Thursday, March 08, 2018

Blind Item #8 - One Movie

There is one movie that kind of ties a lot of things together. It was a movie that didn't make a lot of money. Honestly, it didn't make squat. It was probably one of the worst performing movies of that year. It made less than a $1M. It led to at least three deaths that I can think of off the top of my head. One of the deaths involved the star of the movie. He wouldn't die until later in life, but at the time he made the movie he was probably 16, and it was this type of thing that made him who he was and ultimately killed him. He got the job by having sex with the male producer of the movie. He was more than a producer of the movie, he was the owner of the company making the movie. People always forget that he was a movie big shot at that time. They all just think of him as a record executive and forget the whole movie thing. That movie thing introduced him to many hundreds of young teens. Not only did he have sex with the 16 year old lead, but also his 17 year old girlfriend/co-star. That was all part of the deal. It was an actress, not this one, that was breaking up his marriage before he was killed. An actress who was also underage. An actress who was lusted after by one of his killers.


  1. Replies
    1. Was thinking Running On Emory/Griffin Dunne maybe... Martha Plimpton the GF?
      Probably way off

    2. I don’t think any of his films bombed like that.

    3. Great guess on River Phoenix. But I feel like Martha Plimpton would tell all by now. Although maybe she doesn’t want to drag River into anything out of respect.

    4. Isnt it common knowledge that Chilli Peppers' John Fruciante killed River with a hot dose (perhaps liquid heroin/morphine) @ Johnny Depp's Viper Room & everyone scrambled to cover it up?

    5. Only flea was there that night and he was on stage playing

  2. This screams G e f f e n but I don’t think it is. He only produced 4 movies per IMDb. None fit the description. 3 deaths, lead actor died, and it bombed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @aanjheni - none of Jones' films listed on imdb fit

    2. Thinking Quincy Jones as well.

  4. Want to make Brad Renfro work, but still looking on imdb for clues

    1. I Know... RIGHT?

      I SO want to make Hillary Clinton work for this one....

      Well, back to the grindstone

    2. @J F..I truly laughed out loud on your comment!! LOL!!

  5. Benny Medina & David Geffen don't fit the blind as written. I am stumped.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    could the movie be Bully? just guessin

  7. I think the movie producer/record exec was murdered so none of the guesses fit.

    Only murdered music execs I can think of are Jose Menendez and Charlie Minor but can't find any movies for them..

  8. This has to be Jose Menendez right????

  9. George Harrison was a movie producer. He also founded/owned HandMade Films.

  10. Explorers?
    River Phoenix and Amanda Peterson were in it, and get this, from Amanda Peterson's imdb bio:
    "When Amanda Peterson was 15 years old she suffered a traumatizing rape by a 27 years old man, which her family chose not to disclose until after her death."

    The Producer thing doesn't really fit, although a producer named David Bombyk did later die.

    1. They think it even lead to her death

  11. How could sleeping with producers "ultimately kill" you? I assume that's what "this kind of thing" refers to. That seems like a pretty big clue.

    1. After the rape you start the drugs. After the drugs, comes more drugs. After the more drugs...

    2. Family said it lead to drug addiction to cope


    1. Good find, all that stuff about Explorers is pretty interesting but according to wiki it made about 9 mil at the box office and this film made less that 1 mil.

    2. If it cost 8 milllion to make, it only made $1 million.

    3. Explorers..budget 20-25 mil. Box office made 9.9.. 🤷‍♀️

  13. Corey Haim was in a movie called Watchers around that age, that made less than a million. Not sure if/how the rest of the stuff fits though.

    1. You got it I think

      Made by carloco which had a lot of ties to Jose Menendez and co starred Lala Sloatman who was exactly one yr older than Haim

    2. Well. I should read the answers before I waste 30 minutes of my life. Movie made unelder mill.. Haim drug addict/death. Gf/costar lala. One yr older than Haim.

    3. And according to IMDB Marty Weiss was an assistant to the producers on that movie. Certainly poses more questions than answers if this is what the blind is referring to.

