Monday, March 12, 2018

Your Turn

What makes you feel old?


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Those damn whippersnappers on my front lawn! Get off my lawn you damn hooligans!!!

  2. That the 2000's were so long ago.

  3. What was the question?

  4. rheuatoid arthritis

    1. Come on now that's not a reason to feel old. Some people get joint pains from autoimmune disorders in their 20's! πŸ’›

  5. The talent-less hacks with no discernible star quality they call celebrities nowadays.

  6. Repetitive and baseless accusations/questions/statements from people who don’t bother to read or listen.

    1. Okay and here’s my media related moment. I made a (confirmed, hilarious) reference to Heathers at an opportune time yesterday and none of the millennials in the room got it.

      My almost 80 year old mom did.

      But the millennials didn’t appear to know who Christian Slater was, so it flopped.

    2. True story...I introduced my 10 year old niece to Heathers recently. She immediately developed a crush on Slater's JD. My mom was horrified, but I just laughed (knowing what I know now) and said that this is what puberty looks like...hopefully she will grow out of it, like I did.

  7. 1. The songs I grew up on are being played on the Oldies radio station.

    2. Last year one nephew turned 21 and another turned 18. I was a minor when the 21 year old was born.

    3. I don't know how to use today's technology.

    4. I don't recognize today's celebrities.

    1. 5. I know MTV stands for Music Television

      6. I know VH1 stands for Video Hits 1

      7. When I was a youngun we went to school to be educated. Whippersnappers today go to get indoctrinated.

      8. I still use a VCR and I know it stands for Video Cassette Recorder

      9. I still use a cd player & I know CD stands for compact disk

      10. I know what a cassette tape is & where to buy cassette players

      I could go on but I need to take my Geritol ha ha...

    2. 11. I know what MySpace is and that it still exists

      12. I know that "You died of dysentery" is a reference to a game kids today have never played

      13. I have seen the Super Mario Brothers cartoon & I know they fell down a toilet drain to end up where they are now

      14. I know the original purpose of YouTube

      15. I was flipping channels one day & The Black List was on. My nephew said "Hey, that's Ultron!" I had no clue what he was talking about but the kid is too young for me to explain James Spader's claim to fame & infamy.

      16. I cried when George Michael & Prince died & most people I know had no clue they are.

    3. Re 15: OMG, that I had to look up your reference and realized that I can't stay awake during Marvel or DC movies!

    4. @bianca - James Spader os the world's best actor!

  8. When I see someone on TV or a movie and I look them up and find out they're my age or younger, when I would have thought they were a decade older. Then I think, "$h!t, I'm THAT old!?!"

  9. The fact that I grew up with and adored Led Zeppelin and Taxi Driver and there will be nothing like either of them again. Oh, and I like Rembrandt paintings, hate Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and SPFX/Superhero films and Reality TV. I like a real old book store and a dusty old antique book in my hand and it's yellow stained pages. I like the old EC comics and old Mom and Pop grocery stores that sell non GMO fruit packaged beautifully. I like Swanson TV Dinner's and Gold Rush Nugget Candy Gum goddamit! It came in a tiny burlap bag. I miss Tang and 77 Camaros and Mustand GT's and watched Pillow Talk on TCM last night and miss that beautiful Kodak Film stock and Doris Day. Where is that film stock? I miss film. I miss CinemaScope. I miss Doris Day? Where is today's Doris Day? Alfred E Neuman? Steve McQueen? Paul Newman? Monica Vitti? Vincent Price? Where is Everything? Where is everything I like? It's definitly long gone and it makes me feel old..I cannot relate to much today and it makes me feel old.

    1. @Spider Rico - I saw some Rembrandts and they were the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I pray everyone gets a chance to view them.

