Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Item #14

It is a good thing SI swimsuit models don't have to pass a drug test, because this model would have no chance. She was barely able to stand at an event this weekend from whatever she was on. Someone said she had been going like that for a couple days straight.


  1. Maybe she just had jelly legs from working on her back for days.

  2. Kate Upton was in Texas over the weekend watching her husband play baseball so not her

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She may have just been hungry.

  5. @Ernie McCracken - totally what I was thinking lol

  6. WHAT!!!! Models who take drugs?!?! That almost NEVER happens. Except for Anna Nicole Smith, Jael Strauss, Kate Moss, Jaime King, Alice Dellal, Gia Carangi, Simone Farrow, Naomi Campbell, Erin Spanevello, Liliana Lozano......
    Next you're going to try to get us to believe that Dan Schneider is a pedophile!!

  7. Lol yep hungry plus drugs, not a good combo

  8. Are you trying to tell me that there are models that like to party?? Shocked!!

  9. Seasickness from too much yacht time?

  10. Olivia Culpo?

    She's in the swimsuit issue, just had a surprise breakup with her bf

  11. Olivia Culpo was home in RI over the weekend so it couldn't have been her, and Izabel Goulart was on vaca in Brazil. I really want to figure this one out but can't!

  12. Modeling! The glitz the glamour. The bulimia. The drugs. The pr relationships with gay musicians just to get your name out there. The molestations by uncle Terry. Ahhh a glorious dream life.
