Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Today's Blind Items - P's Friends

There is a behind the scenes power player in Hollywood, who was on a blind earlier this year.  Let’s stick with calling him P.

P once represented a former A– list teen star who you all know, during the early years of his career.  However, there is no reason to think this former 80’s star is one of P’s victims.  While he has been in the news a great deal lately for reasons other than his acting, our former star does return to the big screen soon.  About a month from now, he stars in a small-budget crime thriller, as a vicious, cross-dressing vampire.

Back in the day, a little over 3 decades ago, one of P’s close work friends happened to be a notorious child-molesting photographer, who also dabbled in child pornography.  Let’s call this photographer B.

Around this time, another of P’s close work friends was another long-time serial pedophile.  He was called NS in a prior blind, and you all know him.  NS was an acting manager.  P, B, and NS all had clients in common, through referrals from one to the other.  Their businesses at the time were not in competition with one another – but rather complimentary.

It was not unusual for P, B, NS, and a couple clients to all hang out in the same place together.

Back in the late 70s, B was first brought to the attention of the LAPD.  It wasn’t until about a decade later that he was finally caught in a nationwide child porn sting, along with several others.  B fought the charges, and escaped on a technicality during the appeals process.

Despite this, B was welcomed right back to Hollywood.  B began branching out as talent manager and coach.  B managed a certain young actor, starting when he was barely a teen.   This young actor had big promise, and quickly began getting a lot of work.  Unfortunately, this young actor quickly spiraled down the path of substance abuse, and died of a drug overdose before he turned 25.

B was accused of child porn a little over a decade and a half ago, but he struck a plea deal.  B pled to a misdemeanor, and got probation.

A few years later, one of B’s clients went to the police.  He was barely a teen at the time, and got B convicted for molesting him.  B finally served a few years in jail.

What did P know about his friends, and when did he know it?  How long did he remain friends with them? 

Former Star-
Film Coming Soon-
Deceased Actor-


  1. Corey Feldman to Play Cross-Dressing Vampire in Corbin ... - MovieWeb
    Mar 26, 2016 - Corey Feldman is returning to his Lost Boys roots in the new thriller Corbin Nash. Only this time he's trading in Edgar Frog's iconic red headband to play the opposite side of the fight, starring as a cross-dressing vampire. Ben Jagger is directing the film, which also recently added cult icon and genre vet ...

  2. Corey Feldman
    Sunday Night Slaughter
    manager Marty Weiss
    photographer Uncle Fucking Terry?

  3. I see Corbin is he right movie

  4. Brad Renfro for the deceased?

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      +1 I think so, also. Nobody knows much about what happened to him, but we can guess. And Villard for the photographer.

  5. I think the photgrapher is Bob Villard-he was in an Open Secret

    Child sexual abuse cases in Hollywood attract attention - Page 2 ...
    Jan 8, 2012 - The Los Angeles Police Department had been monitoring child manager Bob Villard even before 1987, when he was among nine people indicted by a federal grand jury in New Jersey on charges of transporting child pornography, according to published accounts. He was convicted but, upon appeal, the ...

  6. It's ridiculous that drug possession carries worse terms than molestation. Slap on the wrist for molestation, but don't get caught with crack three times!

    1. @Brayson It’s because of the War on Drugs (why no war on molestation? That’s a question we ask daily here)

      Public support for incarcerating chronic users as a “solution” got to the point where the “three strikes” laws had enough public support to pass.

      All they’ve done is fill the prisons with low level offenders who come out and often move on to actual crime because they can’t get work with their records and they now have criminal connections and knowledge.

      Taking discretion away from the judges in mandatory sentencing is a double edged sword in the long run.

  7. Just looked at the trailer - Who in God's name funds this crap...jeeez.

    They should go to jail for bad art as well.

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    River Phoenix for the deceased actor. OD at age 23. Big success beforehand.

    1. I thought same. I don't think anyone has said what lead him to heroin.

  9. Having a hard time following the the timeline. Approx when did the young actor die? Can anyone make heads or tails of it?I could probably figure it out with a general time frame.

  10. B began branching out as talent manager and coach...

    B was accused of child porn a little over a decade and a half ago, but he struck a plea deal. B pled to a misdemeanor, and got probation.

    A few years later, one of B’s clients went to the police. He was barely a teen at the time, and got B convicted for molesting him.
    B finally served a few years in jail before he died.

    Because of that last sentence, I will suggest adding Lou Pearlman into the mix.

  11. I don't think Lou was a photographer, just a music producer who was related to Art Garfunkel which gave him cred in the business. And a Ponzi schemer.

  12. I was SURE B was Bob Villard...but he isn't dead, is he?

    And as far as I know, Pearlman was neither a photographer nor did he manage actors

  13. If River Phoenix is the dead young actor, who was his manager? I googled, but didn't find anything. Is there a website where you can look up things like that?


