Monday, March 26, 2018

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list celebrity attended the March For Our Lives rally in Washington with a half dozen armed security surrounding them and actually asked for federal protection too which was denied.


  1. Replies
    1. Cher is no A-lister. This is about Clooney but the loser isn't A-lister any more. Hasn't been for years.
      Lowlife George Clooney is no longer an A-lister. 6 film flops in a row, highly unpopular & IRRELEVANT since his sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin. Faking fatherhood... Back to TV now.
      He's a publicity hound, dumb & lame. No doubt he called in security for grotesque Islamist Arab Amal Alamuddin. She hails frim a family of money-laundering arms dealers like criminal uncle Ziad Takieddine.
      Clooney sold his fame as chattel.
      No Clooney twins exist. Disfigured ugly Amal wore padding in early months then hid from public.
      Her equally equine sister Tala had surrogate born twins last year with second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico. She already has a teenage daughter from her first marriage.
      Clooney's PR network thought to use these as a publicity hoax to promote the sham marriage.


      Did you know that in addition to this, that Ziad Takieddine and President of France and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra Emmanuel Macron used to fuck? Maybe still do? Maybe he was groomed since childhood? Vile, if true.

    3. Royal sounds psycho, just sayin.

  2. Or Kim K. She has perm A list status. She has taken over the industry whether you hate her or not.

  3. Are Kim and Kanye permanent A because there is no doubt they did. I'll take another guess and say most of them.

  4. Clooney or Kim/Kanye

  5. Schumer was at the Hollywood one:

    In Washington, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Common, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ben Platt were among the performers who took to the stage to pay tribute to the 17 lives lost in the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida, last month, as well as people impacted by gun violence elsewhere.

    George Clooney
    George and Amal Clooney, who donated $500,000 to the event, marched alongside the demonstrators calling for stricter gun control. The Clooneys were soon followed by other celebrity donors such as Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.

  6. Gaga was in DC..... can see her doing it

  7. Agreed, saw Paul McCartney on TV at the March.

  8. Remember, only the elite are allowed to be protected by guns.

    1. If I were George Clooney and did the things George Clooney did, then I wouldn't want others to be armed either.

  9. There were hundreds of armed cops and Feds at the event. The DC march had a couple of hundred thousand marchers, much, much bigger events have happened even this year, but 'the biggest protest of all time' according to the fake news gas lighters.

    Anyone who's ever been near an A-lister can tell you they're constantly surrounded by armed security. Someone like Bloomberg, who spends millions to disarm ordinary people, has dozens of armed guards 24/7. I doubt the gun banners mean to take away the elites protection details. One law for me another for thee.

    1. I think the media touted 800,000 when the real number was just under 200,000, less than the woman's march. It was like a military parade of indoctrinated zombies, the propoganada arm was really flexing with these drones. Basically they show up to this parade and feel as if they've done a whole years worth of activism. Jeb should have led the march, it was low energy.

    2. Yeah, this is pretty egregious oversimplification.

    3. Look at the video or photos. There were nearly a million marchers in DC.
      The info is there for anyone who wants to know instead of just repeating someone else’s opinion,


    McCartney in NYC

    The article was like a who's who of CDAN blinds.

  11. When you are going up against the all-powerful NRA, you should ALWAYS have protection.

    1. Um, yeah, because tons of NRA members were at a virtue signaling March to infringe on gun rights 😂😂😂😂

      Oh, and NRA members have the lowest crime rates of all Americans. But facts take a back seat to feelings!

  12. Rainsford remembered the shots. They had come from the right, and doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength. For a seemingly endless time he fought the sea. He began to count his strokes; he could do possibly a hundred more and then--

    Rainsford heard a sound. It came out of the darkness, a high screaming sound, the sound of an animal in an extremity of anguish and terror.

    He did not recognize the animal that made the sound; he did not try to; with fresh vitality he swam toward the sound. He heard it again; then it was cut short by another noise, crisp, staccato.

  13. it's clooney. and he was a dick to the teachers and survivors.

