Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blind Item #14

"Bring us another Diet Sprite, won't you honey. Thanks." Repeated about two dozen times over the course of the afternoon yesterday in the desert. Turns out "Diet Sprite" is code for Diet Sprite and vodka on the rocks for this permanent A list alliterate singer.


  1. what is the point of this blind? lol

  2. Is it someone who is supposed to be sober?

  3. I dunno but any women who can drink 24 vodkas and Sprites and is still standing up is my type of woman.😂
    Freckles if it's Tanya her career went into the toilet in the 80s because she was a drunk and drug addict, she went to Betty Ford and it took some years for her to regain stature in music. She's like a much older version of Lee Ann Rimes, their paths and fuckups are very similar.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "what is the point of this blind?"

    Down two dozen drinks this afternoon, then ask that question again (when you get out of the hospital).

  6. Who the heck is tanya tucker? "Permanent A list" Hello... Trisha where are you?

    1. Id say shes definitely perm A list for country music. Not my bag, but she is a fixture.

  7. There’s no doubt in my mind that Tanya could drink anyone under the table - she kept up with Glen Campbell and Merle Haggard back in the day!!

    1. Good Lord - Wikipedia says Tanya is only 59! She probably wasn’t even twenty when she was partying with those dudes.

  8. This is about Stagecoach Country Festival--Tanya Tucker is permanent A list in the C&W world. Been around forever, multiple hits, many comebacks, definitely fits:

  9. I think the point of the blind is that it's gossip, and this is a gossip site. That's easy to forget with all the blinds about pedophile islands and rapist producers, but it says so right at the bottom of the page.

  10. @Cail Corishev no shit. wow, a woman was drunk/has a drinking problem. so incredibly shocking in the world of hollyweird.

  11. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Ah, vodka, the secret weapon for low-carb dieting drunks. Zero carbs, doncha know, so it's healthier.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Frufra -- People tend to forget that Tucker was a child star in the world of country music, and had her first big hit ("Delta Dawn") when she was barely a teen.

    As Sandybrook mentioned, alcohol and drugs nearly killed her and her career in the 1980s. But after a stint in rehab she made an enormously successful commercial comeback, to which she probably owes her place in the country pantheon. If she is back on the juice, it's a serious problem.

    For those missing their daily dose of creepy sleaze, consider that as a young woman she was involved with Merle Haggard (who was old enough to be her father), and later with Don Johnson.

  14. From all 4 Himmmms to All CDAN Commentators {edited for clarity & brevity):
    Just yesterday, we had to get our attorneys and their investigators involved; to contact the FBI and the State Police CID in a certain state. We have a team of 4 former federal agents and A.U.S.A.s working for us. Why? Because this fetish-parlor game for guessing our identities as spilled over into the real world.
    There is a seriously mentally impaired stalker on here. This man is also a hyper-militant who is proud of displaying his automatic weapons; AND HIS THREATS AGAINST PEOPLE on his other profiles. This man set up 6 fake profiles on Blogger just to stalk on CDAN. He hacked and fraudulently stole a stranger's ID, photos, and account. He started 3 new Twitter accounts to harass and bully and attack us there (according to our Twitter Rep working with our attorneys). Why? Because in his mentally impaired condition - he believes that some innocent man whom we've never met (on the other side of the country) is one of us Himmmms. So that deranged man not only stole his ID, he began contacting THAT MAN'S CHILD!!! And taunting his innocent daughter!! Then started funneling messages to us on Twitter taunting and saying disgusting attacks to us.
    Luckily, Google/Blogger have been tracking this lunatic for many months - including his online visits to disgusting and violent websites.
    [THE CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHT PAGE] IS A PUBLIC FORUM. It is UN-MODERATED. People cannot be blocked. Enty switched years ago to a new server because of similar garbage and someone else got hurt over it. So he went with a moderated forum. But he assumed there were enough mature, respectful ADULTS who could just follow ONE simple fucking rule. JUST ONE simple rule - to please not out any IDs here in public. GUESS THE SUBJECTS OF THE BLINDS. That's all ANYBODY asked of you. That's the only favor we asked in exchange for all this FREE content - the free entertainment - the freedom of expression in an un-moderated blog.
    Yes, we HAVE given clues and hints at our identities. It was never to TEASE you or egg you on. It was not a dare. It was to establish our positions relative to the stories at hand. Our IDs are not that mysterious, and we HONESTLY don't care if you guess them. JUST NOT HERE IN PUBLIC PLEASE!!!
    @Thehimmmm @entylawyer @JohnDoe78359022
    6 Comments4 Shares

