Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blind Item #10

Maybe this former A list teen movie star could have done without the $2200 bottle of wine when he went out to dinner the other night. 


  1. Booze doesn't even taste good. I don't understand why people drink it. Safe water is available in most places.

    1. You generally dont drink booze for the taste...

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Da fuck? I have this bottle of 100 proof pear vodka that’s delicious

    3. Many people drink for taste too.

  2. Hard to tell how much of these Enty blinds is Corey being a garbage human, and how much is Enty just really not liking him.

  3. I need to talk about Netflix's The Alienist. Disturbing opening scenes. Features a dead dancing boy and boasts Hossein Amini as exec producer....ew

  4. T.W., nothing beats a good bottle of wine with some nice cheese. That much for a bottle though, is stupid. I'm happy with a $9 bottle of French red or a bottle of Three Buck Chuck from TJs.

    1. Some pot definitely beats a bottle of wine and cheese lol. Especially vaped

    2. Anonymous4:56 AM

      Or a nice red martini with lemon slice

  5. Three Buck Chuck FOREVER! I do not care what anyone says and understand it's provenance. It gets the job done if necessary. And if you've ever been through a divorce, it is necessary. :) So, Corey Feldman should possibly take a lessen from the "less thans". Dork.

    1. My mother went through a phase (back when it was still called 2 Buck Chuck) because I come from a family of wine pushes. Then my cousin and I decided to have a small party with this hot dude and drank the better part of a case. The results were not took me 3 days to recover and I wanted to pluck out my eyeballs. I think my parents were still finding bottles in random places weeks later.

    2. I meant "wine lushes"...

  6. AAAAnd by "lessen" I meant lesson". (Not the fault of the Chuck - just overly enthusiastic typing.)

  7. Speaking of wine, Apothic's new cold brew coffee-infused red wine is delicious!

  8. He probably exclaimed the battle cry for all those who live beyond their means: I’ve earned this!

  9. @Unknown, I watched The Alienist when it was on TNT; it IS disturbing, but I think that was the point of it. The handful of people trying to stop the murders of boys on the fringes of society at a time when nearly no one cared, and there was little by way of technology to help them.
    It's very much worth watching, as difficult as it is.

  10. When I got married, many moons ago, it was TWO Buck Chuck. Bought cases of it for my reception.

    1. In houston they changed it from 3 dollars to $2. I didn't realize everywhere else is still $3. Weird.

  11. @KikiJones
    Everyone buys it for their reception Do not care how well off you are. Everyone does this. <3 Because we want to buzzy and happy for you and no one wants to be like "Welp, we ran out of booze, sooooooo..." And thank you to you and newlyweds like you! You are good stuff!

  12. Fruity beers are the go-to for me. Apricot Wheat? Sign me up. It tastes like juice and comes with a bonus of being a little buzzed five beers later.
    In reference to the blind though, Corey is a tool. Whenever I see him in a BI I think back to the article where that journo said she went to his house, did a load of coke and almost had sex with him. I remember choking on my tea when she described him as 'as hot as you imagined him to be' or something along those lines. No, dear. No.

    1. I just discovered Owl’s Brew, The Blondie. It’s a blend of beer and tea. Swoon. I don’t even like beer but this is my new go to drink when invited out instead of club soda.

    2. Magic Hat has a beer called Elder Betty that is the bomb!

  13. did they pay for it though?

  14. Still $3 buck chuck at my local TJs and it's pretty good. I don't like the taste of most alcohol, but I do like red and rose wines. I had a raspberry beer up at Deep Creek resort and OMG, delicious and I hate beer.

  15. No wine with dinner.

    It loses something when mixed with food.

    IMAO: I'd rather drink wine costing +/-$40 per bottle BC I think it tastes much better than any $2,200 wine.

  16. Feldman jumped on the Me Too movement to raise concerns about Hollywood pedophilia and then withheld information in order to make a buck out of it. Pretty sure he’s an A grade asshole.

  17. What is he thinking, he needed to save that money for drugs, sheesh.

  18. The phrase, "Three Buck Chuck," is appalling enough, but knowing that it is a brand of alcohol frightens me. Is that what the Dukes of Hazzard drink?

    1. It's really not as bad as you imagine, as long as you drink it in moderation. It's not as bad as Boones' Farm or Mad Dog 2020, although it could be considered the equivalent for the Trader Joe demographic (middle class and upperwardly mobile).

  19. That's not the real name of the brand. It's really Charles Shaw.

  20. Fuck you @TLT! I gave up drinking a year and a half ago and my go to wine was Apothic. I haven't had an urge to drink for quite awhile, but just now when I read your post my mouth watered. You fucker!!!!

  21. I want some of that coffee infused Apothic, also!

    Trader Joe's has some EXCELLENT French white wines at $3.99+.
    So delicious!
    I'm having a drink right now.



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