Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 9, 2018

You know that actor who recently was killed but made to look like a suicide? His place was recently broken into and that of a girlfriend. Yes, apparently someone was willing to be his girlfriend. She called police, but no one made the connection. No one even bothered to call the police for the break in at his old place because it had already been cleaned out by relatives. His girlfriend said nothing had been taken, but two of the screws for air vents had not been replaced. They were on the floor in the kitchen even though the screws went to air vents in her bedroom and living room. It looks like someone had installed recording equipment in both of the vents and had to retrieve them. It is assumed the same thing was done at his old place, but no one is sure that I spoke to.

What is very interesting is that this A+ list television producer of shows all of you know did the same thing once to a former lover. The lover discovered them when he was trying to hide some money from his current boyfriend. This story was big talk about two years ago.

Mark Salling


  1. Loving these only half revealed blinds, like PB&J sandwich with no jelly.

  2. Geffen's clean up crew? O_O

  3. So...Ray Donovan is actually a documentary?

  4. Does anyone who commits murder or crimes in Hollywood ever get caught and go to jail?

  5. Ur tinfoil hat is slipping, you forgot to mention the alien conspiracy.and the Mormons.

  6. These shouldn't be hard by now
    Consider them an appetizer

  7. Cops in La are the WORST.

  8. Well, the director of Die Hard and Predator went to prison for hiring a PI to wiretap a rival. So, sometimes they go to jail.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      He deserved to go to jail for rollerball

  9. I can't find any sympathy for a pedophile, no matter how he died.


  10. Hey! John McTiernan deserves statues and a national holiday in his name for directing both predator and die hard.

  11. My only concern is the theft was evidence of other crimes and again, the people behind it all get away with it.

    But burn in hell Mark however you got there.

  12. so does this mean the A+ TV producer is Ryan Murphy?

  13. It says A+Television director, any good guesses? Has Salling's autopsy been released yet?

  14. @gaulouise, I tried to make it anyone else and couldn't.

  15. Referring mainly to the comments to this original blind, it's interesting how people make up their own stories about Mark Salling's emotions during his last days, and convince themselves that he definitely killed himself. For whatever it's worth, CDaN is telling us now that Salling was murdered. Why is it so hard for some people to believe it?

    1. Why is it so hard to believe he was murdered? Based on what an anonymous entertainment blog says as opposed to evidence and the police say? Hmmm think you probably just answered your own question there. This site isn’t actually serious or real (90% of the time!)

  16. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's almost like California law enforcement is trying not to catch this child porn ring. Almost like they are a part of the ring, or at least getting cash to look the other way.

  17. So you delete any comments which point out that these are just a bunch of middle aged women's conspiracy wank fantasies? You is BUSTED!

  18. @Doug, it's because if you follow the connections, it links to people who link to people who link to people about whom some people don't want to hear anything negative, so they don't want to hear the first part of it.

  19. @Doug

    "CDaN is telling us now that Salling was murdered. Why is it so hard for some people to believe it?"

    Because CDAN is a blind gossip site, not an investigative journalism site.

    Because Salling had tried to kill himself before.

    Because none of the physical evidence contradicts Salling killed himself, no one else involved.


    "some people don't want to hear anything negative,"

    Or some people want more concrete evidence to launch the casting of aspersions.

    If anyone left microphones in Salling's apartment, it was more likely a source of celebrity gossip where the lines are blurred between digging up dirt for the mass audience and blackmailing the celebrity in question.

  20. But @ plot. Thoughtfulness and innocent till proven guilty have gone out the window and our hearts are racing and we are enraged. We want blood. Btw I just want to shout out to the girlfriend. She was the one that found the porn and turned Mark salling in. For that she was called all sorts of misogynistic names on social media sites. What people aren't getting is : Mark Salling called himself a Christian. He went to Christian private schools all while growing up. He only had girlfriends. He identified as straight and also as a republican. None of that matters because the dude is in hell where he belongs but the way some people latch onto politics as some kind of qualifier or absolving holy water gtfo with that noise. If the police had enough information to convict anyone else they would have. We are not Russia levels of corruption YET. But this administration is taking us there. Maybe /hopefully this is an ongoing investigation involving FBI? These investigations can take years. If not then it yet another unproven conspiracy. I guess time will tell. Just like with Weinstein, karma will arrive.

    1. @Halloweenie YES! Why don’t people here understand that we can identify as NOT Republican and still want to see the pedos crucified? Shocker, I know. I can’t stand that when I take a liberal point of view, I’m accused of being in support of Sharia Law and child molesting and all of that. Pure garbage. I would think anyone with a soul would see that justice for victims is NOT a partisan issue. It’s a human issue.

  21. I'm confused. Was Salling really high enough up the pecking order that he could take down anyone else, i.e. was it really worth murdering him? I thought he was an out of work actor, whose only claim to fame was Glee?

    1. With the amount of images and videos found on his hard drives, he should have been looking at life. We're talking 10,000+ images and any hours of child porn. He only got a handful of years. Plus, they let him out until sentencing, after he already pled guilty. That all only comes with someone who fully cooperated/rolled on a much bigger fish.

  22. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Was he going to spill the beans, I wonder?

  23. I usually believe all these reveals, but I'm just not feeling this one. I don't see him being powerful enough to take someone down. Who the hell would believe anything a pedophile says, anyways?

  24. Halloweenie

    Good for you for mentioning the girlfriend, I didn't know she was being slammed so hard online. Yep, she deserves the praise here.

    Salling and Josh Duggar were raised under similar circumstance and belief systems. Like so many of that ilk, they think that these girls deserve their fate for tempting them.

    Not to build sympathy for either of those assholes but what recourse did they have? Pray the sin away? Neither had the chance to deal with their early manifestations of their troubling thoughts or deeds because Jesus wouldn't want that. Get a legitimate girlfriend or wife and all the sin will drift away as one can dominate her with the blessing of their fucking ugly religion.

    So screwed up. No wonder Stalling offed himself. The dissonance inside his head must have been excruciating.

  25. Mark Salling was murdered because he could incriminate people higher up the pedophile ladder to spare himself.
    It turns out David Geffen finds you expendable.
    There's a list of people David Geffen the archpedophile found expendable.

  26. Not David Geffen, never.
    Nope nope nope.
    Sallings problem was personal.
    NOT Dave look over here instead.
    HERE. Otherwise wear tin foil.
    Don't forget, not Dave!

  27. Is Geffen really an A+ Television producer? He is usually described here as an A+ mogul, and he has very few TV credits for producing. I think the A+ TV producer in this blind is Ryan Murphy. Look up his credits. He did Nip+Tuck, Glee, and other shows that have been hits.

  28. All it takes is Salling knowing the right names. They may not be high up the chain but they could know the right names.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. "That all only comes with someone who fully cooperated/rolled on a much bigger fish"

    I could also be the sign of someone who fully cooperated with revealing electronic sources rather than some Big Fish he knows in person. Also, it doesn't look like Salling actually touched a child since he was not charged with such, and that usually brings the large sentences.



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