    1. Remember the Alzheimer’s joke Clooney told about Charlton Heston which he refused to apologize for?

  14. Big mistake putting that Hogg dude front and center, Even the bald lesbian commie chick comes across as more normal. Oh and the answer to the bl is Clooney. He's the dude who stands for open borders and helping refugees while running away from England because the vibrants were trespassing into his country estate, and he and his beard didn't feel safe because his security detail are not allowed to carry guns in the UK. You literally couldn't make this shit up.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      What I really want to know is how did Clooney the pool boy become this international superstar when he can’t even open a movie without Brad Pitt. Is he fronting for somebody or something?

  15. I'd guess Kim, although I kind of want to puke thinking of her as permanent A list.

  16. Kushner's younger brother

  17. I'd be so psyched seeing my tax dollars spent protecting worse-than-useless Kardashians.

  18. @J, I could see someone local making them pay an ass tax before they got any help ;)

  19. "the all-powerful NRA"

    Oh, good grief. The NRA has been only too willing to compromise with the gun-grabbers, playing the usual wussy Republican game of "If we give in one more time, surely they'll stop pushing." Congress hasn't tried to fully disarm us for one reason: 100 million law-abiding, gun-owning, American citizens who damn well know their rights and wouldn't stand for it.

    Those rights, by the way -- all the Bill of Rights, not just the Second -- are recognized by the Constitution, not granted by it; so Congress cannot withdraw them, it can only violate them. History shows what comes next if we would allow them to do so.

    1. Great comment @Cail Corishev. Thank you for clarifying contribution

  20. "Remember, only the elite are allowed to be protected by guns."

    Except this never happened. It was made up to bash liberals. And, guess what, if we lived in a country with strict guns control laws NO ONE would need to carry guns to protect themselves, rich or poor.

    1. You're delusional if you think all out gun bans will keep guns from criminals! Go educate yourself on gun crime rates in countries with gun bans! You've fallen for LIES!

  21. I'm gonna guess Clooney and Amal, because it says "surrounding THEM" in the blind. Can see Amal asking for Federal protection because of the cases she handles, but oh the irony

  22. Guns in the hands of vetted trained individuals is the policy being sought for everyone.

  23. Tough blind because this is basically all of them.

  24. A country with strict gun laws... like Mexico? Yeah, it's real safe there and *nobody* has armed guards in the gun-free Utopia of Mexico.


    Try to keep your guesses to the ones who were in DC and not other sites, folks.

  26. You gotta wonder what kind of sick fuck would even want an assault rifle in the first place.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Quick question: can you define assault rifle?

    2. @Normal. Yes Indeed. Assault rifles are meant to be used to defend one's self and/or kill others during times of war. They are not meant to be used to hunt.

    3. I get bashed a lot for saying this, but tough titties.
      I don’t care how many handguns & hunting rifles anyone has. There are plenty of gun owners in my family.
      I simply see no reason for weapons designed to inflict maximum human casualties to be in the hands of civilians.
      If people would actually read the March For Our Lives platform, they’d understand it’s not about “gun grabbing”, but they’d rather quote some nincompoop than learn for themselves.
      Anyone who saw video or photos from the DC march knows there were nearly a million people there.
      Look for yourselves, read for yourselves, get your head out of your ass.
      Facts don’t care if you like them.
      I don’t get notified of replies for a reason.

    4. The Texas T-Rex at the Austin march;

    5. Are you equally bothered by sick fucks who like to stomp on the rights of others and tell them out to live? I didn't think so!

  27. I sympathize with the kids, at least I can see where they're coming from. They're not allowed to protect themselves. Imagine having to go to an unsafe place every day and relying on the local Barney Fife to have the balls to run into the building. Yeah, I might want stricter laws too.

    1. @Brayson Barney Fife would be a step up from what a lot schools have as far as security.

  28. Common Core was child abuse.

  29. I don't think this was Clooney. My cousins were pretty much next to him during the march, and from the pics, there doesn't seem to be a security presence.

