Monday, March 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 1, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actress who also directs says that she has spent years of therapy because one of her mother's boyfriends used to have sex with the actress on a regular basis from the time the actress was about 15 or 16. She says that her mom, who she has always lovingly praised welcomed her daughter having sex with him so she wouldn't have to every day.

Angelina Jolie


  1. No wonder she's so fucked up.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Billy Bob was more than happy to hop on that crazy train

  2. Gross. Explains a lot.

  3. And how about naming the boyfriend?!?

  4. Bill Day was with mommy between 1978 and 1993

  5. Not all single mothers are created equal.

  6. I thought there was a blind and/or reveal where AJ bragged that she had slept with her mama's bf?

    1. There was! I also remember that one

  7. Gross. Hippies thought it was cool to not have any boundaries.

    1. @sd auntie I wonder if they still think it’s cool to have messed up kids from those no boundaries upbringings.

      I’m guessing they blame the kids messed-up ness on the kids being too uptight.

    2. Well if Angie is hiring whores for her sons,she thinks it's cool. Allegedly

  8. What a strange family.

  9. This one was easy to guess but there was still some commenters outraged claiming Angie didn't fit.

  10. Her past issues with ED's, cutting, self harm, drugs are all text books things victims of sex abuse do to medicate was more of a matter of figuring out how, considering how some of the other men in life when she was underage have spoken about her it could have been a few, but does make sense to be mom's LT BF who was in the household as another parent while she was growing up.

  11. But she hates her dad and not her mom. Strange

    1. The only thing I know about her father is that he called her crazy...

    2. @Danilo Maybe he’s the one she went to for help and he didn’t believe her, or, worse, told her it’s not a big deal and to deal with it. That would all be hate-worthy.

  12. Wow- it’s now wonder she is wacky. How disgusting of her mother. Especially if AJ would have sex with him and then her mother would possibly do the same???

    1. @schweety Or, rather, if he would rape AJ and then go have sex with her mother.

      That is the correct terminology.

  13. She probably praises her mom because she's repeating the cycle, somehow, with her own kids.

  14. @Normal. Yes indeed. I worked with one of Billy Bob's in laws. He didn’t have to hop very high to jump on that train. In fact, he was probably the engineer.

  15. @Charisma it’s quite common for an abused child to attach themselves to the abusive parent.

  16. @Charisma...I was shocked to learn that but it's true. They keep trying to earn the love of the abusive parent. And resent the non-abuser for not rescuing them.

  17. Abuse victims sometimes claim responsibility for the abuse as a way to try to get some control over it in their own minds. "I slept with my mom's boyfriend because I wanted to and it was cool of my mom to let me" is less scary than "My mom's boyfriend used me and my mom wanted it and there was nothing I could do" -- if you can convince yourself it's true. Powerlessness is really scary, and people will rationalize hard to replace it with a sense of control.

    1. +1 @Cail

      Especially in a society that tells you it’s your CHOICE to be a victim. Um, no. It’s your choice how you deal with being victimized, but becoming the victim of an amoral POS, ESPECIALLY as a minor, isn’t a character flaw. It’s a violation.

      And then going public with it means being vioated again by victim-shaming? FTS. No wonder so many people develop coping mechanisms that do them real harm or just kick the ball down the road.

  18. Not saying it didn't/doesn't happen, but sometimes with the people coming out with the stories long after they've already created their own series of disasters and missteps, you have to look at them and say, "No, that's all you , Baby!"

  19. Sorry, that's a really distorted version of the many published reports, which were that Jolie famously stole her mother's boyfriend and that they were as a result estranged for some time because of it. I fully expect her to steal a boyfriend:girlfriend of at least one of her children because she's just that nasty.

  20. Therapy is important and I think she's reconciled somewhat with her dad. She seems like a mother who loves her kids alot.

  21. I think Angelina is coming to terms with how bad it was because her children are close to that age. The things you thought were normal turn out not to be.

  22. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear that about Angelina.

    I can certainly relate. I was raised in permissive atmosphere; nobody really cared where I was after age 14, and I had to earn my own money from age 12.

    My mother didn't hand me off to an adult boy friend, like Angie's. But my mother didn't care who I dated, when, or where, as long as I 'didn't call her from jail'. Mom was a serious alcoholic, and in her own little world.

    As Dr. Wayne Dyer said:
    "Most of us are doing the best we knew at the time, with the knowledge and ability we had at the time." (A quote that has gotten me thru many bad nights.)

    We can't change any of it. We can only move forward.

    1. I love dr wayne dyer...he also suggested something to the effect of trying to get to a place in you head where what happened yesterday is as unimportant as who won the peloponesian war...both being water under the bridge...

  23. There are no victims, only volunteers.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Not true at all. Angie has stated that she doesn't believe in therapy so this is an old rumor resurfacing as fact.

  26. wait another 10 years and we'll be hearing some horror stories from the Jolie-Pitt clan about what life was really like with Angelina.

  27. I would have thought Kate Hudson.

  28. She always acted like her mother was a saint.

  29. @Candy She's also talked about the whole family being in therapy, so apparently things change.

    Angie has NEVER acted like her mother was a saint, but she did - and does - clearly adore her nonetheless. I'd surmise that both of her parents fucked her up pretty badly. Where's a girl to turn when she's learned from a young age that she's only good for one thing?

    And while it's true that no one chooses to BE a victim, for adults it is almost always a choice to REMAIN one. But children aren't so lucky.

  30. Not so long ago, I read an interview of a former prostitute. She talked about the abuse she endured while under the care of her alcoholic grandma. What broke my heart more than anything was realizing that after everything, it still never occurred to her that her grandma was aware of her abuse and was paid for it.

  31. Well, that will do it. Explains a lot. Poor kid.

  32. Age of consent in France is 15. Lucky guy.

  33. Angie has always said she had a serious live-in boyfriend from 14-16, and it was a bad experience that led to her cutting and thinking about suicide. She's never said it was really her mother's boyfriend, but who would a mother let move in like that?


  34. billy bob abused a lady at a premiere then tried to laugh it off with "oh excuse me"
