Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 11, 2018

Counting down to the next woman that comes forward on this A list almost television show. There are several who said the streaming company ignored their claims or dismissed them because the show is such a hit show for the company.

Stranger Things/Netflix


  1. And what if it's more than verbal abuse?

    1. Why, do you WANT there to be more than verbal abuse? So you can continue to fetishise it?

  2. This (so far) is an example of #MeToo teetering on not only undermining its own movement but completely discrediting itself and making light of actual criminal abuse. Yelling on set might be unpleasant or even inappropriate, but it's neither illegal nor unethical -- and definitely a far cry from demanding or forcing sex in exchange for job security/a job/promotion.

    1. Apparently it’s illegal in some states in the US. It’s nothing new and pretty common in many other industries. I worked in aid/development and this expat basically threatened to bash my head in once. There was a witness (a British dude) and of course I reported to the DC office and brought it up to the Australian resigning boss in the end. Her friend was salty that he’d gotten passed up for promotion, and basically used her HR powers to mess with me (they made me Lead Editor only after 4 months and he’d been in SEAsia for a year or so). It was traumatic for me because then I’d get an in-office gig at another office, and if I heard a Jersey/Valley Girl accent (obviously not her), I would freeze in my seat. But it’s nothing close to #MeToo crap.

      But other than that, I agree with you that it undermines the #MeToo movement (don’t forget Aziz Ansari’s lack of red whine).

      I understand that it feels like a “double punishment” for victims of abuse to have to conduct ourselves ‘professionally’, but if I started calling names and using profanity when I circulate that candid photo of me getting grinded by an acting teacher, someone might accuse me of being ‘bitter’ for not being cast as a main character (when obviously the teacher made his choices not based on auditions, and he made your life a living hell if you didnt reciprocate his advances).

      It’s not fair, but since when is life ever fair? Just deal with it like a responsible adult.

      Same goes with adult victims of child abuse who use their past to excuse bad/distasteful behaviour. People are just going to look at that and sympathise less with your plight (and we NEED people to care about child abuse, because it’s still happening and there will be more victims tomorrow). If you truly cared about victims other than yourself, you’d conduct yourself accordingly for the greater good.

  3. Trying to bring down Stranger Things based on being yelled at on the set is the equivalent of Monique trying to get people to boycott Netflix for not paying HER enough money.
    Somethings are not going to move people, now if one of the kids is found to be molested on set ...different story.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Yelling can lead to verbal abuse/bullying/harassment which is illegal. It's rounding the wagons to pick off individuals. I don't understand why people don't consider this abuse!

  5. For what the actors get paid for the limited time and free food and drinks they get, if i were a show runner, i'd be putting a torch under their ungrateful asses as well. FYI, i'd be really good at it.

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Well, fiddle dee dee. The name of the show is stranger things. You don’t expect black panther to eat at Cracker Barrel do you?

  7. Verbal abuse is unacceptable. Particularly if the targets are kids. Is it the same as sexual assault? No. Does that mean it’s no big deal? Hell no. Is it against the law? You betcha. Does Netflix have a track record of downplaying these things? Christ yes.

  8. It makes me angry, the people here and elsewhere making light of verbal abuse.

    Yes, a film/tv set will get tense. But THERE IS A LINE.

    Things can get out of hand and just because it isn't sexual, doesn't mean it's not serious.

    I just remember watching a few episodes of the Stranger Things after show... the Duffer Bros couldn't hide their arrogance. It was so thick. I wondered then if there might be some trouble, and here we are...

  9. Verbal abuse, is still abuse. People forget how damaging it can be.

    When someone breaks you down, day after day, saying the cruelest things. Finding the things that hurt you the most and grinding them in cruely, in front of others. Public humiliation, in front of your peers. Day after day, you try to ignore it, walking on eggshells. But people who verbally abuse get off on it, they do it to break you down, so they can feel superior. It's bully behavior. And it can lead to young people taking their lives, because they don't have the life experience to know it will end, and life will get better. We forget how bad it can affect kids at that age, and even adults. You get your dream job you've worked sooo hard for, only for some creep to make it a daily hell. It's not just the getting yelled at, it's the effort the bully puts in, the attack.

    1. +100 Court b

      “It could be worse” is a terrible excuse for letting damaging/bad/illegal behavior slide.

      Would y’all ignore someone verbally or physically abusing a child because “at least they’re not being chained to the bed and starved like those Turpin kids”?

  10. All they have to do is start treating people with respect and the issue goes away. Without knowing the perpetrators, behavior can be changed. If they want to keep the hit going, they need to stop the behavior.

    1. It’s the people who think they are above everyone else and that the rules of basic professionalism don’t apply to them. It happens all the time and it needs to be called out all the time because it IS a big deal and it’s just not that hard to act like a grownup at work.

  11. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Abuse escalates, unless you stop it. Been there.

    Call law enforcement. Call your attorney. Call your most trusted friend. You will need all three.

    It's the people who call the Media first, they are the ones who are making a mockery of the movement.


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