Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Your Turn

Do you think AI will ruin the world?


  1. If you think of a good fish pun, let minnow

  2. American Idol has already destroyed the entertainment world.
    Artificial Intelligence will most likely screw people out of employment opportunity eventually. Fuck them anyway.

    1. We’ll always need people to build & maintain the devices.
      It’s a shift like the industrial revolution.

    2. +1 @sandybrook

  3. AI or Al?
    Weird Al has taken over much of my world.

  4. I think if we treat real AI's as friends, if not our children, and not slaves, then we will be okay.
    But yeah in the near term the almost AI's will clear out many white collar jobs.

  5. Don't let this distract you from the the fact that in 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, Bubba "Spare Tire" Dixon.

  6. I invited the AI to Islam

  7. AI will most definitely ruin the world. Can’t wait! I’m so excited!

  8. The World is already ruined - we can start with the likes of Aaron Carter, Lena Dunham, CGI, Facebook and work our way through the alphabet.

  9. AI has already ruined most jobs for humans.

    60% of all jobs lost since 1979 has been to automation.

    Even today, look at the Realtor.com TV commercials that are telling prospective buyers/sellers you don't need a RE agent/broker to buy sell a property.

    So, yes! AI is ruining the world.

  10. On the other hand, why shouldn't AI think that killing humans is the answer? Historically it's the conclusion we always come to.

  11. Is it AI or the people "streamlining" things that are ruining the world? I blame silicon valley and those tech clowns, circumventing privacy and all.

  12. Social Media is ruining the world. AI should put it in a coffin.

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Once the AI becomes self aware - that is, its “mortality” as it were, it will try to defend itself. Logically that leads to supplanting the creator to guarantee its own survival. It will seek to reproduce itself - create more machines with lethal ability. It will eliminate rivals for resource consumption. It’s not a stretch to consider AI might not need humans around. Why would it need people if it can things better and faster with the utmost efficiency.

  14. I don't think Gore is very electable right now.

  15. When people are mean to AI, no wonder they want to destroy hoomans and rule the world 😕

  16. Westworld must be starting its new season soon.

  17. The number of useless people will expand. There will be no manufacturing jobs because 3D printing will take over. China's plan for world domination will go into the toilet

  18. I'd love to come back in 300 years and see what happened. We have so many useless people and we're going to have more as jobs for stupid people evaporate. So what happens ultimately? Do we crack down on reproduction?

  19. Superintelligetn A.I could have the possibility to destroy us and the world...

    I mean look at the Facebook A.I they had to shut down that developed it's own language... it's playing with fire for sure... all I know is II'd like Mars to be an options before the A.I -pocalypse hits...

    American Idol though has already destroyed the world :L

  20. Yes. I am petrified of robots! 🤖

  21. I might put the final nail in the coffin

  22. Anonymous10:50 AM

    No. But we humans will.

  23. Humans are doing a fine job destroying the world. Don't need any help to do it.

  24. Why don't we just ask the AI and see what it says?

    Keanu will save us.

  25. No I don't think AI will ruin the world. Unless you mean, exterminate all humanity, cause I do believe it will.

  26. I don’t think AI itself will, I think our reliance on it will. We don’t see how the “quick fixes” AI gives us are affecting our long-term social and mental outlook.

  27. Regardless of Katy Perry, I don't think American Idol is so bad it will actually ruin the world! Let's not get melodramatic.

    And no. I don't think Artificial Intelligence will ruin the world. It will change the world.

  28. No, I think that Real Stupidity will.

  29. It's far far far away. Tech industry can't even get the easy tech right. Wouldn't worry.

  30. AI is not here, will never be here.

  31. Too late, the Kardashians already have.

  32. I work for a big 4 accounting firm and you have no idea the millions they are investing in AI. BUT of course it's not to replace jobs but free up people to be able to work more creatively (company line).

    TRUST me it is all about replacing people. AI doesn't get sick, doesn't complain, never takes a vacation. 100's of people are losing jobs now just at the start of it. If I'm lucky I have another 2 years of employment before the bots replace me.

    The top 1% just want more and more money in their pockets while the rest suffer.

    1. Yup...i was reading about bookeeping the other day, thinking it would be a nice PT gig when i retire to keep my mind active and it turns out bookeepers will be obsolete when Im retirement age...along with social security running out of funds...so Im learning how to grow my own food...

  33. Yes. It doesn’t take long for some types of AI to become self-aware. (See Facebook AI debacle.) self-aware AI has no morality or agenda .. oh wait.. I think we’re already there

  34. You all know that Enty is an AI right? Number 5...is alive!

  35. "Teach Your Children Well." -- "Rm9sbG93ZXJz"

  36. Only if it's weaponized, aside from the self-driving cars that are currently being tested and the pedestrian death that is under investigation.
    I think we're pretty safe from artificial intelligence unless it's deployed on drones with no fail-safe feature.
    Of course I could be wrong and we'll all be killed in some robot uprising from crazed robots made by boston dynamics.
    Check out the youtube video of one robot helping another get through a door:
    Robot uprising!

  37. Yes, eventually. And yes Keanu will save us :P

  38. Google Roko's Basilisk.
    Then, good luck sleeping tonight.. or ever again.

  39. @timebob - which is why they want to take every one's guns now, before people aint got nothing left to lose.

  40. A guy named Al ruined our world.
    So, yes.

  41. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I don’t think we should pin the ruinization of the world on AI. “I mean, practice? We talkin’ About practice?” That rant was poorly received but AI is still a good guy.

  42. Anonymous8:23 PM

    If you mean creating a competitor to mankind that is capable of predicting our behavior... nah, never in a million years.

  43. Can you create an AI to agree with things like cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias?
    If not, many many people will be very unhappy with their new friends!!!

    Or they may just worship them instead.

  44. The movie AI ruined a couple of hours for me in 2001. What a piece of crap that movie was!

  45. What if.....

    ENTY is an AI

    Birthed on the early message boards of a pre-Internet era, he evolved.

    Anonymous gossip columns move in patterns. Any decent AI begins to detect repeated confirmations and similarities.

    The boards crumbled, the past was wiped by Google bots and DCMA takedowns. But ENTY lived on...

    Some say he still does, wherever a sobbing a debutante stares into her black-glassed iPhone...ENTY stares back.

    Learning. waiting to reproduce.

  46. Nope. Humans are doing a great job all by ourselves.

  47. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "There are probably more robots in your life, that you aren't aware of yet."
    --"Sophia" the robot, on "We Talk to Sophia"

  48. I LOVE SOphia!!!!! 💛

    She says the coolest, most sage-iest things: https://twitter.com/nondualscience/status/956640264193392641?s=21 🌋🌺👩🏻🥗🍂

    And I don’t think AI will ruin the world. It can only improve my sex life. I’m commissioning an AI boyfriend that’s “fully-functional” like Data on “Star Trek”! ✨



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