmmm and written down by another as they told us would happed from the start.

  103. If we're honest, we're only "enraptured" because the subjects of these stories are famous people (legends, in some cases). Many of us have stories about the time when they were young and they had a wild and crazy night and got the impossible girl and got up on Monday and got on with it doing whatever it is we do in life. The people involved, it's really a matter of proximity, innit, an accident of birth it seems.

    There's a huge permanent A++ celeb from where I was born and lived for a time and it seems someone is always telling me a story about how they once interacted with her when they were young. I'm supposed to be amused/interested or whatever, but it's not that big a deal people. These stories are sometimes fun and interesting but the reaction is a bit over the top.

  104. Anonymous12:34 PM

    ancoranonhocapito: "Aside of the identical writing style"

    That's such a dumbass objection. The official story is that one guy writes all these long ass blinds. He pens down stories that were originally told to him by others. Of course the writing style is identical.

  105. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I guess this is Himmmm's response to doubters.

    "I'm amazed some people think the TOP of the food chain in entertainment industry is found in names on IMDB-Wiki-People mag. Who do they think is top of the ladder? JJ Abrams? RDJ? Doug Morris? Or those who sign the checks of those who sign THEIR checks?"

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Questions, comments, concerns: Another one for the books. I cried, dammit. My condolences to the loss of a past, present, and future seemingly all at once. Seems an unsurvivable triad of pain; if what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, you must be a gd superhero by now. Still, sorry you're all having to relive it...
    As for the music, ffs, I just started to lay off the INXS!!! Hello again literal soundtrack of my youth...
    And, while RAD may be totally OT, it's been mentioned, so, to add: the bike dancing scene set to "send me an angel" is iconic. ICONIC.
    Finally, does Cannonball Run hold up? A favorite of mine as well back when, I've been afraid to rewatch it! 😆

  108. @Mag,from what I understand,the Himmmms are in it together,friends sharing an ID,so statistically it means nothing. Or It could be 4people pulling a massive prank. Or It could be the basis of the stories are true,embellished and with red herrings to protect the innocent, and to protect themselves from the guilty. If someone were writing a novel,or even a biography, you will find things that don't quite add up. I mean,how many times have you read a book or seen a movie with false info that is easily corrected? In the early days of the site, "Crazy Days and Nights" was the manner of storytelling. This actually continues that style. We know that most of the story is true,but we are of course meant to feel like we are there.

  109. ""I'm amazed some people think the TOP of the food chain in entertainment industry is found in names on IMDB-Wiki-People mag. Who do they think is top of the ladder? JJ Abrams? RDJ? Doug Morris? Or those who sign the checks of those who sign THEIR check?" "

    That's a little too convenient for my tastes.

    Guesser, but the Hmmms seem to share a whole lot of biographical details. Well connected parents, friends with older Hollywood actresses, the same kinds of love stories (almost word for word), all these best friends who make it big who never have a moment of acrimony with the Hmmm and everyone loves Hmmm like a brother, everyone.

    Also, lots of dead folks who can rebut nothing.

    You could be right. This could be a group of Hmmms allowing the same person to write up their stories using writing software. The ingratiating details put me off though as well as the self adulations. Hey, that's just me.

  110. I can usually believe these stories although I'm with it enough to realize there's most likely an embellishment or two (or more sprinkled in). It's one of those deals where, just because it never happened to ME doesn't mean it didn't happen for others. I'm your average girl from podunkville TN with a not rich or connected family. So, no. This shit would never happen to me ever. I'd wager a guess that whoever told this story would need to have some sort of blessing from the family or connection to know this stuff simply because it's something that could easily be disputed if BS. That's just my thinking, though. I'm sure someone will show me the error of my thought process soon enough lol

  111. There's also another option, equally plausible: there is just one Himmmm making up and writing all these stories. And the entire introductory explanation on how one person would be writing dwon stories told by others was nothing more than a smoke screen to stop us from being suspicious about the similar writing style.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. I can't even with these blinds

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. @just sayin' - What a blow! I may have to go kill myself now ;)))

    I guess it all depends on your idea of fun. Some people are happy to believe whatever they read on the Internet, and are moved to tears by any decently written story involving friendship, love and death. Or enraged over a wordwide pedophile consipiracy. Or an evil widow. Or Illuminati and devil worship. Others prefer to take a story apart and analyse it coolly. One might think my profile pic should tell you which type I am.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. I am going to leave this and go away with my head hung low. Whitney Sudler -Smith. Google him. I can not find any thing linking them.

  118. What about David Leitch?

  119. Totally off-topic, but do any of the Himmms or other commenters have advice as how to deal with a gifted, super-high IQ, 12-year-old daughter who is a rebel and flailing in school?

    She is a very independent thinker, which I admire. However, she refuses to play by the rules, and she is consistently getting in trouble at school and not doing her homework.

    She wanted to be in musical theater, and now she wants to become a director. She has a great visual sense, but she seems to only care about Instagram likes.

  120. @morecowbell

    1st step needs to be a long talk. Hopefully you've already established trust and a line of communication, that you won't be looking to punish, only to find out what's up. That needs to happen before you "deal" with anything; get some answers.

  121. I agree with tetsujin, More Cowbell. Did she use to get "A"s, then suddenly stop caring about schoolwork? That happened with my kids. So smart that elementary schoolwork was a joke. Massive pride in the fact that all homework was done in the car before they even got home. Then they hit middle school, had to start reading a whole chapter of history (or science...the point is a slew of new facts that have to be studied and memorized.) The fact that school suddenly wasn't effortless made them think they'd lost it, weren't as smart as they thought, or worse, as everyone else thought. It shut them down for awhile til we worked through it and built up their confidence.

  122. @More Cowbell - Why don't you contact your local Mensa branch? I'm not in the US, so not sure what exactly they offer, but several national Mensa organizations currently offer programs for gifted children and guidance on how to best work with them. Or just talk to a psychologist who specializes in her age group. She may just need to be pushed in the right direction or given access to activities which she will find engaging and stimulating, or may need more insigfhtful work with a specialist. Good luck!