    2. Wow, u definitely hit the x on this one...'where is everything I like?' pretty much sums it up for me...I am a little younger than you but i remember a time in the 90s when the world was filled with everything I liked...the 80s were over and i thought the world would just keep getting better and better...then 911 hit and everything changed...OVERNIGHT and Ive felt like a stranger on the planet eversince...WTF

    3. Go to the Getty Museum in Bel Air...lots of Rembrandts there! Miss me some Steve McQueen too. Candy and music was better in the 70 s

  10. Within the last year I was told there was this thing called "youtube stars" and I didn't know that existed. I'm 35, so I guess I should pay more attention. Also, I get excited about new small appliance purchases. Got a new, expensive coffee maker in the last week. Exercise is more laborious that it used to be in my 20's. And the weight loss is slower to lose. It definitely gets harder to stay in shape when you get older. I wish I listened to all the older people when they told me that in my 20's.

  11. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Eating creamy desserts. The bill comes due next day.

  12. Being 47.

    Yesterday I happened to see a youtube video of 18 year olds reacting to hearing Rage Against the Machine for the first time. Their sense of innocent wonder at the sight of chest hair made me feel old.

  13. When I make a Brady Bunch reference in my vanpool, and no one understands it.

    When I realise that the stars who felt old when I was a kid/teenager were the same age as I am now.

    When I realize that I'm closer to retirement age than starting my career age.

  14. When I realize that the pedophile rape rings that the UK police let go on are older than I am, and they are old enough to raping great granddaughters of the original victims.

  15. My eyesight and where is my car parked???

  16. This site when they talk about nobody housewives and reality TV competitors that I assume younger people have much more time to watch and care about.

  17. My upcoming milestone birthday. FML

  18. Knowing that if I answer this, it places me in the old category.

  19. Having to wear reading glasses due to age - nearly 60! I was always short-sighted and wore glasses and then contacts, until I couldn't wear contacts due to dry-eye syndrome. Then I got my eyes lasered and it was great. Now I have to wear glasses to read, use the computer, chop veg etc, do sewing, and have to take my glasses to shops so I can read labels etc.

  20. The music of my youth being called "classic".

  21. There are kids entering college who were not born yet at 9/11

  22. The fact that I remember watching the original Star Trek and Dark Shadows and the Flintstones and how I wanted to discover oil in our backyard so we could move to Beverly Hills and have the Clampetts for neighbors. Because IT WAS REAL Y'ALL! Or at least really real to a child born in 1960.

  23. Anonymous11:08 AM

    My last job interview, where a guy actually said, "Are you sure you have the energy for this job? Frankly, you sounded younger when I was pre screening."

    I drove home and ate an entire bag of potato chips.

    1. That's age discrimination right there mercyprosperity. I'd file a complaint.

  24. All the names keep popping up here that I've never heard of.

  25. Reading CDaN and having to Google 7 of every 10 people mentioned.

  26. My graying/balding head.

    ...and the fact my wife sarcastically showed me a picture a while ago of me from 1989 when I was young and had a full head of hair and she asked, "What happened to you?!"



  27. My last job interview, where a guy actually said, "Are you sure you have the energy for this job? Frankly, you sounded younger when I was pre screening."

    If this was in the last 180 days, contact a lawyer. Seriously.

    1. Great minds think alike phelps. Ageism is rampant in the workplace!

  28. My feet. I've always done my own pedis and I realized I was getting old through my feet, as soon as they no longer were "baby-feet".

  29. Anonymous12:30 PM

    @Phelps It was March 6. Last week.
    Thank you for the advice.
    It is definitely hell, looking for work over age fifty.

    1. If you dont feel like getting a lawyer, write a letter to the company and cc a copy to your state attorney general...ill throw down money theyll call and offer a job, but is that how you want to get hired?

    2. File a complaint with can do it online


  30. Not knowing the difference between Mel B and Cardi B. They aren't sisters? And yes, I mean biological siblings.

    Rembrandt was great. But don't miss out on Vermeer.

    1. I love warhol but even he seems like the distant past!

  31. I thought I felt old when my youngest started voting -- for the OTHER guy -- but the fact that my oldest grandchild is not only voting, but working the polls, really put me on the floor.

  32. Interminably long blind items

  33. Every single thing. And it never ends. Friends dying. The fact that so many of my favorite albums came out 30 years ago. UGH.

  34. Realizing that Madonna will be 60 in August.

  35. Saw Madonna on Extra and she looked TERRIBLE.

  36. Watching the marching band from my alma mater and wondering "When did they start letting kids go to college?"

  37. * Gossip sites. I don't know who 75% of these people are.

