Monday, March 12, 2018

Blind Item #8 - The Mogul And Two Of His Toys - Mr. Hedge

A few years ago, a certain aging A+ list Mogul allegedly traveled a considerable distance, to meet up with a far younger man he had been dating.  The young man was a college athlete, in a very high-profile sport.  The Mogul was allegedly caught with this young man in a very embarrassing situation, at a very inappropriate time, in a less than private place.   This college is located in a very conservative part of the country, and it caused quite a scandal. 

The whole thing went downhill for both parties pretty soon afterwards. It was revealed that the Mogul met this young man while he was barely legal, on a website for that sort of thing.

I use the term "allegedly", because recently, it appears as though the Mogul has been somewhat successful at getting the 1st part of the story changed, from what was reported at the time - to cover his exposure.  The 2nd part of the story went through the court system on a couple occasions, which meant that part could not be controlled so easily.

Almost 2 decades ago, the Mogul invested as a minority partner in a certain entertainment company, which was basically a front to get underage boys drugged and raped.

3 young men sued the main operators of this entertainment company for being drugged and raped while underage. They won a court judgement, but sadly got next to nothing, as the company operators had fled the country. 

About a year before he fled the country, the Head Criminal at this company got into a legal dispute with the Mogul.  Court documents revealed 1 of those 3 young men was an aspiring Actor, who left the entertainment company - to go and stay at the Mogul’s house.

Around the same time, this Actor was given a small part in a film, made by a certain A- list Director.  The part, as constructed, didn’t really fit in that particular film's story - but nobody cared.

Of course, our Actor never had a credit in anything else, before or since.  Our Actor never included the Mogul or the Director in any legal action. 

After this all happened, the Actor changed his name and basically disappeared.  Once, in recent years, he briefly reappeared to help the Director defend a lawsuit he was facing. 

Head Criminal:


  1. I'm writing my first screenplay: "The Munificent Mr. Hedge"

  2. Geffen
    Some footballer somewhere-Geffen industries?

    1. Victor Salva in there anywhere?

    2. Basketball kid-Bret S.?-new Open Secret Video

  3. Blah blah blah, same old story and nothing changes. Meanwhile the worst kind of Disneyland is being built in PR.

  4. The Actor is most likely Alex Burton, who sued Marc Collins Rector and sole IMDB credit is Bryan Songer's X Men


    2. That's what I was thinking to. He's the only one of the 3 boys/Actor's that sued that wasn't in an open secret and i can't find on google.

  5. +1 Tricia
    Curious about website, maybe Silverdaddies or Seeking Arrangement


    1. @peter Good job! I’m surprised I never saw this article. It must have been buried quickly. Sad the 18 year old’s football career was ruined though. Poor kid. I hope Geffen at least compensated him in the form of a decent payoff, but the stalking mention sounds like he didn’t.

      Rampant homophobia in otherwise civilized nations is right up there with people in power taking advantage. Power AND homophobia let too many people get away with way too much.

    2. Considering what Geffen did to Tom King
      Probably not

    3. The fear of being outted is part of what allows the abuse of the power.

  7. Interesting that as soon as these blurbs about Netflix mishandling funds and all, I couldn't get it to work on either tv last night, for anything. It would buffer forever, then maybe play one minute of the intro, then get stuck again buffering. I gave up on it & went to Hulu.

  8. Could the company be Digital Entertainment Network
    Head criminal Mark Collins Rector?


  10. Not sure who the mogul is but
    Company: DEN
    Head Criminal: Marc Collins-Rector
    Actor: Alex Burton (Pyro in first X-Men film)
    Director: Bryan Singer

  11. Mogul: David Geffen
    Company: Digital Entertainment Network
    Head Criminal: Marc Collins- Rector
    Actor: Alex Burton
    Director: Bryan Singer
    Other Associates: Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce

  12. Not to threadjack, but has anyone ever approached Patrick Stewart about any knowledge of Bryan Singers proclivities?

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The thing with Alex Burton is that he fits the credits and the lawsuit, but I can't find anything on him defending Singer or vhanging his name.

    HOWEVER, former Disney actor Matthew Smith DID defend Singer, in 2014, and change his name to Royce Chrysten. But is not in any Singer films. Is Mr Hedge conflating the two?

  14. @Peter Fernerk,good job,it is funny how this story just disappeared in the US. The short version, Geffen was making out with his then 18 year old "boy toy" in public effectively killing the football career of the young man. Two years later,the young man was charged with stalking Geffen.

    1. I believe they dated several years. That article is from 2014.

  15. Why is everyone so scared to name Geffen? I know he has a lot of power in Hwood, but what all does he name control?

  16. @Melvin, Matthew Smith was in the Nickelodeon show with Jamie lyn Spears! This keeps getting weirder.

  17. @AListDiva,he is connected to just about everyone in entertainment and politics,so they protect him so they con go down with him. Also, a lot of financial consequences.

