Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blind Item #7

At this point, this witness will do or say anything to get out of the jam he is in. What kind of jam? How about the largest collection of child porn the world has ever seen. This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world. For dozens of years he filmed boys as young as 3 having sex with grown men. There were thousands of these boys who worked as slaves during the day and then would be forced to have sex with grown men. All filmed. That slavery practice has ended, but the boys are still imported from other countries and still raped and it is all still filmed. The FBI found out about it and now are using its existence to get him to say whatever they want him to say. Apparently these people are so rich they have their own "cloud" which is highly encrypted where all these videos are stored. 


  1. I assume House of Saud or maybe Sabancis in Turkey?

    1. Alwaleed Bin Talal. No doubt in my mind. I am willing to bet he has already rolled.

  2. Saudis and Rothschilds have that kind of money. Maybe Prince Andrew.

    1. Andrew’s got fuck all in comparison. He’s got fuck all compared to Charles. That’s why he’s so bitter; raping damaged school girls with a load of the richest nonces on the planet.

    2. Is that "nonces" or "ponces"?

  3. Alefantis is related to Rothschilds. He's photographed with them and looks like the done of one of the daughters.I'll find a link.

    1. Still with the pizza bullshit?

    2. It's not bullshit.

    3. Anyone who believes in pizzagate is either:
      A. A Russian troll
      B. Dumb enough to believe a Russian troll

    4. Yes! Yes! Yes! Where have you been all this time?


  5. If it was royalty would the blind indicate that? Prince Andrew isn't a rich member of the Windsors.

    The mention of FBI and not Interpol makes me think it's USA based.

    What about a member of the Murdock or as others have said, Rothschild, family who lives in the states?

  6. don't have to be super rich to have your own cloud. Small American companies of less than 100 employees have their own cloud in the IT community.


    1. "BestMan" your links are just conspiracies which have been disproven. Anyone who believes in pizzahate should be banned from commenting.

  8. Is James Alefantis-Rothschild an Israeli citizen?

  9. James Alefantis lives in the United States and is a Rothschild.

  10. Got to be a country where child labour is normal. Anywhere else so many children would be noticed. Middle East or Asia.

  11. Thank you enty, i didnt need sleep anyway 😞

  12. Look at the US family that had all those kids prisoner in their home chained up until the 17 year old escaped and called for help. You could easily, sadly, have a lot children held somewhere unnoticed. If you had a lot of money you could have a place out in the country/dessert/mountains without a neighbor for miles.

    1. "No it is only in Asia and the Middle East"

    2. All kids,who are home schooled should have mandatory drop in visits by Social Workers and I don't care how much it costs. Some are genuinely cared for..others nope.

    3. Common Core and Kaplan and Rodell and Pearson and charter schools scams scare me more than what goes on in homeschooling.
      Homeschooling in Masonic cults like LDS/FLDS is what it is.
      There are plenty of "normal" parents who homeschool to keep their kids away from corporate programming.

  13. I wonder if anything came of the oldest Rothchild who wanted to come clean before he died?

    1. You mean the dead one?

    2. Jacob Rothschild isn't dead yet, he's mentioned in Jan 5 blind. Helicopter crash and wanting to come clean before he died.

    3. "isn't dead yet."
      If you say so.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Talals wife told of children from BD and they have ties to Epstein he also has a philanthropy org

  16. prince andrew. think its pretty known he is a piece of shit.

  17. Guys, read the news.

    George Nadar, Lebanese who though he isn't from a rich family, he represents the rich families of the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

    Nadar tried to set up back channel connections between Donny Moscow and Vlad with a meeting in the Seychelles. Look it up.

    He was busted for child porn, mountains of it, back in the 80s and got off because the FBI broke chain of command on the evidence. The guy can afford the best lawyers. He cannot be recharged now. Nothing about that bust can be used against him now.

    Nadar has now flipped on Donny Moscow and is talking to Mueller about the larger connections between Donny and Vlad. He was directly part of this in the interests of UAE and Saudi Arabia. He set up loan payments for Kushner's real estate disaster at 666 Park Avenue, too.

    1. OMG, my brain was bleeding till I scrolled down this far.
      Google is your friend, ffs.

  18. Any of these guesses a foreign national?? That's the clue. I think. Maybe not.

  19. The sentence should've been "For dozens of years, he filmed boys as young as 3 BEING RAPED BY grown men", not "having sex with". Children do not have sex, they're abused and raped.

