Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Item #8

This director used to work with this A list mostly movie actress all the time. They even had a secret sexual relationship she tried to keep super quiet even though he wanted the world to know. When she dumped him for someone else he was crushed and vowed to never work with her again even though some of her biggest successes were in his movies. Apparently the whole relationship has taken a strange turn and he is stalking her I guess you could say, although it is not a physical stalking. He sent her a short film that included shots of her and also a body double he used in other scenes and he was in it and the whole thing was just a very creepy vibe that has her really freaked out.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      His movies are horrible. Just a rip off of all those bad 70s rentals from his video store days.

      I truly do not understand his appeal to ticket buyers.

    2. I’m with ya....although I rather enjoyed Pulp Fiction likenthe 3rd time I saw it(not the first for sure)

    3. I have to be stoned to watch his movies; only then do they make sense.

  2. Lawrence and O'Russell?

    1. That works nicely... she may have been dropped to A because of latest bombs?

  3. Thanks so does Uma/Quentin @Tricia13

  4. Is there a Director or Producer in Hollywood that doesn't have some kind of mental illness?

    Maybe Enty will find one someday, and have to do a Blind Item on him to protect his identity.

    1. It’s just because they have been allowed to get away with it. Not many professions would be different.

  5. Screams Uma & Quentin. It was a pity fuck for her.

  6. Has to be Una and Quentin Taranto, he's unbelievably creepy

  7. Uma and Quentin
    They actually stepped out as a couple for a hot second.
    The video in question was when she was shooting the driving scene in the Kill Bill movie and she didn't want to drive but he made her and she crashed head on into a tree. Took her 15 years and he finally gave her the clip.

    Shady shady dude

  8. I always assumed Q & U were doing it &/or he Harveyed her.

    Now if the stalkery video contains that car crash footage, she needs to get a restraining order.

  9. Tricia is right, Uma and Tarantino. Why you think she was so upset and went public with the 'accident' on Kill Bill? She thinks he did it on purpose. She can't prove it, and she doesn't want to get sued, so she publicly shamed him instead.

    Tarantino SCREAMS Gamma male. They're all secret kings who're smarter than everyone else. They're also awkward and super creepy around women. Quentin has couched and raped plenty (goes without saying) but Uma has to put her hand up and admit that she fucked him for parts and to advance her career. But I'm telling you whores are playing with fire when they do this with gammas. Guys like Tarantino will brew resentment for years, she should be careful.

    1. I met one I college. After I refused to sleep with him, he dropped me off at home, and grabbed my arm as I left his car. He told me, "The next time you say no, you might not be so lucky."

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM

    nooooo, this screams David O. Russell and Jennifer Lawrence. He has known mental and behavioral problems, and she probably didn't want to be seen as sleeping with him to get her Oscar-winning parts, hence why she kept it secret. He probably was not able to deal with her leaving him for another auteur, Darren Aronofsky, and then being public with it to add insult to injury.

  11. @atoukzug_ I think Enty would endorse Paul Thomas Anderson as a sane one.

  12. +1 Tricia, after careful consideration.

    It's been such a relief to find out all these questionable actresses over the years couched their way into roles. I thought she sucked in Kill Bill and wasn't impressed with her in Pulp Fiction.

    And yeah Tarantino is obviously disturbed, next he's going to be sending dead animals.

  13. Uma/Quentin came to mind immediately. Something more is going on there.

  14. J. Law and David O.

    Uma isn't A list anymore (it would say former A- list). And Uma would have stopped dating him YEARS ago so she wouldn't have been crushed when she dated someone else. Meanwhile, David O. would have been crushed if she was with the Mother! guy.

  15. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I thought of Uma/Quentin immediately too, though I remember back in the day he seemed stalkerish and creepy to her from the start. Kind of old news unless the newer stalking is coming out. Seems like there are a lot of directors who need to get a life and a self esteem. Didn’t Tippi say that Hitchcock was obsessed with her too?

    1. None of this surprises me, Teachermom. The titles “director” and “producer” scream “position of power” and it attracts sickos. It’s kind of fine/tolerable when they legit have talent/vision or something to offer, but there are people who are just in for the title.

