Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Kindness

March 7, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actress picked up the tab for an entire restaurant this week while she was out of town. When she was paying her bill, she told the manager to charge everyone that was eating right then on her card.

Reese Witherspoon


  1. Random acts of kindness are more fun than ugly sports cars.

  2. Ha I said it could be Reesie and all of you said SandyB! Reesie's a drunk, drunks do stuff like this in bars. That's why I originally said my girl JLaw, she can probably drink Reesie way under the table.

  3. @sandybrook - you rock!
    Jlaw is not mature enough to think to do something like this yet. She will, eventually.

  4. I think this would irritate me if I was eating in a restaurant and some celebrity came in and was all I'M PAYING EVERYONE'S BILL. IRL, I'd probably be all WTF you drunk elf can I eat in peace, pelase? I mean, why do I need to be dragooned into being an unwilling participant in positive publicity for someone I don't even know? And why the assumption that I'm too poor to pay my own bill and/or too needy to not just go along with it and that everyone's panting for free shit from the lovies? That's actually really rude and presumptuous. Everytime I read one of these blinds where some celeb is throwing money to the little people it's annoying. Lady Bountiful of the Handouts. I don't believe it's a kindness.

  5. I guess this makes up for Reese's entire movie career, not to mention her horrendous chin, which belongs on the front of an Arctic Icebreaker.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Jailbait curse. They never look as hot as they did at 15.

  6. I think it's very nice of her. She can afford it! Handouts are,asking your parents to pay your rent, bills and bail. Not this! Kudos Reese

  7. Shit if I had my bill picked up, I'm asking for the menu and a couple of bottles of good wine and sitting in for awhile. It's almost like you're giving me an all I can eat option as far as I'm concerned.

  8. Sorry, sandybrook, the rule is that she only pays for what you've already ordered. Dessert is on you, and forget about the expensive wine.

  9. @Amartel, you got that whole irate ingrate mad-at-the-world, what's-the-catch thing DOWN, bud. i bet it's a real challenge to buy you a birthday gift.

    1. Thanks for the Wednesday morning laugh, @Digitalis.

  10. I'm gonna do that when I get my big money. But it's not gonna be in a fancy place where rich folks eat. I'll do it where working folks go when they like to be fancy, like Olive Garden or Applebees.

    Cuz that's how I roll.

  11. Who's mad, bro? Someone needs to lighten up and it's sure as hell not me. I am insufficiently grateful for the bounty of celebrities. Guilty as charged!

  12. What if I haven't ordered yet but am at the table waiting for my server to come back and take my order?

    1. Sandybrook, do you have Reese's phone number? She'll have to decide.

    2. Sandy negotiating 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. What a pain in the ass for the management and wait staff at the restaurant! I'd venture to guess most eateries don't have a "pick up entire outstanding tab as of right now" button on their computer systems.

    1. No, but they have tickets for each table.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think it's awesome! A lot of celebs don't even bother to tip, let alone buy everyone's meal.

  15. @Amartel - I agree with you. If I’m in a restaurant, it’s because I can afford to eat there and it’s insulting to presume otherwise. Give that money to some local charity that would really appreciate it and spare us the weird grand gestures.

  16. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "Don't you know who I am? I paid for your dinner!"

  17. Nice blind reveal, but I think it would have been more meaningful if she had given all the waitstaff, cooks, and bus boys $200 tips. :)

  18. @ Amartel and Ann - when someone usually makes a gesture like that, their thought isn’t, “I don’t think you can afford that chicken Marsala”, it’s, “It’s want to something nice for you, stranger.”

    I’ve been out dining a couple of times with a friend who is fairly successful and a few times, mostly at breakfast, he’ll anonymously pick up the tab of a party that catches his eye (a young couple wrapped up in each other, a family with a gaggle of kids, an older person eating alone). That older person could be a retiree on a budget or Warren Buffet; my friend just likes doing something kind, without the thanks.

    That said, I think Reese did it for the publicity when it “leaked out”.

    1. +1

      Acts of kindness aren't always condescending. What if a person gave their dorm neighbour an extra large garbage bag to use as a tarp when it rains so they can get to one building to the other without getting wet? Because the guy forgot to bring an umbrella? And the classmate actually has more money than you, he just doesn't have an umbrella?

  19. 1. It's very easy, even at dive restaurants, to pick up all the bills. Higher end places are on on the machine and dives all have handwritten checks.
    2. There is no need for any announcement, the server simply informs each party when it is time to close their tab.
    3. Staff like it, frequently means good tips.

  20. Some of us seem to be really wretched human beings, determined to kvetch even about generosity. You have my pity. It's free. ;-)

    1. 💛💛💛💛💛💛

  21. Um, wasn't this blind already revealed as Maisie?