  123. @morecowbell. Private school. STAT.

  124. Private school is no magical cure to rebellion, trust.


    One piece at a time here. It sounds like she has her own phone or computer without any supervision over what she does with that tool. Is that right? I could be way off, so don't take this to heart if I'm totally wrong (I know that moms tend to take everything personally and I don't want that.) What it sounds like to me is that she has given up on the reward system of schooling and picked up the reward system of Instagram and other social media. Even in her rebellion, it sounds like an imitation of what kids encourage each other to do left to their own devices on their devices.

    It sounds like you've lost control over her access to the Internet. 12 is awfully young to be carrying on through Instagram. She is picking up the cockiness of kids older than herself. Even if she is highly intelligent, she is 12 and won't yet understand when people are lying or boasting about total fabrications on Instagram.

    So you probably need to restrict that, maybe in exchange for better grades or more attention to school work. Just because she was an easy bright child during elementary school, doesn't mean she will ever revert to that state. You are going to have to learn to deal with a new person now and consequently change yourself. Bummer, I know.

    But you BOTH need to see a therapist quickly. If you can't get a response out of your child, something is wrong between you two that needs to be addressed right now. Better at 12 when you still have some abilities to treat her like the child she is, than at 16 when all hell could break loose.

    Make no mistake though, this is an issue with the two of you, not just her.

    Be brave and find a good therapist to act as a mediator, of sorts. Your daughter is going to fight you on this but if someone else is there to help set up boundaries, it will be a whole lot easier.

  125. @More Cowbell- here is a great resource- check it out. Very effective and sound approach. And remember, you can't change the kid, but you can change the way you relate to her.

  126. Yeah, I know who this himmmm is now. It's not something you can just google up, but the pieces are all there.

    1. Well, then message me or sumthin’! Because I am just lost.

  127. I'm super-late to the party but it's not Kiefer. I dated him in 1994 and he was busy doing rodeo roping competitions with is stunt double after the movie The Cowboy Way and crying over being dumped by Julia. Nice guy but HOT. MESS. He wasn't in Hollywood much at this time and spent most of his time on his ranch in New Mexico.

    LDP doesn't fit either.

  128. Sal, how about a hint? I'm dying to figure this one out!

  129. If anyone thinks that there's a transgender First Lady, they are a fool. That idea comes straight from the racist conspiracy theories of Alex Jones, when he was totally convincing himself that Michelle Obama was a man. Because she was black, worked out so has a rockin' body, and didn't look appropriately submissive enough to him. She's gotta be a man, man!

    Sure, historically there could have been a trans First Lady. People think that Eleanor Roosevelt was gay, trans isn't that much of a jump especially in a time where there wasn't anything to be done about it. But the creation of that blind was definitely from Jones' spewing.

  130. Ooh I'm late to this one.
    I can't believe no one's got anywhere near the right guess for Himmmm1 yet (except Sal presumably). There was a massive hint in the INXS blind that I didn't see anyone else pick up on, somehow. And now some parts of this have confirmed that hint. I won't say who it is, but you're all looking at the wrong clues. Re-read One Mad Sad Moment Forever part 1 & Stranger Things Have Happened part 4.

  131. Mem, I'm on it! Thanks!

  132. Are the identities of the himmms really that important to you all? It's doubtful that any of them are performers/creatives and that seems to be what most are interested in on here. More likely he's the son of a money man or the like, a "regular" person other than likely being unseemly wealthy.

  133. It's a puzzle. Some people like solving puzzles.

    My current theory is that it is, indeed, the son of a high-powered money man.

  134. To be clear, the man I believe to be Himmmm 1 is also a high-powered money man.

    Two generations of very impressive businessmen.

  135. Geez, with his twitter feed he's all but outed himself anyway.

  136. "Are the identities of the himmms really that important to you all?"

    I could not care less BUT we are on a Blind Item site which means that some readers are going to want to uncover every mystery. I don't blame them at all. The many faces of Hmmm would know this already and should expect it.

  137. @Mem - You mean the clue about his father being the CEO who greenlighted the release of INXS's album? If someone has the time to dig through corporate records to check who that was, please share.;)

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  139. I’m not looking at the INXS blind right now so don’t remember all the specific wording, but the clues that led me somewhere was the record company that distributed (is that the right word?) INXS’s first major US album (1985) and the company that produced some of INXS’s music videos. If I’m reading all the history correctly, the video production company was the parent company of the record label. I do agree with other posters about not “outting” Himmmm. I will say it’s not a name I’ve ever heard before, but I admittedly know nothing about the music industry. I feel incredibly satisfied having possibly sleuthed this out.

  140. Guys, I mean this very seriously. Hints or no, Himmmm has not "outed" himself/themselves. And if he/they wanted to be out, do you think he'd need us to do it for him?

    Unless he announces there's a contest and it's cool to start guessing, this is a very dangerous game to play. Uncovering his identity before he's ready would cause him great difficulty, not to mention possibly being the end of CDaN.

    Please stop. From this point on, if you are a true fan, a proud member of this community, you will stop. Only those with an agenda to stop the good work of this site would want to destroy it's greatest asset and mystery.

  141. If you’re being very serious about a gossip website, well... then I feel bad about the possible state of your life.

    If guessing was inappropriate, the enterns would be moderating, deleting, blocking, and establishing community rules.

  142. Buck, this is a lot more than a gossip website. Maybe I'm a koolaid drinker, and go ahead and judge me, no problem, but if you understand the CDaN ethos, or care about it, you'll agree you don't want it destroyed. Just not worth it to show off you're the world's greatest googler or something. And btw you won't find the answer on google anyway. I'd recommend you worry more about the "state of YOUR life" than mine, and not spend it trying to "solve" something you can't.

  143. If you’ll refer back to my post right before yours, you’ll see that I agreed with not “outting” anyone. I only called attention to two clues mentioned by Himmmm.

    What is the cdan ethos?