  14. This is the only one I could find with Brad Renfro and under $1 million box office:

  15. Ooh, @Zanti, I think you're onto something.
    Bombyk died of AIDS. How does that fit with this blind? Did he spread it to the people involved? I haven't been on this page long enough, but is Haim's "pneumonia" death code for AIDS? I've actually been wondering that for a while, especially after hearing that Haim had a recurring relationship with Sheen, not just the Lucas rape.

    I can't tell if "before he was killed" refers to the actor being killed or the exec. Neither Bombyk nor Haim was "killed" unless you count whoever have him AIDS. But I don't think that's it.
    And whose marriage broke up? Damn Enty and his confusing blinds. If clarified, this would be easier.

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  17. License to Drive with the Coreys and Heather Graham? Don't know about the producer though.

  18. According to this article, Jose Menendez was executive VP of Carolco, which produced Watchers with Corey Haim.

  19. Ok, so if it's Menendez, I remember him and Haim in an earlier blind. I checked imdb and of course it's not there.

    So the only missing piece here, the actress who Menendez was having an affair with (or raping) while married to Kitty. One of the sons had a thing for her. Hmmmmmmmm

  20. I'm thinking Rap wars stuff.

    1. Way off as usual, Haim seems to fit. What a life for that kid, fucking infuriating.

  21. @Karma: I know recall bad heroin and River and people scattering. I believe River even realized at some point it was bad.
    So, it's rather true Menendez really was a creep?! Perhaps even to his sons?

  22. One of the production companies on Watchers is Roger Corman's, another made Basic Instinct and Showgirls. The third is called Centaur films and several of the titles after Watchers 1 & 2 sound like gay porn. Tight Ends and Wide Receivers 2. Man Academy 2: Rites of Passage. Etc.

  23. Lala Sloatman as the girlfriend in the Watchers

    1. Ages check out, she was born a year before Corey and was his girlfriend in real life as well as in Watchers.

  24. Wow!! I think SANSA got it. Watchers starred Corey Haim and girlfriend Lala Sloatman (NIece of Fran Zappa) and made just under $1 million. It was produced by CarolCo which was run by Jose Mendez. The blind says Jose slept with the both of them prior to/during filming, but at the time of his death he was cheating on Kitty with a different underage actress that either Lyle or Eric was interested in.

    1. What 3 actors are dead from Watchers?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Rebecca Romaine was lusted after by the older Menendez brother

  26. Yeah, looks like it all fits. I'm curious about the other actress, but there's not much to go on there. Could be anyone.

  27. It doesn't say 3 actors from the movie are dead. Just that it led to 3 deaths.

    1. Exactly! I think you have solved the blind. Reading all I have just today, makes me wonder how abusive COULD have Jose Menendez been to his sons?

  28. Why did I even bother watching any movies in the 80's?
    -throws Watchers memories on the growing mental bonfire.

  29. So the third death is supposed to be Kitty Menendez?

    And the other actress, was she in Watchers too? Because unless she was one of those "girl at school" characters, it doesn't work. Ghislane and Justine Crawford. No idea on ages or anything. They don't have much info.

  30. The other underage actress could have been in another Carolco film. They made a bunch that came out between 88-90.

  31. There is an old blind about Menendez raping Ricky Martin and the members if Menudo.

    1. I remember it & still think it's Rodney Harvey & not Corey Haim

    2. @joshg g was the later hint that himmm gave about that blind & the cannonball run movies & to focus on the young actors in the movie (Brooke Shields/Alyssa Milano)& Alyssa was Corey's girlfriend at one time) & & Brooke had many obsessed fans -just trying to figure out how it ties together

    3. @joshg..Daaaaaaaaang(in my best Joe Dirt voice)! I had no idea Jose had such a history and had thought his sons were full of it. Very interesting, and repulsive, info. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Here's an idea. Instead of picking a name and 'trying to make it fit', why not read the actual clues.

  33. Would Jose be considered the "owner" of Carolco, though? Everything seems to suggest he was Executive Vice President.