  14. Brad Renfro was 25 when he died, and the blind says the young actor died before turning 25

  15. One day they'll talk about what really happened to Jonathan Brandeis

  16. Bob Villard was Christopher Pettiet's manager. Pettiet died at 24 of a drug overdose.

  17. Guys... the "before he died" is no longer there. +1 Villard, now??

  18. In the forementioned post in regards to P in January everyone called him Air and Ballard?.......just saying

    I thought B was Bruce Weber but he's not dead

    Why no fashion blinds?

  19. Renfro was in the bryan singer movie and caught up with all these dudes. He was barely 25 when he died.

    1. Apt Pupil, which had a lawsuit brought against it by underage boys forced to film nude shower scenes.

  20. Yeah, I was going to say Christopher Pettiet too. Makes you wonder what happened to DiCaprio and Maguire.

    1. P.P. did make me think of their Pussy Posse, although that clearly doesn't fit.

  21. Leo being raped as a kid would explain quite a lot, wouldn't it?

  22. It's heartbreaking society claims harming children is the worst thing you can do, but when actually confronted with predators it ignores it and the sickos get a slap on the wrist and a pass to continue hurting the innocent.

  23. @Geeljire

    That it would. He's a bitter and cynical man.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thankfully POTUS is going after these mutant scumbags who are preying on the vulnerable. Human Trafficking is a serious crime and we finally have some in charge who is taking this threat seriously.
    That is why all the barking against POTUS by the usual suspects, they have skin in the pun intended.

    1. @Mike: I fully support those efforts. But it would be nice if he’d do more than freeze assets if known traffickers and declare an awareness month and meeting with groups working toward the same goal.

      But weirdly, I seem to be finding all these articles about Trump arranging to meet with Kim Jong Un, one of the worst violators of human rights* on the planet.

      We won’t even get into all of the Trump company “made in Chinese sweatshops” products, TrumpCo’s latest big endorsement deal in India, incredibly friendly welcome by the House of Saud, or all of those financial connections to Russia.

      I’d like to see him focus more on, perhaps, funding efforts to find and rescue people who are being trafficked here in the US rather than make them fear law enforcement too much to ask for help because of deportation rhetoric.

      *which includes trafficking

    2. Epstein operated an under-age brothel out of Mar-a-Lago...but sure Trump will drain the swamp!

    3. Lol... what have you been smoking? Trump kicked his ass out and revoked his membership after jeffrey's little incident with the law

  26. God, Russian trollbots. Tell Vlad to give it up. NOBODY believes Trump is going to go after the secret pedophiles.

  27. @mike m

    "Thankfully POTUS is going after these mutant scumbags who are preying on the vulnerable."

    Except he's not. Donny hasn't earmarked a single penny to combat human trafficking. Obama did, however.

    The only reason Donny would curtail human trafficking is to free up the market for Vlad and the Kleptocrats.

  28. @Geeljire I thought something more happened with Brandis and Renfro, based on how young they died and what we now know about all the abuse that went on. Do you have an idea of what really happened / who was responsible?

    1. Hollywood happened.
      If you don't have it figured out by now (not you specifically) Hollywood is a giant rape/grooming thing by design.
      Michael Stipe could answer some interesting questions about River Phoenix.

  29. Leo seemed normal and healthy to me before Titanic. He'd even joke about his status as a teen idol and 'being treated like a piece of meat' in interviews. I always assumed that it was too much money + media attention after Titanic that made him go off the rails. But maybe there's more to it :/ Villard took lots of photos of him when he was around 16 (but looked more like 12). I don't wanna know what other pics of him are there in darker corners of the web. I hope having 'suggestive' pics taken of him is the worst thing that happened to him.

  30. JFC

  31. Barry Miller is Iris Burton's son, whose agency launched many many careers, including Rio's.

  32. im surprised no one has this 100% yet. It's definitely:

    P - Jeff Ballard
    Former star - Feldman
    B - Bob Villard
    NS - Marty Weiss
    Dead actor - Christopher Pettiet

    Ballard was a publicist for everyone from Zac Efron to Charlie Sheen. Still has a lot of clients today. An Open secret outed him as "P" when the original blind ran

    I know I'm probably beating a dead horse with this crowd, but if you haven't watched their movie I reccomend it. The answers to a lot of the Feldman/Singer/DEN blinds are in the film.

    1. +10000

      Found an article from November 2015 that states Charlie Sheen and Jeff Ballard parted ways professionally after a 35-year relationship. Which means Ballard was Sheen’s publicist since 1980...Lucas was shot 1986. Wonder if he ever visited Sheen on set.

