Thursday, March 01, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Awww Shucks Rapist

If I asked you your first thoughts about this A- list mostly movie actor all of you know, you would say he is a great guy and happily married forever by any standards and not just Hollywood. You would love his movies and recognize he has been in some of the biggest movies of all time and in some of your favorite movies.

Now, what if I told you, he was a serial rapist who used his power to force himself on women. Not just one woman, but many women. What if I told you, his long time good friend who is supposedly a leader of the #TimesUp movement not only knows about the women but is someone who would introduce women to the actor specifically because they wanted to meet our rapist. The good friend often times had sex with the women as a condition to him introducing them to the actor. He looked for women who were open to being submissive. Our A- list actor is aggressive and preferred if the encounter was consensual but is not going to let a no stand in his way. That aww shucks image he feels is always going to be his best defense. He thinks the women he hooks up with on the side are trash and treats them that way. He says they are disposable.

So, next time you watch one of his movies or think what a great guy he is because he seems like the happy family man, think about what I have written here.


  1. Please don't say Tom Hanks

    1. That’s who it sounds like. But I’m not sure who the good friend could be, unless it’s supposed to be Meryl Streep. But I don’t buy the smear campaign against her, so idk.

    2. Tom Banks and Stephen Speilberg

    3. I listened to an interview with Henry Winkler, also one of the nicest men in Hollywood. Tom Hanks had him fired and was not nice at all.....

  2. Please don’t be Tom Hanks.

  3. Oh please don't let this be Tom Hanks.....

  4. Tom Hanks, for shizzo, "Aww Shucks" is such a give away

  5. Replies
    1. He has already been outed as a harasser.

  6. Tom Hanks is not A- list

  7. Wouldn't Tom Hanks be A+ though?

  8. So was it consensual or forced upon rape without consent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  9. Hanks? enty has hinted of a dark secret about him in previous blinds. He is supposed to be a mean,nasty drunk. Considering the way chet haze behaves, did the apple fall that far from the tree?

  10. Hanks is perm A+

    And who is the friend. Consider that too.

  11. Replies
    1. I like this guess, but it didn’t say foreign born. And his um, proclivities were made public many years ago, and I don’t think many people have forgotten.

  12. Tori Spelling may finally get a break from spawning. Cops called to her house this AM because caller said she was having a nervous breakdown.


  14. Christopher Guest? Jeff Bridges? Kevin Bacon?

  15. Not Hanks, the rating is too low. Maybe Billy Crystal, best friend maybe Rob Reiner?

  16. Tom Hanks? Isn’t his wife supposed to be a mean manipulative type? I thought I read a blind on here that was supposed to be about her being that way she’s ago?

  17. Had a run In with Tom Hanks and he was really nice. Please don't be Tom Hanks!

  18. It's not Tom Hanks. I'll say Matt Damon and Clooney Clooney being the introducer.

  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    "Aw shucks" sounds like Matthew McC

    1. Ding ding ding...that was going to be my guess

  20. Ooooooh, Matt Damon is a good guess.

  21. Jeff Bridges is an excellent guess! Been married 5ever and everyone loves The Dude.

    +1 @joshua

    1. Oh God, Bridges would crush me even more than Hanks.

    2. Noooooo!!! ITS NOT JEFF BRIDGES!!
      no no no no no no no nope.

    3. Please no! Please don't let this be him!

  22. Paul Rudd, his long time friend being Judd Apatow

  23. Hanks or Kurt Russell perhaps

  24. Matt Damon is a good guess ... his friend could be Casey Affleck

  25. Kurt Russell? I know he isn't married but he's been with Goldie for a very long time... And I also thought of Tom Hanks...

    1. @JeanGrey My first thought too - bolstered by “happily married forever by any standards” because, of course, they’re not married...

  26. If Jeff Bridges, would the blind not say 'offspring' or 'from an acting family'?

  27. Steve Landry, my guess was Matthew McConaughey too, though I hope it's not him. It's clearly not Hanks, as he's permanent A+ list.

    But it says "mostly movie actor) - what TV has McConaughey done?

