Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today's Blind Items - A Reader's Blind Item

Although I have lived a rather sedate and quiet life, my acquaintances are always asking me to tell stories about the numerous celeb encounters that I have experienced. Here are some of those, written in CDAN, HIMMM style:

Back in the day, I lived in Africa and my parents sent me to a posh boarding school. Because I had an American passport, I was excused from taking Afrikaans classes—which were mandatory for citizens. The only other person in my grade with this exemption was someone I will refer to as GS, who was born in America too. While everybody else suffered taking a language none of them wanted to learn, we wiled away our time in the school library, reading newspapers and chatting. GS, who had a Quaker background, was for some reason exempt from all the mandatory sports and activities the rest of us were subjected to, and went home earlier than practically everyone else since he lived nearby. After a while he and some fellow students cleaned out an unused storage area, got a key, and put their instruments in it, where they practiced during lunch.

Later on, GS moved to the States to avoid the draft and became a permanent A-List, pot-loving rocker. When he made it big in the mid-1990s I didn’t even recognize him.

A couple of years prior to GS making it big, I will still in Africa doing work deep in the Kalahari desert. One very hot summer day, as noon approached, I was dying for a cold drink—truly a luxury out there in the middle of nowhere where there was no electricity. Pulling my 4 Wheel Drive into a village, I turned the engine off to hear if there was a generator somewhere nearby—the tell-tale sign of a bar. Sure enough, I heard it buzzing in the distance and made my way over. My assistant and I then parked outside the bar, and then went in. The only other patron I instantly recognized—an A List mostly movie actor, who I will call “IC” who had fairly recent brought back an iconic superhero to the big screen. Taken aback by his presence at this spot, I exclaimed, “what the hell are you doing out here?” IC, who was nursing a luke-cold brewski while looking chic in some expensive designer sportswear and athletic sandals, told me that he had recently sponsored some biologists who had made a major discovery—one of the biggest caves ever found containing this animal related to his superhero character. Taking a break from the rigors of Hollywood, he had come out to Africa and spent a week camping out in this secret cave in the middle of nowhere.

Fast forward another decade or so, and my life took me back to America, where I took up residence in the southern Hollywood, Atlanta. My employers, a well-known chain store, deployed me into the ritziest Black neighbourhood of town, just north of the airport, where the typical residence ran at 1 million and up. Over the course of time I would encounter practically the entire athletic, political, and entertainment leadership of Atlanta, up very close indeed.

Probably the craziest of all the encounters I had was with this crucifix-wearing A List rapper AM, who has since evolved into a multi-threat celebrity.  AM had recently had a baby with his C-list Baby Mama, necessitating an endless set of runs to our store to pick up prescriptions for the two. Being a celeb, AM preferred the drive thru, but on one windy day his $20 bill was blown out of his hand before he could get it into the drive thru tray, and it vanished in the breeze out into a nearby field, apparently never to be seen again. AM was outraged, insisting that the loss of money was our fault since he had tried to pay. After I spoke to him in the drive thru through a microphone, he remained incensed when I told him he had to pay for his prescriptions. He then sped into the parking lot, and then entered the store with two members of his posse, whereupon they tracked me down, forced me into a corner, and tried to intimidate me into giving up the prescriptions without further payment.

A similarly frightening encounter that I had was with another paranoid A-list rapper, GB. GB would also come to our pharmacy drive thru regularly, and hand in a shopping list which he would demand to have filled and scanned while he waited outside in his car awaiting a call on his cell to come and pay. Inevitably I would be called in, and would refuse to perform this, although once or twice I obliged when he only wanted some milk. One time, when GB was in a particularly bad mood, he picked up a big Magnum-style revolver and waved it around while he yelled at me through the intercom. Most of the time, he would give up and walk in the store, whereupon nobody even gave him a second glance even though he feared being hassled by customers.

Of all the multitudes of star power that I witnessed, only one celeb ever brought the customers and business to a complete stand still. This petite mega hot foreign-born B-List model/mostly movie actress had the figure of the animated Jessica Rabbit from the Who Framed Roger Rabbit franchise, with huge boobs and ass along with a tiny waist. On the day she arrived with several of her booty-shaking colleagues to pick up some supplies, all were wearing rather tight-fitting clothing. Nothing happened until they all checked out.