    1. Yes. Thank you, @Carolina. There is a huge problem with calling rape “sex” especially when it involves children.

      Wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a world where that didn’t need to be pointed out?

  20. Let me throw out Sultan of Oman for being a confirmed pedo installed by the British

  21. I really wish these blinds were fake. How can one human being do that to another, a child, a tiny child? And how can it happen so often that there are 1,000s of photos? The name Getty came to my mind as well from that blind "The Graves".

  22. "boys as young as 3 HAVING SEX WITH grown men" is a really strange way of putting it. This is not "having sex with someone", this is "being raped by someone". If even Enty, even at this point in time, can mix up the two, it says a lot about the prevelance of rape culture at the level of mentality and language.

    1. Talmudically it's kosher
      Just sayin'

    2. I was going to say tet same thing. a 3 year old is raped. Geez that is disgusting.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Dozens of years"
      At least 24+
      MBS isn't old enough.

  24. Help me out here----The FBI knows all about it and instead of exposing this more than heinous crime (and saving other boys from abuse), they are "using" (blackmailing) the criminal for their own purposes ???

    1. Yes.
      It's the way it's always been.

    2. @Pamela That’s the way you get to the biggest players. Making a deal with the devil with someone involved who knows enough/has enough evidence.

      I think @plot’s answer makes the most sense. In this case, the guy can’t be charged because he was already tried and the case was screwed up. Trying him again would either be double jeopardy or a weakened case.

  25. @plot
    I think you nailed it.
    Nader is not the target, but the conduit to the child pornographers.
    This likely has to do with Donny Moscow.
    Or rather, Donny "Red Mafia" Trump.

    I do hope the FBI nails Donny Moscow, Ivanka the Rat, Jared the Snake.

    If you haven't seen the cartoon in the Economist this past week check it out. It's an article about Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and their legacy of corruption. The cartoon features Jared with the body of a snake and Ivanka with the body of a rat.

    1. He’s a witness in the Mueller investigation.

    2. Waiting on the day......praying for the babies. Comrade cheeto needs to pay. And his bff forever Putin and all these sick sick billionaire boys club nasties. This blind unfortunately, I do believe .

    3. Lol. President Trump living rent free in your libtard brains.

  26. George Nader's a great guess, Plot, considering the testimony he's giving. Maybe this blind is about 2 people, the witness and the rich man, tho it reads as being one person.

  27. Just look over the donors to the Clinton Foundation.

    It'll jump out at you.

  28. The people desperate to make every blind about Trump are truly pathetic.

    1. ...said @unknown, ignoring the person right above who made the blind all about the Clintons.

      Seriously, making every blind about Trumps OR Clintons is getting so old, euthanasia would be a mercy.

      Can we focus, here?

      I do like @plot’s guess. It explains why the FBI is using him for more information instead of charging him directly, too.

    2. Nader was all over the news as a cooperating witness in the Mueller investigation.
      Unless you buy into the entire news being fake conspiracy, this is about Nader, a cooperating WITNESS in the Mueller investigation.
      What other witness with a child porn background was in the news this past week?
      I’ll wait.

  29. I think this refers to the practice of abducting or buying young boys to be camel jockeys = slavery during the day, rape at night.
    The claim is that the practice has ended, but it hasn't.

  30. "The FBI knows all about it and instead of exposing this more than heinous crime (and saving other boys from abuse), they are "using" (blackmailing) the criminal for their own purposes ??? "

    No. That's not how it works. If this blind is Nadar, and if the FBI has evidence of new child porn crimes on him, they will use that to make him flip, certainly. But the charges against him for child porn might be sealed (there are a shit ton of sealed indictments in this case so far) to be brought later after he has given evidence.

    Nobody is getting away with anything.

  31. @plot

    I'm afraid I'm no longer buying the whole Russia made Trump President thing.

    Besides the fact that it seems a no brainer that the Russians would obviously prefer a democrat generally and Hillary specifically, I'm struggling to see what the Russians actually did to change the outcome of the election.