      I know a stalkerish woman who literally funded a short film from her own pocket. The film was a disaster (there was NO reason for it to have been made in such a rush) and it involved personal “sessions” of actresses talking about their sex lives instead of the usual round table reading. WTF. I remember the crew used to joke about how she, as the director, would look on like a creeper standing in the corner during a sex scene (we all thought it was the funniest joke—it wasn’t so far for the truth). She did just stand there watching it, while the cinematographer did more directing than she did! Later she wormed herself into a theatre company where through friends she managed to be a “producer”, she never did much but made sure to sit like a boss during feedback time at rehearsals. It’s a power thing, the stalking too.

  16. Uma has appeared in iconic movies, she's an Oscar nominee and GG winner. Def A-list.

    JLaw is usually described as 'A+ heading to A" by Ent. JLaw is also a giant slut, she'd literally suck off a dead dog if she thought she'd get a part out of it. When David O was fucking her, so were 10-20 other dudes. He was just getting his turn is all.

    Tarantino OTOH is known to be the super weirdo stalker type. Uma was one of the hottest women in Hollywood when she was banging him. Her not only refusing to go public with their relationship would have destroyed him. And then she dumped his ass for a much better looking guy? For a dude like Tarantino those are insults to his ego he'll never forget.

  17. I think this is Lawrence and O'Russell. She did three movies with him in a short span of time and then hooked up with Aronosky, which is like hooking up with someone's spirit twin. That had to drive David O completely bat shit crazy with jealousy.

  18. Uma/Q.T.- absolutely!...Tarantino is creepy as hell-besides, it fits in with the whole video tape...

  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Tarantino has dated a lot of beautiful women, so he doesn't need to stalk Uma. Ans she even defended him with that car wreck video,saying the blame is primarily on Weinstein, Lawrence Bender and the stunt coordinator. She said she and Ouentin are good -- not like they once were, but good.

    Russell got into a fist fight with Clooney, screamed at Lily Tomlin, verbally abused Amy Adams, is known to strip down to his underwear on set, and groped his transgender niece. He is deeply unhinged. I'd buy QT as a stalker, but I'd buy Russell over him even more.

    And Melissa is right, Uma is A- now at best. Red Sparrow may have knocked JLaw down the list a tad.

    1. @Melvin the Reanimated - None of that matters. Quentin is mentally ill. Psychos can pass as normal. Hold a seance and ask Mr. Ted.

  20. Everyone knows Quentin was in unrequited love with Uma for years. He's engaged now.

    Jlaw/David O make a lot more sense.

  21. Surely he has a plaster cast of her feet somewhere? he cam make endless copies.

  22. Doesn't matter that it's been a while and QT's engaged now. The car crash story was recent and Uma threw him under the bus. In public he says shucks, I thought we were friends, but in private I'm sure he is PISSED.

    Nobody *HAS* to stalk anyone FFS
    He did date a lot of pretty/ famous women and got to brag about it. He would loved to brag about Uma too.

  23. JLaw and Russell.

    Uma and Quentin were over eons ago, moved on, had other disastrous relationships. Uma didn't leave him for another director either.

  24. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Just listen to the way JLaw talks about him in this Vogue article. Creepy, creepy shit.

  25. Hey, at least no one's literally defecating on children like Steven Spielberg. I hope.
    Yeah I said it.

    1. Whaaaat? Ewww receipts pls havent heard this one before!?

  26. Noooolalalalalalalalalalalalal

  27. Quentin is the litmus test for having a foot fetish.
    Sure I like a woman's feet.
    But not like Quentin.

  28. Uma has a supernatural quality on screen...thats his Hitchcock blonde. I always considered her as his talented muse.

  29. Should have known better ,Uma. He is a strange fella, always was.
    I heard the first time he broke up with his now Israeli Fiancee, is because he was obsessing over Uma and she got tired of that shit.
    I guess he managed to win her back.

  30. @Normal you and me both, but if you're a adolescent with no sense of film history that's perfect a potion and storm for a hack puerile derivative Director to spew his brand of fan boy cinema - if you can call it cinema.

  31. Zombie Garry Marshall and Julia Roberts.

  32. Lawrence needs to put the guy on blast and then go away for 3-6 months and get clean.

  33. Quentin/Uma doesn't fit. I thought she stopped working with him because of the crash. Also, if Tarantino was been creepy right now after Weinstein, Uma would nail his balls to the wall.

    O. Russell/JLaw fits except for himhwanting the world to know as he's with someone. Besides, I doubt she cares enough to deny it. Don't rule out Amy Adams though. He treated her poorly on Hustle.

    This is Burton/Depp.

  34. Can't wait to find out who it is lol.