    1. Thanks for the news, @sandybrook! I don't use fb. Pisses me off when people try to guess Himmmm's identities. Hope it doesn't curtail any future (and always worthwhile) contributions from them!

    2. Umm wtf..this site is extra now days

    3. Oh no. I’m so sorry his has happened to you! Please be careful!

    4. OMG @ sandybrook. So scary. Stay safe.

  15. This is probably up here someplace but I don't see it yet, so I took it from Enty's FB page. I remember an old poster named Ray Nicolet (a female), and a troll. She said she befriended a poster on here and wound up being stalked by him, and lived in fear of her life, so she always changed her name up on here. Honestly, I think when that happens you just stop coming if you're that afraid but she didn't.

  16. There were a few stalkers on here. A few of them joined a fb gossip page based on CDaN, then started stalking profiles and releasing all of the personal info here. Once they were figured out they were removed from the group, but then started posting here under different names.

  17. @sandybrook @himmmm @enty @johndoe
    This seriously makes me mad. When people show up and start trying to guess who is who, from among you moderators and among us commenters, I get really upset. Sometimes the obsession seems so focused and jealous that I assumed a level of unhinged mental illness was at work. Please stay safe. I am sorry you are going through this.

  18. Q revealed himmmmmm a long time ago, it's no big secret. Jeez, what a bunch of loons.

    The only thing this sites serves is outing pedovores and human traffickers, the rest is ENTERTAINMENT!

    And sandybrook, your personal threats have been reported

  19. I encourage Enty to ban stalker accounts, and the Amazing Quotes spammer, too.

  20. Hey @nonyabusiness why don't you high tail it over to kneepads or Just Jared where I'm SO SURE you will get really juicy gossip and blinds (sarcasm since I'm sure you won't get it). Now that Ted is gone Enty is the only juicy blind site the rest are all in the celebs just GET OUT if you don't like it here. My God you are a whiny bunch of bitches

  21. Tanya started out in the biz when she was 15. Guys would crowd close to the stage to look up her miniskirt and groan, according to Glen Campbell who was probably already hitting on that.

    As for 20 drinks, you can drink a hell of a lot without actually getting drunk if you're high on coke or speed or so I've heard.

    Unfortunately that's burning the candle at both ends...with a blowtorch.

  22. I really could care less who anyone is here lol seems like people take this site and the post too serious for me this is entertainment after a long shitty day at work does it matter if it's truth or not's a gossip tabloid site like all the rest

  23. Wait....are we shaming people who drink too much now? Enty...let people drink.

  24. WTF is Q, and anyone who thinks this is no big deal is either the stalker themself, or simply doesn't get it and is perpetuating the problem. LEAVE the Himmms alone. It doesn't matter who they are. Concentrate on the items they leave.

  25. I saw Tanya Tucker a few years ago at a fair. She was fantastic!

  26. Loretta Lynn, for the laugh.

  27. What @Do Tell said. Lately it's been happening alot. All the Himmm guessing ruins the fun. Please stay safe all the Himmmm.

  28. Sandybrook- Wow. this is insane and scary for the hmmmms. I am sorry I ever accidentally in my early comments ever tried to guess about their identities. good thing I know nothing and always miss details making me perpetually wrong.

  29. How long will it take you to figure out the correct spelling of the word "Illiterate?"