    The Facebook ads are silliness. It wasn't that big an effort and even Mueller says it didn't change any election results. The specific act that keeps coming up is the leaking of the democrat emails, but they were largely about the fact that Hillary had fixed the democrat primary against Bernie. Those leaks were much more likely to be an inside job done by a Bernie Bro since this was more likely to help Bernie than anybody else. The only "evidence" the Russians did this comes from the word of the FBI, but the democrats refused to grant access to their compromised servers. All we "know" about this came from a third party the democrats hired.

    If the Russians REALLY wanted to get Trump elected, the thing would have been to leak the emails that Hillary deleted. Hard to believe those were all "yoga appointments and birthdays". And they were likely much easier for the Russians to obtain since you would imagine that a server located in a private bathroom would be much easier to crack than the one shared by the democrat party presumably managed by actual professionals.

    None of this subtracts anything from the fact that Trump is a coarse and crude man too stupid to answer a basic question from little Megyn Kelly in the first debate, nor can he be depended upon to tweet a coherent sentence if his life depended on it.

    The Russian thing is a waste of time and it is beginning to be pretty clear that this narrative was hastily put together to cover up some sketchy behavior done by the previous administration.

    If you really want to take down Trump, I suspect that path goes through his finances. One cannot imagine that he got that rich in New York and New Jersey without being corrupt up to his elbows. He was in the Casino business in New Jersey for chrissakes.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      This. Trump could have been beaten fair and square. But the DNC is so fucking crooked for miles and miles. I mean really, why even bother being a registered Democrat? The superdelegates are for hire. Your vote counts for nothing in those primaries.

  32. @Unknown

    Oh! I see, when the purveyor of child porn is connected to Clinton, through pizza parlors, that is valid gossip.

    But when we have in front of us, only exposed yesterday, that a close Donny advisor was BUSTED for child porn, no cheese pizza about it, that is not worthy gossip.

    Don't like your bias show, buddy.

    1. I know you fancy yourself Grand High Arbiter of Bias and Impartiality, but

    2. Because anyone who seriously and repeatedly uses phrases like "Donny Moscow" isn't a totally unhinged conspiracy theorist.

    3. Geeljire lives in a conspiracy bubble, lots of them here now.

    4. This doesn't work anymore and your political movement that has you so angry is intellectually and morally bankrupt.
      Clinton Foundation trafficking Haitian kids, what's the word for a conspiracy that actually occurred?

      The Donnie Moscow Shareblue Crew has a noticable presence here, let's drop pretenses and name names. We know what's up. We know people are paid to influence venues such as this. Anyone who is in the business of denying and suppressing facts, as well making thinly veiled apologies for powerful Hollywood pedophiles and sex predators.

      David Brock is a boyfucker. James Alefantis-Rothschild was his ex. John and Tony Podesta like to drop by. Your damage control is futile. It's far too late and you'll suffocate holding your breath hoping that "Little Hitlerfuhrer Donny Moscow Drumpf" will take the fall in this.
      Only fight battles once you know you'll win.

    5. Anonymous7:13 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I hope Alefantis gets offed in a very slow painful way.

  34. @plot

    I'm not saying that Trump isn't p#ssy-grabbing scum. Have at him as far as I'm concerned.

    But that doesn't mean the whole big Russia narrative makes a lick of sense.

    I would also point out that the Epstein/Clinton link is pretty well documented. And it doesn't actually involve that silly pizza parlor.

    Remember: just because Trump is scum, doesn't mean Hillary and Bubba aren't too. Embrace the power of "AND"!

  35. I think this is about Al-Waleed bin Talal. His ex-wife gave an interview to LA Monde in Paris about his involvement in pedophilia and child trafficking. She said the city of Jeddah is a slave market now.. I think it is him. He is also friends with Harvey...

    1. "This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world."

      Definitely the most accurate guess if the wording of the blind is accurate

    2. I think this is it but why would the FBI have any power? He would have diplomatic immunity. The only person who has power over him is the guy that put him on house arrest

  36. This smacks of classic disinformation. It's designed to get people not to trust the FBI and from the comments, it is working. Fuck you Putin. The royal family aren't lizard people and the illuminati don't exist, either.

    1. @MollyGolly +1 A+

    2. I love how the cold war never ended for some ppl who are still frantically screaming about Russia, Putin, and Communists!!!

      Isn't hating Russians racist?

    3. @JF Depends. Am I leery of Russia because I’m racist? Or because of their appalling record on human rights & women’s rights, blatantly trampling their OWN democracy, denying the actions of a PROVEN Russian troll farm are Russia's problem due to the trolls’ ethnicity, assassinating a former agent on foreign soil, and open anti-semitism and homophobia?