  144. Sorry if I missed that, but you were guessing yourself. Bringing up old "clues" just gets newer people jazzed up about trying to solve the big mystery. The CDaN ethos, to me, is that this is the greatest "gossip website" that's ever existed, though that term is too small to be worthy. It has an ongoing mission to, when possible expose pedophiles and other sex criminals, rather than simply talk Hollywood news tidbits. Moreover, Enty has a phenomenal record for predicting, months and years in advance, important stories that eventually lead to the actual case coming out. Enty does not identify himself, Himmmm does not identify himself. There is fun speculation and occasionally some pretty cool clues, but true devotees are happy enough holding this info close to the vest and enjoying the site as it stands. If names, any names, were to be revealed, EVERYTHING would change. Like you said, it feels incredibly good to have sleuthed something to keep it to yourself. No insult meant, I hope we're all on the same team.

  145. In all sincerity (and I really don’t mean this rudely or sarcastically or cynically), when enty posts a blind item about a potential pedophile and we all guess (sometimes incorrectly), what positive (or negative) outcomes come of that? Do the police use this information in any way? Does someone confront that person? Do celebrities quit working with that person?

    While I do respect your thoughts on this website and I would never endeavor to destroy this established community, I view all this a little less seriously than you do. I see it as fun. A way to waste some time and do a little critical thinking.

    I hope you continue to enjoy it how you choose and give others the freedom to enjoy how they choose.

  146. I just don't want to see it end, and feel we can all help keep it going by not creating or contributing to the guessing culture that pops up now and then. I'm not anyone's boss, just sharing my 2 cents, as I tend to do.

    We can't know what goes on behind the scenes when Enty posts a blind about a sex criminal. He can't just name people or he could be sued. There has to be a victim making allegations to report their story, or who's willing to press charges before you can announce that a crime's being investigated. What he does is share insider info that's not ready for prosecution, in the format of a blind.

    By drawing public attention, victims are empowered and savvy authorities are tipped off. You can google the many articles and interviews by respected publications that have noted his batting average for truth...I'm sure you've already read some of them. So I'd say he's doing a lot that's positive.

  147. For those of you asking what Himmmm#1's identity is (or is supposed to be...)if you look at the clues discussed here and what's on Twitter and do a bit of research you should be able to fiugre it out. We shouldn't out the Himmmm on here.

    I don't see a problem in commenters being curious that's part of the fun, and I agree that this site is more fun than anything else. i'm not fully convinced any of the Himmmm's are actually the people they are implying they are but the stories are well written and fun.

  148. Ok, so I just looked at Twitter (may look some more when I've got more time) and gosh, every bloody post is supposed to be a clue. Knight of Cups, Gimme Shelter, the cars and videos? The guy is either daring people to guess him or is doing his best to make us think this particular person is Himmmm.

    Now, @just sayin', I understand you have more faith in the "good work" od this site (a belief I don't exactly share due to the sheer number of BS BIs here, and for reasons I mentioned in this thread before), but don't you ever stop to think and ask yourself "why"? If this Himmmm is who he suggests he is, and he went to such great lengths to conceal his involvement in certain things (like the making of The Crow), and has been such a successful businessman - why all of a sudden now, at almost 50 years of age, he's putting it all out there and actually ASKING the world for attention (actively asking, repeatedly inviting us to follow him on Twitter)? Doesn't it strike you as odd?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say you don't need to worry. I first came to CDAN years ago because I heard the RDJ rumour. And what? Nothing. The rumour made rounds on the Internet, the real RDJ denied it, the site continues just fine and life goes on as normal. This is not some secret society which will crumble or people will get killed if we keep guessing. This is a profile dedicated specifically to gossip, one whose primary purpose is entertainment and - more recently - a very specific form of marketting activity (like plugging the dancing boy movie or trying to influence the stock prices of Netlix and Tesla ;))))))
    The clues are there on purpose and the purpose is to MAKE US KEEP GUESSING, because whoever Enty is, they know this is a great way to keep up interest when no grand reveals can be made (after all there's just one Weinstein, one Spacey, one Singer).

    You choose to believe what you want to. Others have the same right and can choose not to believe it. But going all dramatic and dividing people into "true members of this community" and "those with an agenda" (meaning moles, traitors or saboteurs?) makes me think you're taking is a tad too seriuosly. Have a great weekend, go out into the sun, relax. CDAN will be here when you're back. Love, peace, bacon :)))

  149. PART 1

    From all 4 Himmmms to All CDAN Commentators:

    Let me please explain to you exactly what you are doing here - as politely and respectfully to you all as possible: you are causing serious REAL WORLD REAL LIFE problems for people who are NOT any of us 4 Himmmms. Okay? Can you understand that tiny concept. Someone NOT part of us is in danger - because people in the comments and other PUBLIC boards have thrown names around like bean bags. Just yesterday, we had to get our attorneys and their investigators involved; to contact the FBI and the State Police CID in a certain state. We have a team of 4 former federal agents and A.U.S.A.s working for us. Why? Because this fetish-parlor game for guessing our identities as spilled over into the real world.

    There is a seriously mentally impaired stalker on here. This man is also a hyper-militant who is proud of displaying his automatic weapons; AND HIS THREATS AGAINST PEOPLE on his other profiles. This man set up 6 fake profiles on Blogger just to stalk on CDAN. He hacked and fraudulently stole a stranger's ID, photos, and account. He started 3 new Twitter accounts to harass and bully and attack us there (according to our Twitter Rep working with our attorneys). Why? Because in his mentally impaired condition - he believes that some innocent man whom we've never met (on the other side of the country) is one of us Himmmms. So that deranged man not only stole his ID, he began contacting THAT MAN'S CHILD!!! And taunting his innocent daughter!! Then started funneling messages to us on Twitter taunting and saying disgusting attacks to us.

    Luckily, Google/Blogger have been tracking this lunatic for many months - including his online visits to disgusting and violent websites. THAT IS A DISASTER & TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN! And all for what?.....Huh? To kill us? Or an innocent man and his family?? All because some damned internet wannabe sleuths wanted to play a parlor game? Guess our ID? Well fuck that. We WILL NOT have that on our hands or conscience. Let me tell you ALL something - and get this straight - THIS IS VERY SERIOUS WHAT WE DO. And we do it FOR FREE to provide YOU PEOPLE with entertainment, fun, or just diversions from your lives. But NONE OF THAT is worth someone dying, being stalked, harassed, bullied, or having nightmares over.

