Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Item #9

Going back to that earlier blind. This public embarrassment went much larger than just the person.  You can watch it. Lots of people did. You will laugh while watching it.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Someone have footage of Hilary falling?

  2. It's on youtube, I just found it. It's weird because Huma doesn't flinch, or make a move to help her at all. She just stays a few steps above her waiting for the other people to help Hillary, like 'here we go again'. Hillary was holding onto that man, it appeared, firmly before she slipped; then she slipped again.

    1. I noticed that too about Huma. She wasn't even concerned in the slightest. Gave me the impression this is not an out of the ordinary occurrence

  3. I don't think falling down some steps would be such a huge embarrassment as to undo some sort of image rehaul, though. A few more details would be nice.

  4. Don't question the fact that she sprained her wrist in a bathtub in India...
    Or fell, twice, down the stairs...
    Or had to be loaded in a van head first...
    Or broke her ankle, running with coffee...
    Or tripped walking into a plane, causing a concussion...
    CNN says...
    Its all a health conspiracy theory...
    You crazy alt theorists you...

    1. She's ill and brain damaged. Corruption galore aside, she has no business being a leader of anything.
      ...and I didnt vote for Trump.

    2. Well, she’s not the leader of anything, so can we stop the Hillary panic?

    3. She owns the mind of the idiot. I'm waiting for Trump to take special interest in draining the swamp. Crooked Hilldog still runs free, Bill, Obama?. Republicans run the country but do nothing. There is no pizzagate, no murders,just ignorant people afraid of strong women, and men of color.

  5. I hope this is Hillary. She is the worlds biggest hypocrite. I am never supporting feminism until they call her out for not only to how she treated Bill's accusers (there was no "start by believing" applied then) but until they stop supporting her completely. She's done nothing but enable him and ride his coat tails.

  6. So she may have an undisclosed illness like MS. Is that something to be joyful about?

    1. I'm no Hillary fan, but agree with you @Nichole

    2. Yes, it's hysterical.

      Because she implicitly lied/ is lying to the voters. She is so sick yet so egotistical she can't reveal her weakness

      So we don't sympathize, we laugh at an obvious lie.

    3. That isnt to say we're joyful about the disease.

      We're joyful that an obvious lie is totally unmaintainable

      We are joyful at truth coming out

  7. This makes no sense at all as Hillary.

  8. She isn't the leader of anything but she still wants to be which is a joke. She is not healthy and all the crap she said about Bill's accusers caused me to decide a long time ago not to vote for her for dog catcher let alone president. And why the hell doesn't she just come out of the closet already? No one really cares.

  9. All that cheating and the psycho still lost. Thank God. Or whomever.

  10. I believe Dr Drew should have his show put back into the CNN lineup, he was right. There is something medical wrong with her, and the voting public had a right to know.

  11. I fall at least 1x a year and have broken a leg when I was 30. U get older and your bones are not the same. Hope she increases vitamin d intake and take magnesium for better absorption. Maybe another brain is needed to rule out MS. And cardiologist appointment too.

    1. Another brain scam is needed...sheesh.

    2. @Sd Auntie - Falling at least once a year is not normal. Please get a second or third opinion. You are loved.

    3. Oh thank you's usually while hiking...I am very careful..been low on vitamin d though. Thank u . You are very sweet.

    4. @Sd Auntie, I think the vitamin D and magnesium would be very good for Hillary, but another brain would be especially helpful. One in which the sociopathy is not hard-wired.

      This would apply to most of the elites of the world, of all political parties and (mostly fake) persuasions, including, yes, you-know-who.

    5. You are DEFINITELY right!!!

      ..."Another brain is needed".... YES,the one shes got is all full of Rot and nasty/pungent Puss infected bureaucratic/political gray matter.

  12. A trip to the Betty Ford Center would probably do wonders for her balance.

  13. I HATE Hillary for many reasons.
    The biggest reason?

    If she wouldn't have forced/willed/cheated herself on the Dem ticket,
    there is NO WAY IN HELL Trump would've won.

    Nobody I know voted for her because:
    1. Hillary's Insane Corruption
    2. Hillary's CONSTANT screaming about Misogyny, Homophobia
    Blah, Blah Blah and everyone is a RACIST who doesn't agree with her
    3. Hillary hates everyday Americans, hates them. She reiterated that again this week in India.
    4, It's "Her Turn," as if she's owed the Presidency
    5. If you don't vote for her you HATE women

    There are so many more reasons to hate this wretched woman but these are the ones off the top of my head.

    So Hillary's not in the White House, BUT... lucky us...
    Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner have happily stepped up to fill Bill & Hillary's shoes.
    The corruption of these two entitled assholes is fucking amazing.

    I would boldly make the claim that Ivanka and Jared have brilliantly done what many have not.

    Ivanka and Jared have brought a dysfunctional country together.