      Nah. I’m sure it’s just racism against Russians.

  37. Man these comments are a hot pile of steaming shit

  38. Stay off pizzagate and infowars. It's 95% bullshit. Read some real news by actual outlets. This story is about George Nadler:

  39. @fustian

    It doesn't take too much effort to google the massive effort by Russian troll factories to spread fake news on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. They owned hundreds of thousands of counts and disseminated millions of posts filled with fake news.

    It doesn't take much effort to look into the 22 state voter databases breached by Russian sources, commonly known as Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear.

    What Vlad wants is a weak USA. What Vlad wants are a lifting of US sanctions. Donny is carrying out ihs bidding. Donny has refused to enforce Russian sanctions voted for by Congress. Donny is dismantling our State Dpt, piece by piece, including not spending a single penny of money put aside to secure our next elections. Donny is pissing off our allies, right and left, and we are now being ignored by huge swaths of Europe and Asia to the benefit of Russia and China. It is now established that Donny was searching for secret back channels to Vlad even before he was elected.


    If you choose to ignore all the evidence, that is on you.

    1. Hillary?... is this really you disguised as plot?? I think it's time you put down the bottle and let's take our medication now... ok?

  40. "Because anyone who seriously and repeatedly uses phrases like "Donny Moscow" isn't a totally unhinged conspiracy theorist."

    Or thoroughly disgusted by the games of Donny Moscow to end our government and judicial system.

    1. Care to explain Uranium One?
      That's a super fun "conspiracy" about Russia except it stars Dems in the Tall/Epstein clique

  41. @plot you do know that Clinton / the DNC purged voter rolls in the primary in New York and several other states to stop Bernie. How is that not election rigging?

    If we are going to clean things up, we should start in our own backyards and in a bi-partisan, level-headed manner.

    The truth is the general election of Clinton v Trump should never have been remotely close. He is a game show host and she is one of the most powerful politicians in the country. She ran a terrible, out of touch campaign that didnt have any type of message.

    This Russia stuff is just a vain attempt to save face after an extraordinarily humiliating defeat.

    1. Can't fix stupid and trump thanks his god for it every day.

  42. How is George Nader one of the richest men from one of the richest families in the world? Is he even a foreign national?

  43. I sometimes wonder how the shills can live with themselves defending pedophiles for pennies. At least the pedophiles can be explained away as being straight up sick and evil, but the cattle who defend them on the internet for a paycheck that hardly covers living expenses? Yes, cattle. That's all you are to the pedophiles who are paying you. They don't even consider you human. But there's still time to leave and do something meaningful with your life. At least you won't go to your deathbed knowing that you indirectly supported the rape, murder, and slavery for beer money.

  44. I know everybody likes to discount pizzagate, but how do you ignore pedophile language found in Podesta and Clinton emails? How do you ignore that this is how this all started? Before you discount the story, go back to the source and look. There is something there.

    1. Silence falls as the Donnie Moscow crew is forbidden by the style guide to speak of this.
      What's with John Podesta's art collection anyway. Very creepy and not normal or anyone you'd want around children.

    2. Its all there. He s a beast. I'm afraid people will remain blind. After all, it can't be the Democrats. #formerDem #neverRep #theyallsuck

  45. As for my guess, I'll go with Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. He was detained in the November 2017 Saudi purge and now he's free. He probably gave information on the Saudi trafficking operations in exchange for his freedom.


  46. I am so friggin tired of the Trump trolls jumping in discussions. The anger I feel reading this blind item goes beyond politics. I had something horrible and painful happen to me when I was four, which I remember in vivid detail to this day, which changed the course of my life. I read this and it all floods back. I wish I was eloquent, but I am pretty pissed about some of the discussions at the moment. I just hope that this gets exposed. I hope these people get shamed. I hope that they lose their money. I hope that these kids get justice, but I know from experience that it does not seem to happen. Ugh.

    1. @me again

      You were pretty eloquent there. I’m sorry that happened to you. I was three. I’m holding out hope that things are finally changing and there will finally be some justice for these kids.

    2. @me again, I was 9. I’m sorry this happened to you.

  47. @gauloise

    He isn't but he represents the richest families in the world from UAE and Saudi Arabia, which makes him very rich in his own right.

