Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 17, 2018

This tone deaf foreign born A+ list singer doesn't care about any of the women or men who have been subject to the violence of this former A+ list singer because he thinks the singer is cool and a lot of fun.

Ed Sheeran/Chris Brown


  1. They are both shit

  2. I always imagined that going to an Ed Sheeran concert must be like going to see MuppetPalooza.

  3. I have to admit i like the song.

  4. this makes no sense

  5. I liked Ed Sheeran a lot when he first came out but I never could have predicted what he's become. The earlier stuff is better, so much better, but even now he's an improvement over most of what's on what passes for pop radio today.

  6. I am a big ES fan 😔 There was a blind about him being a good guy a while back

  7. Ew that song about being in Chris Brown's body. Weird to see ES in it, and KJ was awful.
