Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 9, 2018

This permanent A++ lister known to everyone in the world keeps deflecting her role of complicity in the ongoing disgrace of this A list producer. She keeps supporting others but never looks in the mirror to see that she helped enable his behavior. Where is the apology for that?

Oprah/Harvey Weinstein


  1. Is there likely to be any public light thrown on this, what with her movie coming out?

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Yes. If she runs for president the gloves are off. She knows that.

    2. Oprah is not running. Don't get your hopes up. She is no fool and has a nice life.

    3. All those abuses at her African schools will be hard to explain away. And she knows it

    4. ... and interesting how extremely close she is with not only Weinstein, but Geffen and the Clinton's too.she has lots of skeletons in her closet and has some sketchy connections. That bitch knows everything and is perfectly happy keeping her mouth shut as long as the checks keep rolling in

  2. And this is why Trump dared Oprah to run.

    This is also why Oprah will never run.

    1. That and she would have to explain why Gayle moved into the Whitehouse with her as the 1st Lady....

  3. I'm sure that Oprah knows she should have done more to protect others.
    But, she can't admit any complicity or she suffers a loss of her wealth.
    She is truly a self made billionaire.

    IMAO: Nice people don't become billionaires.

    Just saying.

    1. No bankruptcy in her portfolio and awesome real estate ownership. Weinstein and Geffen friendships will be tossed aside. I doubt the pug was in her inner circle.

    2. Agreed. Nice people do not become Billionaires.

    3. Well said.👌🏾

  4. You mean "box-office poison" Oprah?

  5. Oprah is as phony as a $3 bill. She is the Pied Piper of middle class baby boomers and Gen X’ers. I would rather watch Jerry Springer than listen to her tripe. At least you know what you are getting with latter.

    1. Jerry has all of your worst stereotypes on his shows. Trailer trash, trannies, angry unwed welfare mothers....makes you fee l better about yourse of right schweetyfleety? Successful people of color must make you uncomfortable. Enroll in college and your self esteem will rise

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Lighten up Francis. You’re acting like Tina Turner I’m Beyond Thunderdome. “What is this? We had a deal!”

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      In beyond thunderdome. Sweet jumping Jesus Apple you suck

    4. I speak the truth. Don't mean to hurt your lil feelings .normal

    5. @Sd Auntie - trailer trash? "Trannies" ? Yeah you seem real woke babe, ripping on poor people and transgender people. Plenty of dumb folks "enrolled in college" you one of them? Regardless you sound ignorant as hell.

  6. I'll never forget when she tried to equate her 'addiction' to french fries with an addiction to cocaine. What a phony baloney race hustler.

  7. Food addiction is similar to cocaine adfiction! Especially if your 300 pounds like she is. Joel

  8. @Sd Auntie,she would be raked over the coals,mainly because her image is mostly fake.

  9. So it's her fault that everyone thought he was a cheater, but was really a rapist?!

    Really, Enty by that logic you would be in jail for multiple life sentences.

  10. We need to talk about Oprah apparently being known to everyone in the world. She's not known to anyone outside of the US Enty, come on.
    Also she should run in 2020. That would be hilarious.

  11. people love facades and want to be shown a fairy tale of some Camelot-like existence. look at how Obama was marketed from the very beginning. even though she is a phony baloney, Oprah would succeed where Hillary failed

  12. I don't think we'll see Oprah "running" anytime soon.

  13. I have a feeling her days in the Sun our soon-to-be shaded a bit. As with most of these neocons, her actions are going to be exposed. She'll survive it because there are people that refuse to believe that these people actually exist, as we've seen from the comments on this blog But there will be a bit of a wake-up and her power will no longer be what it was.

  14. Oprah is a satanist.

    1. No Donna, that's Trump and Putin..

    2. Oprah worships the Dark Lord

    3. Oprah is a high priestess in satanism

    4. Oprah Is The Devil™

  15. This is also why Oprah will never run.

    Yep. Whatever you think of Donald, and please don't be triggered, he'd make it a death cage wrestling match. So it won't happen.

  16. Can't stand fake ass Oprah.

  17. @BestMan

    Shit don't stick to Oprah. Harvey is hardly the first criminal or awful person who Oprah has rubbed elbows with. Some of those horrible people she has hired and promoted constantly! Harvey was merely an equal.

    This ain't Oprah's first time at the rodeo. She demands loyalty from others while extending none in return. Harvey is erased from her personal atmosphere and she glides on.

    At least she is self aware enough to know she shouldn't run for president in a million years (and is allowing the hints of that to wind up Donny Moscow.)

