Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blind Item #11 - A Reader Blind

Be prepared to start hearing about "trouble in the marriage" of this A list athlete and his wife in the next year.  After his huge scandal over two decades ago their marriage became contractual.  He needed to keep his marriage intact to keep his BIG sponsor at the time.

She gets paid to stay married to him and when she has a baby, gets a 10 million bonus on top of the millions she gets to stay married.  She has accomplished this every time the contract is renewed and she gets her bonus.  She made sure that before she had the third baby, the first contract expired and they renewed it promising her another 10 million because she had two babies during the first contract and got screwed.  She thought she was going to get 10 million for each baby but didn't put the right wording in the contract so he didn't pay up for baby #2...hence the reason for the spread out years between the second and the third birth.

Contracts are once again about to expire and every time this happens, she sends out rumors to news sites that the marriage is in crisis so he gets the message it's time to renew.  It was worth it to him to pay up and even though she was young...she was clearly no fool.

The last few years they've tried to make a go of it since he quit his day job and be an actual family but tensions have started with the expiration date looming.  Will the date pass and they not renew but stay together and continue to try to make the marriage work?  Will he send the contract over for renewal or will he not renew and he or she decide the marriage is over?


  1. Replies
    1. I would think them but they have 4 kids.

  2. The rating is way off but it's Kobe. Kobe was A+

  3. Hey yo, Kobe, tell me how mah ass taste.


  4. The only reason I'd say this isn't Kobe is it would put the scandal in 1998. That happened in 2003.

  5. Kobe & Vanessa Bryant

  6. I remember Kobe gave her a huge ring after the scandal. I think it was a pink diamond but in any case that rock was massive.

    1. It was a PURPLE diamond. A $4 million dollar purple diamond ring. I remember that detail because when I heard about it I thought about how tacky it sounded. Like a shut-up gift to weigh her down into staying with him. Lol

  7. Too long ago to be Kobe. Maybe Pete Rose?

  8. Def Kobe and his 3 kids, accused of sexual assault which he said was an affair in 2003

  9. Endorsement: Nike, the only company that didnt drop their endorsement at the time of the sex assault charges

  10. Obviously Kobe. He got with Vanessa when she was still a teenager. Plus he had that scandal, early 2000s.

  11. Hmmmm. 16 Kobe? wow. Something to be said about the upscale Catholic schoolgirl/cheerleader circuit huh?

    In 1999, she met her future husband Kobe Bryant. Their relationship continued while she was still a senior at Marina High School. She completed high school via home program due to the pandemonium with her dating Kobe Bryant.

    On April 18, 2001, 18-year-old Vanessa married Kobe Bryant at St. Edward Roman Catholic Church, in Dana Point, California. Kobe’s parents were not on the list of guests invited to attend the wedding. The couple have three daughters: Natalia Diamante (b. 2003), Gianna Maria-Onore (b. 2006), and Bianka Bella (b. 2016). In April 2005, Vanessa suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy.

    On December 16, 2011, she filed for divorce from her husband of 10 years Kobe Bryant citing irreconcilable differences, and requested joint custody of her daughters. On January 11, 2013, both announced via social media that they had called off their divorce.

    1. Keep in mind, he was only 20 years old at the time & had been in the NBA since he was 17. He was hardly an adult, especially given the way men mature (or don’t lol)

  12. The only way it's Kobe is if Enty is wrong about the timeline. It was said over 2 decades. That would be before 1998. The Kobe scandal took place in 2003.

  13. Nike did what? Geez my kiddos wear a lot of nike. Shoes and gym shorts and the like because we banned under armor after the ceo came out in support of wacky nose candy lovin Hitler. Is no brand safe?

    1. Check out their history with human rights abuses! I would guess that 99% of major corporations are corrupt and have no regard for ethics.

    2. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Doesn't the Under Armour guy also hunt big game in Africa? I think there was a boycott because of this a while back.

  14. Weird to care about the views of a CEO more than the actual actions of a company. If your kids like nike so much you could send them over to Vietnam for a few months, they could make some of their own!

  15. This is a reader blind???? Whomever this is about, may want to look closely to the people surrounding them. This isn't some random this is either someone from their legal team or management team. Whoever it is sounds like there's no love loss, just a sh!t-ton of money!!!

  16. This definitely sounds like Kobe Bryant with a few red herrings thrown in.

  17. It’s Kobe. This is too detailed and the two decades is to cover the reader. Could be someone close to Kobe’s parents who hate Vanessa.

