Thursday, April 05, 2018

Blind Item #14

This pint sized reality star was wasted on Ambien and booze on a recent red carpet. She was really funny. She must have just made the perfect combination of the two. It has gone really bad for her in the past. 


  1. how on earth does someone party on ambien??

    1. Damn good question lol- never took it but people that do say they get whacked 👀 ... I reckon a few people here dabble🤔😏

    2. You eat a whole jar of peanut butter

    3. No way....I’ve taken it and I was seeing sh*t that wasn’t there.

  2. Too bad all these losers are back in the money again and paid to be drunken fools on a vacation to Miami.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you, Boozie. I was wondering the same thing. It's a sleep aid. How do you party on that? I'd be snoring in the corner.

  5. @Sandy - don't be jealous!!! LOL
    I want to get paid to go party in MIami haha

  6. Do pint sized stars take pint sized pills?

    And then wash them down with a pint...

  7. Medications can have an opposite effect on some. I take Ambien and a couple times a month it will keep me awake all night rather than help me sleep. I'm told this is from chronic use. IDK

    1. I don't know about chronic use. I take Benadryl and I pace the floor, agitated. I heard ADHD people drink coffee and go to sleep. Wierd

  8. Not me, Tricia13. I've heard horror stories about people taking Ambien. Friend of mine "woke up" and he'd apparently walked to the local 711 in the middle of the night and sat on the curb for who knows how long. Scary! Another time, after taking Ambien, he went to amazon and ordered a bunch of random tv shows from the 80s, like the full series of Scarecrow and Mrs. King. Thankfully, he doesn't take that shit anymore.

    1. Exactly-like whacked and possessed.
      Heard the same

    2. I have heard similar stories from friends and family who were on ambien. Scared them all so much they stopped taking it

  9. Be careful, one can overdose and die from too much Ambien -

    I took 8 once because after the first couple started working I just... kept taking them.. thank god I only had eight, a nurse friend said she was surprised I didn't have a psychotic break.

  10. I wonder how many celebrities take Wellbutrin.
    That shit makes people nuts and no one would ever discuss it as an issue.
    Ever meet someone who took it to quit smoking? (I welcome anecdotes of anyone who quit smoking because of Wellbutrin!)

    1. I don't like SSRIs in any form but Wellbutrin is the worst. I was physically attacked multiple times by a loved one who was on it. I knew it was the drug causing the whacked out behavior but the scars remain. Terrible drug with little counseling by the prescribing MDs. Irresponsible.

    2. I know someone who slept walked on wellbutrin and tried to find her pet birds who were deceased. Prozac is better but have her a stuffy nose and weight gain. Xanax helps with difficult times and I use whenever anxiety is through the roof. Usually life altering events. Use sparingly.

    3. I took Wellbutrin for depression many years ago. At the time I was a smoker but only had maybe 3-4 cigarettes a day. After starting Wellbutrin, I began smoking a pack a day. My anxiety became so much worse on that medication. Even though cigarettes weren’t as enjoyable when I was on Wellbutrin, I smoked so much more because of the increased anxiety. Turned me into a chain smoker. Finally quit smoking two years ago cold turkey and haven’t looked back!

  11. " Friend of mine "woke up" and he'd apparently walked to the local 711 in the middle of the night and sat on the curb for who knows how long. "

    Never took one. Probably never should since I sleep commando.

  12. It's the drug Tiger Woods was taking when his marriage blew up. Supposedly if you get through the sleepy phase you get high and it elevates sex. I used to take it legitimately until I woke up one night at 3am, ate frozen green beans and tried to wake my kids up to clean the litter box, ala Mommy Dearest.

    1. I used to take it (before doctors got all weird about prescribing it) and I never had any problems with doing strange things in the middle of the night, but the sex thing was true. If it didn't knock me out right away, we had great, uninhibited sex.

  13. wasn't tiger and his first whore having Ambien sex??
    how good can it be if you can't remember it LOL
    I took ambien in the hospital when i had to be there for a week and it didn't do shit to me

  14. "how on earth does someone party on ambien??"

    I can't speak to ambien (although there's a bottle of it sitting next to me) but I can say with some certainty that its benzo predecessor (the one with brand name that starts with rest) will, if you crush and partake of it in an incorrect manner (not involving swallowing) it's a different kind of high (as in that) altogether.

    It seems to me that actor known back in the day in part for his mustache and not named Tom Selleck used to himself party with ambien (unless it was the benzo pred - can't remember), and actually went into a coma during withdrawal.

  15. I have a Wellbutrin story of my own. I did take it to quit smoking and was on it for six weeks. My normal blood pressure went through the roof. I'm normally even tempered all of the time and I became completely irrational. AND it didn't help in quitting smoking. After the six weeks, I fainted at a friend's house. Why? In the ER, they said I was severely dehydrated and my blood sugar was super wonky. I hadn't eaten for over a week because Wellbutrin can cause a complete suppression of appetite and eating disorders. I ended up being in the hospital for 2 days. Once back on my feet, I bought the damn nicotine gum and just warned everyone I'd be a c*nt for a couple of weeks and finally did quit smoking. Apparently, Chantix is even worse for quitting smoking and has among the highest suicide rate of any elective med. It causes extreme depression.

