Friday, March 02, 2018

Mr. X Blind Item #5

Despite what he says, this talk show host not named Jimmy Fallon is a big time boozer and also has been known to mix them with pills. He just usually confines his abuse to his home so no one but his closest friends know the truth.


  1. Jimmy Kimmel- He is fucking mess.

    1. Dudes less of a mess than he's ever been. Best shape of his life, newly married, kids, and top of his career

  2. No way this is Kimmel!

  3. I could see this being Conan, :-(
    The “despite what he says” part is specific though. Kimmel’s the only host doing interviews at the moment

  4. Pat Robertson on the 700 club 😂

  5. Wait a functional alcoholic/pill abuser on tv? Shouldn't we be giving him an award instead of chastising him?

  6. So, a smug, holier-than-thou male talk show host based on the "Despite what he says" tag. Leaning toward James Corden who claims to be a teetotaler.

    1. I'm thinking someone from "The View"...

      When the lighting is just right, I swear I can see an Adams Apple or two amongst the panel

    2. Hahaha! Joy (née James) Behar.

    3. Corden has always had a piggy asshole vibe.

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I hate when blinds just say "pills". What does that mean? Benzos? Opioids? Amphetamines? Something else? It could be anything.

  8. Steve Harvey, just to be different.

  9. This is proabably Colbert from his interview with Howard Stern this week. He said he has a whiskey every night and somtimes takes an edible to sleep. Pretty big stretch to call him a major boozer.

    1. Enty’s a bit of a pearl-clutcher, which is weird considering how much he loves sharing stories of his own drunken escapades.

  10. Kimmel has to be on something to think he got hired to host Nightline.

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Colbert drinks on TV all the time, so he's not hiding anything.

  12. Jimmy “cry me a river Kimmel

  13. Yes, we know Colbert drinks but regarding the interview @Lately mentioned of him on Stern, seemed like maybe he was trying to downplay it a bit.

  14. Let it be Kimmel....this pleases the Queen.

  15. I think this is Cohen- the coke allegations have been out there for some time, and he denied denied denied when the NYE with Anderson was a flop.

  16. "...this talk show host not named Jimmy Fallon..."

    So it must be other talk show hosts named 'Jimmy'.
    Jimmy Kimmel or maybe James (Jimmy) Corden;

  17. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Everyone says Cohen because they don't want it to be Kimmel

  18. Or everyone sees that Kimmel is sober and taking care of his kids. No one can stay by their sick kid's hospital bed for weeks while popping pills and getting drunk.

    Sounds like Cohen to me. He's an angry fellow, from what I've seen, trying to mask it with the character of a overly friendly golden retriever.

  19. "So it must be other talk show hosts named 'Jimmy'." - not necessarily, I think he just put in the "not named Jimmy Fallon" because if there had been a blind about a drunk talk show host 99.9% of the guesses would have been Fallon, based on previous blinds.

    Since Colbert and Kimmel have both been known to drink on air, I wouldn't say they're trying to hide anything. I don't watch Cohen's show, but doesn't he have a guest bartender on almost every night? Based on the wording, it's got to be someone who makes a big deal in public about NOT drinking or drugging, right?

  20. Alcohol with an aspirin or a night time cold tablet to fall asleep?

  21. Kimmel - just another hypocrite

  22. Idiot lol this is still a thing?. Read a real book trumpster.

  23. Probably Kimmel,it says he hides it well,and he is in the news a lot because he hosts the Oscars. There have been rumors before.

  24. It's obviously Jerry Springer.
    You'd stay drunk too if you were him. :-D



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