    We WILL pull the plug on this so fast your head will spin. WE WILL erase every post - every comment - and NEVER REVEAL ANY of our blinds, stories, or ANYTHING. We will disappear into the fucking ether from which we came like a fucking wraith in the mist! In a flash. If you all continue to play these games in PUBLIC we will do it. NOT because we're afraid of being outed - but because there's so much more going on behind the scenes than you can imagine! Do you think the 100 or 200 comments here are all the people who read this site?? Not even 1% of unique viewers even comment here. But THEY READ EVERY WORD YOU WRITE. None of us Himmmms got into this for glory or publicity we assure you of THAT. We did it all as a chance to share our memories; to right some wrongs and help those who have no voice; and to even bring some snark and gossip to you.

    But no - that's not enough?? Do you think you win an award for hurting us? Will you get a cookie or gold star for outing us?? NO - you won't. You'll feel smug and superior for a day or two until you get spammed trolled and DDoS attacked into dust by an army of super-fucking-pissed people who will blame YOU for running us off. And then? We'll have THAT on our hands too. Another person injured. We don't care if you wanna guess, play games, name every name in the fucking LA-Orange County phone book. Go for it. Go crazy. Cream yourself doing it. BUT PLEASE DO IT IN PRIVATE!!! That is the ONLY fee or toll we've asked you to pay - is to just please take your games elsewhere. Do it on DMs, or chats, or your own emails.

  150. PART 2

    THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM. It is UN-MODERATED. People cannot be blocked. Enty switched years ago to a new server because of similar garbage and someone else got hurt over it. So he went with a moderated forum. But he assumed there were enough mature, respectful ADULTS who could just follow ONE simple fucking rule. JUST ONE simple rule - to please not out any IDs here in public. GUESS THE SUBJECTS OF THE BLINDS. That's all ANYBODY asked of you. That's the only favor we asked in exchange for all this FREE content - the free entertainment - the freedom of expression in an un-moderated blog. THAT is why people don't get banned here. Enty trusts you guys/gals to at least not hurt anyone and damage them IRL. But you get so fucking carried away and get so smug, being cute and funny - your lust to be "famous" for 10 seconds - that you forget WE ARE REAL PEOPLE. WE ALL WORK IN THE INDUSTRY. And if we cannot bring our stuff to you anonymously? Then we cannot at all.

    I know you may say - "well, they've practically outed themselves" or "they give us so many clues" or "they share so much on Twitter it's obvious"...and yes, we do. But we've never posted ourselves as a guess. We've repeatedly, and politely - asked you not to do it in public. In the comments. It's not a challenge people. The main Himmmm you all obsess over guessing? Is NOT a fucking celebrity. Never been papped. Worked on tons of movies, records, videos, shows - but NEVER taken credit. Has a waiver from WGAw and guilds to allow him never to receive credit under his real name. Why? Because he doesn't WANT to be famous - thus he is NOT. At least by name. Even a movie base don his life didn't use his real fucking name. He's been besieged with offers for radio shows, podcasts, books - and turned them all down. HE DOES NOT WANT FAME FROM HIS NAME. He just WANTS to share his works with you. Share his life and our life experiences. To bring you moments of behind the scenes enjoyment or targets of critique. FROM OUR REAL EXPERIENCES.

    But you all go batshit crazy trying to figure out who he is and who we are. Like the rest of us - it is no big deal to discover really. We knew we were taking a chance revealing our private stories, but figure YOU...all of YOU...were mature and respectful enough to respect ONE SIMPLE WISH - Don't do it in public. But what you did is 10000 times worse!! Because YOU started posting WRONG NAMES. Of INNOCENT PEOPLE who have ZERO to do with us. We even had to come in here and deny those. And still you persist.

  151. PART 3

    These long blinds? They are real. Our gossip blinds? We verify them. But if we post under our names? Then that's all we'll ever get asked about in any interview ever. It'll effect our real lives, relationships, and damage us. NOT TO MENTION these crazy, nut-jobs, and dangerous REAL PEOPLE OUT THERE who read this right now. They are NOT safe people - and they will NOT accept that fact. They will not seek treatment and will not back off. We've been polite with them. They continued. This is like if Mark Chapman had internet to stalk John Lennon BEFORE SHOOTING AND KILLING HIM all because he heard things in his head or read them in a book!!! THESE PEOPLE EXIST AND ARE REAL. And we bust our asses and risk our necks and reputations for what?? To bring strangers FREE entertainment.

    We don't want fame and don't need money. We have never got a single penny from this, and in fact have LOST MONEY and time away from our jobs and families and free time - all to bring this stuff to you!!! Just as Enty has. These ads here don't cover the cost of running the site. Enty is a real lawyer working his bacon-sized ass off to do this FOR YOU. He's not getting rich blogging from a fucking YACHT with Instagram girls dancing around his fat ass okay?? And neither are we. But when a disabled veteran we've never met - and his young daughter whose never visited this site - when THEY have to be protected, to have FBI agents come to their FUCKING HOUSE - all because of THIS SITE and some dangerous mental case?? THAT is where WE draw the line.

    So keep pouring that fuel on this fire. Keep playing your games. See how much damage you can do to people in real life. Have fun. But when you wake up tomorrow and we're ALL gone?? We'll hope you feel satisfied. And I hope Enty will give YOU a special post - to give YOU the attention you crave. To post YOUR real information here for the world to see and let YOU genius guessers then know the pain and suffering others went through.

