Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 17, 2018

This married A+ list reality star hooked up with this married convicted child molester for old times sake when she had a quick weekend visit at his beach house out of the country.

Kim Kardashian/Joe Francis


  1. They were made for each other.

  2. She'll turn her kids over to him as soon as he pays her.

  3. On the topic of Kim, can we talk about how hilarious her latest photoshop fail was?

  4. I don't believe this. She's so narcissistic she only has sex with herself.

  5. bonestructure, she turned OFF the comments on her IG post, because so many people were ragging! Usually they just remove the negative comments, I guess there were too many this time!

    It amazes me how many STUPID people there are who actually believe she looks the way she does in her photoshopped to hell pics. She always gives herself legs almost as long and thin as Kendall's. Makes me laugh so hard.

    1. I think I was more surprised to find the picture still uploaded(still is as of 10 mins ago) But having the comments turned off is funny too!!!


      Are you guys talking about this one?? I cant seem to find the photoshoop fail. Im so curious! 😫

    3. Rebekah! Yes! Take a look at the car in background on the right. Something doesn’t look quite right 😂

  6. Robert Kardashian Sr. broke the rules and loosed the juice
    So he's dead, and his son is a fat addict loser and his wife and daughter are whores.
    Talk about biblical punishments from angry judges.

  7. bonestructure, sometimes I comment on her page - just to make fun of the stupid people who believe her krap.

  8. Does Kanye still think people are jellus that he's married to the planet's most ridden bicycle?

  9. I wonder if Kanye knows that people joke and laugh about him being married to that whore and have little to no respect for him because of her

  10. Have you ever met straight men? plenty would still give their left pinkie for a night with kim.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Not me. I’d chew my leg off for the chance to escape.

    2. She was hot before lol this might be weird, but she looks better without makeup, so...

    3. @lontimereader - I guess they didn't see that porno or read what her first husband had to say

  11. I fear the act of merely reading this reveal requires a visit to the clinic.

  12. Moral fucking depravity. It’s whats for breakfast, lunch & dinner in this corrupt empire. .

  13. Straight men should worry less about their pinky and more about their winky, As in, their winky rotting and falling off after sex with Kim.

  14. She puts the ass in kkklass . Thanks Seacrest for this blight on humanity.

  15. Leave it to that fucking narcissistic sleaazy dumbass to piggyback her pig self walking away from a mall and insinuate that she is "MarchingForOurLives. She is such a fucking loser.

  16. Both their stuff should slowly rot and fall off.

    The pic of the car in the background is hilarious!!! OMG!!! I'm laughing so hard tears are running own my legs.

  17. I will always believe PMK's new $150mil contract with E! was all fake. SHE probably paid THEM to appear on TV. It's her/their only way to continue to be relevant, without their TV program, they'll dry up. Betcha dollah!!

    Guess Ryan Seacrest is getting his one upance for bringing us that trash family.

    Ok, carry on.

    You guys are all hilarious, I might add.

  18. Hi Don!! It's been awhile, I know. :)

  19. Gag. At what point does your body start to fall apart after sooooo much plastic surgery and fillers? Kim will be the first medical text book case of overdone and done.

  20. I do wonder what Kimmy will do in desperation, 10 years from now, to get more attention than Kylie, North, etc

  21. I thought Kourtney was the one who dated him....