    1. true detective

    2. Wasn't he in True Detective?

      At any rate, he hasn't been married that long- maybe under 10 years?

  28. Bridges has been married for 40 years, FWIW.

  29. Matthew McC is not A- by any stretch of the imagination.

  30. What about Denzel?

  31. +Horse Paul Rudd fits. this breaks my heart.

  32. I'm stupid - totally forgot about True Detective. I don't think Matthew McC should be considered A- list either, FWIW.

  33. Norman, besides commercials, I’ve only seen Matthew on an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

  34. adam scott for rudd's bff.

  35. Watching him wax poetic about King Ranch Casserole was alright, alright, alright.

  36. Kevin Bacon or Paul Rudd :(

    1. I like the Kevin Bacon guess..but mainly because I cannot let myself believe it is Hanks or Paul Rudd.

  37. Tom Hanks is perm A++

  38. MattyMC did True Detective for HBO and does a lot of car commercials but I'm sticking with Damon even though he can be considered A+ at times. He's better as the co-star except the Bourne movies he didn't.

  39. But Alice, after thinking about it, Paul Rudd is definitely a better fit than Matthew McC. He's closer to A- list and he's done a decent amount of TV. He's also been married much longer.

  40. It's not Jeff Bridges - have met him, no bad vibes.

    He takes photos on movie sets, gets them printed and bound, then gives them to friends and his costars. Sweet man.

  41. Can`t be Hanks.He`s not a A-. First of all, whos the Friend? Is it a male or a Female? So many people jumped on that "wagon", I don`t even know anymore.
    How old is the Actor? There are alot of "Aww Shucks" Actors. From Steve Martin to Woody Harrelson to Seth Rogan.
    Maybe it`s a Black actor, and then the list is different.
    Enti- we need more cluess!

  42. Can't be Hanks he is A+++++ I'm thinking older. Burt Reynolds was kinda faux folksy. I would also hate if it was Jeff Bridges, so let's come up with some one else. My first thought was Will Smith, but he doesn't work for the same reason Clooney doesn't.

  43. Thank god it's not Jeff Bridges... but also, it doesn't say Oscar winner/nominee... so probably Tom Hanks & McConnaughey are out?

    And Matt Damon doesn't have a nice guy reputation at all, so likely not him...

  44. For those claiming hanks is perm A, yup you are right but enty nearly always fudges the ratings on blinds like this.

  45. Please not Paul Rudd:

  46. Tom Hanks has a son, Chester "Chet", who was accused on rape multiple times in college. Hanks made it "go away" and the internet has been scrubbed pretty good. Like father, like son.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow, great guess! And I can see him being mea.

  48. @sc, I don't think someone being nice and giving kind vibes would preclude them from this behavior unfortunately.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Matt Damon strikes me as a bro douche. Same with “Time is a flat circle” Mccongahuy. Neither are known for being good guys.

  51. @Joshua You're right, sadly. ._.

    I'll call it a gut feeling then.

  52. This totally says The Rock to me.

  53. Woody Harrelson with Mathew Mc as the friend.

  54. Just to be different, I am going to say Chevy Chase.

  55. Hanks is good friends with Speilburg, and he's being called out now all over the place. Watch Mr. Gunk on YouTube. Hear of the new Hollywood billboards?

    As soon as I was sure that Spielberg was guilty, I knew Hanks had to be in there somewhere. There's no way they are this close for this long and he's not involved.

    1. The only place I've seen him "called out" is on this and other blind gossip sites. No one has come forward publicly with accusations against him.

    2. crispin glover did write that essay!

  56. Rock got divorced in 2007 and is not married to current partner

  57. Of course,now the awww shucks makes me think of Ron Howard.

  58. Off the top of my head A- Actors with "awww shucks" connections

    Ed Harris - John Glenn Right Stuff
    Jeff bridges - Very casual aww shucks demeanor (lebowski is "aww Man")
    Michael Keaton aww shucks demeanor in many characters and emotes this personally

  59. My first thought was Paul Rudd, who is so adorably nice-guy and the last guy you'd think. Best friend is Adam Scott.

  60. FFS, it says A MINUS. In no world is Tom Hanks A-, nor Matt Damon.
    Bridges fits well, sadly. If not him, it sounds like someone who would be his contemporary based on the implied length of the marriage--also sounds like one marriage only.
    William H. Macy fits, too, though Enty would likely call him "dual-threat" for TV and movies.

