Thursday, April 12, 2018

Blind Item #15

This looooooong time A list reality star all of you know has been raiding the trust funds of her kids to maintain her standard of living.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Tori Spelling

    1. I don’t think Tori. Isn’t she usually called a bad actress? Plus, Candy is smart. If there are trust funds, Candy has made sure they are untouchable by the parents.

  2. PMK’s kids have trust funds? Lol.

    1. And the Kardashian kids are in their 30s and their father died long ago. It seems like her grandkids would be the ones with trust funds these days. And PMK is probably not hurting on money anyway.

  3. Padma and her daughter with the Dell dude for a daddy?

  4. Can’t be Kris, she has no need

  5. Yolanda Foster raiding that Mohamid Hadid money?

    1. I like this guess. Hasn’t it been said that those girls have been supporting her since her divorce from Foster?

  6. This has to be someone who was married to or whose baby's father is uber-wealthy.

  7. Gosselin's a great guess. Since the kids were on the show, trusts would have had to be set up for them. She probably has access, and also likely has permission to tap into funds for specific needs of the kids. The rest of these folks all have money.

  8. I'm going Kate Gosselin

  9. Looooong time makes me think Real World days again, but no one is really A list from those shows. Kate Gosselin is a good guess, the only other person going back is Nicole Richie but I think she does regular tv now, too.

  10. Well Tami Roman was on Real World in 1993 and then got ressurrected onto Basketball Wives in 2012. But I am thinking her daughters are too old to still have trust funds from her ex NBA playing husband

    1. She found herself a new athlete

  11. This feels like Tori, but I thought Candy had that shit locked down.... I doubt its Jenner, dont each of these kids just make their own money?

  12. Tori's more than an "A-list reality star"; it's not her. Gosselin seems like the best bet, since we all definitely know her and unlike the Kardashians or Paris she seems more in need of money.

    1. On what planet is Tori a list anything?

  13. I'll third the Gosselin guess. She hasn't had a regular paycheck in a while and all the kids have trust funds.

    She doesn't strike me as a 'spendy' person. I'll guess that (if it's her) she used the money on efforts to get back on TV. Which she just did, so now she'll get more paychecks!

    1. She is a spendy person. I live in her city. Granted, our area doesn’t have a high cost of living but maintaining her lifestyle without a paycheck would be difficult. She bought a huge house on acreage (upper six figures in price), always has a new car, visits the priciest salon, usually dressed to the nines, and all the kids attend a pricey private school.

    2. Not to mention she sent one of the kids to a residential treatment center. He’s been there at least a year or two. That’s got to be costing her a bunch.

  14. Im going with Tori. Candy never set up a trust for Tori, so why would she for her kids?

  15. Kate Gosselin does have a bigger pool to draw from.

  16. i like the kate gosselin guess.
    My first thought was Tori, but i think a different description would come with Tori.

  17. Neither Kate or Tori have current shows.... it would’ve said “ex long time”(and they weren’t Greys Anatomy loooooong time either). Also don’t think either of their broods have trust funds as Jon Gosselin is notoriously broke and Tori cut off for a long time. Hence her fairly desperate attempts at past reality tv etc

    1. @Tricia13

      Wouldn't the Gosselin kids have a trust because they are considered child performers (despite being "reality" tv)?

      Kate does have a show coming.

    2. Most states don’t have Coogan law

  18. Kate Gosselin or Tori Spelling

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's got to be Tori. I'm sure her kids have hefty trust funds. She's the only one who makes sense. Unless Paris Hilton 's dogs have trust funds lol

  20. @Tricia - i see what you're saying, i totally didn't see it that way - that this person has a current show.
    I want this to be a Kardashian, but they're too rich.
    Maybe one of the OG housewives???

    1. I think it ma be on OGer too..@just saying has an awesome guess below! Luann is shaaaad-y.
      Or Nene maybe

  21. Kate Gosselin was in the Daily Mail just the other day- for those of you that don't get it, that means this blind is supposed to be her.

