Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blind Item #12

Ahhh, the trials and tribulations of trying to keep a bearding relationship going when neither really wants to see the other. So, we have our closeted foreign born A/A- list mostly television actor from that hit pay cable show. He is on the other side of the pond and it is supposed to look like his beard is with him. First, they got busted when his PR people said they were together for Easter, but someone posted it without first looking that our actor was really sick and at home in bed in a country far away from the supposed Easter destination where his beard was also supposed to be. She wasn't. In fact, she is here in the US, despite the steady stream of landscape pictures from the other side of the pond which never ever feature her in the photos or him or them together. Just give it up. It gives good, solid bearding a bad name.


  1. Replies
    1. Skargaard and Toni Gaarn(the other pro beard)$$$

  2. Sam Heughan and Caitrona Baife?

  3. Natalia Dyer and Charlie Heaton?

  4. MacKenzie Mauzy not Baife?

  5. "that hit pay cable show" - Game of Thrones or Big Little Lies?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Yeah, I was thinking these two shows, too. Kit Harington (GoT) or Alexander Skarsgard (BLL) maybe?

  6. Wouldn't it be funny if Kit and Askars hooked up and became a couple?

    1. Pretty Little Game of Swords😉
      Hopefully the swords ain’t little though....

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Holy shit. I just spit out my water at work.

  7. Peter Lorre and Olivia de Havilland?

    1. Charles Laughton & Elsa Lanchester. Obvi.

  8. I live in Northern Ireland and I hear the occasional story about the cast going out on the town in Belfast when they are filming here. From what I've heard Kit really isn't a puddle jumper, in fact he has been more than happy to take whatever female hurled herself at him in the past - not that Belfast is exactly chock-a-block with super models - but I heard he wasn't that fussy.

    Also if even just a third of what I hear about Peter Dinklage is true then that wee guy is a fucking legend.

  9. Game of Thrones cast, I'm talking about. Sorry.

  10. OMG "Wee guy is a fucking legend". I hope, hope, hope that's true and that just made my day. hahaha Amazing.

  11. "Once I walked into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass" wasn't in the script, it was Dinklage ad libbing his weekend ;)

    1. Did he ever finish that joke? Lol

  12. other side of the pond usually refers to someone English, right?
    I never got the gay vibe from Kit.
    Have no clue who this could be besides ASkars.

  13. Mauzy and Heughan. However, I am not entirely sold on the closeted part.

  14. That is some sloppy bearding, but who dropped the ball, the PR people, the client or the beard, who knows.

    That's why Beards'R'Us offers only the most organized and schedule savvy companions. Your source of faux PDA's is also your own personal PDA, Personal Dating Assistant. Not only do they work with your calendar to ensure complete coverage, they also schedule your real hook-ups so there is never any conflict. Don't punish yourself with unlicensed competitors. You've worked hard for your fame, let a Beards'R'Us companion work hard for you.

  15. Enty...did I not BEG you for no more Heughan blinds?????? I'm still not conviced 100 percent...of course Mauzy is a beard either way. Ho hum

  16. Isn't GOT more than "hit" pay cable? More like massive. Don't see this being Skars, his character was killed off.

  17. She most definitely is. And whether he really is gay or not, everyone knows he still has an ongoing affair with Balfe.

    1. What make you believe that he still hooking up with Balfe? She just gotten engaged recently. Is it her engagement another HW sham?

  18. You guys really have to stop saying ASkars is gay. I find it hilarious.

    He is freakin straight as an arrow.

    Yes, I grew up in his hometown and knew him back when.

    1. Rest assured, this blind is about Sam Heughan 100%. Which btw is bi, not gay.

    2. Sorry, he is GAY.

    3. Just because someone doesn't fit "your" expectation of how a gay guy acts... that has NOTHING to do with anything in this world. Quit being naive for god's sake. I'm sure you still believe that Rock Hudson was str8


    4. .. and just because you lived geographically in the same town in some ancient age years ago... how does that make you all knowledgeable of his sexual proclivities?

  19. @sally

    you must be new

    both those dudes are gay

    stick around and you'll learn a lot ;)

    1. OH dear, I know way more than you could imagine ;)

  20. Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie is the only thing that could be this blind. Rose is in New York filming and Kit's in Belfast and London all the time doing Game of Thrones. They havent been seen together in a while, but when they do, it's always in New York. But at the end of the day, Kit isnt gay and CDAN can never make up their mind about him. One day he's gay, then the other he's cheating on Rose with Emilia Clarke. I think It's just a ton of Bullshit.

    1. You would Sam! Lol jk get it Sam... game of thrones...


  22. @trigger

    I never even heard of Sam Heughan, but I wouldn't take anything I read on datalounge about supposedly closeted actors too seriously. After all, it's a gay community. Lots of wishful thinking going on.

    1. Datalounge has possibility the strongest record on outing people. Actors in Hollywood loathe and resent that site. You don't know what you're talking about.just saying.

  23. Kind of sad actors feel the need to do this.

  24. @trufflepig Google Sam Heughan pics. He's hot. Wait 'till I tell my sister. Heehee. She'll be crushed.

  25. This BI is, obvously,about closeted Sam Heughan and his D-list jobless beard Mackenzie Mauzy.

    Just look at her last 'innuendo'IG posts- although it's clear that Sam and the beard are living in different continents and they don't see each other.

    CDAN has posted a lot of blind items about this fauxmance.

    Heughan is always referred as 'our favorite foreign born closeted A- list pay cable actor' in these CDAN BIs:

  26. It might be about Sam H. but not Caitriona Balfe, she has a boyfriend and has never been a beard, least not for him. They are good friends. I have no idea if Sam H. is gay or not but that's sure the vibe I get from whenever I see him in anything or anywhere. Yes his Twitter feed is full of lots and lots of landscape pics with few humans in them except sometimes him.

  27. Some chicken was posting photos of Japan, no one believed she was there, but then she nailed them with a photo with her in it

  28. Was already in the news a week ago

  29. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Clearly not Kit, because blinds have been posted before about him cheating on Rose Leslie with Emillia Clark.

  30. I follow Game of Thrones cast pretty closely. There was never anything posted about Kit and Rose spending Easter together. I don’t think they’ve been photographed together since right after the Golden Globes (and those photos were obviously set up, it was right after his drunk video from the bar in NY, not to mention he followed that night up by hanging out with Clarke for GG weekend). This blind isn’t about him.

  31. @Lonely Bastard. Tell me more. Luv GoT

  32. Balfe was Heughan's 'virtual beard'at the beginning of Outlander but she was already dating her REAL bf, Tony McGill - they've recently become engaged- so Cait wanted to put a stop to it and two years ago, they gave an interview in Eonline where Sam Heughan and Cait Balfe denied being a couple.

    So Sam Heughan needed a new beard and the chosen one was Mackenzie Mauzy. Her father and STARZ CEO are friends.

    Heughan's publicist is Jennifer Allen who has manufactured fake relationships for other closeted actors like Henry Cavill and Tom Hiddleston.

    Here's the link to the CDAN blind item about this bearding:"About once a month or so she is called to action and will show up somewhere with the actor."



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