    Yes, we HAVE given clues and hints at our identities. It was never to TEASE you or egg you on. It was not a dare. It was to establish our positions relative to the stories at hand. Our IDs are not that mysterious, and we HONESTLY don't care if you guess them. JUST NOT HERE IN PUBLIC PLEASE!!! If we wanted our names out in public - we'd post it. Go private with your game please. But most of all PLEASE STOP THROWING NAMES AROUND THAT HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO US. We obviously have enemies and people willing to do bad things to others who they think are us. We have always considered you ALL friends. Family even. We do not care if you want to be critics of our writing; the length of our posts; or the content of our stories. Any writers accept that. But the blind items and stories are not about guessing US. Yes, we are roles in them because we write that way. Because these are real and happened to us - so they are first person.

  152. PART 4

    We can even look over those disgusting, hurtful comments talking shit about us "being fake" and "bullshit" and "not real" when talking about a best friend/brother's death - losing a father - and losing an unborn baby all in the span of MONTHS. That really happened. A suicide nearly followed it too. And all that pain and tragedy was given to you - and you MOCK IT? Call it "fake"?? Good GOD - have some humanity! Would you walk into a funeral service and start yelling "FAKES!" and demanding the mourners and families ID themselves and PROVE to you - a stranger - just how we knew the deceased?? Would you do that? Because that's what this is.

    We've had crew members from that movie, and other family members too - to contact us via email and twitter. TO THANK US. To even laugh and say they NOW know our ID - but WILL keep it secret. And to warmly recall the times we spent on that project. Just like our big concert story in London. All that was true. Remember the pop star lady with us? The part of the story about the limo ride? The dress? Let me ask you - WOULD YOU FOLLOW ON TWITTER and REPOST and TWEET and JOKE AROUND with SOMEONE WHO SAID THEY FUCKED YOU IN A PUBLIC STORY that's been read over 400 THOUSAND times, IF IT NEVER HAPPENED?? Huh? Our Twitter is public. Check it out yourself. She's right there, joking and tweeting with us. Because she knows who it is, and knows it is okay. Or would you possibly - if YOU were that pop star - realize yes, exactly who it is - have a laugh and "naughty boy for kiss and tell" moment. Then continue on being friends as you have over the years? Would you do all of that if it were "FAKE" and "BULLSHIT"??

  153. PART 5

    I don't know. In fact, I don't know much anymore. I guess what we do isn't enough for you. I guess you will never be satisfied will you? Maybe we should've never come back. Maybe we should just yank the fucking plug from the wall and say hell with it. Too many people getting hurt or stand to get hurt. Right now - as you read this - it is costing us TENS OF THOUSANDS of OUR DOLLARS to pay our lawyers, investigators, and digital forensics technicians to work with the FBI and State Police to stop a possible killer who is already a federal criminal for computer fraud/ID Theft/Hacking. We have already paid for that target of his - that innocent man's lawyers and security needs. But just like playing Whack-a-mole...even after he's locked up and we sue him into oblivion? Ten more smart-asses will pop up. And more newbies will jump into this site and stir shit up again.

    We don't care what you do in private off-site. It's a free country and we support free speech. Just for the love of GOD people - take it elsewhere. Do you really HATE us that bad?? Have we come barging into your homes and offices and mobile phones FORCING YOU to read our items? Has someone put a GUN to your head? Or do you think you're entitled to come here, to a free site, just to bitch and rip us to shreds?? And for what - to feel superior? To prove to strangers you don't even know how clever you are? Well if that's your rationale? Then shame on you. Shame on EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU WHO DO THAT. It's disgusting. If you can only feel superior and get your fucking nuts off by hurting others? Then YOU are a monster who is no better than the monsters we risk our asses to out around here. Why not use your superior detective skills on THEM?? Why not go after these bastards raping and killing and destroying these kids the same way we are doing by risking ourselves?? Out those people - not the ones who BRING YOU the info!! How fucked up is that?

    You DO realize this site is Free right? It's not required for class or work. If you cannot control your impulses to throw names out for the AUTHORS of the stories? For even a day or two? Then there's medication for that shit. See a doctor. Damn people.

  154. PART 6
    We have been NOTHING but supportive, polite, and friendly to everyone on here. Even those who have been critics, ripped us a new ass, disparaged our works/memories, and even mocked us outright. But we can take that. We're adults. But attacking us personally? Calling us LIARS? Bagging on us after pouring our hearts out in an emotional true story?? Do you not think we have feelings? We read every word you write. ALL of you. Your warm, kind, and supportive - even funny - comments really make us feel good. The critical comments, we accept rationally. But when the fuel gets doused and lit - and people go BATSHIT frenzy over guessing us? It's too much. Calling us LIARS is too much. We know you're trying to troll us into revealing ourselves. We resist. But you also are RUINING IT for all the other thousands of readers and disrespecting THEM who enjoy the stories. You're shitting on all those people who like and care about it.

    Just scroll back up and realize the trail of destruction you are blazing. Yes...YOU. Each of you super-sleuth wannabes with your "Oh I don't care it's just too juicy I can't resist tee-hee" lack of impulse control. Look at what you've done. The last long list of comments here - are ALL about guessing US and zero about the story. That's a trend leading to destruction and harm. IN REAL LIFE. Because when you guess publicly, people like Bill A.?? And put his name here - that shit gets indexed to Google. And comes up in searches later. And suddenly, poor Bill is swamped with people taunting him about being Himmmm. We even commented that WE ARE NOT BILL. But people continue.

    Throwing names of INNOCENT PEOPLE out here for fun - not considering that mentally unbalanced or dangerous people may be looking over your virtual shoulder. And they hear voices telling them Himmmm is "eating pizza" and raping kids in basements. And those voices tell them to load that AK-47 or AR-15 to "save the kids". Because others on 4chan or LSA have convinced them a special prophet told them to be the savior. So they take some name YOU WROTE in the comments - with a mission to save babies and kill the Himmmm. And that deranged lunatic goes and shoots up someone's house, or kills someone's daughter. Then we hear it on the news. Then it all comes back to YOU for playing a disgusting game in public that has real world implications. And that blood...will never wash off your hands, or your souls my friend. You will carry it with you until your death - and into the afterlife. Nor will it was off of ours. We will ALL be complicit in it. And for what? For fucking what? Fun and games on a free site?

