Monday, March 26, 2018

Blind Item #8

This was kind of strange. This A list mostly movie actress who is getting that rating because of her past work. She never really acts now. She says that when she was starting out in the business and basically having sex for money with wealthy men who saw her in a magazine, she was taken to a party and introduced to this permanent A++ list celebrity. Apparently they enjoyed the same type party drug. Well, she was taking it to party and he was taking it to live or at least numb all his pain. To this day, his cause of death is listed as something other than what the real cause of death was. Anyway, he was fascinated by our now actress and also by the guy she was seeing from time to time who could get his hands on the drug. So, she started spending more time with our celebrity and she says he memorialized her, but when she saw it and didn't immediately say how much she loved it, he destroyed it in front of her and never did another. Apparently he was wasted when he destroyed it and she says she did love it but was shocked he did it. She also says that when the celebrity was dying, her first husband who was not quite her husband refused to meet the celebrity because he was afraid of catching something.


Tricia13 said...

Michael Jackson and Halle Berry?



Tricia13 said...

Could be too Prince/Halle maybe?

Truthseeker said...

I am not thinking of Prince or MJ simply because it says, when the celebrity was dying, and the pain issue. It seems to me this is someone who died a slower expected death of a communicable disease?

Cathy said...

Andy Warhol

sunnydaze1109 said...

That's what I'm thinking. Not sure of the actress

AvignonVagabond said...

Demi Moore, Bruce Willis and Andy Warhol?

Brayson87 said...

I don't know if it's him but yikes.

"The surgeon found a gallbladder full of gangrene; the organ fell to pieces as he removed it, he said."

AvignonVagabond said...

Demi married Bruce in Nov 1987. Andy died in Feb 1987.

The only thing that does not work is Bruce was not Demi's "first" husband as the blind states

MontanaMarriott said...

I think this is an actress who got her start in Playboy because of the line "men who saw her in a magazine". Does Kim Basinger fit?

LiluDallas said...
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Anonymous said...

My appendix ruptured when I was 18, and was gangrenous. I'm lucky I survived it- 2 weeks in the hospital plus bed rest. Can't imagine that happening to a gall bladder. What pain! I thought of Andy, as well. Don't have a clue who the actress is.

Lisa S said...

Demi was married to musician Freddie Moore.

Brayson87 said...

"Those soft and fuzzy sweaters
Too magical to touch
To see her in that negligee
Is really just too much
My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold"

Sara, Making It Work said...

I agree with Warhol guesses, that was my first reaction anyway.

filmfanb said...

Warhol is a good guess. No idea why but when he said "didnt want to catch something" It makes me think they are suggesting Warhol may have had aids? Im not saying you can just catch it but back then the ignorant thought that. So did he really die from complications of aids? Similar to the prince blind.

Beckett said...
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Phelps said...

Demi posed in Oui when she was underage.

More Cowbell said...

I like the Warhol guess with Kim Bassinger. Her timeline fits. She did a Playboy pictorial which appeared in 1983.
She had a first husband before Alec.

Sign Name Below said...

Warhol and Michell Pfieffer?

Beckett said...

Someone who died from AIDS in the early years?

Unknown said...

Kim Basinger, Richard Here, Andy Warhol.

filmfanb said...

Also I know Warhol was a speed head.

Unknown said...

Damn autocorrect. Richard Gere

Unknown said...

Lol. Scratch that. She wasn't married to Gere.

Newbomb said...

It has to be Warhol. Haring is the only other dead celeb artist I can think of but I don't think he fits.

Guesser said...

It could be Demi with her first husband and Andy Warhol,she was quite well known from General Hospital prior to the brat pack days,she was only 19,used drugs, and had been in a men's magazine. Rumors about Warhol having AIDs have been around for years before he was hospitalized.

Nubian princess said...

I've got MANY books on Warhol. No mention of any drugs. Talk about a complete information blackout. This screams Warhol. Actress...Farrah Fawcett?

Guesser said...

Of course,this is Enty,calling Bruce her first husband is dumb,since she took her first husband's name, but an Entern may not know that. People did still think you could get AIDs from minor contact in 1987.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Gotta be Demi.
The fact that she was married prior to Bruce is the kind of detail that Enty fudges. Everything else works perfectly.

Maybe her first husband is the one being referred to as the guy she was seeing off and on for drugs. Maybe that's just the type of relationship they had. From what I remember reading before, she was a teenager and basically married him to get out of the house.

Anonymous said...

Bassinger had her portrait done. Thinks its Demi

Guesser said...

@Nubian Princess, good guess except that the Warhol painting he did of Farrah was hanging in her home,I think Ryan O'Neal stole it after she died,there was even a court case. Also,it appears the actress is alive.

Brian said...

Andy Warhol wasn't dying though, nor was he into party drugs. He was pretty much fine, other than gallbladder problems, which was the surgery that killed him.