  61. He didn't say Oscar winner so I've vetoing Tom Hanks or any award winners.

    But if the is Will Ferrell I will just die.

    Just. Die.

    1. I'm on board with Will Farrell. Friend being thug Marky Mark.

  62. Could also be The Rock - Gossling - Carrel - all aww sucks supposed nIce guys

  63. all these guesses are more than A-. my first thought was paul rudd, who fits MUCH better than damon---not A-, hanks definitely not A-, jeff bridges not A-. michael keaton not A-. woody not A-.

    i don't even think the rock is A-. but paul rudd might be. i think it's him, especially with the apatow connection.

  64. It's Ron Howard all day long.

    1. He would be called A list director rather than actor.

  65. Matt Damon wouldn't surprise ANYONE here.

    I don't think Enty would fudge the details on this. Maybe leave some out (Oscar winner, celebrity spouse or offspring, etc)

    Paul Rudd is 100% aww shucks, but I don't think 14 years is a crazy long time to be married.

    Ok. So. We're all guessing leading men, how about character actors. This sounds like a likeable but maybe low profile person.

    John Goodman?

    @Joshua also suggested Christopher Guest but that would break my heart so I won't even entertain the thought.
    Kevin Bacon is not aww shucks.

    Ooh! How about Matthew Broderick! He is A- film (A+ stage). Been married 20 years.

    Ferris Bueller, Lion King (big movies, favorite movies)

  66. The Rock and Ryan Gossling aren’t married.

    1. @Dallas Alice, I heard that the Rock and Ryan Gossling got married secretly a while ago.

  67. Also Will Ferrel...seems like a creep to me despite his goofball annoying funny persona

  68. @ Sara, the first thing I thought of was Broderick! I think he's a better A- guess and his marriage is like legendary long. Also, Ferris had that cutesy awww shucks thing for sure...

  69. Love your comments in past years @sandybrook and thanks for them, but sorry dear I have to disagree on this one, Damon and Clooney are A+, so is especially Hanks said by oher people. Hanks is like permanent A + today.
    I would go for Kevin Bacon maybe....? 20 years of marriage in HW is a lifetime.

  70. to be different, adam sandler? friends with terry crews, who was part of Time's silence breakers cover? (or another actor friends with terry crews. i love terry, this would be terrible, but i can't think of any other male leaders in the movement.)

    1. His friend Rob Schneider also came forward with his own Me Too story...

  71. isn't matthew broderick known to be gay?

  72. I'm thinking maybe Denzel? they are "trash and he treats them that way" and "disposable"
    He plays a garbage man in Fences... could be hint from Enty.

  73. Matthew McC as A-? no.....

  74. This thread is full of people who are at the least A+, if not Permanent A+ or A++.

    This is why I say you all suck at guessing.

    1. Gawdammit that's why it's called a guess. Otherwise it'd be called a know.

  75. OMG.

    Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell worked together in Daddy's Home and DH2.

    Wahlberg and WME also donated $2 million to Time's Up.

    Could it be Will Ferrell?


    Please someone. DISPUTE ME!

  76. @Joshua, agreed, especially coming from actors and actresses. We're talking about people who lie to the camera for a living, and they're the best in the world at it. No reason they can't act nice in person.

    However, I'll agree with those who say most of the names mentioned here are above A-. I don't mind if it's Hanks (or anyone else), but that doesn't fit. Hanks is surely top 10 of actors in my lifetime in terms of memorable roles and awards.

  77. Here, let me complete your awful guesses for you.




    Have left out any regulars?