Musician GS---
Actor IC--
Rapper AM—
Rapper GB—


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. IC=intelligence community=Clooney

    2. Time to bring it down again
      Don't just call me pessimist
      Try and read between the lines
      I can't imagine why you wouldn't
      Welcome any change, my friend

      Clooney was born in Lexington, Kentucky.[11] His mother, Nina Bruce (née Warren; born 1939),[12] was a beauty queen and city councilwoman. His father, Nick Clooney (born 1934), is a former anchorman and television host, including five years on the AMC network.[13] Clooney has Irish, German, and English ancestry.[14] His maternal great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Ann Sparrow, was the half-sister of Nancy Lincoln, mother of President Abraham Lincoln.[15][16][17] Clooney has an older sister named Adelia (known as Ada).[18] His aunt was cabaret singer and actress Rosemary Clooney.[19] Through Rosemary, his cousins include actors Miguel Ferrer, Rafael Ferrer, and Gabriel Ferrer, who is married to singer Debby Boone.[20]

      Clooney was raised a strict Roman Catholic,[21] but said in 2006 that he does not know if he believes in Heaven, or even God.[22] He has said, "Yes, we were Catholic, big-time, whole family, whole group."[23] He began his education at the Blessed Sacrament School in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. He attended St. Michael's School in Columbus, Ohio; then Western Row Elementary School (a public school) in Mason, Ohio, from 1968 to 1974; and St. Susanna School in Mason, where he served as an altar boy.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      That explains how the pool boy became an international superstar who can’t open his own movies

    4. Since I'm handing out answers to unasked questions, I have yet to see any of the Q Patriots figure this one out yet:

      The Q Score (more popularly known as Q-Rating) is a measurement of the familiarity and appeal of a brand, celebrity, company, or entertainment product (e.g., television show) used in the United States. The higher the Q Score, the more highly regarded the item or person is among the group familiar with them.

  2. GS is definitely Dave Matthews

  3. Dave Matthews for sure

  4. Val Kilmer for the Bat person living in a cave.

  5. Dave is definitely a possibility for GS. He has a song called Grey Street.

  6. AM could be Diddy. Always wore a crucifix, and Kim Porter would fit as the C lister who just had his baby.

  7. Thanks to the fellow reader for this!!
    Great stories🙏🏻🙏🏻👍

  8. I think IC is Michael Keaton the first Batman in the movies.

  9. I like Michael Keaton better for bringing back a superhero. And for best Batman.

    1. OOOOooh. It would be so funny for this to be about someone who played Batman. LOL. 🦇

      Rich people are so funny. “Oooh look at me, I made so much money playing Batman, now let me throw my money at some biologists to study bats.” 😂😂😂😂😂💛

      Even funnier when they go pursue academic careers and study impractical shit with no real life use like philosophy, and tehy live out-of-touch in their fancy ivory towers...

  10. Go copy and paste somewhere else ok jackass?

  11. Get outta my head Sandy lol

  12. Too slow Brayson😂

  13. GS= Dave Matthews (Grey Street)
    IC = Val Kilmer (Iceman) He would've also potentially been there to film the awful Ghost and the Darkness with Michael Douglas.

    No idea on the rappers.

  14. I think the IC actor might be Michael Keaton. If they were instantly recognizable, and as the blind says this run-in was years prior to Dave Matthews hitting the big time, which was right around 1996. Clooney's Batman movie didn't come out until 1997 so it couldn't have counted as an already-recent "revival" of the superhero.

    1. The 1997 one played by Smugface Clooney was my first film in a cinema without adult supervision. Everybody says it sucks. Now everybody laughs at me for it.

  15. Great stories!

    I'm stuck on the rappers. They would have to be Atlanta based, right?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. It's funny how threatened some rappers are by women. Nothing says tough guy like trying to intimidate a female store employee with your posse or with a gun, huh?

  18. Sorry, from "Blessed, Life and Films of Val Kilmer."
    "I was sleeping in a cave full of bats, having just come in from the Kalahari Desert.."

  19. It's not Tupac, the timing doesn't add up.

    GB=Ludacris? He had a song called Get Back.

  20. Since the country is South Africa
    Actor IC is definitely Val Kilmer. He would have been working on trying to get a movie he wrote made on Adrian Boscher
    Charlie Rose interview from 1996 describing The Ghost & The Darkness & Val's Africa travels (about 3:30 in

    Singer GS is Dave Matthews

    When we move forward in time to America, I'm out for guesses on these
    Rapper AM—
    Rapper GB—

    1. “I was sleeping in a cave full of bats, having just come out of the Kalahari Desert,” proclaims Val Kilmer, trying his best to sound Hemingwayesque, but–clad as he is in shit-kickers, jeans and a two-day stubble –coming off more like Banana Republic.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Tricia, you've got stories to tell too, we'd love to hear them!!!

    1. Just might...😉My Dave M. Ones are pretty awesome as well and I’m sure the reader who knew him enjoyed knowing him— - fantastic dude.
      And yeah he loves dat weed lol

  23. @Mem - great call on Luda! I was going to say, I don't really see people not paying much attention if someone like Tupac walked into a random Rite Aid!

