Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 27, 2018

Nothing anyone says from this movie gets anyone more excited to see it. It will probably be the biggest bomb in the career of this A+ lister. Now, the studio is even trying a co-star are dating angle which is such crap.

Jennifer Lawrence/Joel Edgerton/Red Sparrow


  1. I thought JLaw's butthole was splendid in 'Red Sparrow!'

  2. It didn't do great but still finished second with close to $45 million worldwide. BTW Mother is her biggest bomb or maybe Joy (why she thought anyone would want to see Joy Mangaro's life story is beyond me.)

  3. A friend of mine saw it and said it was the worst movie he's ever seen in a theater

  4. You can only f*ck so many husbands before karma or STIs catch up to you.

  5. I can never understand IMDB - Sparrow has an almost 7 star rating yet it's tanking. New Star Wars Last Jedi same thing then you read the reviews and it's page after page destroying the film yet it' has a 7.5 rating. I guess studios pay IMDB for ratings.

  6. This movie won't even gross 50 million domestically.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Not seeing it. (Not seeing anything that feeds this industry)

  8. Oh, she's just not bright. Like Jiminy Kimmel and his UNLV education telling me I'm an idiot because because I don't think Obamacare is best for the children, miss 'I have blonde tits' is going to help our country politically now? She's an absurd human being really.

    But I do sincerely wish her well in getting her addictions managed properly.

  9. I just read an article where JLaw said she only lasted 3 minutes of Phantom Thread. I loved it.

  10. Yes for realistic input on movies you have to go to rotten tomatoes. Also go to Rotten Apples if you read this blog ha ha. Gotta be JLAW

  11. Hey, Daily Mail is reporting Joel has already met her parents! What are we supposed to believe?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Her cutsieness wore off for me when she “fell” the second time at the awards. Her political rants of the last year sealed the deal. Won’t watch another of her movies. Never saw the great appeal to begin with, she was ok, just not a superstar to me.

  13. Joel Edgerton has the most inexplicable career. He's in his mid-40s and never been married. He's a boring actor. He has an ugly face with those beady little eyes. No thanks.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Yeah well. Sometimes you just want a guy who shows up on time, prepared.

      Remember Peter Sellers? You need talent to manage your talent. Just having talent isn’t enough.

  14. I'm all for non (conventionally) attractive people making it in Hollywood.

  15. It's an avg movie and isn't going to win any awards or be a hit but it was alright and very watchable. Anyone who says its the worst movie they've seen in a theater either doesn't go to many movies or (more likely) is an idiot that that overreacts to blurbs of the day.

  16. lol @sandy! of all the movies I've never seen I drew the short stick and had to watch "Joy" .shit was awful

  17. Enty is actually wrong here if you check Boxofficemojo the Red Sparrow movie is doing WELL overseas. The movie made $26 million overseas. And the movie still has not opened in all international markets. The movie will not be a blockbuster but it will probably make a profit.

  18. With a production budget of $69M, Red Sparrow will probably need to make $170M (at least $150M) worldwide to earn a profit. I agree with the poster above that it won't make $50M domestically unless it has better legs than average. So it'll have to do significantly better abroad than in the US - probably $120M or maybe even more. Possible, but that's 5x more than it's made internationally so far.

  19. Just watching Joy Mangaro on the Home Shopping Network told me I sure didn't need to see a movie about her selling hangars and brooms on a "tv Network".

  20. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I think the problem is that people rent or buy movies like these at home nowadays. Mother! didn’t help her out any. Her saying she’s going to take a year off to save democracy DEFINITELY did not help the movie out. It’s time for her to stop trusting her instincts and to either assemble a team of advisors to help or if she already has them, actually listen to what they say.

  21. I don't know... mother was pretty bad. Not sure it can get any worse to be honest

  22. I did not think it was bad. It kept my interest. It wasn't the best movie I have seen but it certainly was not awful. Towards the end I turned to Mr. Lute and told him how it was going to end, and I nailed it.

  23. I like thrillers but I haven't been able to find any recent good ones to watch.

  24. JLAW is getting bad advice from her handlers. She needs to do one or two cool indie movies, hopefully one of which is a dramady, and get people respecting her again. Who the heck advised her to do the esoteric MOTHER or the destined-to-fail, stupid, RED SPARROW?

  25. You know what made Tom Cruise what he is/was? (Business wise, not personally...) 1. Project picking (I think he made like 8 or 10 films in a row without a bomb for one run) 2. Total professionalism on the job 3. Masterful and full bore PR.

    Take a few notes Jlaw.... you have the talent and looks. It takes much more... you're running out of chances, and more importantly alienating the public with your stunts that stink.

  26. Three of her supposed upcoming projects are biopics that sound like drags. Hopefully between Joy, her soft box offices and her time off, those won't happen. It seems like a trend lately with younger actresses in movies like Brain on Fire or Glass Castle. Just because a real person had an unusual life experience doesn't mean we necessarily care to watch a movie about it. You're allowed to make up stories and have them be entertaining.