    But who else is cooperating right now with Mueller who has kiddie porn in his past (present?)

    "If we are going to clean things up, we should start in our own backyards and in a bi-partisan, level-headed manner."

    Do you know what is happening right this moment? Exactly this. There is a huge bipartisan effort to end gerrymandering which effects our election in terrible ways. There is a new effort this week by the Dems to end the Super Delegate system. States are looking into, seriously, the elimination of the electoral college for their voting in national elections.

    If you seek, you shall find. There are even strange alliances forming right now to stymie the influence of both Donny and Vlad in our Justice Dpt, courts and foreign policy. Let's hope it succeeds, no?

  48. @sadie, Me Again

    If the answer fits a Donny advisor, we're supposed to ignore it?

    And belief that pizza toppings are secret satanic symbols?

    You people are too much,

    1. Hi.
      This is what apologizing for wealthy powerful people who traffic children to rape looks like.
      If you talk about the pedophiles they declare it impossible
      I hope they're not paying you too much, @plot, you're glowing.

    2. It's difficult to remain rational when people want to sling mud and prove that their side is more right. But can we focus on the kids? The victims? When I read about a grown man raping a 3 year old my first reaction is shock and revulsion. But who is right now attempting to discredit the FBI? One of the few governmental agencies we do have to investigate these types of things at this level? Trump is. Why? Why? Why was he such close friends with Putin at one time. Why did his family do business all over Russia? Why? Why? Why is the North Korean dictator who has admittedly murdered his own people like he's stepping on ants so easy going with Trump? What does Putin have on Trump about his sexual activities? We should always be able to come out of our bubble, play devils advocate in order to get close to the real truth and not what deflection teams of hired Russians on social media have spread on social media. They knowingly STOLE this election. America is no longer a democracy and its only gonna get worse as the billionaire boys club seeks to decimate the Supreme Court and to weaken states rights. Trump has always been in the mix of the soulless money hungry power seekers. There's no doubt in my mind about that .

  49. ENOUGH of the political back and forth! There's no point. Neither side will admit fault. Just stop.
    Remember when commentators got along? Or joked with each other? Let's go back to that. Please?

  50. Because of this blind, I think they have something new on Nader which is sealed pending the trials of Trump Crew.

  51. "This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world."

    Is George Nader a foreign national?


    Is he a "member" of a wealthy family


    Family member indicates direct relation, not a representative.

    Al Talal actually fits the phrasing of the blind.

    1. This.
      It isn't Russia
      It was never Russia
      What does Russia have to do with David Geffen and Arnon Milchan and the Mossad and the Saudis and Citigroup and Democratic bundlers?

    2. @Schneiderisnext Perhaps the blind is referring obliquely to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates‘ family, who Nader represents.

      Nader was born in Lebanon, which means he has, at the very least, BEEN a foreign national, regardless of current citizenship. I’m thinking that’s close enough.

      Given that we have actual record of him being busted for kiddie porn, and he’s the only guess so far who’s in the news as a “witness” I’m inclined to lean toward him regardless of quibbles.

    3. Continuing from above: also, “member” of a family could include the family entourage and spokespeople in this case, I suppose.

  52. It's Talal. You can tell this blind scorched a few pedophile toes, because of who's out in force. All the good stuff's already been said, thumbs up to my peeps for talking the truth.

    1. @Donna I’m actually curious on what you’re basing your confidence in Talal as the correct answer.

      Objectively, I see more evidence for Nader with his UAE and Abu Dhabi spokesman connections and known child porn bust.

      Evidence I’ve seen for Talal appears mainly based on cultural conjecture?

    2. Han take your disingenuous disinfo posting elsewhere
      It's Talal and the usual suspects start screaming it's someone else, which they never do unless you actually named a major Dem donor as the subject of the blind.
      Nader is a nobody, and if you have ANY ME background you would know this instead of spending your time trying to shout down correct answers.

    3. @Geeljire Assumptions again? This is getting old. I asked @Ddonna because I’m curious. I like Nader primarily for the “witness” angle in the clue as well as his child porn history (you’re not DEFENDING him, I hope*) No idea who the Democrat party donor you’re referring to is.

      Now, show me where I shouted down a correct answer. I’ll wait.

      Go take your crusade elsewhere. You’re barking up the wrong tree with me.