  18. Anonymous9:36 AM

    @Guesser, I am pretty sure that Alex Burton is the right guess, but Mr. Hedge is kind of mixing the two men up. However, it would not surprise AT ALL if Smith, I mean, Christyn, is part of all this -- maybe a procurer for the Singer parties?

  19. Financial power is nothing compared to information power.

    I'm sure he knows everyone's skeletons, where all the bodies are buried, the crimes covered up, and who stuck what into whom, and who got stucked.

    Anthony Pellicano may be in jail, but I'd bet big money that he's hardly an aberration in Hollywood, and that there are many more like him that built careers working for single clients for just that reason.

  20. We know the deal already with this crew but nothing will be done - at all - ever. They will all die disgusting old men. Guaranteed. None of them will face any consequences other than annoying the loyal good honest folk here on CDAN.


    1. Hello!
      Mossad assets have your address and are en route.
      Have a fantastic day!


    Geffen et al always evade it.

  23. Anonymous10:32 AM

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  24. Singer->Geffen->Milchan->Wouldn't you like to know?

  25. Is @plot's contract up?
    Typically we'd be 70+ replies attempting to name and discredit Mr. Hedge while insisting "the blind obviously isn't about Singer or Geffen."

    1. @Geeljire Or maybe @plot is at work?

      No. Wait. I thought you guys think I’m secretly @plot’s sock puppet. 🙄 Give it a rest.*

      *And while we’re resting, how about you compile links to where @plot defended Singer and Geffen on all these Mr. Hedge blinds to save us all time in the future.

  26. I would also like to know why & how Brock Pierce's parents Just LET their kid be Marc Collins Rector & Chad Shakley's sex toy???It's not like he was a kid on the streets.He was a movie kid.Does anyone know this?

    1. Because being pimped by your parents is Hollywood normal.

    2. @giljire this is more than pimping.It's more like 'Giving your kid away completely' & then for that kid to go on & do questionable things as sickens me.

    3. The parents are often groomed as well. It could be their concern, and a bit of niavety, that let them allow it. "Hollywood's a dangerous place for a kid on his own but these guys seem nice". These fuckers are sneaky.

  27. This is nothing new, but I love how Gabe is sticking with it and eventually will find something solid to bring Geffen down (even if just temporarily)

    1. Me too @Don.A good person with a vengeance.Love Gabe.

  28. Elon Musk! Netflix!

    Or some other company Mr. Hedge has shorted.

    Can he go away now?

    1. Why be this bothered about content you don't pay for and choose to consume? Don't read Mr. Hedge blinds. Crisis averted.
      Mentioning it once is fine but carrying on sure looks like something else.


    1. @a dumb idiot
      (Gah I hate using that handle!) Thatbarticle is was really gross. I
      Mean this young man (18 yo) flies to NYC to sex audition with a stranger/keeper? Then trolls for new/add'l ones? What is wrong with our youth?


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Nothing gonna happen against these powerful sex abusers and pedo scum now that americans elected one of them for president. Morons!

  33. hey guys, it's the 90000000th blind about Singer and Geffen. Thanks, Mr. Hedge!

  34. Geffen
    Marc Collins Rector
    Kid from xmen w/1 acting credit to his name

  35. @Han

    @Plot has commented on other blinds this morning, including Saturday's foreign national child porn blind (#7)

    It does feel empty here without you. We miss you buddy.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @anotherpisces tell us more...I bet they needed showers:(

  37. Here are my "guesses":

    Aging A+ Mogul = David Geffen, recently turned 75
    Company = Digital Entertainment Network aka DEN
    Head Criminal = Marc Collins-Rector Rectum Wrecker
    Cohorts = Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce
    Actor = Alex Burton (Pyro in 1st X-Men but not the others)
    Director = Bryan Singer

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  41. This comment has been removed by the author.


    A good friend of Geffen flew private jets out of the Santa Monica Airport with little boys.

    "On March 28, a private jet was sent to pick up Jamie, his mother and sister, and Jackson at the Santa Monica airport and fly them to Las Vegas, where they stayed in the Michael Jackson Suite at Steve Wynn’s Mirage Hotel. It was the first night Michael and Jamie would share the same bed, Michael wearing sweats, Jamie wearing pajamas"

    1. It seems that Michael Jackson also used the "undisclosed rehab" trick to avoid capture/prosecution. Just like Harvey

      This article raised another huge RED FLAG.

      "Meanwhile, police searched the Jackson-family home in Encino, looking for evidence in the child-abuse case. Among Michael’s things they reportedly found a nude photo of a little boy. Was it that news that so upset him that he called his old friend Elizabeth Taylor for help, or was it the fact that he was next scheduled to play Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, where the police might question him? Amid rumors that he was suicidal, Taylor jetted to his side and in a dramatic late-night heist helped spirit him out of Mexico to an undisclosed clinic somewhere in Europe. Says Pellicano, “I used decoys all over the place.”