    2. +1 no your not I found out about An Open Secret from people leaving comments on this website and watched it right after. I apppreciate all the comments people leave here whether I agree , disagree, or am yet to understand.

    3. Right, these are repeat identifiers. Weiss is NS for Neverending Story because he wears the pendant from that movie.

    4. P-Marty Weiss. Actor-Feldman
      What & how long has Jason Presson/Toby Leo & all hollywoods kids know this & details but hardly any of them talk about it

      B-bob villiard
      NS-Jason Murphy
      OD actor-Christopher Pettit

  33. What about Ron Scott?

  34. @John Doe love all the work your doing on twitter!!

  35. The BI says the deceased actor had big promise. I would put River at A list before his death with Stand By Me and Indiana Jones. The wording seems to imply that someone who had not reached his peak. Renfro or Pettit fit that better than Phoenix. Though I would argue more for Renfro given his body of work before he died.

  36. This new Feldman movie looks so bad.

  37. Corey also played a vampire in Tales From thw Crypt Bordello of Blood opposite Dennis Miller. He tried to improvise some lines taunting Miller's character with some of his own real world catchphrases and mannerisms but Dennis was having none of it.

    1. That movie cracked me up! Hilarious.

  38. Mad Hominem, WHY did you add "before he died" to the Blind Item??? It doesn't say B died!!! So B is 100% Bob Villard, NS is Marty Weiss. P I have to look at the previous blind as I can't recall.

    "B began branching out as talent manager and coach...

    B was accused of child porn a little over a decade and a half ago, but he struck a plea deal. B pled to a misdemeanor, and got probation.

    A few years later, one of B’s clients went to the police. He was barely a teen at the time, and got B convicted for molesting him. B finally served a few years in jail >>>before he died.<<< added by Mad Hominem

    1. @Itttt
      Enty ninja-edited the blind, sometime early on. Used to have "before he died" which threw off the guessers quite a bit

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @Itttt

    'The before he died' part of that sentence was in the original blind (although I missed it the first time I read it). It was removed after Mad Hominem's comment.

  42. I know the blind says the deceased actor died before 25 but all the clues point Renfro and Brian Singer directed Apt Pupil. The Client, Sleepers, the Cure, named one of the 30 under 30. He's more well known than Pettiet and less well known than Phoenix.

  43. It's Villard & Christopher Pettiet. Search & read U.S. v Villard's disgusting. Look at Villards memorial page to Chris when he passed. He talks about his favorite pic of Chris at age 13. Chris was all over TV & starting movies 1990-1993. He was hooked on drugs by 14 while filming Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead. He passed at age 24. Tobey & Leo have always stayed quiet....

  44. Jesus, thanks. I stand corrected. The fact that there are even other possibilities for who this could be turns my stomache. Poor kid. I can't help but feel sorry for Leo and Toby either. But, Christ, SAY SOMETHING!

  45. @ltttt —

    Thanks to @trufflepig for noting that the original blind has been re-edited since my comment. That seems to rule out the late Lou Pearlman.

  46. Meant to include a link to the original P is for Pervert blind as well in my above post

    1. Thanks @John Doe-I forgot about Ballard

    2. Interesting coincidence? The P is for Pervert blind was also retconned. (Enty edited it post-publishing). Both featured Ballard.

  47. @Geeljire
    Stipe also had connections with James Alefantis of Pizzagate. I know, I know, the well is poisoned by unwell conspiracy theorists, but I believe 80% of the claims are real and tangible. I don't believe the stupid meme code and hankerchief thing holds any real merit. But something perverted is going on in that area. Theres was a pedophile logo shown in one of the establishments and was removed after wikileaks showed it. Anyways, Alefantis and Stipe both made a movie on Chris Crocker, and Stipe also did some casting couch stuff too on another blind regarding some Glam Rock movie(BI #5 2/18/2018). Its a shame because I remember Chris Crocker back from old youtube. Why would he be involved with these people. I really hope he wasn't involved in anything sinister. Btw those symbols were also shown on a Frank Giustra organization(who I believe was a center of the Boys Club blind) and also shown on a Mighty Duck's movie(which stared Emilio and Piece)

  48. I doubt Chris was involved with them. He has a little show on World of Wonder. He’s hilarious.

  49. River Phoenix for the posed away actor? He was 23 and was in Stand by me.

  50. Try to think of one reason why the justice system never goes after the big pedos and their inner circles. Take your time...

  51. Evidence? Witnesses and victims not coming forward? The known victims are not willing to testify or bear the stigma of having been raped?

    Gosh, that didn't take long at all!

  52. @SteveD So, NS=Marty Weiss because he wears the pendant from Neverending Story? Wow. Guess who owns the real pendant (called the Auryn) and keeps it in a vitrine in his office? I wonder what game was played to win that trophy?

  53. Villard is the photog. He got away with all his bs



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