    Well we won't be party to that. So enjoy yourselves. Have your fun. Shit all over us all you want. Because we won't be here. Nor will any of our posts (and your comments) because we will have Enty wipe the entire site clean of every trace and word. Delete our Twitter. And never return. And you can be happy, as can everyone else. All our reveals - all the work we've been doing behind the scenes with abused actors/actresses, and helping expose corruption, and our blinds AND THEIR COMING REVEALS - and all the actual fun and big events we've been planning? All gone. It will vanish. Then you can go back to your Housewives blinds all you want. Feel proud.

    We're so done with all this that it's not even funny. As if we need any of this added stress, cost, time, worry, or effort. We tried to bring you joy, laughs, secrets, love, and share the deepest parts of our lives. Sorry it wasn't enough. Take care friends, sorry for all of this. And sorry to disappoint you fucking assholes who couldn't leave well enough alone. So sorry you didn't get your fucking FREE money's worth. Thanks alot. Way to go. Enjoy your weekend friends. We won't.
    Best wishes to you all...yes, ALL of you;
    All 4 Himmmms

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So you expected a bunch of people that read a blind item gossip site on the internet to be mature enough to follow rules that were never laid out for what reason? Have you ever met the Internet? You’re blaming a bunch of people for making guesses on a forum for the behavior of one lunatic for what reason? How is it any more our fault than it is yours for sharing all this information in the first place? You’re working with the FBI and spending all your money but yet you supposedly know of child pedophile rings, murders, drug rings, prostitution rings, rapes, money laundering and you’re not helping to solve those?

      Look, we all know that there is a little bit of fantasy that goes into this and we come here to guess and be entertained. At this point about half the shit or more of the stuff on this site clearly isn’t even true. Most people with a discerning eye can tell that things don’t add because things like medical details, legal details, and timelines are constantly wrong. Other posters who love to continue to buy into the fun will say that that is done on purpose so that people’s identities are protected but there is no reason to get things like that wrong. Timelines, maybe but medical and legal details should never be wrong in blind items. Even your stuff about keeping your name off all your projects doesn’t make a whole lotta sense but okay, I’ll play along.
      I also don’t buy that this site isn’t making money and that the ads aren’t bringing in a ton of money for this site. Sorry, but I know what kind of traffic you guys get, especially now that you’ve been promoted in publications like the Daily Beast. You guys are making money. The ads are making you guys money. If you wanted to pretend you were trying to do something so great, how about not telling all your friend’s secrets? How about bringing down some of these criminals you know so much about? How about getting some of these people help that you know need it instead of just posting about it for the world to see and embarrassing them? The reality is you get quite a lot out of this, not just money but you get people fawning over you. You love watching people guess who you are. You love the adulation and the attention, even if it’s anonymous. I’ve been here a while and I’ve seen that ass kissing you receive. Make no mistake, I know how much you love the rock star status you enjoy here. There are those here that treat you like the second coming. I’ve never understood it because quite frankly I’ve found most of your blinds rambling and too self involved. I’ve also found them a bit boring. They seem a bit unbelievable and like something a first year screenplay student would write but hey, to each their own, right?

      If you wanna ban me, ban me. If you want to shut the site down, do it. There are several other blind items sites, you aren’t the only guys in town. Just the most popular, the void will be filled, I promise you that. My guess is you won’t, you get more out of it than we do, in many ways. Your threat is a paper tiger. It’s absurd that you come on here and try to blame a bunch of people who are guessing blind items and fail to take any responsibility yourself. You always knew guessing was part of the fun and it’s what makes this site so popular and yes that was always going to include your identity. You guys started this and had to expect that someone might take it too seriously someday. You make some pretty serious claims and for that you have only yourselves to blame. With the good you have to take the bad. Coming from Hollywood like you do I’m surprised you haven’t learned that already. This is your bad and you just have to take it. Stop being a baby and trying to blame others. This is your site and your responsibility. If you think you or anyone else (including a bunch of posters who have no relation to each other) can control the Internet you have a lot to learn.

  155. Hmmmmmm,

    Thank you for posting the beautiful tribute to your friend.

    I shall watch the movie again with a fresh perspective knowing what I know now.

    Thank you.

  156. I've been frozen in shock to learn about the problems that Himmmm and Enty are now dealing with, and am deeply ashamed for ever theorizing, myself. Himmmm, as we all know, has the most generous heart, taking time from a very busy life to help justice come to the most evil in the industry, to share deeply touching personal histories with us, and even to chat with us here and on twitter in spite of what asses we can be.

    This is an important warning that everyone has to be careful who we reply to and what we say about others, on cdan and elsewhere. Whether it's taking the bait from provocative commenters who target us to rile us up, or chatting privately with online invisible "friends". I was recently the victim of someone who pretended to be nice, pried me for every possible theory I had heard about Himmmm, Enty and other cdaners, then twisted it and "shared" it for motives I don't fully understand. But if I hadn't engaged in it to begin with, I wouldn't have hurt anyone. Just sayin'.

    I sure hope this closes this chapter of cdan history and that we're not facing the end of story. And I pray that the events going on behind the scenes end peacefully and safely for all involved very soon.

  157. Lmao so extra. Yeah it's our fault for speculation on a gossip site.

  158. How GULLIBLE can one be...? Oh, wait, this is where people believe Hollywood is run by Illuminati pedos worshipping devil and walking around in shoes made of the skin of children they have sacrificed to Baphomet. "Top of the food chain", right? :D

  159. If ever there were a better or more impassioned plea for the 'right to be left alone' online on in real life, well I've never heard it...

  160. Shame the himmmms never felt the need to sic their elite FBI task force on the pedos in hollywood they out all the time.

    On the upside, I totally forgot about Bill Allen and RAD and didn't realize he had a facebook page. Lots of cool vids and interviews posted there.

  161. "Shame the himmmms never felt the need to sic their elite FBI task force on the pedos in hollywood they out all the time."

    Ain't that the truth.

    My eyebrows arched over the wounded vet with a daughter detail. Hmmmm Dudes! Tell us again how personal lives need protecting! Jesus...are you all middle schoolers who need instruction on internet anonymity?