  30. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Love it.

  31. Its the Clooneys. Amal’s uncle
    Is a major arms dealer to
    The Middle East who just turned on Sarkozy. Amal works for Qaddafi’s kid. Did they turn on Clinton/Obama? What’s up with them Enty?

  32. If the NRA hadn't made it possible for every toothless, uneducated, opioid-addicted moron in the country to have an AK, then NOBODY would need armed security. NRA USA is a Republican wet dream but a nightmare for anyone with a brain.

    1. You sound like a hateful person who dwells in the realm of stereotypes and fiction
      Or a robot programmed to do so.
      Do you know how easy it is to get an AK? Not very. Especially not for someone so poor and uneducated and heroin addicted (THANK YOU SACKLER FAMILY, YOU HAVE A VERY NICE GALLERY AT THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM) they can't even care for their teeth.
      Shame on you.

    2. I’m a college graduate, a business woman & a proud NRA member. You obviously lack a brain.

    3. You're too stupid to know how stupid you sound! 😂😂 it's hilarious!

      Oh, and I'm a woman with a masters degree and I have several. Guns that is, I also have all of my teeth. Take your ignorant hatred and choke on it.

  33. @Normal, most people can't, they don't know it's about the round not the clip or the whatever.

    1. Because this nomenclature “argument” is pure deflection.

  34. Saif al-Islam has been hosted at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle by the British royal family. He claims that former Prime Minister Tony Blair is a personal friend; Blair took an interest in advising Libya on oil revenues and finance. In 2009, he spent a weekend at Waddesdon Manor, home of financier Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, where he was the guest of Lord Mandelson and Nathaniel Philip Rothschild. He later stayed at the Rothschild holiday home in Corfu. Nathaniel Rothschild was a guest at Saif's 37th birthday celebration in Montenegro.

    Do you, don't you want me to love you?
    I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you

  35. There were 800K.

    Only just shy of 200K showed up for Trumps inauguration. Look at the photos of the crowd sizes on the Mall. The difference is apparent.

    Some people are commenting having never attended a DC protest, I see, nor investigated how the numbers of protesters are obtained.

    But...but...THE EBIL MEDIA!!!!!!

    Hail Alex Jones for his troof and shit!

    1. Nope, only 200k were at the D.C. March. Look it up

  36. Sounds like Macca to me.

  37. You know what a weird place is? Cyprus.

    During these conversations, Maguire told donors that Obama administration holdovers were withholding information from President Trump, and H.R. McMaster - a protégé of former CIA director David Petraeus - authorized a spying operation on members of the Trump family as well as Steve Bannon, and then sent the gathered intel to an international facility owned by George Soros. Via The Intercept:

    “[Maguire] said there were people inside the CIA who joined in the previous eight years [under Obama] and inside the government, and they were failing to give the president the intelligence he needed,” said a person who was pitched by Maguire and other Amyntor personnel. To support his claim, Maguire told at least two people that National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, in coordination with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.

    A potential Donor Maguire spoke with said "John [Maguire] was certain that the deep state was going to kick the president out of office within a year,” adding “These guys said they were protecting the president.”

    Given the frequent and ongoing "deep-state" leaks to the MSM designed to undermine Trump, reports of Obama holdovers keeping dozens of national security positions - some say thanks to H.R. McMaster, and advisory team whittled down to Stephen Miller, Jared and Ivanka, it's no secret that at least some, if not all of what is known as the "deep state" has been after Trump since he became a serious threat to Hillary Clinton during the election.

  38. @Geeljire




      I’ve always had difficulty understanding sacred geometry — or at least, I did, until I came across this Disney cartoon from 1959 that features Donald Duck teaching the concept to children. Who would have thought that something like this even existed?

  39. @Gwili —

    And, guess what, if we lived in a country with strict gun control laws NO ONE would need to carry guns to protect themselves, rich or poor.

