Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 19, 2018

This B- list celebrity offspring who is only that high because of her parental units and what happened to her when she was younger is in full on relapse mode. Goodness she was sloppy over the weekend. She is drinking and drugging again. Someone needs to help her fast.

Ireland Baldwin


  1. What else is she going to do besides drinking and drugging? Where do her talents lie?

  2. What happened to her?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Alex Baldwin's famius,"thoughtless little pig" phone csll.Way to go Dadding for the loss!

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I hate these “somebody needs to get them help” lines.

    She needs to get herself help. Exactly what is someone else going to do? Tell her to stop drinking and drugging? Is that how it works, someone else makes a drunk/druggie stop doing what they do?

  4. I would help her if she wants, i like them tall.

  5. She keeps trying to get the comparions to her mom, but she is fugly, not to mention no work ethic and doesn't have the it factor her mom had.

  6. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Wait I'm confused ... She's drinking and drugging because her dad called her a thoughtless pig?! Is there more to this story?

  7. I actually feel sorry for the female offspring of famous beautiful women -- the girls must feel so much pressure to be as beautiful as mom, but none of them are. There is Ireland, Sailor (Brinkley) Cook, Reese's daughter Ava, Andie McDowell's daughter, and Cindy Crawford's daughter, just off the top of my head. NONE of them are as pretty or charismatic as their moms are/were. Yet they are all trying so hard to live up to their moms.

  8. God helps those, who helps themselves! She should go and get her own help!


  9. there was a video of her in the DM yelling at the dude she was with. As they're waiting outside for an uber, she's bobbing and weaving, almost falling into traffic. It's sad. She needs to hit rock bottom, but it's probably hard to hit rock bottom when your parents have reputations to protect.

  10. I, and many readers of this blog I"m sure, think this poor Baldwin girl has been sexually abused since she was a very young child. Her father is a monster, pimping out his young daughter for Hollywood stardom seems right in character.

  11. If I had a phony piece of shit like Alec Baldwin for a father, I'd drink and do drugs, too.

  12. Alec Baldwin had 4+ kids with new wife, he's probably a decent father or she wouldn't keep having his babies. Could Ireland Baldwin just be a mess because she's hanging out with bad people?

    1. Yes, he is an amazing father:





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