Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 8, 2018

A lot of disagreements that have become much more heated. This permanent A++ lister says her thoughts on the editing of a new movie were ignored which is why the movie is getting such horrible reviews. She has lessened the number of appearances she is going to make for the new movie because of the disagreements.

Oprah/Wrinkle In Time


  1. Never gotten the Oprah appeal. Hope she stays away from politics.

  2. Again, the movie is getting deserved horrible reviews because it's a lovely concept presented in the sappiest sap fest and overridden with SPFX / CGI / bad acting/casting/directing - Tarkovsky couldn't save it.

  3. No one wants to see Oprah's tig bitties

  4. "Success has many mothers but failure is an orphan."

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Agree with Brayson. Also think Ava Duvernay's directing talents have been waaaaay oversold. She makes TV-movie-of-the-week level feature films.

    I understand she did a good documentary for Netflix - maybe she should concentrate on that genre.

  7. Ava D is saying that the reason her movie is getting bad reviews is because of racism. I haven't seen the movie yet and will make up my own mind, but the movie poster looks tonally confused. Usually that's a bad sign. I think the racism defense is weak in light of the performance of Blank Panther and Get Out. My instinct is she took a beloved book and botched the adaptation. It doesn't sound like her filmmaking skills are on par with her PR skills. Still, curious to see the movie.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I understand Reese transforms into a giant leaf-thing

    2. Yep. I thought she was a flying cabbage. The casting of the celestial beings was very bad: Oprah, Reese, Mindy Kalling (front the Office) and Zack Garfinwhatever. Not good but I guess my kids have no idea who they are. It was just alright for me. Peter Rabbit was so much better. Highly recommend.

  8. Ava absolutely destroyed the book. I know most here seem to be anti, but it is a book with many Christian references, she removed every single one of them, at least one was very integral to the storyline. I was excited to see the movie, but will wait until its on basic.

  9. But,if we don't like it we are racist! @Truthseeker is right,don't do a Christian story without the whole reason for the story to exist.

  10. Rumor has it she set Harvey up with dozens of girls.

  11. That's what some people told me, it was adapted from a Christian book and all references were removed. Therefore it's choppy and inconsistent. Stupid move in my opinion. So we say something is a bad movie and now we're racist?

  12. It's very simple: if the cast and creators of your movie are diverse, and people don't like it, they're racist and/or sexist. How dare we, after all the trouble Hollywood has gone to to make us better?

    1. You say diverse but you mean devoid of white people.

    2. Out of the eight main cast members five are white. Hardly devoid of them. That being said the film is really bad.

  13. Ironically, it’s the author’s approach to Christianity that makes it one of the most banned books, particularly in heavily evangelical areas, which try to ban it for being “demonic” or “promoting witchcraft” or, less histrionically, for acknowledging Jesus alongside figures like Buddha, Gandhi, and Da Vinci instead of as a unique and sole savior and protector of mankind.

    Of course, antheists have traditionally some quibbles with the Christian themes, too, just like with CS Lewis’ Narnia books.*

    But the thing is, it’s not so much a Christian book or meant to be a Christian book as it is a reflection of the author’s own Episcopal world view and imagining of the cosmos and allegory.*** You can take a character or element out of a book, but if you remove the author’s point of view, you destroy the story.**

    I figure Disney was trying to please everyone, or at least offend no-one, but A Wrinkle in Time was a poor choice of source material in that case. You just can’t make a kids’ movie out of a top ten banned book and expect to make everyone happy. If you try, you just end up with a mess of a movie.

    *My main issue with Narnia is the heavy anti-Witch, anti-pagan “old ways” thread throughout, but you can’t have Narnia WITHOUT it, so I just don’t really groove to Narnia.
    **This is what happened with The Golden Compass, too. The author’s view of organized religion as a root of evil was removed to avoid controversy and the resulting film turned a classic into a mess.
    ***L’engle herself emphasized often that she is NOT a “Christian author,” just an author. And like all authors, her stories are informed and influenced by her upbringing and world view.

    1. Vox did a good explanation of L’engle’s Episcopalian world view, a bit on the ways Wrinkle is made to CHALLENGE believers as much as to affirm the Episcopalian world view*, and a little on the banned book angle:

      to;dr? Oh Disney, you shoulda knowed better than to get mixed up in this one.

      *And why making it as a “Christian movie” would have ruined it too.

    2. That was a beautiful break down of the book 🙂 and why the movie didn’t work.

    3. @MrsAmiss You can take a lot of things out of a book, but the author is a book’s soul.

      Things like souls may not get noticed right away when they go missing, but their lack becomes apparent sooner or later. :)

    4. +1 MrsAmiss

      Personally, I skipped it because it felt too "feel good" (I like my films/books like I like my coffee: dark). ☕️

    5. This is well written Han niam

  14. Not sure about you, but I am getting tired of every differing point of view being declared racism (or transphobia). I am fast turning all these claims into the "wah wah wah wuh" sound of Charlie Brown's teacher. At some point, it's impossible to hear anymore. And THAT'S not good

    1. Or anti-Christian?

      Reducing complex human interactions to one word (or phrase, whatever) without backing it up with receipts does nobody any favors.

      Especially, from my point of view anyway, when you’ve got a potentially serious accusation and the appropriate term for it has lost all power from overuse, lack of understanding, or being thrown around where it doesn’t apply.

      Transphobia, racism, religious prejudice*, homophobia, sexism, and all those things exist and ARE a real barrier to equality and life/liberty/happiness.

      But I worry people are beginning to lump them in with playground slurs like snowflake, trumptard, libtard,** feminazi, whore,*** SJW, soyboy, redneck, hillbilly, commie, and even Nazi.****

      And then we’ve got a language crisis that really gets in the way of actual communication and talking about serious and damaging issues.

      *Whether anti-semitism, anti-Christian, islamophobic, vilification of non-theists and pagans...
      **Oh yeah, discrimination based on disability is a HUGE problem. How many disabled actors play disabled roles or are even considered for non-explicitly abled roles?
      ***Sex worker shaming is a thing too. This is the world’s oldest profession because there is a DEMAND for that service. Respect.
      ****When there are actual Nazis, let’s not cheapen just how appalling they are by using the word lightly, y’know?

    2. Oh yeah, in case it wasn’t clear, @Sign, I agree it’s not good.

  15. I read a Wrinkle in Time a couple times as a kid. I don't recall the story well, but the comments here are bringing it back. Sounds like they really butchered it. Disney was def the wrong people to make it. Now if someone like PT Anderson had his hands on it, then we might have gotten something amazingly weird and loyal to the source material. I may decide to skip this one in the theater and instead see Game Night.

  16. I'll bet if it was a raging success she'd be front and center to promote it.

  17. I think it is going to bomb. Production was running around $100,000,000

  18. F*ck all this noise. I'm dying to see Christopher Robin, Pooh looks adorable! :)

  19. My 10 year olds loved it. They give zero fucks about Oprah.

  20. It looks like a case of casting, over production, and Oprah can't act

  21. Orpah/Oprah will pass the blame in a heartbeat before DARING to think SHE could be the problem.
    Personally, I see her light dimming more and more..would say she’s gotten too big for her britches, but that’s a given;

  22. I have never heard of the book. Not sure what the movie is about. Would like to see Isle of Dogs.

  23. Yes O, the reviews are shit because no one followed your editing suggestions.....


  24. oprah gets what she wants, when she wants from whoever she wants

    when's the last time she heard the word No ?



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