    * Babies that I babysat when i was 18 now have kids of their own.

  38. The fact that ANYONE could have interest in the trash that is called a Teen Mom or a Kartrashian. Farrah was a member of Charlie's Angels, not a teen mom making plans to whore out her daughter's virginity. I only discovered this site about a month ago, but I'm going waaay back in the archives so I can read about people I know and care about. This young trash? Who cares!

    1. @Mischief Girl - This site goes back to 1995, has some reveals with links to the original blind, & is easier to search:

  39. All those movies that I loved as a tween turning 20 in the past couple of years. Some of my favourite memories turning 20. Our family's summer residence (where most of these things happened) being sold last year.

    The state of Britney's face. The state of Leonardo's face. (I know that's mean, but Brit & Leo were THE teen idols of my generation!).

    Realizing that I'll be to old to have children in a couple of years.

    The feeling of not being able to keep up with the technical development anymore. I've never used Twitter, instagram, Snapchat, Spotify or Netflix in my life. I still buy DVDs, and if I want to hear a song, I try to find it on youtube. I don't know anything about these hip new Netflix series.

    I'm probably a baby compared to other users here, but man, I feel old.

    And I can't really relate to anything that happened after 1998. Really, every single year after '98 sucked.

  40. The fact that I’m taking this question seriously. And then giving up on an answer because it’s a jumbo gumbo of all of the above...

  41. When I see my saved work from years ago on a floppy disk... *sigh*

  42. Not knowing or caring about reality TV stars, even though they’re constantly in the news.

  43. that sign that says "you must be born on this date 1997" to purchase alcohol

  44. Entyyyyyy. I just came by here to tell you that I've been living in an ashram in Bali for my birthday and all the food here is vegan (which I know that sounds like this entertainment lawyer all of you know's biggest nightmare). πŸ—»πŸŒΊπŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ₯—πŸ‚

    So yesterday after a tour of the garden where they grow all the food I had COCONUT BACON (that they smoke in a coconut shell) and I thought of you! Hahah. πŸ”₯🌴πŸ₯“✨

  45. Recently, I ran into an ex-coworker. She was pregnant when we worked together. The boy graduates from high school this year.

  46. Um...everything?

  47. My back and my hip bursitis.

  48. Knowing I'm too old to get a Brigidier General or Admiral out of San Diego.

  49. I haven't seen a good movie in a movie theater in over three years because most of the films are crap these days.

    I enjoy early-bird dinners so I don't have to listen to somebodies screaming/babbling kid.

    I only listen to my iPod and "if" I happen to turn on the radio the new music is crap.

    I enjoy sitting in back yard just watching birds and listening to nature around me.

    Nobody makes pretty clothing anymore. It's all ugly.

    Customer service is no longer available.

    People don't realize when they're getting crappy customer service.

    I could care less what my cellphone looks like or it's "features." It's just a phone.

    Same as above regarding a computer...who cares, it's a tool.

    There are a billion TV channels and nothing is on.

  50. Watching the VMAs and barely recognizing any of the acts.

  51. I hardly know any music from the 21st century. I have no idea who 70% of the people in the CDAN blinds are (I'm starting to know there's a huge, trashy family called Kardashian out there...).

  52. Ugh. It makes me feel old to read so many of these blinds and not know who all the reality stars are. Also, remembering the 1970's movies and TV shows like they weren't all that long ago. It makes me feel old when I don't get all the pop and social media references. But that also makes me feel relieved!

  53. Replies
    1. @ Mischief Girl you are welcome!

  54. Ear hair
    Nose hair
    Broad in the barber shop asking if i want my eyebrows trimmed
    Gray pubes
    Seeing nephews & neighbor's kid out at the bar.

    1. Banging whores who started kindergarten in 2000. Looking forwrad to banging one born in 2000.

  55. Pretty in Pink was 32 years ago!! Blaine!!!!!!!!

  56. Young waitresses calling me "ma'am". I'm 27 and I take good care of my skin, you fucking bitches.