    1. A bit hypocritical coming from a site who has outed people for years for various things ranging from their drug problems, hiring surrogates, having plastic surgery, being gay, having marital issues, and having mental problems. So why are all those things okay to out but people guessing the identity of people who are willingly telling stories and secrets of all their friends is wrong? GMAFB with this sanctimonious bullshit right now. I enjoy this site but in the last year and a half more than half of it reeks of fake conspiracy bullshit. As if they think they have a leg to stand on when they have outed people for things that should remain private. Outed rapists, pedos, and evil doers fine but the other shit? Why is everyone else not entitled to privacy. Let’s not forget that they’ve also outed rape victims and painted a ton of Harvey victims as willing participants when they weren’t. So there was that.

  162. Shame that some people completely missed the point of what Himmmm said, and have to keep on attacking. Shame that some people automatically assume that the Himmmms did nothing other than spill to a gossip site, or that they had first hand evidence to even present to the FBI.

    Personally, I've experienced someone who was so immature and so incapable of engaging in an online dispute like a rational adult that they resorted to doxing me. And disqus did nothing about it, not when that prick posted my real name, my address or my phone number online. Having been stalked at college, it wasn't something I responded well too. So I completely understand Himmmm's position and empathize. I'm sorry that they were driven away by a nutcase and some jerks intent on dissecting (via vivisection) the golden goose.

    Yeah, some assholes are just a shame, period.

  163. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Hey @Himmmmms:

    Thanks once again for the great story and sorry for all the sadness Nin and her family and this himmmmm had to endure.

    I don't think anyone would fault you guys if you gave up this gig. This has been such a really cool, unique way for us fans to interact with you all (note: i've never guessed your names). But as you know, the internet is full of people who enjoy destroying people's lives while hiding behind the cloak of apparent anonymity. I can't see it changing anytime soon. So if you continue to post, great, but if it's not worth the trouble, thanks for the good times on here.

  164. I have no idea if anyone is reading the comments on this blind anymore, but I just want to say a few things:

    1) First of all, thank you to all fellow CDaN'ers who gave me some excellent advice on my wayward daughter! :)))
    2) I'm so sorry for the Himmmms and Enty having to deal with such a horrible situation! And I'm very sorry for the poor man and his daughter who got caught up in it!
    3) I understand the Himmmm involved with "Stranger Things Have Happened," may not want to contribute anymore, but as a writer myself, an avid reader, and an English Lit grad from an Ivy League school, I LOVE your writing style. PLEASE give the world more of your writing, whether it's on this forum or as a book or a screenplay. You are very talented. In addition, you have such touching and interesting stories to tell!

    1. @More Cowbell +1

      And best of luck with your daughter. The therapy suggestion is a good one. If I may add to it:

      It may be tempting in therapy to answer for your daughter on some questions or even say “no, she was fine! What happened?” But you will probably find the sessions most productive if you listen much more than speaking.

      At home, a good line of discussion is “what do you want?” And “what do you need from me?” That discussion can then flow into “this is what I hope for, and this is what I need from you.”

      The idea is to understand where she’s coming from as thoroughly as you can, to fill in the blanks she’s unaware of at that age with a mutual goal of her future success and happiness, and to position yourself as a supporter whose duty to her is to help her succeed.

      Kids transitioning from young child to teen don’t always realize what the parental role really is, and establishing that you’re not there to be a cop early on may help productive discussion and negotiation to keep flowing through the rest of the YA years.

      Then again, teens gonna teen, and knowing when to grit your teeth and when to dig in is one of the biggest challenges of parenting (or working with teens professionally!)

      If therapy or discussions reveal a sticking point, blind spot, or major issue you feel undereqipped for, I cannot strongly enough recommend seeking out a library with a dedicated teen librarian and asking for Teen-level (or preteen level) books addressing it. Read the books and encourage your daughter to read them, too. Discuss in terms of the book or characters (if fiction).

  165. +1000 More Cowbell, and good luck with your daughter.

  166. I’m sorry for your loss. RIP.

  167. Dear Himmm,
    I am very sorry for your loss, losses actually. We may not all be famous but we've all been attacked. You have my sympathy.

    It sounds like the modern culture of public message boards, and its rapid evolution, is something you're not that familiar with. It's kind of understood now that when you leave bread crumbs people follow them. And while I never cared to speculate about your identity, you did set up a public mystery. Perhaps unintentional, you spread bait. I don't judge people by mistakes, but intentions, so I don't think you've done anything wrong in that respect.

    But you should understand that people speculating here are in no way responsible for anyone being harmed. I've reread this thread and your arguments. You're blaming online speculators and cynics for inciting a criminal to threaten violence. No one here on this site did anything to cause that. And posting anonymously while chastising people who are skeptical of your story is a bit histrionic. Of course we won't believe everything.

    You addressed this to the entire CDAN community, which has mostly shown you respect. There are bad people in this world, but why don't you limit your indictments to the actual perpetrator? If a mentally ill person does something horrible, which I hope never happens, it's not the group's fault. No one here said to do anything violent.

    1. @phylliswhitweed

      This, too, was my sticking point with @Himmmm’s diatribe. After thought, I read it again slowly with from a perspective of assuming the author was in a very emotional state while writing.

      The core issue of not encouraging the trolls and the danger of internet vigilantes taking their “justice” to the real world and targeting innocent people is very sound, I think, as is having at least a modicum of respect for the time and effort (even if nothing else) that goes into @Himmmm’s stories.

      The flourishes are where the accusations become offensively broad, but I chose to overlook them, because very few people successfully maintain public decorum, much less perfect grammar and diplomacy, in a highly emotional state.

      But yes, I agree overall, in spite of violent people not needing to be told to get violent in order to snap. The group is not at fault and, in many cases, proactively tries to shut down inappropriate guessing and extremism on a near daily basis.

      Disrespectful trolls and people who anonymously spread misery on the internet are much like the common cold. Hard to avoid, hard to ignore, a real bummer when they crop up, but they almost always pass and life goes back to normal.

