Friday, April 20, 2018

Blind Item #16

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who has multiple Academy Award nominations/wins has been having sex with a 16 year old who bagged her groceries a couple months ago. I'm not going to go look up her age, but a good solid guess is that she is around 4 times his age.


  1. Meryl, you raddled old slag you.

  2. So, an actress in her late 50'S early 60's?

  3. So "bagged her groceries" is a euphemism now. Good to know.

  4. I’m going with Susan Sarandon.

    1. She seems to have flown right off the handle lately.

    2. As the mom of a 16 year old boy, let me be the first to say I’d call the police on this sitch. Oh my good lord. She’s almost old enough to be MY mom, and I’m 46!

    3. I just looked it up - she’s actually a little older than my mother. Ewwww.

    4. Great guess! And as the mother of a 15 year old boy I can say with complete confidence that they are gross and not doable in the least.

    5. Ha, ha! As the mother of an almost 15 y.o. boy and an almost 16 y.o. boy, I concur with you completely. A grown woman would have to be out of her mind!

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    susan Sarandon

  6. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Great minds think alike everybody.

  7. Yeah Sarandon. God bless her.

  8. I helped Sarandon carry her boxes into UPS last summer and I didn't get shit. I did get a look at her cleavage when she bent over though. Good stuff.

  9. Gives The Beatles 'When I'm 64' a whole new meaning...

    No idea who actress is but yikes!

  10. HELEN MIRREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I guess she may have bought a dozen cucumbers and asked the young lad for help

  12. This has Susan Sarandon written all over it.

  13. What, his specialty is recycled wrinkled bags.

  14. Even a 19 would be weird, but a 16? That's disgusting! What is the problem? I've never thought about sex with a teenager, they're so childish. I wanted to understand why this happens, even if the young wants you is still of age shit

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    fun fact: Sarandon's brother owns a bar and brewery in my hometown.

  16. What kind of bags would you like; paper, plastic or tea?

  17. I didn't want sex from a 16 y/o boy even when I was 16. Gross.

  18. @Freckles - HAHAHAHA

    I mean, if he was in his 20s, I'd be like go girl, but 16.... thats creepy

  19. Creepy and gross.

  20. Susan Sarandon has the best plastic surgeon in Hollywood. She's obviously had her share of work done, but she still looks exactly like herself at 71 years old.

  21. So "bagged her groceries" is a euphemism now.

    LOL Sara, yeah he's been bagging her groceries if you know what I mean and I think you do ...

  22. I knew a guy once who I was sure was in his mid-20s like all the rest of us in this particular group. Turned out he was 15. The guy was ten times more sophisticated than any of us. Take that for what you will.

  23. Just to be different: Courtney Cox?

    1. Multiple Academy Award nominee?

    2. Courtney Cox is 53. So is Courtney Love.

  24. Slaggy ol' Susie has always had a wandering, predatory eye.

  25. Did the Grocery Boy watch
    ‘That’s My Boy!’?

  26. Haha Brian! Whoever it is needs to be outed and prosecuted like any other pedo. This is going to warp the boy.

    Sarandon is 71, so maybe it isn't her. But it's reminiscent of her cradle-robbing role in "Bull Durham". But Tim Robbins was "only" 12 years her junior.

    Some who are 64 or within a couple of years are:

    Catherine Bach
    Kathleen Turner
    Ellen Barkin
    Kim Basinger
    Laurie Metcalf
    Dana Delaney
    Linda Hamilton
    Lorraine Bracco
    Christine Baranski
    Katey Sagal
    Geena Davis
    Tanya Roberts
    Rene Russo
    Mimi Rogers
    Kim Cattrall
    Kirstie Alley
    Isabella Rossellini
    Jean Smart
    Many more.....

  27. Feel the Bern!(-ing sensation when you pee.)
    Seriously though. Good for her. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about.

  28. It says multiple Academy Award nominee. That narrows it down a lot. Please stay on target! Ps I have nothing.

  29. So here's to you Grandma Robinson...

  30. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Due to permanent A/mostly movie/Oscars....
    Sally Field,
    Susan Sarandon, or Diane Keaton.

  31. Right, Starry-Eyed. I got busy listing and lost track of the point. Enty says he's not gonna look up the actress' age, so he could just think that Sarandon's a lot younger than she is.

  32. Anonymous4:00 PM

    "So, an actress in her late 50'S early 60's?"

    Someone's an elementary school grad.

    1. Enry estimates. A lot. Like a decade can be anywhere from 7 to 15 years. So that comment was just a ballpark estimate based on Enty Math.

  33. I think it could be any "woman of a certain age", Joe Dumars, lol. It's hard to tell how old we are, especially with all the plastic surgery these days.

  34. whats funny is to a 16 year old boy she doesn't even have to be stunning. to the actress, well played.

  35. When I lived in her neighborhood, Susan Sarandon lived in the building above the Gristede’s supermarket. Hmm...

  36. I hope her tongue didn't get caught in his braces. :)

    We had a SUPER CUTE and nice grocery bagger at our local store, but he was working his way through college, so he was legal. I was married and in my 40s, so I never would have considered coming onto him. I can understand the allure of young, cute men who pay attention to you when you are going through a mid-life crises or feeling old. That said I can in no way understand having sex with a teenager as an adult. That is not okay for men or women.

  37. What grocery stores hire high school teens anymore? I could probably picture this in a smaller neighborhood of LA like Toluca Lake.

  38. Looking at the list and all the names, there are only a couple permanent A actresses with the award chops, I do think Sarandon is the win. She's always been a distinctive looking beauty and a very good actress.

    The only reason I'm weighing in is because I saw Mimi Rogers name on the list. I have seen and spoken with hundreds of famous actresses in real life, and if there was one that stood out above all others with stunning beauty and charisma, it was Mimi Rogers. This would have been late 80s, right about when she married Tom Cruise--Mighty Quinn, Someone to Watch Over Me, around then. Gwyneth Paltrow, around the time of Great Expectations was another.

  39. Wasn't there a blind a couple years ago about Sissy Spacek going for the young ones?

  40. Whoever she is, I hope she's taking good care of young Tripod.

  41. Helen Mirren - Come on people. Do you honestly think an American actress would actually go shopping for food?

  42. This has Olivia de Havilland written all over it.

  43. Holly Hunter (60) is another possibility.

  44. when I was around 35 I dated a swedish guy in his 50, he had 2 sons of 15 and 17, we lasted 2 years so I remember when I had to be the youngest interpretor cause his lack of Spanish and OLDER WOMEN WERE AFTER HIM ...

    I was horrorized cause I would have understood girls over him but these women could be easily HIS MOM AND SUDDENLY INSTEAD OF BEING "THE COOL STEPMOM" I had to be momma bear, dealing even with people saying I was so lucking for those pretty boys in my home (???!! THEY WERE KIDS FOR CHRIST SAKE!!)

    ANYBODY WHO S AFTER A CHILD IS A MONSTER I dont care if it s a guy or a woman

  45. Jessica Tandy driving hims crazy

  46. The answer is Kim Cattrall.

  47. susan sarandon!!!!!

  48. I guess the kid watched White Palace and wanted to live out his fantasy.

    This is sick & Sarandon ought to be evaluated. If the genders were reversed my opinion is the same.

  49. My dude is living the dream if it is Susan Sarandon!



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