Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blind Item #12

Ahhh, the trials and tribulations of trying to keep a bearding relationship going when neither really wants to see the other. So, we have our closeted foreign born A/A- list mostly television actor from that hit pay cable show. He is on the other side of the pond and it is supposed to look like his beard is with him. First, they got busted when his PR people said they were together for Easter, but someone posted it without first looking that our actor was really sick and at home in bed in a country far away from the supposed Easter destination where his beard was also supposed to be. She wasn't. In fact, she is here in the US, despite the steady stream of landscape pictures from the other side of the pond which never ever feature her in the photos or him or them together. Just give it up. It gives good, solid bearding a bad name.


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