      *Used for ironic effect.

  53. I have no idea which of the guesses is correct.

    I will point out that there is an assumption here by some that the subject of the blind is cooperating with the Mueller investigation when the blind does not actually specify that. It says he is cooperating with the FBI.

    This could be the same, so I don't think it rules out this Nadler guy. But it also suggests it could be somebody else not associated with Trump (this time).

  54. I don't see why George Nader couldn't be tried for this new crime.

    His 1985 case involved importing Child Porn Nudie mags

    If he was also filming and distributing cp (plus the whole RAPE and kidnapping thing), thats a separate crime.

    Double jeopardy keeps you from being retried over a single offense. If you're acquitted of murder it doesn't mean you can now legally kill.

  55. @Schneiderisnext

    I assume that they could also have found new child porn in his possession.

    Just because you are found innocent of one murder, this does not give you a free pass to murder again. Same with child porn I should think.

  56. "he filmed boys as young as 3 having sex with grown men."

    You do this a lot, ENTY. You refer to people being raped as "having sex". I politely request that you consider your wording sometimes.

  57. Enough of making every other blind about politics. Pathetic. Stay with the subject matter and go to another site to spew about bullshit hypotheses.

    1. They don't listen. I tried as well. I'm convinced a few are trolls from both sides, posting to cause arguments. Notice how the actual blind always gets lost? Works everytime.

  58. How is Nader part of one of the richest families? I don’t find that anywhere. Also, why would a member of the royal family cooperate with the FBI? Don’t they have diplomatic immunity? And it’s rape - not sex.

  59. This is clearly George Nadal, who was arrested on child porn charges in the 1980s.

  60. One interesting feature of the blind is this: "The FBI found out about it and now are using its existence to get him to say whatever they want him to say."

    This suggests what whatever comes out of this guys mouth is not going to be the truth. The FBI is telling him what they want him to say in exchange for a shot at freedom.

    So, are they going after US pedophiles? Or is this political?

    1. The truth would incriminate the FBI, their funders, and their confederates
      They will do their damnedest to prevent any sordid details of the Bush-Saud relationship from being widely known.
      The Donnie Moscow Mafia here on CDAN will vehemently deny this because of bin Talal and Citigroup and the INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING places that money trail goes.

  61. " This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world."

    Nader is NOT one of the richest members of the richest families of the world. So anybody who is trying to sell this as George Nader is a misinformation mouthpiece.

    It's Talal. The FBI is involved because of all Talal's US business ties. He could say anything if FBI is putting the screws to him. But the NYPD (and NSA) still have all the stuff that was on Tony Weiner's laptop, so FBI can't be too sure that Talal is a total asset for them.

    One day all the dominoes will start falling, and it will scorch the American cultural landscape, and the world.

    1. Imagine a future without Hollywood.
      Pretty sweet, yeah?

    2. @Ddonna Thank you for answering my question. I’m not familiar with the whole Talal history, but I did notice a lot of posters were exceptionally certain it was him.

  62. @April, if the FBI has hacked the family's private cloud (or someone gave them access) then it wouldn't matter if the person wasn't a US citizen, or had diplomatic immunity (which he does not have) they could threaten to release the contents of the cloud to gain his co-operation. If it is Talal I wonder exactly what it is the FBI want him to say?

    1. Thank you so much for explaining :) :) What is horrible is his knowledge could bring down the worst of the worst, but instead it is being used to make false statements about somebody the FBI wants to take down

  63. Sex with a three year old. A THREE YEAR OLD. I can't even.

  64. @emeraldcity

    Control the narrative. Control the burn

    Target political enemies. Hide your own involvement and complicity

    1. Thank you for all your hard work and commenting. I always look forward to what you have to say :)

  65. "Care to explain Uranium One?"

    Sure! A Canadian company, Uranium One, sold shares of its company to ARMZ Uranium Holding Co in exchange for owning a large portion of some Kazakhstan mineral rights. Uranium One owned a tiny portion of US Uranium that then became ARMZ's uranium when they bought up the majority shares of Uranium One.

    The deal was cleared by the US Committee on Foreign Investment, and international investigations in Asia and Africa. The approval of the USA was not needed in any way, but Uranium One went through the formality of having Obama sign off on the deal, which he did with the caveat that the US uranium could not leave this continent...and it hasn't.