  24. I'm going Milla Jovovich for the model\actress she's petite at least.

  25. I lovvvvvvvvvve this story!!!!

  26. Trying to make Salma Hayek fit for foreign born Model/actress but this:
    "On the day she arrived with several of her booty-shaking colleagues to pick up some supplies, all were wearing rather tight-fitting clothing." leads me to think she started out as a stripper or dancer somehow.

    1. In Moses of Chorene's account, Hayk son of Torgom had a child named Armanak while he was living in Babylon. After the arrogant Titanid Bel made himself king over all, Hayk emigrated to the region near Mount Ararat.[8] Hayk relocated near Mount Ararat with an extended household of at least 300 and settled there, founding a village he named Haykashen. On the way he had left a detachment in another settlement with his grandson Kadmos. Bel sent one of his sons to entreat him to return, but was refused. Bel decided to march against him with a massive force, but Hayk was warned ahead of time by Kadmos of his pending approach. He assembled his own army along the shore of Lake Van and told them that they must defeat and kill Bel, or die trying to do so, rather than become his slaves. In his writings Moses states that:

      “Hayk was a handsome, friendly man, with curly hair, sparkling eyes, and strong arms. He was a man of giant stature, a mighty archer and fearless warrior. Hayk and his people, from the time of their forefathers Noah and Japheth, had migrated south toward the warmer lands near Babylon. In that land there ruled a wicked giant, Bel. Bel tried to impose his tyranny upon Hayk's people. But proud Hayk refused to submit to Bel. As soon as his son Aramaniak was born, Hayk rose up and led his people northward into the land of Ararad. At the foot of the mountain he built a village and gave it his name, calling Haykashen.[9]

    2. Salma Hayek comes from a very rich Mexican family. She even attended a private school in Louisiana. Her father was in the oil business.

    3. Her family are Lebanese immigrants to Mexico, hence the Middle Eastern name. They left because of prejudice against Christian and Jewish people.

  27. This is the best blind i’ve read on here in a while.
    Good stuff - thanks, Reader!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Pamela Anderson for the actress at the end?

  30. Look you stupid fucking idiot take your religious copy and paste fucking shit somewhere else. Goddamn fucking troll jackass

    1. How cute that you think you can tell others what to do! 😂. Pathetic!

  31. This is why I avoid the Cascade Rd CVS.

  32. As an odd aside, I grew up in Virginia and have a ton of friends that went to UVa and live in Charlottesville. One of them told me that one time Dave Matthews walked up to the counter to get his prescription. The nice lady at the counter looked at him and asked him his last name. He then gave her an actual "do you know who I am?!" and caused a little scene.

    Talented dude I guess but I intro jamband stuff. Scene, fans, and music are better at Phish tbh.

  33. IC is Val Kilmer. IC=Iceman from Top Gun.

    "I was sleeping in a cave full of bats, having just come out of the Kalahari Desert," proclaims Val Kilmer, trying his best to sound Hemingwayesque, but--clad as he is in shit-kickers, jeans and a two-day stubble --coming off more like Banana Republic.

  34. Apparently there's a model named Melyssa Ford who is often referred to as "Jessica Rabbit". She was in a lot of music videos.


  35. sandybrook said...

    nothing of relevancy.

    Like you have any clout here. You've already pissed a hedge or himmmm off why don't you go for the gold blubberlips.

  36. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Vida Guerra for the model/,actress? Maybe Laetitia Costa?

    I was also thinking Melyssa ford, @Carolyn

  37. Mind your fucking business troll. And take your bullshit somewhere else too.

    1. You know, part of the magic of CDAN is seeing how different people's approaches work
      And adding them to your toolbox
      So why are you so angry?
      Let's have a chat over a schmeer

  38. AM could be CeeLo Green. He's from Atlanta and had a baby with a C-lister in 2000. "Multi-threat" = rapping, singing, voice acting, reality TV and date-rape.

  39. Clooney's embarrassing turn as Batman in 1997 was too late to fit the timeline of meeting IC a couple years before the mid-1990s. The best fit for that, at least as Batman, is Michael Keaton in Batman and Batman Returns in 89 and 92. Plus those movies are the ones that "brought back" Batman to the big screen after decades away. Kilmer in 1995 could be squeezed into the timeline, but he didn't bring anything back, he was continuing the series.

    I don't know if Keaton is enough of a weird method actor type to go live in a cave for his character, but it sounds kinda cool. He was great in Johnny Dangerously.

  40. GB=Gnarls Barkley? Though I can see CeeLo waving a gun around before I can see Andre 3000 doing that.

    1. +1 good call immodestyBlaise

    2. IDK. My husband's best friend is good friends w the goodie mob. Let me rephrase that, he's good friends w all of the goodie mob except ceelo. I've heard he's a real arse.

