Thursday, March 08, 2018

Today's Blind Items - He Dated The Dancing Boy

I've been a regular reader of CDAN for years so I'm used to wild and crazy stories, but I have to say it goes to a whole new level of strange when you make one of your daily visits to the site, and there's a blind about someone from your own past. Followed by others... You see,  I was the dancing boy's mid 90s boyfriend. I have a story that I think may be of interest to some of your readers.

Back in high school, my older brother was an aspiring a&r guy and sometime road manager for various bands. It was then that I learned what you might call the Epstein effect, by which I mean Brian not Jeffrey. This is the rule which states that while the band might not be gay someone with the management often is. So, if you're a fan boy/autograph collector like me, and liked to get backstage for that reason, it was better to make contact with them, rather than the band. It's how I got in to meet everyone from Aerosmith to a now recently deceased permanent A list musician/bandleader who had come up from the swamps. The latter show was where I met the dancing boy.

I was in college in Nevada at the time, and visiting the Bay Area just to see this long running benefit concert where the musician was performing. ***** was there as a fan too but also because he had known the musician's daughter and her boyfriend from college. At the moment we first made eye contact backstage though he was talking to the daughter of another permanent A lister, this one a foreign born but English speaking comedian, who had appeared as his screen offspring in a certain movie/comedy in the 80s. She was also a friend of the musician's daughter. I guess they had all met in college.

In fact, he was asking her if this rumor from a couple years back was true. The story was that her dad had come to visit her on campus, and had gone to the right room number of the wrong dorm. It happened to be the room for the son of a disgraced 80s Wall Street financier/ inspiration for the famous movie villain, who was I guess known to regularly cavort with the campus rapists. Her dad knocked on the door, and the young man said "come in." Apparently he was expecting it to be a girl he had invited over to expose himself to, as the son was lying naked on the bed, masturbating. Upon seeing the young man's "tiny hands," and understanding he was up to no good, the comedian purportedly/mockingly said "I'm terribly sorry," and left. The daughter laughed out loud, which I took to be a confirmation.

Anyhow, sensing an in, I asked her for an autograph. "Sure sweetie," she said, pinching my cheek. I handed her my autograph book, and ***** whispered something in her ear. For a second I thought they might be dating, but then read what she wrote. It was an autograph with a postscript, which said, my friend ***** thinks you're cute. I'm thinking to myself what is this the 8th grade, and we're passing notes to each other? But I played along. I wrote that I liked him below it, and handed the book to her. She read it and handed it to him, which made him blush.

I never got to meet the daughter of the musician, as she had I guess already left with her boyfriend for an after hours shooting club frequented by Bay Area rappers, athletes, and Silicon Valley execs. One of the members was that legendary CEO. He had apparently started carrying after being robbed at gunpoint with his former business partner. The daughter herself had started carrying after an attempt was made on the life of her father, and the family. In their case it was an arsonist. They barely made it out of the house, which was quickly engulfed in flames. That crime remains unsolved. And yeah, there's a song about it.

One thing I will say about the dad is that the recent revelations about not only the cause of death, but the origin/timeline of the problem, are very probably true. With respect to the latter, often these are bs stories put out by the family or lawyers to conceal a decades-long addiction. But in his case I can tell you from what I saw he was stone cold sober back then, refusing even the champagne and weed being offered to him by the press and hangers on backstage. And everyone going back there was screened for track marks on their arms, because he didn't want that around.

After exchanging pleasantries - wasn't that a great show, where were we from and what were we doing now - he asked me if I wanted to go to a party in the City. I said sure.
He drove an Austin Healey 100-4. I once read that this car back in the day used to be called "the widow maker." Apparently there was a small epidemic of speed-related traffic deaths, most of them involving young men. And by the way he was driving I was afraid we might become latter day casualties. I asked him if it was really necessary. He said we'd be late otherwise. I told him I didn't want to become a martyr for punctuality. He said they wouldn't let us in if we were late. I said I didn't care. Finally, he slowed down.

The party, it turned out, was at this Mission District club and bar which officially closed at the designated time, 2am, but unofficially re-opened as an after hours venue for local and visiting celebs and their guests. The doors stayed open for just fifteen minutes. That was the case not only because they continued serving booze after closing time, but what else was on the menu, namely the stuff of that famous 80s rap tune they didn't let you play at jr. high dances. The A or A+ list and then still alive area rapper was rumored to be one of the stakeholders. ***** was on the guest list because his old friend and then current housemate was dating the singer of a certain influential but never very successful SF emo act, the one with the hard candy name. We got in with less than a minute to spare.



  1. Tom Petty for the musician.

    1. Without a doubt, they kept spelling it out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. We are being catfished and it's getting ridiculous

  2. Tom Petty the musician he went to see?

  3. Tom Petty's house burned down in the late 80s

  4. Tom Petty at the Bridge School benefit in 1994

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    This seems like it's getting to be more and more of a grab-some-publicity-for-this-Dancing-Boy-movie thing.