    1. Betty White and Shelley Long - oh, and Trump, of course!

  78. Paul Rudd isn’t in “the biggest” and “some of your favorite movies o

  79. Any love for Tommy Lee Jones?

  80. William H Macy, maybe?

  81. It's not Will Ferrell, Michael Keaton or Matthew McConnaughey. They're all gay.

  82. paul rudd was in clueless, anchorman, captain america, halloween, knocked up. nobody said the actor in question was in some of the BEST movies lol.

  83. I don't think this blind is about Hanks, Spider-rico has some good ones, but Hanks is CERTAINLY on the radar:

    No wonder he's so vain! Media mogul David Geffen celebrates his 75th birthday with A-list pals Oprah, Paul McCartney, Elton John and Jennifer Aniston at Jimmy Iovine's $60million Malibu pad, with Tom Hanks playing MC

    Paul McCartney
    Elton John
    Jennifer Aniston
    Tom Hanks
    Bruce Springsteen
    Diane Sawyer
    Joni Mitchell
    Tom Ford
    Warren Beatty
    Annette Bening
    Jennifer Hudson
    Elton John
    Jonathan Groff
    Rita Wilson
    Karlie Kloss
    Joshua Kushner
    Dasha Zhukova
    Jennifer Meyer
    Erin Foster
    Wendi Deng
    Princess Beatrice
    Gayle King

    Well, wow, the beholden.


  84. Probably several correct answers, the Church is expansive.

  85. I can think of only two awww shucks actors, one of them dead, and both of them permanent A-list, at least. I actually did look up "ghost rape" though, which turns out to apparently be a thing.

    1. Jimmy Stewart, the ghost rapist!

  86. Most you are mentioning won AA . That is not mentioned in blind so someone else that isnt a winner .

  87. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Please don't let it be Paul Rudd. :( My heart.

  88. +1 Paul Rudd with Apatow being the producer friend.

  89. The blind says A- and you meatnuts immediately jump to Tom Hanks. I swear, some of you are lawst.

  90. Actor and best friend both are males its clearly saying in the blind. So if its Tom Hanks the friend has to be Speilberg right? But some of the biggest movies might be Indiana Jones and Star Wars and Harrison Ford will be A- today, so he works better than Hanks. No idea on the BFF though.

  91. Billy Crystal - has an unassuming persona. Biggest and favourite movies - When Harry met Sally and Princess Bride. Married since 1970. Well known enough to be A- but not in the caliber of a Hanks A+.

    Friend - Rob Reiner who has called out Weinstein and Trump publically.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You mean John C. Reilly. No way...I love him!

  93. I'd lean towards Broderick, but I think the blind would mention dual threat and/or theater/movies.

    I think "married forever" is probably someone married 20+ years. Who could that be in Hollywood? Besides Hanks, who is A+ and no way this is him!

  94. Billy Crystal is a great guess!

  95. John C. Reilly and Will F for the buddy

  96. I really wish there was a thumbs up/down system on this site, so all the truly stupid guesses could be downvoted into oblivion and we wouldn't have to read the same moronic suggestions over and over. If you can't be bothered to read the clues, then STFU.

  97. I really wish people would chill the fuck out.

  98. I don't understand so many people putting forward men for leaders of the Times Up movement, and I saw barely, if any, guesses that the friend is a WOMAN. (Also, I thought Tom Hanks was supposed to be one of the good guys, according to some things Enty has dropped? If not, sure, throw him out there, but the friend's gotta be a woman. Women do have sex with other women, I've heard.)

    My guess is Morgan Freeman. Friend is Oprah Winfrey.

  99. It's not Matt Damon (only married 13 years) or Matthew McConaughey (only married 6 years). Neither of those are "forever" by non-Hollywood standards.

  100. Tom Hanks is in the DM for attending Geffens BDay bash.

  101. There was a thumbs up and down feature on the last format of the website and it was pointless as people could click as many times as they liked.

    The most aw-shucksy actor I can think of is Beau Bridges, but I think this is supposed to be Paul Rudd.