  34. Who's the underage actress Lyle/Eric was lusting after? Off to google.

  35. @sdaly thank you so much.Feeling like a true blonde today

  36. one word: dreamworks

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  38. Heather Graham was 19 on August 20th, 1989

  39. This could be Rodney Harvey from the movie SALSA his girlfriend was the actress & believe it or not Rodney was way more messed up than Corey & Salsa didn't have great acting & Watchers did-but regardless w/the Zappa or the lively families (didn't give a hint that it was acting/music family)

    1. Acting/musical family for the actress girlfriend

  40. Hmm, Salsa looks like it definitely made more than a million. Also, it came out when Rodney was about 21. That particular movie doesn't really seem to fit, unless he filmed it years before it came out, I guess.

    1. Salsa’s one of my favorite movies @Sansa
      Always wondered about Rodney's Death. Him and Corey H were friends...

  41. How about Saul Zaents, Mosquito Coast with River Phoenix, Harrison Ford...

  42. We can go from being 99 to 100% sure this is Watchers/Haim/Menendez/Sloatman although not enough clues for the underage actress that Menendez's son was also interested in. Here's an article from 2010 where Lala talks about meeting Haim when Lost Boys came out and then dating on and off for two years. Lost boys was released July 1987 when Haim was 16

  43. Wait. @John Doe - the link you posted said they met at Alphie's Soda Pop Club. Alphie Hoffman is the third name that Corey F. mentions that molested him. The walls are closing in on this one.

  44. I had forgotten about Rodney Harvey. Good lord, he was gorgeous!

    Now that I think of it, the Menendez blind (someone please link to it, I'm terrible at finding them) wasn't 100% Haim. That was a popular guess. I'd like to read it again.

    As for the other actress, she has to be in Watchers, or somehow related to it, because the deaths are tied to the one movie, not Carolco movies in general.

    So maybe it's not Haim/Menendez/Menendez/Sloatman

  45. @john doe I'm always hoping for a Rodney Harvey blind prob too much-In the menudo blind concerning Menendez, himmm gave a hint in the comments to look at movie Speedzone/CBRun & younger actors Alyssa Milano/ Brooke Shields if these blinds are connected......I'm going to lose sleep on this one-both blinds driving me crazy & I really need to be on my maxi climber (lol)

  46. Here's last years blind that many people think is Menendez and Haim. I'll copy paste the relevant part:

    Anyway, shortly after that movie came out, our executive was talking to movie producers and seeing how this label could be a part of their movie. At a party he was introduced to this actor who was foreign born. He had just started making his second movie after starring on a television show for tweens.

    Our actor would go on to be A list and was a definite heartthrob of the decade. At this party, the movie producer offered up the actor to the record executive. Apparently the two had sex. How do we know they had sex? Well, a few years later, this record executive made the news in a very big way. Not the way he probably would have hoped. His wife probably hoped not to make the news in that way either. The husband and wife are pretty big again this fall. Anyway, when the big news happened, our actor said to more than one person that he had hooked up with the record executive in a cabana next to the pool at the movie producer's house.

    Oh, and that movie producer who is permanently A+ list was passing off this actor when the actor was 14 or 15. Yeah, and also having raping him on an almost daily basis.

    1. Great job! It sure looks the same as this blind. Whether it’s again and Menendez, that’s another story. It’s certainly adding up that way.

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  48. Here's Hmmmm comments from Melendez blind

    Al of the hubs on the wheel of everything bad.

    Look into the movie SPEED ZONE and the younger cast members.

    Then figure into the threads connecting to this: Arista Records was part of Columbia Pictures, formed by Clive Davis, and later was part of RCA.

    There's no doubt this was Menudo and Menendez. But you sleuths start down the rabbit hole of Al Ruddy, all the teen hearthrobs at RCA & Arista (from Fabian to David Cassidy) and on, and on, and on. Pay close attention to the movies Ruddy produced and with whom. Obviously there's a lot of innocent/decent people in there who wouldn't force kids into anything ever (Hal Needham, Burt Reynolds, or Sinatra never had to force anybody) but others who were pathologically horrific.