  6. Jawbreaker for the emo band

  7. Disgraced Wall Street guy - Michael Milken. Gordon Gekko based on him....

  8. Actually it's Ivan Boesky who Gordon Gekko was based on, not Michael Milken.

  9. I agree with @Saintpat. Of all the shocking blinds posted here lately, seems weird that this is the one that has so many chapters.

  10. I need caffeine today. I am just so confused and have no idea who is who. Hell, I can’t even tell how many people are mentioned here.

    White Lines would be the song not allowed at Jr High dances.

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "Dudley Moore as the comic. "Played his offspring in a movie" makes,me think of a body-swap comedy, and he was in Like Father, Like Son with Kirk Cameron in the 80s

  12. Just double-checked...
    Milken's trial didn't happen until after Wall Street came out.
    Boesky was prosecuted first in 1986.

  13. The description sounded like Dudley Moore to me too, but he doesn't have a daughter.

  14. The comedian is probably John Cleese whose daughter, Cynthia, played his daughter in A Fish Called Wanda.

    Adria Petty, Tom Petty's daughter is a filmmaker. She went to Tisch School of the Arts, in NYC.

  15. John Cleese and his daughter Cynthia for the A+ English speaking comedian. Movie was A Fish Called Wanda.

    Clearly Petty for the concert.

  16. Steve Jobs as legendary CEO. He and Woz were robbed at gunpoint.

  17. Tom Petty's daughter Adria went to Sarah Lawrence, which is where Ivan Boesky's son went and seems to have been just an awful dude.

  18. Give me Champagne when I'm thirsty...Reefer when I want to get high.

  19. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Ah, the writing made it seem like the comic was playing his own offspring.

  20. That made my brain hurt.

  21. Stand corrected :) Boesky it is!

  22. Cynthia Cleese also went to Sarah Lawrence so Tisch (which I mentioned above) must have come later for Adria - so that means Dancing Boy probably went to Sarah Lawrence in the early 1990s? The blind is a little bit dizzying.

  23. Cynthia Cleese also went to Sarah Lawrence at the same time.

  24. On an earlier Dancing Boy blind someone guessed at his identity - Kenny something? This person did go to Sarah Lawrence.

  25. Confirmed, DB went to Sarah Lawrence in the 90s.

  26. whats the story about? too many words.

    1. Dude goes backstage at a Petty concert, gets John Cleese’s daughter’s autograph and then goes to an afterhours club with DB. Sure hope part 2 is better.

    2. It's about.....

      To put me to sleep. What a waste of 15 min I'll never get back!!


  27. I am going to say the disgraced financier who Wall Street is based off (according to Rolling Stone) is Trump. And the son is Donald Jr. The "tiny hands" reference gives it away as that is Trumps nickname, which was a running gag in Spy Magazine.

  28. What did I just read?
    So confused?

    How this is relevant to the Dancing Boy?
    A wink?
    Totally confused and too lazy to figure it out.

  29. Ivan Boesky is the Gordon Gekko Character.
    I know some of his family who grew up in Michigan.
    Boesky's nephew was a business partner.
    Boesky started out in Detroit.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Lol
    I read this probably 3 times before I realized the title was "He dated the Dancing Boy". I thought it said "He HATED the Dancing Boy". I thought it meant Petty hated DB, and I was waiting for the writer/ boyfriend (ok, yeah, that makes the title obvious) to have Petty make snarky/ rude comments about DB. Lolololol

  31. @xyzxyz33
    DB is in the blind as *******

  32. Tiny hands has to be trump

  33. Okay so who is the Silicon Valley exec who was robbed with a colleague?

    Sounds like Petty relapsed, maybe due to a sad medical diagnosis? Don't know, but that happens fairly often.

    What did the night club also serve?

    1. I’m assuming the song was White Lines and the club served cocaine.

  34. None of Trump's kids went to Sarah Lawrence that I can find. So "tiny hands" must apply to the son of another undersized scammer.

    1. Or was his dick so big his hands looked tiny?

  35. The Dancing Boy blinds seem off to me. Like they are written by the same person pretending to be other people. It's a bit creepy.

    1. Agreed. It feels too played out and comes off as just really unsettling... too overdramatic and soap opera-y. I really feel like we’re being used to build up publicity so they can “break” it later.

  36. This needs a part 2?

  37. I assumed "tiny hands" hinted at something else that was tiny about the boy. ;)

  38. I agree with the others who think this whole Dancing Boy storyline seems a bit 'off.' I have ever since the first installment, when the writer victim of the studio claimed they kept his own parents away from him in the hospital. Really?! And that they 'trusted' the sister to visit, so she was allowed to! Seems odd all around.

  39. I'm with everyone else this is a wacky post. maybe we are just spoiled by the recent epic storytelling of himmmm because I am not even sure which of the twelve introductions we are supposed to be following. not really gelling together. if there is going to be a part 3 perhaps consider incorporating into part 2. before of course we hear from dancing boys eight grade science teacher?

  40. Yeah it seems to be the consensus that these blinds seem off. To be fair these people could be disturbed from their experiences and are not processing it like we would expect normal people to. Or they could be loaded on drugs. Or it's all BS. The tone and the details do seem off.