    I would assume we have come together on this issue and all agree,

  14. People kept bleating about it being her turn because she was promised the nomination back in 2008 if she stepped aside and let Obama have it back then. They just didn't count on Bernie running and everybody absolutely fucking hating her.

    She would have been a horrible President who would have done a lot of the psycho bullshit the tangerine shitblimp has done regarding foreign policy but the media would have praised her because she's a Clinton.

  15. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Isn't it getting pretty late in Moscow?

    Bed time, bots.

    1. If you despise Hillary you're a bot - hahahahaha!

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      MKL don’t try so hard. It’s painful to watch.

    3. +100 Normal. I find it interesting that MKL accuses these posters of being bots, but I see longtime and active CDaN contributors, folks I dee post several times a week, multiple posts. MKL, Peakablooo, Velobwoy... never. So tell me again who are bots?

  16. It's entirely possible HRC has Lewy Body dementia. There are a lot of freezes & falls in the earliest to mid-stage of the disease. The sensory-motor strip (very top part of your brain) dies first due to Lewy inclusion bodies (visible only after death in an autopsy)

    It sometimes gets misdiagnosed as Parkinsons + Alzheimers

    That freeze then fall forward into the van plus this footage fits with the LBD fall pattern.

    1. @VDOVault - thank you for this. Rumor had it Hillary has Parkinson's. Now I know better.

    2. Thanks VOD vault. Wow!

    3. @VDO

      Thanks for this. It does sound more plausible. I’d heard of it but not much about how it looks from the outside.

  17. Hillary is an embarrassment of epic proportion. I am starting to wonder if all her need for publicity and her resulting verbal diarrhea is really self abuse. Will no one intervene and get her the help she needs? Where's Bill?

    1. Fucking his mistress in upstate New York. Maybe her daughter should get off Twitter and take care of her mother.

  18. Hey Sh itlery... go the eff away!

  19. Wow who let the trolls out today. Hope your words are returned to sender times two. Women will always find a reason to hate women.

    1. Her vagina has nothing to do with her being a horrible person.

    2. I meant that as a +1 for it took forever, not cheese grater

    3. +1 for cheesegrater (but really it does because you know shes angry she wasn't born a man)

  20. Who gives a shit besides a Fox News and Hillary-haters?
    This is the first I’ve heard of her in months. I don’t see her trying to do a damned thing. Her story and her time as a politician are over for even those who voted for Clinton.

    Sounds like people desperate to distract from the most corrupt and useless administration to ever grace the oval offfice.

    1. +1 Skittlekitty the only people I see still obsessing with Hillary and the 2016 election are Trump supporters.

      I feel like the left has moved on and is looking for who to field in 2020. Also keeping tabs on the current administration.

  21. I am no fan of Hillary but I don't think this blind is about her.

  22. JESUS . STAY ON TOPIC! So boring your political lies and garbage

  23. Lewey body dementia is bad, and is a possibility given that 9/11 Memorial video where she was literally thrown into that van like a piece of frozen meat. Speaking of Huma, how is reconciliation with her husband going? Karmic wishes to the lot of them.

    1. "Reconciliation," marital privilege. Whatever.

  24. Hahaha. It's hilarious how all the Trump trolls keep talking about Hillary. Even though she was cleared by the FBI two years ago and is now a private citizen. I love the smell of desperation in the morning.

    They're just upset that Mueller is drawing closer to Trump. Which is why Trump continues to grow more and more unhinged (see the weekend's tweets!) and grows closer to trying to fire him. Which of course, would be idiotic for many reasons, not the least of which is that Mueller already has an airtight case all wrapped up.

    Be afraid, Trump trolls. It only gets worse from here.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Mule face has got nothing. He’s only there to cover for the last 8 years. He’s already exceeded his mandate... cuz he has bupkus. Ken Starr did the same thing.

  25. Isn't there someone this would fit better? Doubt anyone would post something this politically inflammatory about Hillary on a blind gossip site, even though she does have a lot of people mad at her. I am not a fan of her she seems lacking insight about what she and Bill did to those women who were victimized by Bill. There seems to be an "ends justifies the means" mentality that is scary. Not that what we have going on now is less frightening. It is less frightening though. Still frightening.

  26. If Hillary had won they'd be playing Weekend at bernies with her midway through her first term.

  27. WTF with the hillary haters flooding this site. I guess Putin's propaganda machine even makes it to a gossip site.

  28. Is this referring to blind 6?

  29. This not about Hillary.. This seems to be the post Enty is referring to from "about a month ago" on February 14:

    "Very recently, our former child actor has bought himself some favorable press. He claims to bring new wealth and charity to this island from his recent business dealings. This favorable press makes no mention of his shady past dealings.

    He is trying to remake his public image. This will not succeed."

