Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blind Item #12

This former A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a now defunct very hit network show learned very quickly that the writer/actor all of you know will cheat in a second. She thought he wanted something serious and went by his place the next day and he was with another woman. Naked. He didn't even bother covering up.


  1. I remember him from his various roles on things like Six Feet Under and Sex and the City. I do NOT get the hype about him. He's kinda fugly. His dick must be magic.

    1. I thought he was ridiculously hot on Six Feet Under. To each her own.

    2. Justin Theroux, Ryan Reynolds, Adam Levine - all the male equivalent of a butterface. Hot body, meh face.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      -1 Ryan Reynolds

  2. I don't think Parks and Rec was a very hit show. Beloved, and one of my personal all-time favorites, but it didn't do very well in the ratings.

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    He looks like roid rage waiting to happen

  4. MTO is claiming Justin wants a black woman now. Links to article & pic:




  5. The only things I remember JTheroux from are Romy and Michelle's and The Leftovers. He was real good on The Leftovers.

  6. He had a memorable role in Mullholland Drive
    Caught his woman in bed with the help(Billy Ray Cyrus)

  7. Theroux has alway been a vain, snobby little dickhead.

  8. It's probably JT, but Parks & Rec was in the top 100 rated shows on television for exactly one season. That's far from a "very hit network show."

  9. Come on JT spent the last 10 years pretending he liked chicken salad and dogs for his career. Of course he is going to go wild.

  10. he looks like a mannequin.

  11. Ya lose 'em the way ya get 'em.

    cc: Khloe K

  12. @timebob your comment cracked me up. Something tells me I'd go hog wild too after dumping Jen. Then again they spent little time together. God she is BORING. I don't get the appeal at all. He might be a tool but I loved him on the LEFTOVERS. He was great in that, very memorable.

  13. Once upon a time I found him somewhat intriguing. Now...he just seems like another buttwad in a middle age identity crisis.

  14. Aubrey Plaza is worth ten Justin Theroux's! Girl, you've enjoyed the rough trade, now you can find someone who will treat you right.

  15. he tries so hard to be cool and fails miserably at it...you're knocking on 50, give it up.

  16. My involuntary gut reaction whenever I see him is this -- holy hell, he's hot AF. There is no logic to attraction. I see everything he's in. I am not proud.

  17. He strikes me as such a poseur. I'd say a good 30 minutes spent in the mirror before he leaves, just flexing, trying on different t-shirts and leather jackets, then adjusting his belt to be off-center just the right amount. Then trying his "I'm not just an actor; I'm a writer too" serious look. "Does this make me look smart and sexy?" Gross. And about the face--that nose--gross again.

  18. @DK +100
    Met J.T. while we were both walking our dogs in Wash Sq Park about 10 yrs ago. I said something innocuous as our canines ran past. It was dark, was only paying attention to where my pooch was headed. His attitude was so standoffish (unlike most dog people) that I felt uncomfortable while walking on and realized 'who he was.'

    A self-important snob.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @notthisagain

    You took the words right out of my mouth. I don't get the fuss with these guys. Lookswise, they're the epitome of average, and if gossip sites are to be believed, all three of them are douchebags.

  21. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Average men like to marry A listers or supermodels, to grow their brand

  22. Justin Theroux is definitely hot but I hate how black he dyes his hair and the way he dresses, he needs a new look.

  23. JT seems like a spoiled, entitled, little brat to me, the type of person who thinks he is the smartest, coolest person in the room just because of his pedigree and the fact that he is literate compared to most of Hollywood. I'm a woman, and I don't find him the least bit attractive.

  24. JT appeal a complete mystery to me since everyone knows he's a total slimeball. He's the type that gives women a bad rep. He must spot and exploit daddy issues well.

  25. Aubrey Plaza is engaged to the guy that she's been dating for years. (Jeff something.) A costar from Parks was on a talk show recently and mentioned her being engaged. I'm sure this is about her and JT, but clearly Enty didn't do any research before making this blind up.

  26. No chance this could be Louis CK?

  27. Nothing... about Adam is hot. He’s a second hand me down Walmart brand douche

    1. Adam Levine’s really believes in himself and he shouldn’t.

    2. This comment kills me hahahaha love it!

  28. Supposedly AP and her boyfriend haven't been photoed together for a number of months. The fact that he directed her in two movies that were commercial flops, although mildly interesting in an independent film type of way, wouldn't help any relationship.

  29. Short legs, dyed hair and that attitide....I don't get the attraction

  30. Posting a public apology to JT- just saw his perf in THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. He was quite good in it.