  18. I'm no fan of Kobe, but if this is true, it sounds like he should call her bluff. If she's around 35 now, where else is she going to get a deal for even 10% of that?

  19. The reader is using Enty Math, where "2 decades" can be anywhere from 14-25 years.

  20. I think it was a yellow canary diamond, about 4 carats.

  21. Summary:

    Scumbag athlete has financial contract with gold digger wife. When it's time to renew she spreads rumors about divorce to pressure him to renew. The End.

  22. Imma say Peyton Manning. "She had 2 babies in the first contract and got screwed" to me, that screams TWINS.

  23. Kobe - I wondered why there were so many years between last 2 babies. All makes sense now.

  24. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Not Kobe his scandal was 15 years ago not over two decades ago

  25. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Besides Kobe and Vanessa have no prenup, so she doesn’t need to be worried about contracts to get married money

    1. True. There’s also the matter of her filing for divorce in 2011, he had rehabbed his image by then & had seemingly no need to keep a wife he’s not in love with, it’s not like he was spared the bad press. Also the fact that his Nike contract was only for 40 million at the time, which is a lot, but not exactly the kind of money you give $10 million push gifts to keep....

    2. @one_eyed_bob

      They may have a post-nup. If Kobe was smart then this arrangement is part of the post-nup. California is a community property state. I have heard some courts do not honor post-nup agreements.

  26. @one_eyed_bob, they may not have a prenup, but it says AFTER the scandal, the marriage became contractual, and that she gets paid to STAY married and have his kids, which sounds like it could be them.

  27. I've got news for all you geniuses. The naughts, as they were called, and the teens ARE two decades. It does not have to equal 20 years, and this is clearly about Kobe and Vanessa Bryant.

  28. Kobe & Vanessa. He's given her several homes on top of everything else. Jesus, how much is enough? Bitch is greedy.

  29. The Beckham guess is the most interesting one.
    Have you ever bent it like Beckham?
    What does it truly mean when one bends it like Beckham?
    What is really being bent and where?
    How about bent it like Ronaldo?
    Europe's a really fucking weird place.

  30. "On April 18, 2001, 18-year-old Vanessa married Kobe Bryant at St. Edward Roman Catholic Church, in Dana Point, California. Kobe’s parents were not on the list of guests invited to attend the wedding. The couple have three daughters: Natalia Diamante (b. 2003), Gianna Maria-Onore (b. 2006), and Bianka Bella (b. 2016). In April 2005, Vanessa suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy."

    Kobe had a long time girlfriend in Philly who he was engaged to. Vanessa got pregnant and being underage her father did what father's do and the fiancée in Philly found out he was getting married in the newspaper. It's why for many years Kobe was booed when he played in Philly. I didn't know his parents weren't invited to the wedding but it could be they were not happy with how this marriage went down. I have no sympathy for him.

  31. Cee Kay, I don't know if you were being ironic by calling people geniuses and then saying "naughts", so fingers crossed that you actually know it's "aughts"

  32. @cail: If he lets her go, she gonna run through every NBA player who doesn't like him, or was a fan of his and the ultimate piece of memorabilia, until she finds a mark to keep her.

  33. "Global Corporation dependent on slave labor pays descendant of slaves who pays fake wife for PR in order to keep slobs glued to tv's and sell more sneakers"

  34. Geeljire - beckhams's specialty was the free kick bent over the wall and into the net. Alongside quality crossing and hard graft, that was his skill. Even at his best circa 99/2000 he was at best top 10 in the world, not even the best player at his club either. Ronaldo is on another world level to him.

  35. Def Kobe. She’s got some sick rocks out of the deal, too.

  36. If it’s supposed to be Kobe there are a some plot holes, like the fact that Vanessa had the first baby before the sex assault scandal so she wouldn’t have been screwed out of $10million, she would have only had 1 baby during the first contract.

  37. Beckhams makes sense - they had the scandal with Rebecca Loos (who got HORRIFICALLY dragged in the British press). After Brooklyn, the next two - Romeo and Cruz - were born fairly close together so they could be the kids mentioned, with the contract getting renewed before Harper was born. Very sad to have faked such a huge part of your life...

  38. Yup, the Beckhams and their 2004 anal cheating scandal.

  39. Natalia Diamante and Bianka? What are they gonna be, the world's richest strippers?

  40. Bubbles, the 2000s are also called the naughts, or noughts, or noughties. Mostly in the UK.



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