    And you get into Jose Menendez and Embassy Pictures, Live Entertainment, Carolco, and Mario Kassar & Andy Vanja (aka "Andy Vagina"). Which connects to Noel Bloom and Caballero the mob-owned porn company. It's insane, it's dirty, and wading through it is enough to drive you to the brink of crazy. Like Beautiful Mind-level crazy.

    1. Is Caballero the porn co mentioned in the future huge movie about the porn star who disappeared and became a lawyer?

    2. I think so @joshg g

    3. Stacey Donovan

    4. Yes-Debbie Does Dallas?

    5. Stacey wasn't in it, that's 1978 Bambi Woods. Stacey was mid to late 80s

  49. I feel like I need a giant white board on my wall so I can keep a continual “flow chart” of sorts...

    1. There is no Carol in HR! There is no Pepe Silvia!

  50. @joshg g You rock!!!!!

  51. My problem with Jose Menendez guess is that he was not the owner (not even close) of Carolco Pictures Andy Vajna and Mario Kassar were. He headed up their video distribution unit Live Entertainment. He also did not produce movies for them. And Live was not the video distributor of Watchers so I don't see how he was involved with that movie?? Jose did not produce.
    In terms of @josh mentioning Al Ruddy. He did produce the Ladybugs movie with Jonathan Brandis who was 16 at the time and dating Vinessa Shaw who was also in the movie at the time. Another producer on the movie Lloyd Bloom was later murdered and the killer was never found. None of them appear to be record execs though but though it was weird that Ruddy tied in with that one as well.

    1. I saw that when the Menudo blind came out but thought Johnathon brandis age didn't fit that blind in 1986

  52. My favorite producer murder was Roy Radin. Dude thought a coked up Lamont Sanford following the car would ensure his safety? Didnt he hear all the times Fred called Lamont a Big Dummy?

    1. Never fuck over Aunt Ester!

    2. My 2 fave Sanford & Son moments were when Lamont was in court and Fred tolf the cop "there enough enwurds in here to film a Tarzan movie" and the time he snatched Aunt Ester's wig off as the closing credits were about to start and a chase started around the couch.

  53. Somebody really needs to make an online chart with red string for all of these.

  54. Stiles could put it all together, and Void Stiles could clean house afterwards.

  55. I was just listening to the podcast How Did This Get Made and they reviewed Ladybugs last week. They talked about how many creepy sex jokes there were involving kids. In one scene Rodney had Jonathan in a store dressing room and the "joke" was that an old lady outside thought a man was raping a child in there. Overhearing lines like "It's too tight. It hurts. If you just hold still this will be over faster."

    A girl from the movie was in the podcast's live audience and said she was once called to go into Rodney's trailer to rehearse lines but didn't allude to anything inappropriate happening.

    1. No doubt something very dark went on w/that kid too

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  57. New commenter here, been watching from afar have mad respect for the OG's here. I'm pretty sure the actor is river Phoenix, the movie is mosquito coast, the gf is Martha plimpton, the producer is Saul zaentz. I can't figure out who died though

    1. Saul Zaentz fits music/movie & did produce One Flew Over the Coo-Coo's -damn i may have to research this now

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  58. There are holes in this theory.The Mosquito Coast did $16 mil & he died from alseimers River & Marth met on the making of the movie-it would fit maybe if he produced Running on empty but he didn't & they wouldn't fit in the age range at that point.

  59. Irrelevant minutia: I interned at RCA records, first thing i ever did in the industry was market unknown new signed band Menudo. Lots of stories about Menendez in those days... mainly the vibe of not liked and don't mess with him.

    Ended up at Arista. Saw Clive sign a mediocre band simply for access to the dreamy lead singer. They bombed.

    This item seems more Menendez than Geffen, but maybe someone is protecting themselves since DG is very much still around... so a little blurring of facts?

    1. @southernman I'm from the south:)really jealous of your job.Think you are right.May need to start clean on this one.

  60. @ginger Why? I left the building voluntarily after a few years. Which basically nobody does. I did end up discovering a hit artist on my own. Are you a natural redhead? Asking for a friend... btw, I grew up in the ATL.

  61. I don't think it's Menendez - all the accounts seem to say that Jose & Kitty's marriage was pretty solid despite the transgressions



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