    Law-abiding citizens obey gun control laws and restrictions. People hell-bent on killing someone, like Mark David Chapman, the Dark Knight Theater shooter of this dude simply break all those laws. Your statement is nothing more than wishful thinking.

  40. "You obviously lack a brain. "

    Or, more likely, you lack the means to express yourself adequately.


    "Your statement is nothing more than wishful thinking."

    Ever lived in a country with strong gun legislation? The relief is indescribable - to walk or ride a bike where and whenever one pleases, any time of day or not, no random gun violence littering the news like black confetti, one's right to life is more sacred than a teenager's right to an AR...

    It's marvelous actually, as a certain portion of tension inherent in the USA psyche begins to drift away.

  41. I wish they would hold a March For The Stupid and send em right off a cliff.

    1. @Count you live! And you crack me up

  42. @plot —

    1. Your potshot at Trump is yet another myth.
    CNN even confessed that Trump's inaugural speech
    drew the same size crowd as Obama's, if not larger,
    in their "gigapixel" photo:

    If you want to see lackluster crowds, do a google search
    for Hillary Clinton's crowds during the election. She couldn't
    draw enough people to fill a high school gym, yet CNN treated
    her like the second coming of FDR.

    2. I live in Canada. It is a different culture than the USA.
    Americans believe in inherent rights, i.e., rights you
    are born with. Canadians believe in residual rights, i.e.,
    if the government doesn't make it illegal, you can do it.

    The degree of deference towards government authority in Canada
    is vastly greater than that in the United States. Our gun lobby
    is largely toothless because we allow more government interference
    in our lives than the Poles "allowed" the Communists under Soviet rule.

    My point still stands. The Republicans will tell you that
    America has over 20,000 gun laws on the books intended to infringe
    on the 2nd amendment. The shooters at Columbine ignored them.
    The guy who shot up Las Vegas ignored them. The guy who shot up
    Virginia Tech ignored them. Americans at the March for Our Lives (another
    poignant but useless liberal attempt to sway opinion with the
    most emotionally-jarring title) refuse to accept that criminals
    will ignore their well-coached pleading, too.

  43. Oh Mad, I'm so disappointed in you.

    The CNN gigapixel shows nothing of the sort. The National Park Service estimates the numbers and maintains the raw data. Check with them.

    Oh well, when all else fails revert to HILLARYHILLARYHILLARY!

    Luckily for the rest of us, that is a signal that you've reached your limit and nothing sensible will be forthcoming.

    Good job dude! I'm still disappointed though.

  44. Lowlife George Clooney is no longer an A-lister. 6 film flops in a row, highly unpopular & IRRELEVANT since his sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin. Faking fatherhood... Back to TV now.
    He's a publicity hound, dumb & lame. No doubt he called in security for grotesque Islamist Arab Amal Alamuddin. She hails frim a family of money-laundering arms dealers like criminal uncle Ziad Takieddine.
    Clooney sold his fame as chattel.
    No Clooney twins exist. Disfigured ugly Amal wore padding in early months then hid from public.
    Her equally equine sister Tala had surrogate born twins last year with second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico. She already has a teenage daughter from her first marriage.
    Clooney's PR network thought to use these as a publicity hoax to promote the sham marriage.

  45. @DonnaMarie, LOL sure.

  46. paul mccartney?

    'permanent' being the key

  47. No one watches the news? Paul McCartney was on the Upper West Side, not Washington. He is also higher than permanent A .He was on every news channel, including CNN.

  48. Oprah for the win.

  49. Royal ascot is that weirdo lady who hates Amal! Get a life ....troll and look in the mirror

  50. It's not Macka, he was in NYC, close to the Dakota Building (thus all the quotes about his being being a victim of gun violence not far from there). My money's on Clooney.

  51. Ugh, when did Drudge & Breitbart start sending their trolls here?

  52. Hmmm, this is a tough one. Someone who's A TOTAL HYPOCRITE? "Guns for me but not for thee"! Assholes

  53. Whose the nutcase saying Clooney and Cher are irrelevant lmao Clooney is A list and Cher is permanent A, actually icon status lmao

  54. >Ever lived in a country with strong gun legislation? The relief is indescribable - to walk or ride a bike where and whenever one pleases, any time of day or not, no random gun violence littering the news like black confetti, one's right to life is more sacred than a teenager's right to an AR...

