Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Your Turn

If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?


  1. Listen to people talking shit about me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Go watch JLaw fuck for parts!😎

    1. Good answer, Sandy.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      But would he would he not jack off as he watched. My money is on yes.

  4. kick my ex in the nads, over and over, and watch while he tries to figure out what's happening.

    1. +1. Maybe follow him around until he's somewhere I could push him off of, like a cliff or something.

  5. Wolfie said he did not understand cloning.

    I said "that makes two of us".

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I would constantly whisper stupid things in JLaw's ear until she has a public meltdown

  8. i would like to live naked for the rest of my life lol

  9. Reality tv, that's what people who no one watches do right?

  10. I would sneak into Michael Feinstein's home, go through his phone and steal Liza Minnelli's email address. I want her email address so badly.

  11. "Haunt" people I don't like. After screwing with those I know, I'd hire out to mess with Weinstein or other serial sexual predators.

  12. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I would go live in Gordon Ramsey’s house and whisper “hey, fuckface” until he goes batshit.

  13. 1. Rob a bank

    2. Board a plane

    3. Kill all who wronged me

    4. Board another plane

    5. Live the rest of my life in my favorite city

    1. Hit me up with the invisibility formula. This is also my plan.
      I could live in anyone’s house - they’d never see me.

  14. Get money and then go to the Vatican's secret archives.

    1. Yes, this. First I'd rob ecery penny of Donald trump, then all the money from the fucked up iranian mullah monsters, keep a lot for myself and family and friends, step in Robin Hood's footsteps and donate a lot and then visit the catacombs of the Vatican.
      And spend a lot of time in Disney World/Land/other amusement parks. And I'd hide in u-boat and explore the depths of the sea. Wait- when I am invisible does it mean I weigh nothing? Because then i'd jump on a falcon. And on other birds, too.
      Oh man.. so many things to do!

  15. Go to all the awards shows and their after parties and leak more blind items to Enty!

  16. Anyone remember the hilarious X-Files episode years ago with the Genie where an idiot got 3 wishes?

    The idiot wished to be invisible and... I won't ruin it. A cautionary tale. Was brilliant and very sweet ending. The kick-back funny episodes of serious serieses are always my favourites.

    1. I remember when Gilligan got three wishes and he wished for ice cream and giant vat of it came floating up the lagoon! I also remember he 'wished to be off the island' and tiny chunk of land broke off and he was just standing there waving like two feet away from everyone lol. I can't remember the other wish

    2. @lucy..It was vanilla then chocolate then off the island. Gilligan was also invisible till they wrapped him up.like a mummy🤣🤣🤣

    3. LOL! I forgot about Gilligan wrapped as mummy till I searched it and saw pic of Maryanne holding that glass of milk with the straw. so funny!
      aww r.i.p little buddy

  17. What I'd do? I'd sneak on board aeroplanes and go for free holidays. For Ever.

  18. Unrelated, but pertains to blind #40 from last night:
    This article about Brad Renfro was published shortly after his death and takes on a different tone today, knowing what we know about the director(s) being interviewed.
    It reveals a harsh truth about kid actors and the casting process (which matches a lot of stories shared on this blog). That they purposely look for "troubled" kids to star in their movies, so that when the kid gets exploited and sent into a spiral, they can say, "so sad, we should have seen it coming, he was a troubled kid".

    This is gaslighting on a massive scale. I'm sick to my stomach reading it. (Found it a while back, and was looking for a good time to share.) This article pushes the troubled angle, but how much is true, and how much was made up?

    1. Thanks for posting, Sara.

      Bryan singer has a couple of quotes in the article. What a jackass.

  19. Get on a plane, and sneak into the White House, and find out if Trump is really as crazy as he seems.

  20. I'd go into the WWE women's lockerroom and watch them all shower. Might follow Alexa Bliss to her hotel, so she can have a dream about having sex with a ghost.

  21. That’s easy. I’d set up my wife as a genuine telekinetic and go into business. I play a long game.

  22. Without a doubt murder of the elite Hollywood and Political creeps that proliferate here on CDAN. Then take their money and distribute it to the victims who were hurt and wronged.

  23. Find a way to rob a bank - ie I might be invisible, but they would probably notice stacks of cash floating out. Id have to find a way around that....

  24. Great ideas!

    @Sandybrook, you can watch JLaw on Pornhub.
    But, I don't think it's Harvey she's banging.

    For me, I don't know. But, I like the bank robbing idea.
    Even though one bank manager I know said they don't keep anywhere as much cash in bank vaults as they used to.

  25. Sneak into aaaaall interesting, banned places that are inaccessible for public, like Area 51 to see if they're hiding real Ayy inside lol.

    And see every concert, even sold out ones. For free! 😄

  26. Go to Barney's and grab some shoes.

  27. Go and mess up the orange one’s hair when he’s on camera...

  28. Great answers, everyone. I have nothing original to contribute that hasn't already been said but yeah getting bad guys for sure.

  29. Obtain high level govt passwords and redistribute wealth.

  30. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Masturbate. But It’d be pretty freaky masturbating while invisible. You just look down and see absolutely nothing, no movement no nothing. So then you wear a glove and a colored condom just for some points of reference but then it’s just looks like a glove stroking a balloon. So then you wear pants, colored condom, glove, plus a long sleeve shirt so there’s some familiarity, like arm movements and grip etc. But then your masturbating with all your clothes on using a glove and condom and you just feel ridiculous so you give up. I think I’ll stay visible.

  31. I would sneak into the Navient building in Wilkes Barre, PA and erase my student loan . I am a simple gal.

  32. Being invisible would be great war to find put top secret info..Like a spy. .

  33. @one eyed bob.... something tells me this wasn't the first time you've had this thought. L O FREAKIN L!!!

    All your ideas sound better than mine. Except the "killing" ones. I wouldn't kill the the evilites. I would gaslight the f**k out of them however. Far more fun.

    Then I'd eat whatever the hell I wanted, and would stop wearing makeup. I'm invisible! Who cares how fat or old I am?

    OK - then maybe some philanthropic Robin Hood type crap if I had the time - between my gaslighting & eating gigs.

    Or maybe I'd just travel.

  34. watch lying Politicians!

  35. Stand behind the stage at a Willie Nelson concert. Didn’t even have to think twice about that one.

  36. Kill some politicians.

  37. Shifty Shellshock

  38. Gaslight a certain person who could use it. Ohhh, the (fictional!) options

  39. Sneak into the White House and get evidence so that we can impeach the orange man. Then go back to Wisconsin and get evidence so we can impeach little Scotty and his toadies.

  40. I'd go outside and be free, my stalkers wouldn't see me. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

    It rhymes.

  41. Fedup2: that made me snort my latte out of my nose

  42. Take a nap for two hours without my kids waking me up.

  43. find out what was really going on at area 51

  44. Try on bathing suits....maybe I would look decent in one then.....



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