  168. @PhyllisWhitweed


    Exactly why the Hmmm Dudes' rant left a bad taste in my mouth, you nailed it.

  169. Epic rant, Himmmm. I would like your thoughts on Talleywhacker's assertion that this dialogue was in response to her question to you.

  170. First Himmm knocked up Kate Beckinsale. Now Shannon Lee? And he was intertwined with Natalie Wood, Michael Hutchence, and Brandon Lee's deaths? Oh yeah and Jackie Chan is a triad leader who murders rivals for looking at him the wrong way. This site is total garbage

  171. @Original Unknown skeptic

    Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo! THAT is what a beautiful and realistic rant looks like. Thank-you.


    Let's not forget old widows who murder their rapists, who was she outed as again? And she gave a Hmmmm Dude a spontaneous confession?

    1. Thanks, I’m just sick of the bullshit. I don’t even read most of the Himmm blinds anymore, they’re way too long and too flowery. They include way too much detail that is unnecessary. “It was a dark and stormy night”. FFS get on with it! No one needs the description of the fucking flowers and the trees for a blind item.

      I also don’t buy his bullshit about how they’re paying to investigate this supposed stalker. If the FBI is involved then they take over from there and that’s that. The FBI would not require you to put in any funds. I don’t even buy the stalker story or any of the rest of it. I think some poster just reached out to someone on Twitter like Shannon Lee to offer condolences or someone else in this blind and it started a shitstorm that got one of the Himmms in trouble. Now they’re making up some stalker story about how we stirred up a lunatic. The reality is one of their friends is mad at them for being a shitty friend but they can’t say that because that would be all on them and they couldn’t come here and rant and blame someone else for them being a shitty friend who spills secrets they shouldn’t spill. Now they’re pissed at the posters here when it was their mistake.

      At best the Himmms or Himmm are/is a shitty friend/s, at worst they are complicit and look the other way in a whole host of criminal activities ranging from child molestation to murder. They also out people’s sexuality, struggles with drug addictions, and mental issues. I’m not claiming to be perfect but I also know that if I had information about or suspected a child was being molested or abused I would report it because I have in the past. I get not being able to report the abuse or rape of an adult unless they are willing to come forward themselves but murder and the rest of it come on?! I get we all take part by reading but I also look at this as entertainment and don’t believe half of what I read on here. I hope the bad people get outed. I’m not cool with outed people’s sexuality, mental illnesses, health problems, or drug addiction.

      Then to come here and scold everyone else after all these years and watch some people just still kiss ass, apologize, and take it? GMAFB. No fucking way, especially after watching what this site has turned into lately with the really fucking absurd conspiracy theory blinds, completely incoherent Dancing Boy and reader blinds and boring ass Himm blinds. It just defies logic. We all know they won’t shut the site down and if no more Himmm blinds, I say good riddance. But you know that will never happen. You know he won’t be able to stay away. He loves the attention and the adoration too much to go.

  172. Btw, for everyone on here kissing ass and apologizing to Himmm have some fucking respect for yourselves and stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong. He just went on a rant and chewed everyone a new asshole, blaming us for something we have no part in. Did you make threats? Are you the stalker? If not then you did nothing wrong and have no reason to apologize. He comes on here and threatens to shut the site down so fast our heads will spin and everyone snaps to and panics? GMAFB. They make money off of us and they need us more than we need them. There are other blind items sites. So they shut down and what you spend less time reading gossip online? There are worse things in life. Big fucking threat. Do you really think they do this out of the goodness of their hearts for our entertainment? If you bought that bullshit I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

  173. @plot, @Original Unknown skeptic, and many others above - You are restoring my faith in people's ability to actually think and not just follow their anonymous idols like sheep. The reverence some people are showing to Enty and Himmmms is truly cultish.

    About the Himmmm(s) being shitty friends - that's only true if we assume what they write is at least partly true, that they do, indeed, spill some secrets. Here's the point: I very much doubt they do. I think they make up stories which are bound to be popular and increase the site traffic significantly, but they are just that: made up stories about real people and circumstances, always with one central character: Himmmm.
    You know the saying: when no one knows what it's all about, it's probably about money. I'm sure the ads bring in nice income, but I also think the owners of this site are trying to use their new-found fame to make money some other ways, for which the readers' trust in this site is essential. The number of people calling BS on this and other stories seemed greater than ever, and it needed to be stopped. I don't believe one bit that Himmmm was upset because they had got in trouble with a friend, and was just trying to shift the blame to us - I think what they were trying to do was to distract the readers from the comments they didn't like. And it worked perfectly - the worshippers got down on their knees to apologize to their deity and beg them to stay while the defiant ones focused on how ill-conceived this rant was and telling Himmmm he was wrong. The majority, though, have kept quiet since, for fear that Himmmm might actually disappear. But everybody stopped commenting on all the bullshit in these blinds. Mission accomplished.

    I agree 100% that they love the attention and adoration far too much to stop. But I also think they love the money-making opportunities their status here offers even more.

  174. @Mag

    Hence the Amazing Quotes experiment in allowing people to post ads...and other things...for money?

  175. I don't know about the Amazing Quotes. I always thought that was just someone posting the same rubbish in comments wherever allowed to advertise their own site.

    I'm talking about the stories posted here. 1) Enty likes to accuse some other gossip outlets of planting stories for which they are paid. But since the HW scandal (which gave CDAN a lot of exposure and credibility), this site more and more often reads as though some stories here are planted that same way. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these were paid stories designed to e.g. harm the reputation of someone's competitor (like the widow blinds which clearly link Geffen to multiple murders). 2) Also the Dancing Boy blinds, which are a marketing campaign for a movie. Maybe Enty is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, maybe not. 3) Finally, all Mr. Hedge blinds about how Netflix, Tesla and some other corporations (can't remember all the names now, but we have another "Snaptchat guy" BI today) are seemingly doing great, but in fact are on the verge of bankruptcy or other serious trouble. I think SandyBrook was the first person to call the Enterns out for trying (and failing) to bring down the stock prices - I just picked it up from there ;)
    I'm sure there are many more ways in which a popular site like this can generate income.



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