  102. Kevin Kline for shits and giggles?

  103. It is NOT Paul Rudd!!! I just will not accept that.

    All of the articles I've read indicate that he truly IS a very nice man, that it's not just a public persona. Besides, his best friend, Jon Hamm is on the Himmmm "good guy list".

    It's also not Tom Hanks. He is definitely A+++ He is also the list; below is a refresher:

    David Kelley
    John Hughes (was the best)
    Natasha Gregson Wagner
    Bryan Lourd
    Neil Patrick Harris
    Jon Hamm
    Guy Ritchie
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Susanna Hoffs
    Kevin Kline & Phoebe Cates
    Drew Barrymore
    Steve Martin
    Rachel McAdams
    Bob Kosberg
    Sofia Coppola
    Zoe Cassavetes
    Moon Zappa
    Brad Pitt
    John Favreau
    Amber Heard
    Jerry Bruckheimer
    Molly Ringwald
    Tom Hanks
    Rob Reiner
    Susan Downey
    Will Staeger
    Miranda Cosgrove
    Seth Macfarlane
    Richard Lovett
    Johnny Depp
    Akiva Goldsman
    Alan Horn
    Elton John
    Kate Beckinsale
    Ron Meyer
    and yes...even Mel Gibson (faults and all.)

    1. @nicksauntie Really interesting to see this list again after the recent individual Himmmm blinds!

  104. This makes me want to never watch anything ever again.

    1. Come join us, it's great!

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Hey @himmmm, would you still agree with this assessment? I don’t mean to imply anything one way or the other, I just know that things can change over 6 years.

  107. Jimmy Stewart ftw

  108. I'm going with Matthew Broderick. Didn't he pull an aww shucks move in Ferris Beuller?

  109. The initial signers of the TimesUp document are all female. If the friend is female I got no freakin clue because there's 300 of them.
    The first few men to donate were JJ Abrams, Steven Spielberg, and James Toth. Abrams has yet to be called out on this site, but Toth and Spielberg have (but not women for Spielberg).

    The only friend that springs to mind for Abrams is bestie Greg Grunberg aka Porkins 2.0, who has been married a long time but is neither mostly movie nor A-.

    Who's friends with Jim Toth?

    Unless Enty says "TimesUp leader" but just means someone who went off on twitter once or twice.

  110. the blind uses "he" "him" to refer to the friend. it's not a woman.

  111. Hm, good point about the Rock's married status, so doesn't sound like him after all.

    Honestly, none of these guesses sound right to me yet. I just don't think Tom Hanks is A-, and I don't think that's one of the "facts" that Enty would fudge, as there really wouldn't be any point - these letter grades are supposed to be the clues. In fact, aside from the idea that the person comes across as a nice guy, it is just about the ONLY clue in this blind. Oh and that he has a best friend who is in the timesup movement but is also secretly a shitty guy.

    So, with basically no clues in this blind, so we end up possibly slandering a bunch of people and inadvertently associating them with this awfulness. In a few weeks there will be another blind and we'll all vaguely be like "but isn't Tom Hanks sleazy he seems to always be in the blinds". But is he? Or is it just that he's a perennial guess??

    Sigh. I think blind items actually serve a valuable purpose and have been an important part of giving momentum to social change movements such as #metoo. But because they are sooooo vague, they have us looking frantically in all directions, such that they contribute to the general conspiracy culture that has taken root in this era.

    I'm not sure why there can't just be some actual clues in here.

  112. @Peggy Ham
    You're right. I had to read the blind like 3 times, but yeah the friend is male. Some people were suggesting otherwise. :-)
    As for Matthew Broderick being gay, I've never thought so. He seems more like the guy who people think is gay so he uses it to his advantage to earn women's trust (oh yes, these guys exist). Rather than closet gay, he pings more as closet creep.

    What essay are we talking about? I am always down for Crispin Glover gossip.

    All: lolololol Mark Wahlberg is not a leader in the TimesUp movement. He gave a lot of money, but he sure as hell didn't want to.