    @Post: Do you seriously go through your days actively worrying about being shot? Now the protests make sense, I always forget about what absolute beta pussies liberals are lol. Let me put your mind at ease: of everything that can kill you, gun violence is way, way down the list. However I will say that advocating taking guns increases your risk of being shot exponentially; I don't know if you realize it, but there's more gun owners than democrats, and the constitution doesn't grant us the right, it recognizes that we have the right; the government can't revoke our rights, it can only violate them. Therefore, anyone coming for my, or the majority of the rest of the 40% of American households guns... let's just say if you want to try to take our guns, we'll be forced to give you the bullets first.

    "When they give us an inch, when they give us the bumpstock ban, when they give us that inch, WE'LL TAKE A MILE!" -Some stupid leftist cunt at that march

  55. Amal looks like a man in drag.

  56. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Casting call. Wanted: Young teens to participate in fictitious shootings. Call agent George Soros. Remember, a powerful performance can reshape the world.

  57. Somebody pointed out on Reddit that "Amal" looks like double "Anal," in the n+n sense.

    Frauds all of them. The fact her family ties and all the suspicion around the "white helmets" gets zero mainstream attention shows you how much the media is controlled. But it's even worse than the majority of people on this site are aware. Every lie, big and small, is by design. They were able to pull of 9/11, despite hundreds of holes in the "story," thanks to the media.

  58. @Kno Won Uno



    Does it make you feel hard and strong to call others "beta pussies"? Are you so fragile that you believe using such names makes you more interesting? Studly? Intelligent?

    I'm simply talking my experience, dude. When people start yelling at each other in public in the USA, generally I look for escape routes because there is a strong possibility that guns could become involved. In other countries, not so much. I mean, people can actually get into brawls that end in laughter unlike the USA where it's not finished until someone is hurt. The triggers we think are smart behavior in the USA simply do not exist over there - The Gift of Fear - know your surroundings and constantly be in a state of mild anxiety, stay alert! Yes, the gun is the reason for that and why we know the difference between the sounds of fireworks, gun shot and the backfiring of vehicles in the USA. Our mythology is steeped in the Good Guy Gun Owner taking out all he deems threatening or baaaaad. 'Cept everyone is a Good Guy Gun Owner, aren't they, with various definitions and fantasies of what constitutes a threat living in their heads.

    Guns mean we can't ask strangers for help when we blow a tire or need directions. Guns are the reason that Americans have to wear constant aggressive smiles as a signal of Good Guy status to one another (please don't shoot me!) Guns prevent us from congregating around strangers (which makes these marches in DC even more epic, to my mind) without a phalanx or three of metal detectors, pat downs and bag inspections first.

    Guns keep us isolated and afraid, whether they are present or not, since their very possibility turns calm into anxiety. I don't want to visit anyone who might have guns around. Oh sure, I could question them about how their guns and ammo are stored, but what sort of lie detector would be sufficient to prove he doesn't have one loaded by the bed? Nice way to start a friendship, no?

    Guns mean that we can't have discussions like this one, face to face, or talk about any other political or social topic. Shit, I've seen friends screaming at each other over similar topics in other countries, but it isn't dangerous, there is no possibility that Mr. Good Guy will suddenly take it into his head that a threat is present that needs to be put down, they argue fiercely and at the end of it all eat at the same table and have another round. It's pretty amazing, really.

  59. Kim and Kanye would be just that pretentious to show up at the March surrounded by security. The whole thing reeks of desperate attention seeking.
    Now call me crazy but...didn't I see photos of Kim shooting a gun for target practice not long after she was robbed in her hotel room in Paris? Or was that my imagination? Does anyone else remember that...?

  60. Oh you mean when Kim was "robbed" in Paris?



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