Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blind Item #8

This multiple Grammy Award winner/nominee has won a lot of other awards too. He is permanent A list in his corner of the singing world. He has a side gig. It is a gig where he is introduced to teens and young men who come to him looking for answers. Instead of those answers, they are often molested and even raped by the A lister. He passes around these teens and young men to others in his group who are even more violent and twisted. This has been going on for decades but the pressure put on the teens and young men to say and do nothing is immense. I only know a couple of men who have spoken up and they have either been shut down by legal threats or their voices were lost in an abyss and never made a dent. That is about to change. I think within the next few weeks, this will all start coming to light.


  1. Replies
    1. I hope not, only because I don’t want to share the same name as an alleged rapist

    2. & David foster

  2. Some gospel singer I take it? Donnie McClurkin?

    1. I don’t know him
      But that a likely bet/corner of the signing world.... 🙏🏻Anyone but Bocelli please

    2. @MontanaMarriott - good guess. Excuse my ignorance but I don't see how Boccelli can rape without help cuz he is blind.

  3. Is there anyone who HASN'T raped/molested someone?

  4. I am thinking this is someone in the field of Gospel music since some of these churches have been known to do outreach and prison ministry to at risks youth.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Me too Montana... Maybe Kirk Franklin. He has a shady past.

    1. Cn u lead me to a blind that alledges this?

  7. I think "This multiple Grammy Award winner/nominee has won a lot of other awards too. He is permanent A list in his corner of the singing world" will be key. Too many mentoring types out there otherwise.

  8. @MM
    I think you're onto something.

    I can definitely see him "mentoring" boys who are questioning their sexuality.

    Ex-gay/ conversion therapy is under a microscope right now.

  9. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Brian McKnight?


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sounds like James Levine of the Metropolitan Opera.

  12. Gospel is a legitimate category of music with a very long history, of course there should be a grammy for it. Not remotely surprised one of it's stars is a creep though.

  13. Do you know how big a business gospel and Christian music are and how many radio stations in this country format that music for programming?

  14. I tried gay conversion therapy and it didn't work. I was still straight afterwor.....Oh wait, It's for the other way? Nevermind.

  15. " That is about to change. I think within the next few weeks, this will all start coming to light."

    And it will be about time?! I mean...there are lots of gossips about things" to be revealed" or that" might be revealed" and then nothing come out

    ( there are things that did came out, tough, just not in a clear way, til now )

  16. 4 Nor'easters in one month
    On the equinox no less
    Some storm
    Weather control isn't real

    1. They call it seeding so the masses won't catch on

  17. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The first rule of CDAN is things that “will soon come to light” never come to light.

  18. " The first rule of CDAN is things that “will soon come to light” never come to light." i wouldn't say" never", but , most of time, yes..on the other hand, things can change, or getting covered, or people get paied, etc

  19. he was molested as a child and struggled with homosexuality because of it, so i think everyone who guessed mcclurkin is correct. a disturbed, sick man.

  20. Is anyone in Hollywood not a pedophile? Jeez.

  21. A bit off topic, but...

    On behalf of Christendom, I would like to say, You're welcome for JS Bach, but please forgive us for contemporary Christian music.

  22. To @nonya and others:

    he was molested as a child

    This is fast becoming a knee-jerk excuse for bad/criminal
    behavior and I for one think it is bullshit. Not everyone
    got fondled by a creepy uncle.

    1. They're groomed into next gen predators.
      This is how the system works

  23. Pick one. ANY one ...


  24. One more vote here for James Levine. He's a multiple Grammy winner, and the Met didn't dump him so quickly for no reason.

    OTOH, his career is over. He's actually trying to sue the Met for unjust dismissal apparently, but he's in poor physical condition - one more reason won't be conducting again anywhere.

  25. Pat Boone. It says "Decades".

  26. Some poor guy claims he lost his virginity in McClurkin's Gay Conversion facility. When he told his parents the facility said the kid left in his own because he didn't want to submit to God. This reminds me of a Law & Order Criminal Intent episode.

  27. James Levine makes the most sense since he was just fired.

  28. Donnie is not in Hollywood. He is a Gospel music megastar. These conversion therapy places are often hotbeds of downlow sex . Btw Mike Pence is a huge supporter of the mental and spiritual abuse known as "conversion " therapy because........reasons. Anyways I'm sorry these kids are abused and used because they know they are gay from a young age and instead of being loved and supported and cherished their homophobic churches/families send them into rapists hands. Instead of being encouraged to date and fall in love with boys their own age and experience a healthy happy life being proud of who they are they are shamed and taken advantage of. Thank goodness for movie like Love, Simon. Doing gods work!!!!!! And preaching the true gospel of God's love FOR US ALL.

    1. @Halloweenie - Please get your facts straight. A lot of the boys were underage & sent by their parents who thought their sons were gay. Notice I said thought.

      As for God's work, several religious faiths prohibit homosexuality. Please identify which God you speak of & identify the religion that worships this God. That way the gays & their supporters will know where to go.

  29. +1 Raging Bunnies

  30. Several young men accused James Levine over the years, and indeed their complaints seemed to get little traction until his recent firing.

    Have there been accusations over the years about Donnie McClurkin?