  113. @nicksauntie

    Theres blinds on:
    Neil Patrick Harris, a Mr Hedge one no less
    Mel Gibson

    Theres also dirt on Elton John, Johnny Depp, Rob Reiner

    Honestly, I don't think RDJ is Himmm. I'd love to imagine Ironman going Punisher on pedophilia. but it sounds too good to be true, and it usually is.

    This blind is very vague, but I don't know if its Tom Hanks. Most blinds with Hanks has him as A+ Lister.

  114. It only makes sense if it is Tom Hanks

  115. Gary Sinise, married since 81. Gump, Apollo 13, Green Mile, Of Mice and Men. Hope not.

  116. Long time lurker (on and off for years)- I seldom post because some of the "regulars or old timers" here are so good. They figure it out way before I do and some seem to be "in the know". One thing I have learned by sitting back and watching is that the hidden details are everything in the blinds. Lately it seems people are just shooting off quick answers without really dissecting the clues in the blinds. Don't worry if you answer first. It's better to read, research and be right. It also doesn't clog up the comments.

    If you're new, slow down, watch, and learn from the pros. I'm not meaning to sound like the blind item police, it just seems more enjoyable to really ponder good answers/suggestions.

    Awww Shucks MOVIE Actor = Not an A+ actor, mostly tv actor or director/producer and not a women
    = in some of biggest/favorite movie(s) of all time
    = great guy and happily married forever by any standards and not just Hollywood
    = aww shucks image he feels is always going to be his best defense

    BFF = Long Time good friend who is supposedly a leader of the #TimesUp movement

    That said, I've possibly missed a clue and I don't know who it is. LOL

  117. @SimplyMasonZero There are GUESSES on blinds about NPH, Elton, Johnny Depp, etc,etc... I don't recall any earth shattering reveals for any of these big names. I'm starting to want to jump on the "I don't like these extra salacious and vague blinds because the guesses get remembered as truth" bandwagon.

    I also owe a huge apology to Trish; I was one who bad mouthed her awhile ago. Now I realize how truly good her guesses are. I am sorry!!

    1. Thanl you @nicksAuntie-appreciate that🙏🏻

    2. Well that was nice...

  118. "Your favorite movies" type actor---Classics-- Bacon seems to fit--Animal House, Footloose, plus there have been a few since then..

  119. Opie is awww shucks all day

  120. I say Mathew Mcdopeyrape for this. Tom H. Is permanent A, and doesn't drink anymore but there might be stories about him as well.

  121. Is Opie A- mostly movie actor?

  122. One thing on the #TimesUp leader/friend: Judd Apatow could qualify, he's very vocal on Twitter, my guess is that the male #TimesUp leader is most vocal there. It also wouldn't be the first time Apatow was connected to an abuser (Franco).

    Biggest movies for Rudd: Clueless, Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, Night at the Museum, Knocked Up, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War. A couple of blockbusters, some classic comedies that people love.

  123. I originally thought Matthew too but I'm not sure his marriage would be Long time by other standards.

  124. @nicksauntie I understand, but the NPH one looks really legit. And when I mean dirt, I mean outside CDAN. I remember one blind on "His own personal porno" one being completely wrong(though I heard a recent one links to Kubrick or Chaplin).
    At this point, I just think all of Hollywood is bad

  125. @nicksautie another reason why I don't comment a lot. Trish and quite a few others are really good. Some haven't been here as much lately

  126. FFS "happily married forever by any standards" is at least 20+ years. Whip out your wikipedia and remove anyone who is married less than 20 years. WTF did anyone grow up around normal people?

  127. Jon Hamm was guessed in a blind months ago for raping a costar with a friend on the set of the movie with all the old guys who do one last space mission.

    He's not a good guy and I don't care what Himmmm says.

    Himmmm's list needs a redo.

  128. Now I’m thinking Gary Sinise but I don’t know his connection to times up. He’s aww shucks, in my favorite movies and I went through a stage growing up where I was attracted to creepers eg steven seagull and I found sinise attractive in that way during that time period.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Wasn't "Aww shucks" a line in Toy Story. One which Woody said...