    1. Exactly @Brayson87. I'm not sure a "normal" response to reading a blind about someone you dated is to submit your own blind about them. Especially when connected to a blind that is already a bit "gimmicky".

  41. Like creations not memories.

  42. Surely Enty can tell he/we are being played with this one , right?!

  43. Thanks ladybugmo 1!

    This bit of the story is alright, to me. Mildly interesting. It was the last couple that seemed too breathy and American Horror Story knock offs, to me. Tiresome for the most part.

  44. I grew up in Nevada. I’m shocked anyone would admit to going to one of its third tier colleges, even in a blind ;)

  45. I know a lot of people here are fans of the REALLY LONG AND SELF IMPORTANT VEEY IMPRESSED WITH HIMSELF HIMMMMMMM blinds ("so me, the gorgeous one hit wonder with the hypnotic eyes, and the 90's cool girl with the lips that would make you forget your name stumble into a Sunset bar. Sliding into a booth I feel a hand on my shoulder...yes. My crazy hook up from the 1999 Cleo Awards, she of the commercial you saw everywhere and probably bought the product to look like her. And now she was here, angry with me as ever.)
    Anyway, sounds like the same writer. I believe a lot of these blinds, but these waaaay too long goofy ones are suspect.

  46. This isn't even a blind. It's just a night out on the town with no scandal of any sort.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I love a long Himmmm blind as much as the next yeah, I’m one of those fans. However, The Dancing Boy started with pretty horrific predatory abuse. This BI feels uncomfortable in the grand scheme of things. Why romanticize it this way?

    1. I don't feel like this romanticised anything?

      It was informative/helpful to me as it confirmed that "hanger-on" types feed the "main" celebs drugs... They're not the exact answers I was looking for, but I'm getting a clearer picture of things.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I so want Trump to be the Tiny Hands Masterbater, because I can totally see him doing this, but, alas, no.

    Tom Petty. AMAZING musician. RIP. Also, can you imagine Tom Petty walking in on you?

    1. The dad who walked in on the dorm kid wads the foreign-born comedian dad

  51. @AllKindsaGirly You should be imagining John Cleese walking in on you and delivering that comment in his most scathing Fawlty Towers voice.

  52. So dancing boy went to Sarah Lawrence in early 1990s and hung out with CynthiaCleese at a Tom Petty concert in 1994. Both probably 23 at time. She married a guy named Ed Solomon in 1995 who was also very plugged in to Hollywood. So DB also plugged in.

  53. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Shooting range was probably the Pacific Rod and Gun club, which had a very limited membership and had celebrities as members.

    Late night Mission club is probably the DNA Lounge, a lot of after-show parties got staged there. There were a lot of clubs in SF in the 90's, so it could easily be another.

    Not that any of this has any bearing on the overall story, just minor blanks filled in.

    1. I was a music journalist in SF in the 90s so Im wracking my Brain on the club too. DNA is South of Market. We would never call it Mission district but it definately was the club for Prince 2 do last minute pop up shows. Oh that bathroom was soooo gross!! can only be the equally schkeevy Elbo Room. ;)

  54. This is almost as bad as the Bey and Jay uterus transplant blind.

  55. So is this guy Kenneth Hempel of Sarah Lawrence College? Started in 1991 - same year that Cynthia Cleese started there.

  56. We already know who dancing boy is . You couldn't miss his Facebook . He is as the blondest of kids= Ricky Shroder. There is only one person in the world know for his disproportionally tiny hands.................

    1. Ricky popped up in the news announcing his pending divorce recently too.

  57. I feel like next we'll hear from the mailman, "I Used to Deliver Dancing Boy's Mail." Then, the Avon Lady, "I Used to Sell Bubble Bath to Dancing Boy's Mom!" The Brief Acquaintance, "I Once Sat Next to Dancing Boy at a Party." Seriously, where does it end? We could each write our own version of, "I read one too many I-Knew-Dancing-Boy stories!" It could dramatically begin: The man in black fled across the desert and the Dancing Boy followed. (end snark)

  58. Via 5 degrees of separation I know someone who once farted in Dancing Boys general direction. I’ll be submitting my story later.

  59. +1 Saintpat... No offense Kenny (DB) but it seems as though you are trying really hard to hold on to an audience.

  60. Can we just implicate someone here. I already know Hollywood is a cesspool. Who is the director? Which company? Is there a meaningful reveal or is this more of a therpuetic catharsis exercise? Or just an attempt to grab some attention.

    I want answers. I want the truth!

  61. Seems a bit publicist rewritten/assisted.

  62. lol That bathroom was beyond gross, It was the place i learned how to stand and pee over a toilette at >.<

  63. Anonymous1:37 PM

    @karma the sadly defunct Elbo Room would make a lot more sense given both the actual mission location and the fact that DNA was and is regularly open after hours to the public, typically closing around 4am. The needing to get in within a 15 minute window sounds a lot more like Elbo Room



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