Sunday, April 15, 2018

Blind Item #11

Apparently once dating a person of color is the reason this B list model/celebrity offspring says that she is allowed to use the N word. Ummm. No.


  1. @Sandybrook: You. Crack. Me. Up.

  2. That is awful whoever it is. Hey, some of my best friends are black!!!

  3. Hailey Baldwin
    Nit sure who the guy was... but she’s used the word before apparently..: she sucks

  4. Bella Hadid was caught on video.

    NOT a blind....

    1. Yep -

  5. Is Bella the one with the awkward 'homeboy' video? Eek.

  6. she's such an old looking 21 year old

  7. @Nonya cocaine will do that

  8. IF Jennifer Lopez can’t get a pass no one can.

  9. Was Maher ever a model?

  10. This blind sounds like it was written by a college student with a Tumblr.

  11. I wish no one ever used the N word -- black, white, or other. It is a terrible word with horrible implications. I'm upset that my daughter EVER heard that word (through a rap song). I feel the same way about the C word.

    1. ^^ agree with the N word thing, I'm pretty chill about the C word though, because it's not a slur. I'm an Aussie and we don't consider the C word as offensive as Americans do. My friends and I even use it as a term if endearment.

  12. But she's black by injection so it's ok right?

  13. I find this post dumb as f*ck especially since the chick is not all White. She seems to forget her dad is a sandn*gga so if her attempt was to be derogatory she needs to be reminded she's part N**** herself.

  14. Nigga or nigger, like any other words, are part of the English language. No one group owns the word, anybody can use it if they so desire, in whatever context they choose. Do you honestly think any other language has a word that is off limits to all but a small minority. Ridiculous.
    It's a word, one of thousands, get over it.

  15. @ Epileptic Spudmonkey


  16. Eh. The N Word does have a historical record of being used specifically to cause offense. It's not like 'negro' in Spanish, which means 'black' for color and to describe someone's race. The N word, in the US and the UK, is supposed to be offensive. That being said, I completely disagree with African Americans using it in a 'friendly' term towards each other.
    No issue with calling people cunts, though. But I am English. You call your best friends 'cunt,' you call your enemies 'mate.' The Aussies can relate, I'm sure.

  17. either everyone gets to use the word, or no one. the control of language can lead to many problems. who gets to decide? should it be legislated? do you want the govt controlling language (1984?)

    why can male rappers use the B or H word? they aren't female, and clearly those are derogatory to women. why can't a white person repeat the lyrics of a hit song as it was written?

    and if a person were 1/64th black, could she use it? or 1/4 black? half? or black, but grew up in the one percent? does Drake get to use the word, half jewish and raised in the upper middle class?

    my daughter (mixed race) told me two of her friends were arguing whether she could use the N word. (she was mortified and would never use it.) she then went on to relate how some of her friends (poc) would use the word 'cracker'. irritating, immature, but shouldn't be illegal.

    identity politics is a divisive wedge used to keep people infighting and not marching together for bigger things (ending the wars; tighter taxes for corporations and the ultrawealthy; health care as a human right; fair wages, etc.)

    ps brought out of lurking to rant, sorry

  18. Can anyone tell me how the Hadids and Kaia Gerber got to be runway models? They are not in the least bit attractive. There are some really beautiful women out there who are walking the runways, but somehow they don't get the press they should. Instead, skeletal, ugly and anorexic Kaia, and the pig-eyed Hadids lands the plum contracts. What's going on? Gone are the days when the most beautiful and the best runway walkers would rise to the top.



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