  18. Colbert knows what's up:

  19. Can you imagine living in a world where you have too much baggage to run against even Donald Trump, widely reviled in these parts as the worst thing ever and literally the reincarnation of Hitler?
    What does that say about YOU?

  20. We couldn't get lucky enough for Oprah to run.

  21. I remember how vigorous the commenting was to this original blind. It was Oprah, Hillary, or Meryl Streep.

  22. Most of the comments are pretty stupid
    A grown man sins is to be blamed on others? Funny how his wife, board of directors, investors, Jenn. Lawrence, and literally hundreds of others are not being mentioned. Just admit most of you are RACIST!

    1. If everything is racist, is anything racist?


  24. Oprah lives in such a rarified world of opulence and glamour, when she is faced with a real problem she can’t push off on assistant 1 or 2, she just doesn’t know what to DO!

  25. Oprah teaches racism at her school in Africa.

  26. Oprah is a survivor of childhood rape herself. I truly think many of Weinstein's friends knew he was a " lothario" or a ladies man so to speak but not that he is an alleged rapist. He didn't do his worst shit out in the open, he was shady and sneaky, like most rapist/harrassers. Weinstein presented himself as a champion of women. He said all the right things at the right times. Many of his friends saw the surface and not the reality. I don't know how many times I'll have to this out but molesters and rapists don't wear a tag saying Hello: my name is molester. They look like, act like, seem like, regular folk . Look at comrade cheeto, he's got thousands of conspiracy theorists convinced he's somehow mysteriously cleaning the swamp that he and his billionaire buddies live in , even though over a dozen women have accused him of harassment, they fall for the propaganda and deflection even in the light of overwhelming evidence. Often we see what we want to see because it makes us feel warm and fuzzy and feel like we're "right " . Cognitive dissonance . It's Hilarious.

    1. Bravo halloweenie. Bunch of he men women haters,around here. I hardly watched her shows, do not have time to be glued to OWN because I have a CAREER. Socializing with pigstein and Gayffen has torpedoed her political career. NO more TV folks for leaders.

    2. Example of Weinstein's open expression of his true character below. I don't think these people think they need to hide.

      Weinstein’s lavish words of praise and defense of Allen to the Los Angeles Times 23 years ago appear jaw-dropping by today’s standards.

      Shunned by Hollywood means nothing to Miramax,” Weinstein asserted. “We’re talking about a comic genius. Chaplin was shunned by Hollywood; so were a great many other international filmmakers, including Fellini—and those are the people who belong with Miramax.”

      Everyone knew just like they've always known and probably had to go through as well. From my experience the casting couch/abuse of power mentality is every where and a form of paying dues. These people successful in Hollywood have paid their dues and sucked it up sold their humanity for money and that's what they expect everyone to do and just get over it. Even exchange. Fair trade for quick riches. Most of these people in Hollywood seem to be sociopaths and that's probably what makes it so easy. The one's you see on drugs and messed up are probably the one's with a conscience that can't deal with the fucked up reality.

      I do believe Oprah was complicit. All that she's been through makes for a very heartless individual. Like that person said above you don't make Billions being nice.

  27. SD Auntie needs to stop cuddling Oprah's minge. She went through her own period of having trashy guests on a daily basis for years. You sound like one of her cult members...and you probably are. Playing the race rard and everything to defend this POS.

    1. No Chris. READ what I wrote. No time for tv watching when u work 10 hours a day. I belong to nobody and have opinions of my own. To each his own.

  28. @Halloweenie


    We are all guilty of giving the rich more leeway and benefit of the doubt...because they are rich! The Trumpsters are not alone in this.

    It's awfully difficult to believe anyone wouldn't know about Weinstein, especially those is close social contact with him. It's been a constant refrain on gossip boards since the early 90s.

    I hold Matt Damon more guilty, in this regard, than Oprah. His contact with Harv was consistent and close for decades. Oprah might have chosen non-involvement in H'wood big leagues (she was most often a guest, not a source there) in order not to piss off anyone influential. But Damon HAD to know, or he HAS to address the man he knew for many years, who probably abused or raped at least one of his girlfriends (Winona.) Damon was a big part of Harv's talent club. For him to make quibbling statements about "some forms are worse than others" deflects his personal involvement in this mess.

    Maybe it isn't fair but we deserve a truthful statement from Damon while Oprah can be excused as largely removed from the whole Harv situation.

  29. Yeah good luck finding a clean celebrity or politician to run in 2020. I'm hoping Michelle runs and not another old white person.

  30. I think the Oprah hate is unfair! My next comment is not PC I remember last fall Mayim Bialik wrote an essay about Harvey Weinstein it suggested actresses slept there way To top. Yes Weinstein is a pervert but please Guy the bullshit that ALL the women age victims. This website has published numéros blindés about women going casting coach to advanced their career. What could Oprah really do? She is NOT To blâme here.

