Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Your Turn

A food you love as an adult but hated as a child.


  1. Coffee. I adore it.

  2. Tomatoes and beets. I love both now, especially those small orange tomatoes.

    Still can't stomach any kind of melon. Barforama.

  3. Screw that, pizza and hot dogs are still the best!

  4. Brussel sprouts, spinach, peas. Most vegetables actually. It's all in the preparation.

  5. I think I need a new colander. My old one can’t take the strain.

  6. Skim milk and baked beans.

  7. Broccoli and black eyed peas. I'm up for trying collard greens too but never turnips.

  8. Broccoli! My mom would boil it and serve it plain.

    But, since my wife is a very good cook, I now enjoy broccoli steamed with cheese sauce.

    (My Mom can't cook.)

  9. Broccoli, gotta have cheese sauce!.

  10. Cream of wheat. Hated it with a passion as a kid. When I was around 4 , we lived in long beach at the time and the house had a round banket table next to the window. My mom made a pot full. Couldn't face another bowl, so this time I took my sock off and scoop every mound into the sock and dumped it between the table and window. I was almost home free when my aunt noticed me missing a sock and asked what happened to the other sock. In those days we wore shiny patent leather shoes and white laced socks. My mom comes out and starts digging around the table/window and finds a white lacey sock with Cream of Wheat dripping from it.

    She made me another bowl.

    But, being my late 40's I gave it another try and it wasn't so bad. A little sugar and canned milk- it was quite tasty.

    1. I loved cream of wheat when I was a kid. Now....I don't know...

  11. My Nonna used to make Spetzzatini (Italian veal stew with peas) HATED it as a kid and she slaved over it, now..I drool like the Tasmanian Devil when I get it.

  12. Scrapple I know.... disgusting

  13. Cauliflower. All the other food I hated as a child (zucchini, mole, olives, etc.), I ended up liking by my late teens. Cauliflower, on the other hand, I couldn't stomach even in my twenties. It wasn't until I was 30 that I decided to give it another go and discover I loved it. Previous attempts included drowning it in cheese or being really stoned. The successful attempt was with a raw piece in a salad. Go fig.

  14. Brussell Sprouts, roasted then covered with teriyaki
    Hated them as a child, fed them to the dog under the table, (he loved them)

  15. Courgette, Aubergine and Cauliflower. Been eating courgette and aubergine since I was a teenager, but cauliflower only started to please me in my 30s.

  16. Halvah. For those who don't know it, it's a middle eastern candy made from ground sesame seeds. Think sweet tahini, but dry and in a bar form.
    Here's a link to the company best known for producing it.

    I couldn't stomach it as a child, but tried it as an adult and found I actually liked it. Very rich.

    1. Halvah is the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I love the texture!

  17. Sauerkraut or bean soup.

  18. Beets and chick peas.

    And the worst part is, I've now developed an allergy to both (and more!)... so I know how much I love them, but now can't eat them. Cruel, cruel world.

  19. Salmon. My mother only ever bought the canned stuff, but I get raw salmon and bake it in the oven. Tastes completely different.

  20. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I ate everything as a kid. Now I have severe food allergies. live on fish, rice and vegetables.

  21. As a kid, I loved everything. Even snails.

  22. Tomatoes, beans, all manner of fish, anything spicy. To this day though I pick the olives off of pizza and have never knowingly eaten beets.

  23. Asparagus and Guac, I regret all the years I missed out on those 2!!!

  24. Anonymous12:05 PM


    But now the word “regular” has a whole new meaning. Overnight oats recipes are amazing.

  25. Raw tomatoes and anything Chinese.

  26. calamari
    I felt guilty eating squid because they seemed so majestic on videos I'd seen.
    I discovered they tasted just as majestic.

  27. Raisins, cauliflower, fennel

  28. everything I ate as a kid I eat as an adult with the exception of sweet potatoes and/or yams (yams =sweet potatoes with marshmallows?) hated them as a kid and have enough choices I don't need to stomach as adult. one thing that has changed is I never liked when neighboring food items touched on my plate now as an adult I can easily dunk broccoli into mashed potatoes, in fact I encourage it!

  29. Egg salad/deviled eggs But now, sadly, can rarely have it....turns out my body gets inflamed like an SOB if I eat eggs with any frequency

  30. TONS! Mostly vegetables. Beets, peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli...weirdly, one thing that I did eat as a kid but hate now is green beans.

  31. Cheese. I thought it was some bizarro, freaky food.

    Beans; I eat some types now but don't care for them all.

    Peanut butter and jelly. Still hate jelly but I'll eat peanut butter in a Reese's cup.

  32. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Liver. Soaked in milk and then pan fried.

  33. Liver, brussel sprouts, asparagus, hard boiled eggs, rice (thought it looked like maggots), spaghetti (thought it looked like worms). And now for the freakiest one - chocolate milk. For some reason I hated it, but now I love it.

  34. Meatloaf. The same recipe, too. For some reason, as a kid, it tasted awful. Now, it’s a top five comfort food.

  35. Fish...hated it as a kid. Love it as an adult. Oatmeal too. Spinach...yumm

  36. Vodka. It's made from potatoes so is technically a food. :)

  37. grape nuts amd also onions, If there was an onion on a hamburger I wouldn't eat it even if it was removed , I could still taste the onion taste. Now I can;t eat a hamburger without onions lol

  38. Tomatoes. I wouldn't touch them as a child and now I love them. My poor Mom would make separate dishes for me without tomatoes. I must have been a real pain.

  39. Mushrooms. Thought they were slimy when I was a kid, now I'd eat them on almost anything.

  40. Gherkins, or Pickles in America