Lynn said...

Definitely not Andy W. Whoever it was took some time to die if people were able to visit. Andy died unexpectedly at 4 am, after surgery the previously day to remove his gallbladder.

Also, he was connected and didn't need help getting whatever he wanted in NYC (re: possible drug use.) Andy was an artist not a celebrity.

filmfanb said...

Andy was a known Obetrol user which is basically speed pretending to be a diet pill.

Nubian princess said...

Dang it! Your right. Andy always took diet pills also. Not really a "party drug", but it fits. Demi is the only plausible guess.

Brayson87 said...

Andy was not fine.

"It was widely reported at the time that Warhol died of a "routine" surgery, though when considering factors such as his age, a family history of gallbladder problems, his previous gunshot wounds, and his medical state in the weeks leading up to the procedure, the potential risk of death following the surgery appeared to have been significant."

"As Dr. Ryan learned in his research, Warhol was dehydrated and also emaciated from having barely eaten in the previous month; had for years been taking a daily dose of speed; and was still suffering from the effects of a brush with death in 1968, when he was shot by an enraged hanger-on, Valerie Solanas. Only a brilliant surgeon and brilliant luck had saved his life then — he had been declared dead in the emergency room and had nine damaged organs."

ThingsIToldYou said...

Demi Moore's ex Freddy Moore looks just like Andy Warhol...weird


That Venture Brothers Warhol episode was something
So is the aggressive butterfly imagery in the show.

Kikibunny said...

Theres also basquiat...he liked drugs...but the word fascinates in the blind makes me think warhol...demi and warhol are both famous pittsburghers

Kikibunny said...
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Kikibunny said...

I just read that basquiat destroyed the art he did of madonna...they dated briefly...but she doesnt fit mostly movie actress

Kikibunny said...

I dont see warhol getting fucked up and destroying his work, he had assistants doing alot of his work towards the end...this has to be basquiat and madonna

Mad Hominem said...

Old Person here....

When AIDS was becoming a household word in the 1980s, Hollywood celebs
who died of AIDS had it labeled in their obits as "died of complications from AIDS," or something similar. Sergio Leone was one such person; Rock Hudson, of course, was another. There was no attempt to disguise it.

Nowadays, publicists are airbrushing the past (and present) deaths by getting rid of any mention of AIDS. But when Warhol died, it was plainly stated that he died of AIDS.


Not that I ever looked into it but I didn't know Sergio died of AIDS. Huh.

T. W. said...

A lot of AIDS victims have cancer listed as cause of death.

Count Jerkula said...

She wasnt underage. That is bs put out later to try to bury the pix.

Phelps said...

The Playboy bio says she was underage. Take it up with them.

youdontsay said...

Michelle Pfeiffer

Brian said...

Mad Hominem, Andy Warhol absolutely did not die of AIDS, he died from complications after gallbladder surgery.

As for the Basquiat/Madonna guesses, Basquiat would not be considered permanent A++, plus he died of an overdose, not an illness. And Madonna certainly would not be referred to as "This A list mostly movie actress who is getting that rating because of her past work".

gauloise said...

Jean Michel Basquiat? he was a hot head and tended to idolize women.

Maybe he commited suicide instead of od'ing?

Kno Won said...

Made me think of Rock Hudson.


Notice the tiger said he didn't know Sergio died of AIDS. What can you deduce?

Kno Won said...

Kaposi’s Sarcoma was common in early AIDS patients.

Kikibunny said...

Basquiat just broke an american artist auction record selling a painting for 110 million....i think 110 million would qualify him for a++ status, at least in the art world... the rest of your points i agree with

Sd Auntie said...

Basquiat is A+++. Agree with kiki bunny. Warhol's stuff was boring

MissDe said...

Aids or not one thing to remember is that the cause of death is not what everyone thinks it was and what it was listed saying wharhol or so and so didn't die of this or that is silly, because what we know the person to have died from isn't true

Brian said...

Andy Warhol died in a hospital. It is safe to say that yes, he died of what his death certificate claims he did. But if you want to take a blind item, 30 years later, with a completely unverified claim as gospel truth instead, go for it.

Anonymous said...

John Wayne? Walter Cronkite? Robin Williams? Bob Hope? Cary Grant?
How about a politician?

Not sure how everyone made the leap to Andy Warhol.

Anonymous said...

Frank Sinatra? Johnny Carson? Johnny painted, I think

Frankie goes said...

I think it's Prince. He died of AIDS and it's been buried. Fentanyl is the drug he liked. I don't know who the lady is...but i was around then too, and it was never written that Andy Warhol died of AIDS ( oddly, because that's what was going on a lot back then.) It was supposedly some OR mishap; i wouldn't be surprised if there was more to that.

Frankie goes said...

And the way her immortalized her could be a song

Brian said...

Prince did not die of AIDS, don't be stupid.

Frankie goes said...


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