  41. "Why are you so angry?"

    Why are you in need of so much attention?

    "You've already pissed a hedge or himmmm off why don't you go for the gold blubberlips."

    Oh sandybrook you've made someone salty.

  42. OK-this was great. No real guesses but I'm off to start my own and maybe end up with a blind myself. I've got a few fun ones!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Okay rappers from Atlanta -

    Gucci Mane
    Ceelo (great guess!)

    Those are the most famous ones.

  44. Yup CeeLo Green. He was in that group Gnarls Barkley.

    1. And the goodie mob before that.

  45. Dave Matthews lives in Seattle and has lived there for some time. If he lived in Hollywood it was a while ago, but he doesn’t strike me as someone who would be escaping the rigors of Hollywood.

  46. Dave matthews was born in south africa not america...

  47. @Melvin, I like Vida Guerra for the model/mostly movie actress, she was like Jessica Rabbit back in the day.

  48. @Akhal, sandybrook has clout for his consistent and good guesses. Plus it's hilarious when he talks shit to the Enterns. And Geel loves it when people play with him, just watch him and Plot go at it some time.

  49. @plot I think you guessed what I suspect and maybe that barstool anti-semite too. Don't get caught up with it though, ok? I won't be back to see a reply and I don't subscribe, just read this and that's it.

  50. @sandybrook

    Will do.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Ashkenaz was of Japheth, not Shem
    Genesis 9:27

  53. HImmm please take note, keep it simple so much more enjoyable a read. You don't have to make everything sound like Ted Casablanca on crack.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. @youtoo - You see, South Africa is a country located on the continent of Africa. So by Africa, Reader meant Africa.

    As for AM, Ludacris is who immediately came to mind, given his Atlanta connection and the "multi-threat" reference (he's done some movie acting).

  56. Rapper AM— T.I.// "C-list Baby Mama" = Tiny from 90s R&B sensation group Xscape ... first child together born in 2004
    Cee Lo Green also good guess (crucifix-wearer) // had a son in 2000

    Rapper GB— sounds like DMX to me too. Raps about 'four-four' otherwise known as a "Magnum-style revolver" in "Ruff Ryders Anthem" (1998) and known for erratic, "paranoid" behaviour.

    Model/actress-- +1 for Melyssa Ford ... "foreign-born" (Canadian) "She is often referred to as Jessica Rabbit, an animated character whose sensuous figure Ford's is said to resemble." [Wiki bio]

  57. Val Kilmer spent a lot of time in Africa after Ghost and the Darkness.

  58. +1 for AM being Diddy he lived in Atlanta and had a restaurant there

  59. Cool blind. On this note, how does one submit a blind to Enty? Can't find an email address on this site.

  60. Dave Matthews & Michael Keaton
    Lil Wayne?i really don't know other than Dave

    1. Switching Keaton to Iceman Val Kilmer & like the Pamela Anderson guess

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I fell for Val when I saw him in Real Genius. I was a love struck teen. I know he has a bad rap, but in my eyes, he could do no wrong.... if you like in Virginia, Dave Matthews walks on water.

  62. Anonymous6:57 PM

    And when I saw the headline, I was hoping it was a blind from Tricia13... I know she must have some good stories.

  63. Model/actress is ice t's wife

  64. I concur with Val and for some reason I really want Bobby Brown to be one of these paranoid peeps.

  65. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Blind says GS was born in America, but Dave M. was born in RSA.

  66. Hey Geeljire why did you post some TOOL lyrics in your Clooney post?

  67. Laetitia Casta for the jessica rabbit look -a-like model?

  68. Dude, you should have had the local police on speed dial!

  69. I aspire to be like this way:

    “Of all the multitudes of star power that I witnessed, only one celeb ever brought the customers and business to a complete stand still. This petite mega hot foreign-born B-List model/mostly movie actress had the figure of the animated Jessica Rabbit from the Who Framed Roger Rabbit franchise, with huge boobs and ass along with a tiny waist. On the day she arrived with several of her booty-shaking colleagues to pick up some supplies, all were wearing rather tight-fitting clothing. Nothing happened until they all checked out.”

    * *stuffs more socks under bikini top*

    1. Haha! 11:11 make a wish! 🌋🌺👩🏻🥗🍂


    2. Definitely Dave Matthews for the 1st. Val Kilmer for IC "Iceman Kazinsky" shooting Ghost and the Darkness. The second rapper sounds like DMX who is well known for being bipolar and paranoid. Ja Rule came to mind for the first, but I dunno.

      No idea for the model.



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