  16. Hah panda my area is rated the #2 rank in the entire country for alcohol abuse\use. I don't need Miami, we out do that place. And it's cheaper too.

  17. Has Verne Trotter had a sex change ?

    If so, then this is Laverne Troyer.


  18. I've heard lots of stories about people doing wacked stuff on Ambien. It's like it knocks out your conscious mind but sometimes your body goes on autopilot. I've heard of a few being getting seizures on Wellbutrin.
    Doctors don't know sh!t about new medicines, only know what the drug companies tell them. Got that nugget of wisdom from a pharmacist acquaintance.

  19. I take Wellbutrin daily for depression as prescribed by my doctor. It works far better for me than SSRIs, which made me gain 50 lbs. in 3 months (it took 10 years to get the weight off). I also take Ambien and an older, generic antidepressant to help me sleep, and I take a low dose of Xanax as needed for anxiety, maybe two or three times a month. All of my doctors are aware of all of my medications and I've never had a problem. Clearly this is not the case for everyone and you should listen to your own doctor. Oh, and sex on Ambien? Outstanding.

  20. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Never had problems with Ambien, but yes there is a high to be had. Gave it up because I became to used to using it to sleep. I take Citalopram for anxiety and it was making me to lethargic so my Doctor switched me over to Wellbutrin. What a fucking mistake. I was a major rage case while on it. Worked exactly the opposite of what I needed. Doctor didn't have a clue. Couldn't help. Just had to offset the Citalopram with lots of caffeine.

  21. I won't take Ambien after a sleep eating occurrence. I used to keep snacks in the house for my visiting nephews (Little Debbie snacks and other stuff that I never ate). I woke up one morning and went out to the kitchen for coffee and I was startled to see the light on. There was a snack wrapper on the floor and a half empty glass of milk on the counter (I only drink milk in coffee). For a frightening moment, I thought someone had broken in, but the doors were all bolted from the inside. I suspected that it might be the Ambien and googled it and found lots of reports of people eating, walking, having conversations and driving while on the drug. I never took it again.

    A year or two later I went to stay with my brother to help him out when he had shoulder surgery. Before surgery the surgeon handed me his prescriptions and one was for Ambien. I asked the doctor for another sleep aid for him
    because of my bad experience. Doctor said to have him try the Ambien. Well, I think it was his second night post-surgery that my brother took an Ambien and fell asleep sitting on the couch. I shook him awake so he could go to bed and he bolted upright and said, "I wonder if Pi is still 3.12?" OMG, I could not stop laughing. He took Ambien for the next couple of nights, would fall asleep watching TV, I'd awaken him so he could go to bed and he would babble something absurd each time. I even recorded him a couple of nights.

    It wasn't until he went downstairs in the middle of the night to make coffee (coffee grounds were EVERYWHERE), broke a dish and went back to bed and didn't remember any of it that he finally asked his surgeon for a different sleeping pill.

  22. @Thia - I love the Scarecrow and Mrs. King reference lol. I once bought a full-sized electric piano on Ambien, forgot I bought it, and then bought a SECOND piano later that week when I wasn't medicated. I thought my doorman was joking when he told me that my second piano had been delivered to my tiny 1br Manhattan apartment.

  23. I was given Ambien once when I complained about jet lag to my NYC friend, the same night I landed.
    When I had sleep problems I'd take a French over the counter pill called Donormyl. In the UK sleeping pills are crap, you feel all groggy in the morning.
    Stopped all that nonsense years ago when I discovered magnesium. It's a great supplement overall, and taken over an extended period of time, together with a vitamin D pill before going to sleep, it will gently make you fall asleep, and you wake up refreshed and happy.
    Stop popping so many pills, Americans.

  24. It sounds that Ambien is similar to Quaaludes. They too were prescribed for sleep but apparently if you stayed awake for the first half hour or so you were party ready.

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  26. Chantis is the shit that makes you nuts. A local musician went nuts on it and his neighbor killed him because he was so afraid. Ambien makes you do weird things. I knew an ER doctor who told me about one of her coworkers. She noticed the doctor had a brown ring around his mouth, as if he had dyed it. Turns out he took Ambien the night before. During his somnambulistic endeavors he decided to make a sandwich composed of white bread and...shoe polish.

    1. A brown ring around his mouth.....I'm dying!!

  27. Yeah my ex had hallucinations on Ambien and tried to strangle his first wife. Needless to say we had a "no psych drugs" rule during our marriage.

  28. My hubby took Wellbutrin to stop smoking. Did not work. He was so angry all the time! I called the company to report it and asked if they had ever heard of this reaction. They said no one ever reported that before!



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