Sunday, March 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 3, 2018

At the same event last night mentioned in #3, this married former A++ list athlete was collecting phone numbers of women. Seems as if he hasn't really changed.

Kobe Bryant (Demi Lovato concert)


  1. LOL, at a Demi Lovato concert. Wow. How old were these women?

  2. No, really? I'm shocked...

    I still find it disgusting that he got an Academy Award (off his celebrity, there were at least 2 much better movies in the category) in this year of #metoo. No one has a memory. I keep saying to my friends and I'll predict it here - Weinstein will be back too. 10 years from now it'll all have blown over. Maybe sooner.

    1. I agree. I was really angry he won that when the other nominees clearly deserved it more.

  3. Media take out has part of the transcripts. Kobe looks bad and the accuser is not credible. Having said that, I was not there.

    Anyone gonna watch OJ the Lost Confession tonight?

  4. All Kobe was guilty of was theft of services for not paying the upsell for anal.

  5. Kobe got away with rape

  6. Read the national enquirer about that lady and her greedy boyfriend. She is not credible @kittens rid. The count is right...angry about the compensation. She blew it and not all complaints are true.

  7. @KittensRus: +1000. I give 5 years, tops. We seem to have short memories in this information overload highway these days. Same with Singer, et al.

  8. How many different mens' semen were found in her panties? Ho went there to fuck him, she was mad he took the backdoor.

  9. Pigstein will be dead in 5 years due to amassive heart attack. The man is morbidly obese and there are Too many victims for him to come back . Kobe may want to watch his step. He is gonna get into a lot of trouble with his taste for young looking gals. His wife was still in high school when they met.

  10. Ah Kobe is just being polite (wink)

    I mean ladies how many times have you given a guy a fake phone number...

  11. I was not there. We can make a case for both innocence and guilt because both parties gave shady interviews.

    Kobe had major knee surgery. He can always say he was too doped up to rape someone and that he was too doped up to give a coherent interview.

    The female party had semen from multiple men inside her and in her underwear. She claimed she was wearing dirty underwear because that was all she had. As a female, I would put on a pair of shorts or go without for health reasons. There are reports that the woman was an escort/prostitute. For all I know that was a smear tactic.

    She had injuries consistent with forced sex but again, all those semen samples give reasonable doubt to Kobe's guilt.

    In any case the woman could very well be telling the truth but had the misfortune of not being credible.

    This is sad to me no matter who did what. I pray all assault victims receive healing and justice in this life.

    1. Wow. Tw!! That's interesting. Different people's semen? Must have been an escort...ewwwwwww.

    2. @Sd Auntie - Yep. If this girl wasn't raped then she made some money off her lie. No wonder actual victims don't get their day in court.

  12. He's not a rapist, he's a serial cheater who seems to have an "understanding" with his wife, like most guys in HW.

  13. I agree things will go back to the pre #metoo days. Most women in HW will have a hard time finding work when they hit 40.

  14. I always wondered if retired Kobe would behave lol, Vanessa would have a fit *cackling intensifies