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Let me throw this one out there - Don Cheadle. He’s been married for 26 years. He’s been in oodles and oodles of big movies, but not as the main star, so he could be A- instead of the A+ guesses so far. He’s friends with Clooney, although I don’t know if people would have sex with to get to DC. But the biggest clue was the last sentence, talking about a happy “Family Man”. Don Cheadle was in the 2000 movie The Family Man.

  133. Spielberg/Matt Damon

  134. Could the person setting him up with women be Jim Toth? He's married to Reese and he is head of CAA. I think a lot of Harveys girls were sent by him. Just a guess. IDK who the actor could be. BTW Matthew McConaughey is A+ list, IMO.

  135. MATT DAMON IS NOT A-! he may be an asshole but he's not A-. and it's not billy crystal, for christ sake. plus he's almost 70. he's not A- either.

    1. No, he's not A- but Enty does throw people off with this occasionally

  136. I'm still going through these comments, but in any event, either the A- rating means something and should inform our guesses, or it's a red herring and this site isn't worth five minutes of our time each day.

  137. The key is the friend. A leader of #timesup. Who would the friend be if it is Matt Damon? or The Rock? Think and stop throwing darts.

    So far the best guess has been Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep only because they fit all the clues.

  138. @doug I agree about the rating. If there is not one single thing that we can count on to make an EDUCATED GUESS (as opposed to throwing out every name that could remotely fit the clues given) than what's the freaking point.

  139. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Last year, a woman posted on Twitter that she was raped by Tom Hanks as a teen, and that he also pimped out his son Colin. I figured this would be the next big story by the THR or whoever, but nothing ever came of it, so I assumed it was either all lies, or no one was brave enough to investigate it. Her name is Sarah Ruth Ashcraft.

  140. I'm not sure who the actor is, but could the man furnishing women be Reese's husband, Jim Toth? He's head of CAA and sent a lot of girls to Harvey. Also, Matthew McConaughey is A+ list IMO.

  141. We're missing the obvious clue, it's noted black comedy circuit staple Shucky Ducky. "Aww, Shucky Ducky, Quack Quack!" That means the friend is Hamburger.

    (If I'm lucky maybe one person gets these references)

  142. I don't think it's Paul Rudd. He is more like A list bc he has his own Marvel franchise, which is not mentioned in this blind. If it was him, I think Enty would say "with his own franchise." Also this sounds like someone older than that. And the closest he has been to one of the biggest movies of all time is Captain America Civil War. Nothing else, really

  143. My first thought was Tom Hanks but he's definitely above A+ list. JK Simmons doesn't have the name recognition but he's definitely got the face recognition and has been in a ton of popular movies. He's been married since 1996 and this:


  144. Can't be Hanks- he's A+++
    Damon probably A+ too
    Denzel is A+
    McConnaghy- could be A, but close to A+
    Might be Kevin Bacon- this would kill me, I love Kyra!

  145. @Doug, excellent point.

    What male leaders are there in #TimesUp? I can't think of one, actually.

    Matt Damon (though a Boston Douche) is A+. So is Hanks. Not them.

    Morgan Freeman is far from Aw Shucks! He was in a relationship with his step granddaughter before she was murdered.

    Kurt Russell? Maybe, but who is he friends with? If he has Libertarian friends like himself, they would have nothing to do with #TimesUp

    Jeff Bridges has been too honest for too long about his marriage and his sex life to make any secret Dominant rapist plausible. Sorry. Sometimes celebrities are honest and I believe Bridges is.

    Moving on...

    Matthew Broderick. Interesting! Been described as "creepy" to me before by an insider. Who is he friends with?

    Paul Rudd is another interesting guess but has no leader in #TimesUp that I can tell.

  146. Replies
    1. Buscemi does love to roam the high school halls.

      "How do you do, fellow kids?"

  147. Jeff Bridges?
    'Some of your favorite movies' -- Big Lebowski, Crazy Heart, Fisher King, True Grit, Fabulous Baker Boys, too many to list.

    "Long marriage by any standards"-- I don't have time to check, but I think he's been married since the 70s.

    Or, Dustin Hoffman.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.