  31. -1 holloweenie you obviously have NEBER read the bible. not once did Jesus say show your love w/physical intimacy. and as i've read and the bible several times and am still reading it did Jesus ever fornicate w/His apostles to show His love

    physical is foe man and woman only to show their love. Jesus Himself says that

    homosexuality is a SIN!!! just like the others. gays don't repent because they tend to make their own laws and continue to sin. your twisting of scripture makes you a false teacher and vile.

    1. @Raging Bunnies - There is a plethora of Scriptures in both the Old & New Testaments. Islam, Zoroastrianism, & other religions speak against homosexuality as well. Try Google if you need more info. Take care.

  32. The blind says "in his corner of the singing world." James Levine is known as a conductor and pianist so I don't think this is about him.

  33. What came to my mind is Possibly Israel Houghton.

    Regarding 'lot of other awards':

    This info is from Israel & New Breed's just released single:

    "As the leader of ISRAEL AND NEW BREED, a critically acclaimed musical ensemble and ministry organization, the group has amassed two gold-selling albums titled LIVE FROM ANOTHER LEVEL and ALIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA and six GRAMMY® Awards; 15 Dove Awards; two Stellar Awards and one Soul Train Award."

    Side gig could be annual leadership training courses for worship teams and leaders. The training was a few days to one week in Texas. As of a couple years ago, I believe IH no longer does these. Maybe someone has more current info.

    1. Olsteen canned his ass when the affair w/ his current Mrs (who wasnt the current Mrs at the time) was made public.

      I'm pretty sure he's still doing leadership/music workshops.

      Look up HIGHER GROUND.
      Dear god I have stories about "Eddie".

    2. @Andy - the blind says this has been going on for decades. Houghton is only 46 years old. Donnie McClurkin fits the blind better.

      Rumor has it he and his wife have threesomes.

  34. @Mad Hominem i NEVER said it was okay nor was i making up an excuse for it you fucking idiot. if you look on his wiki, that's the info that was put out about him and i was only saying it made sense it's him, considering he has been suspected of trying to lure young men his way anyway. i do not condone paedophilia, rape, molestation or any thing else of that sort, nor do i give excuses for it.

  35. @Ells --
    James Levine spent four decades as the director of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.

    Levine also started up the Met's Young Artists Program where he served as a mentor, and taught at the Tanglewood summer school.

    One argument against Levine for this blind is that as noted by previous commenters, he is no longer at the Met, and has indeed been dropped by several other institutions with which he was formerly affiliated, in the aftermath of the accusations against him. However, to date the general public does not seem to have taken notice of the scandal, which basically has been confined to classical music mavens and insiders. Levine has suffered from back injuries (and possibly Parkinson's) for many years, and his withdrawal from performance has been chalked up to these physical factors rather than sexual misconduct.

  36. @raging bunnies.... Fultrick freaks me out! The first time I saw him on tv I had to stop myself from turning the channel. This guy gives off serious weird vibes.
    Btw I am a Christian and I do go to church, I feel like I am hating on all the churches tonight.

    1. @Jennacheryl - I am a Christian too. You are right to be concerned about Furtick. I would rather listen to Joel Osteen.

  37. @nonya

    Let me use your words:

    nonyabusiness said...
    he was molested as a child and struggled with homosexuality because of it, so i think everyone who guessed mcclurkin is correct. a disturbed, sick man.

    10:14 AM

    I disputed this claim of abuse; I am basically calling
    that person a liar. I am not necessarily calling YOU
    a liar. I wrote at 10:47:

    This is fast becoming a knee-jerk excuse for bad/criminal
    behavior and I for one think it is bullshit. Not everyone
    got fondled by a creepy uncle.

    Your response at 4:47 PM was misguided and hostile:

    @Mad Hominem i NEVER said it was okay nor was i making up an excuse for it you fucking idiot.

    It sounds like you are offering an explanation for his actions;
    some people would say that's one step away from defending him.
    You cite his wiki page:

    if you look on his wiki, that's the info that was put out about him and i was only saying it made sense it's him, considering he has been suspected of trying to lure young men his way anyway.

    I was merely calling the "abuse excuse" a liar, one which seems
    to be used by plenty of Hollywood celebs. I think this is a
    sympathy ploy, intended to throw people off track: i.e., he
    can't be a harasser because he was abused as a child.

    i do not condone paedophilia, rape, molestation or any thing else of that sort, nor do i give excuses for it.

    I did not say that explicitly, nor did I mean to infer it.
    I'm calling out the "abuse excuse" as bullshit.

    I'm not the idiot here.

  38. But the blind says "decades" hw long has Donnie really bn around?

  39. I say bocelli. There have been rumors about him for years and years. But only heard by people who read a lot and dig. Not from just Us weekly or those type of sources. I remember the first time I heard about it was probably 15yrs ago and none of the drama and harsh realities that are happening now were a thought in anyone's mind. Even if I'm wrong I absolutely do not think it's anyone in mainstream media or pop culture right now. I think it's someone in a unique skillset, thought of with prestige, whose name you don't hear daily, but when you do they are highly regarded, so it would be shocking

  40. @Raging Bunnies. Israel Houghton was not fired and is still employed there.

    Who is 'Eddie'?

  41. @T.W. Israel Houghton has been working at that church since mid-90's. That's 2+ decades. Yet in the news articles, one says he's been there five years. Maybe in that position. So it looks like they're shortening the number of years considerably, wonder why?



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