      By the time Jackson’s attorneys held a press conference the following Monday to reiterate that he was not faking his drug addiction, and that he had every intention of coming back to testify, rumors were rife that Jamie had given the police a description of Jackson’s genitals and that police wanted to examine him. It was true, and by November 19 police, apparently concerned that he might be trying to have the alleged telltale markings altered in Europe, raided both his dermatologist’s and his plastic surgeon’s offices, looking for his medical records. They were gone."

      Could Weinstein be modifying his genitalia @ a "rehab clinic" IN AZ to avoid prosecution? Apparently this is a common practice the wealthy use to avoid rape convictions

  43. Important stories for people to read:

    Above link links Burton to Geffen.

    Above link notes what a bastard Hoffman can also be. There was also a twitter war between Hoffman and Handel (writer of above link) where Hoffman noted that Burton had changed his name. I couldn't go through all their tweets to find them again. They both tweet too much.

  44. This blind is mainly just yet another rehash of the DEN story. There’s a big focus on DEN in the Open Secret documentary film. Not a lot here that we don’t already know. Just wish the perpetrators and enablers would receive a lethal dose of karma for their crimes.

    1. Yes, I watched An Open Secret the other day, this sounds like a match. Can someone just arrest these creeps Singer, Spacey and anyone else connected to the cesspit. Hate to say it but McKellan needs talking to as well. Too many associations with Singer especially Apt Pupil. Can't tell me he knows nothing.

  45. @Guesser

    Its a bit more complicated than that. It has mainly to do with the utter ruthlessness the person will employ to destroy anyone who crosses them. Geffen has form. Going back many decades.

    A very good example of this type of behavior is the story of Steve Jobs. Those of us who know most of the real story consider Steve Jobs a thoroughly vile criminal psychopath. A pathological thug with a very long history of criminal fraud, financial fraud, and bullying and abuse of the most naked sort. He went to great lengths to try to destroy the lives of anyone who dared challenge him. Especially in the media. The only reason the Deutschman book was published at all, the only one that even begins to tell the actual nasty story, was because back then Jobs was at his lowest ebb of power and influence. Apple was only surviving at the time due to accounting scams. So even though Jobs made multiple very personal threats again the author and published Job could not carry through on them like he had in the past and would in the future.

    I know I'm not the only one who toasted his death. His very typically self inflicted death due to his monumental overweening arrogance. I remember sitting outside a cafe in downtown Palo Alto the day he was dying, just a few blocks from where he lived, and raising a glass to a friend and toasting, To the death of the most evil POS person in an industry full of POS CEO's. Good riddance.

    There is a very simple litmus test as to how well a person knows the high tech business. Really knows it. A deep insider. If they dont have a very negative opinion about Steve Jobs then they have nt a clue about the business. Not only is every really bad story you might hear about Steve Jobs true but every story you are ever likely to hear will be even worse.

    So the power, money and connections help. But its the willingness to use it with utter ruthlessness that makes the Geffens of the world so dangerous.

    So even though the Elon Musks and the Bill Gates of the worlds are rich and powerful they are not really dangerous. Not Geffen dangerous of Jobs dangerous. They are just your typical business fraudsters rather than straight up criminal psychopaths like Geffen and Jobs.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Anonymous7:49 AM

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  48. @PG Tips; Deleted my comment, as I take yours as a veiled threat. Hope I'm wrong...

  49. @Southern Man

    Understand you being careful, interesting story, but I take it as an innocent comment. The tag indicates that the person is probably a Brit. So unlikely to be a Southlands shark or one of remora types that hang around them.

    But to further your comment this type of person does this stuff just to show they can. A pure power play. With my example, Steve Jobs, he once demolished one of the finest Spanish Revival mansions in California after letting it fall into ruin just to show that absolutely no one was going to have the temerity to tell him what to do with stuff he owned. The house was in Woodside and one of the best examples of George Washington Smiths work in Northern California. Pretty much all the greatest early 20'th century Spanish Revival / Colonial Revival large houses in California are Smiths work.

    So the whole media story of Jobs have some superior aesthetic sense was all a sham. Just part of the act. He was an utter philistine in reality.

  50. Anonymous5:04 AM

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  51. @PG Tips: thanks. the way you said it could be read to have the subtle flavor of a mogul's henchman, hah. I would imagine they are monitoring these types of boards, so I need to keep that in mind.

    @MusicDSP: yeah, I think a lot of it at the high levels is just pure power/dominance shows. some is pragmatic, but these guys shift into megalomania often. and the whole ecosystem feeds and supports it, or at least looks the other way.

    I appreciate your posts btw.

    On reflection, what I posted about DG, could be legally (or otherwise) actionable. Gotta tread carefully.

  52. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Lol, yes. I read it back and I usually put a smiley so it did read a bit cold.
    Anyway, thanks again - it was very interesting :-)

  53. What did Geffen do to Tom King?

  54. Comments section in this Deadline article says Gabe Hoffman alleges that Alex Burton had his last name legally changed to Bradford.