  31. @Cran Grape

    "The one's you see on drugs and messed up are probably the one's with a conscience that can't deal with the fucked up reality. "

    There's a whole family systems theory about this - that the addict is only showing the symptoms that the rest of the family can hide or gets some material advantage to hiding.

    I think you are on to something there.

  32. Orville

    Not be a part of the system while as the same time using her abuse and rape to make billions?

    Oprah has excused a lot of unsavory shit done by her "friends" (Harvey and Dr Phil being prime examples.) If she wants to be an example to all women of how to use their power, she sure is NOT about settling the blame where it is due, upon rapists and conmen, that directly inhibits the success of said women.

    Not to blame Oprah for anything done by Harv, but DAMN, shouldn't this be her "learning moment", the type of which she sells to women everywhere constantly? Why aren't we seeing her admit she did not know and admit to the cognitive impairments to "knowing" in a world where Harv was known to be a molester going back many many years?

    Wouldn't that be important in the terms of Oprah who named herself America's Therapist?

  33. Funny how the haters still have yet to mention why his wife, board of director, investors, dozens of actors and actresses who are also complicit.

    1. My favorite is when they get pregnant to hide from criticism.
      "Stop asking why there's so many homeless and she's building luxury condos, she's pregnant!"
      Hi Laurie Cumbo
      TBH I thought she was a lesbian when I met her.

  34. While I'm at it, I will give another example. The owner of TBN was busted a few times for sexual assault in his private cabin. But yet, White evangelicals continued to flock to his station for "God's word" and preaching opportunities. In our society we are taught to blame the woman no matter what. And I am a hard core conservative and trust me when I say I don't follow the feminist movement, but since cheetos election, my eyes have been opening much wider.

  35. Oprah & Harvey. Prehaps "Birds of a Feather"!


  36. I like it when people put 'FACT.' at the end of a sentence as if that actually makes it a fact. It's just your opinion, fam. Chill your beans.

  37. I disagree that Oprah is an A+ celebrity. Yes people know who she is, but she's more like B+/A- and not that important. She's quite impressed with herself and probably doesn't give a hoot what anyone thinks. She'll do and say whatever she wants and the sheep will still follow her. She disgusts me. She is culpable and a fake.

  38. #oprahdisappointsme

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. So, you're saying that a woman who has been an icon for justice and equality, hope and inspiration is an enabler for a serial rapist/sexual offender? Oprah who has gone through some of the most painful circumstances including sexual molestation and rape by a family member is just going to look the other way as Weinstein publicly sexually assaulted women at her event(s). Are you out of your mind? Are you an entertainment lawyer or gossipmonger solely interested in assassinating this woman's stellar character. You're talking about a woman who has opened schools for young women who have experienced the same thing you claim she is privy to and/or allegedly complied?

  41. Enty, this is bullshit! You might have some truth serum getting you some information with these other celebs but Oprah? C'mon! What purpose would she be complicit with Weinstein, she's 10x wealthier than him and has more Hollywood connections, if anything it was him kissing her ass to not Oprah setting girls aside to give him ass. I call shenanigans.

  42. The MeToo movement and others who have appropriated it for their own reasons have to stop blaming women for "covering up" their knowledge of abusers. I don't believe any of it. I believe these attempts to blame even more women for "complicity" are more misogyny, and more sexism and an attempt to get women to turn on each other to deflect blame. I don't buy these accusations about any of them - not Oprah, not Meryl Streep, none of it's true. What's true is that men run things and men are the abusers.

  43. When I first read this blind, I associated this with either Oprah or Streep, and I associated it with another blind that said she brought young girls knowingly to their doom. This was the reason why I felt enty was holding the person responsible with Harvey Weinstein.

    It's sort of like the dog catcher bringing the dog to the pound, which she knows at the very least will cage the dog against its will, and may leave it for the compression chamber.

  44. Did Oprah grab someone by the pussy, or...

  45. Exactly where is the blind about Weinstein wife she knew her husband raped women but that gold digger did not care. Now the trophy wife will get millions in the divorce. Jane Fonda admitted she knew about Weinstein yet she gets no hate. Meryl Streep knew too. Oprah probably knew BUT she is not at fault the Hollywood system is the problem.

  46. We should have elected Oprah before Obama, then we would have had the first black, the first woman and the first gay president all at once.

  47. Oprah is a big pile of steaming shit but she doesn't owe anyone an apology. Everyone knew and everyone smart is deflecting. That's what you do when you don't want a scandal to take you down too. Duh.

  48. @Beckett, we've had gay Presidents before. The most recent one was Obama. There have been others.