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  23. @Justsayin - great guess - her ex prob took her money wwtf was she thinking with that dude

  24. @Tricia, actually

  25. +1 on Gosselin. If Candy did set up trusts for Tori’s litter, given Tori’s history with money matters there’s a snowball’s chance in hell she would have been made the trustee to administer her kids funds.

  26. Just for shits and gigs I'm tossing out Michelle Duggar's name lol

    1. +1
      Those home perms don't grow on trees, you know.

  27. Good thing Schneider is married, otherwise he'd be all over that.

  28. Long time reality. All of us know. Cant be Kris. She makes 10 percent of their income and they all steadily have income coming in....all except Kourtney. Unless its Kourtney.

  29. Wouldn't Kate's kids legally need to have a trust because they appeared on television?

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  31. Thought the whole point of a trust fund is people can't easily mess with it

  32. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Here are the basics. Children can't own property, so when children get a lot of money, say over $5,000, courts will want to regulate it. When children get say over $100,000, the court is going to want to regulate it AND have a yearly accounting, and if someone like a parent is doing the accounting and its fishy the court will hand over the duties to regulate the child's property to a guardian ad litem or something similar (and bill the child's money for such services, thank you Court).

    I think the fact this says "trust" means this was money an adult earned and put in a trust for a child, with the mother as the trustee, and if the mom is raiding it I speculate the settlor of the trust is dead, so mom is raiding money the dad earned and set aside for his kids. (or HER if the it was a lesbian couple). However, I'm not in Cali and maybe things are completely different over there.

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  34. My 1st thought was Tori Spelling we all she’s broke but I get the idea her mom probably controls those trust fund. Who else ? Not sure

  35. But since when is Kate Gosselin A list? That rating should never have applied to her.

  36. Kate gosling!!! Enty used 7 letter o's in looooooong hint hint shes got 7 kids

    1. Thought she had 8.... did I miss something? Or do you mean the ones she has custody of. I remember one of them being sent away or???

  37. Think I’m gong to have to disagree with the big cheese here

    It’s got to be Tori. Nobody else makes $en$e.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Kate Gossling. Torey has mommy

  40. @T.W.

    What I've been told is that regular acting children do have trusts set up for their salaries (the Jackie Coogan laws) and their acting union helps protect that.

    Reality show kids may or may not have trusts for their salaries; it's up to the parents and if they want all monies to be put on a family LLC or parceled out individually. Reality kids aren't considered professionals (they don't rehearse, do takes, learn blocking, read scripts....) The kids aren't performing a job. They just have cameras following them around in their normal day to day . The Jackie Coogan laws don't apply to them, nor do they have a union.

    How much reality show kids are making and what happens to the money is a very murky subject. Reality show don't even have to adhere to child labor laws, since they aren't working, per se.

    It really is a racket.

    1. @plot

      Thank you.

      This is really messed up. Reality shows have some scripting involved but as you said they might not make the kids aware they need to behave a certain way on camera, repeat a conversation, etc.

  41. Is anybody going to watch Kate's show? Is she supposed to be looking for love or it shows her dating around. Just curious. Don't really care. I won't watch it.

  42. Kathie Lee Gifford

  43. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Kristin Cavallari.
    She's currently bragging on her new 'lifestyle brand', her 'staff', etc

  44. Sounds like Kate Gosselin.

  45. If her kids have trust funds, they're surely not adults. So no Kris J, etc.

  46. Probably all of the above, lol. But I hope this one's revealed.

  47. @Beckett

    States do have child labor laws. John Gosselin tried to use the Pennsylvania child labor laws to end Kate's show. Evidently, reality shows have convinced states that the children are not actually working so the labor laws don't apply.

    No, staying up all night for multiple takes of Kates' best side, is not work according to reality TV.

  48. I think it’s Kate G, she has that new reality show coming out. I remember she had a chef, tutors, Asst, nannies, etc.
    Although, while reading this, I pictured Kim Z.

  49. Kim Zolziak-Berman

  50. @unknown What’s the general consensus on Kate, around town? I really, really, really dislike her. I used to watch the show, I quit when they started going on all those trips. She never seemed to have a kind or positive thing to say to anyone. I felt really bad for her kids, the boys especially.



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