    Brock Pierce was the most popular guess. The embarrassment being John Oliver's segment about him on Last Week Tonight.

    1. +1 incatneto

      Was this the foreign based blockchain startup?

  30. Please y'all... go bitch about Hillary somewhere else. I come to CDAN to get AWAY from politics. ANd leave her alone. Campaign is over. She lost. Go hate someone else.

  31. Funny how losing the election wasn’t enough to satisfy her haters. What would it take for y’all to move on? Crucifying her on Capitol Hill? Throwing her to the lions as a Super Bowl halftime show? I didn’t like her either, but jeeee-zus move on.

  32. I don't care what she has, I just hope it progresses fast enough that we don't have to suffer through her trying to run for President again. I'd love a woman President - an honest one.

  33. oh lets applaud honest KITTENSRUS, holier than thou pearl clutcher frau. If only hillary was honest, GTFOH

  34. These Hilary haters just don't quit. It's so weird to me. She's gone. She's retired. She's finished. She is no longer relevant, and meanwhile the current administration is running the country like it's a drunken clown car going down the wrong way of an Insterstate. Talk about something else, you Trumptards. You sound as dumb as you look.

    Back to the bllnd!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. If Hilary wasn’t around, Trump’s and his base’s lives would likely stop. The voters would have to get up, clean their trailers, tell their cousin to put clothes on and have to get a job. Luckily for them, they’ve all been proveably brainwashed (amazing articles in The Guardian this weekend) to obsess over her.

  37. Skittlekitty hasn't heard from her in months? Then she is the only one.

  38. Hilary won't stop talking about us so why should we stop talking about her? And get off your high horse while using an insensitive slur.

  39. Hey, they keep RBG going with strings and paper mache, HRC is going to be fine.

  40. If you don't read right-wing sites like Breitbart where they use Hillary hate as a way to distract from the chaos reigning in Washington, then no, you wouldn't have heard about her for months. MSM isn't interested in Hillary because she isn't news. Whether you're a fan or not, Hillary isn't a story right now, so get over it. It's ridiculous that people thought this blind was about her. Stop caring about Hillary Clinton and start caring about what's happening now.

  41. Hi all

    Lewy Body Dementia was what Robin Williams actually had (the experts didn't learn that though until an autopsy after he had killed himself). His doctors all thought it was Alzheimers + history of drug use but Williams himself didn't agree. A pity he went out like that before they had a diagnosis. Very very sad for his family (especially his widow who now works to raise LBD awareness out in society).

    If an elder gets a dementia other than Alzheimers (memory problems is usually earliest sign of Alzheimers) it can take months to years to get a good diagnosis (if I recall correctly Robin was 18 months into seeing doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with him). Money does not buy you short cuts here. Very few people know what to look for with or without medical training.

    The other 2 big dementias are vascular (accompanies strokes & stroke damage, person needs neurological screening to see if strokes have occurred) & fronto-temporal dementia. First sign of FTD is usually really weird behavior (a lot of it is tabloid worthy) and/or loss of language (the first words they lose & confuse are nouns, my late father had FTD). CTE, the dementia of athletes (and veterans and domestic violence victims) accompanies hits to the head (concussion or less than concussion) & manifests a lot like FTD.

    There are good videos out there put out by an occupational therapist turned dementia care teacher Teepa Snow. There are also various societies for the many kinds of dementias that can help people facing these diseases.

    Not sure who the blind is about but if you have someone middle aged or older falling, freezing, confusing or forgetting their nouns (my father once used wife to refer to me when he meant daughter for example) acting not like themselves, do what you can to get them into a primary care doctor & then a referral to a neurologist.

  42. Exactly @Carolyn.
    Right wing sites are relying on the Hillary-crutch to keep their fans / focus them away from comrade-in-chief Trump’s issues.

  43. "Hillary is an embarrassment of epic proportion."

    And Donald Trump isn't more epic? You know his ego would like prefer being more epic than Hill.

    Well Americans it looks like you are doubly cursed you were going to have an embarrassing leader no matter which way the election went.

  44. Unless of course you prefer Putin as your de facto leader LOL.

    I mean Vladdy won by a landslide huh.

  45. It's hard to read here any more. Why is it funny that Hillary would fall/almost fall? What the FUCK!?

    Are you jackasses going to laugh when fat ass Trump falls down the stairs of Air Force 1? Because apparently he has a thing about stairs.... and underage girls but that's not what the blind is about.

    I hope this blind isn't about Hillary or any aging person falling. That shit isn't funny. If so, this site has lost it's course.

  46. I agree -

    @Sd Auntie - Falling at least once a year is not normal. Please get a second or third opinion. You are loved.

  47. Drinking again, eh?

  48. This confirms it's Brock--the John Oliver bit was funny.

  49. Watching an old lady fall isn't funny, you assholes. Idc who it is.