    That's pretty much the long and the short of it. If you haven't watched Shepard Smith's summary of the the Uranium One deal, you definitely should.

    In October 2017, Donny released the files on Uranium One. So far, nothing there to open any investigation or really that interesting for journalists or even conspiracy theorists.

    Notice how the GOP in Congress has given up on Uranium One since the release of those files? Not one of them calling for HRC's head on a pike since it became pretty clear she had nothing to do with the approval of Uranium One. Now don't you think Trey Gowdy, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Chuck Grassley, Darrell Issa, Karen Handle, Orrin Hatch...would LOVE to jump HRC's shit one more time, for oldtime's sake, to obscure all the crimes of their party? It's been working that way for decades. The GOP can't help themselves. So why stop now with the release of the whole investigation into Uranium One?

    Because it's all a lie, a total fabrication by Fox and the Reich that Uranium One is controversial at all.

    1. @plot Succinctly summed up as always.

      Hysteria and paranoia give me a headache.

    2. @Plot don't count those chickens before they hatch

  66. Oops, sorry, ARMZ is a Russian company.

    There is no reason for them to want to move the US uranium anyway.

  67. Talal isn't being questioned by the FBI nor contributing to their investigations.

    Nader is. AND Nader has a history of child porn and probably hasn't magically reformed in his sicknesses.

    AND Nader represents the richest families in both UAE and Saudi Arabia. Potaytoes, Potahtoes. Nader fits best.

    1. @plot

      "The FBI found out about it and now are using its existence to get him to say whatever they want him to say. Apparently these people are so rich they have their own "cloud" which is highly encrypted where all these videos are stored."

      Nowhere in the blind does it say that this dude is in FBI custody

      "Witness" does hint he is part of an investigation/trial. But that also fits Talal and the Saudi "corruption" purge/imprisonment

      Witness also could just reference the act of witnessing the crime.

    2. I can just smell the desperation as you try and make Nader work.

      Mueller is not with the FBI and does not investigate for them. He is supposedly independent and hired by Congress to look into Russia/Trump.... this blind doesn't mention Mueller investigation, it mentions FBI investigations!!!

  68. You can always tell the group of shills.

    No matter what the topic, these shills *always* stick together. No one else on the blog always agree. Think about it. The rest of us are inclined to disagree from time to time.

    Not the shills. They lockstep through the comments trying to change the answer. Every. Single. Time.

    CDaN commenters have thrown out some answers and are getting closer to nailing it down when lo and behold, the Shill Army appears.

    Shill #1 comments: "No, this must be [insert name that does not fit blind but steers conversation away from politically-inconvenient answer of other posters]

    Shill #2: "Ooh I agree with Shill #1, absolutely!"

    CDaN poster A: "That guess does not fit the clues."

    Shill #1: *posts long rant attacking CDaN poster A"

    Shill # 2: *chimes in*

    CDaN poster B: "Maybe it is [makes educated guess] although I do like the guess of [any CDaN poster]. Shill #1's guess does not make sense."

    Shill #3: "Shill #1 got it, absolutely! Has to be Shill #1's answer, the rest of you are insane/political/nutjobs/fringe radicals."

    Shill #1: *attacks CDaN poster B through a long rant*

    Shill #2: *piles on*

    Shill #3: *piles on*

    Rinse. Repeat.


      Doesn't work anymore guys, in fact you accomplish the opposite

    2. Free discourse and freedom of thought still exist in America for now. Not everyone has to drink the Trump koolaid. Everyone is allowed the freedom to have their own opinions. This isn't Russia.......yet. Were propaganda rules tv and media and if you disagree you're murdered by Putin's Russians thugs. But this absolute power is what they seek here as well. No one to answer to. Above the law. Above consequence. And what if you're the shill? Maybe you're paid? Maybe you're actually one of the Russians who stole the election four herr Trump and his racist buddies? This is not some dark corner of the web where you all sit and regurgitate ideas that you all are sure are right about people you are sure are wrong. This is cdan dammit. A gossip site. Not a site where we all have to sit and lick comrade Trumps shrivelled, insane, racist, billionaire boys club balls. I refuse. And I know a lot of other people refuse. Now let's focus on helping kids.

    3. +1111111 Halloweenie!

  69. @Schneiderisnext

    I never claimed the subject of the BI was in custody...I don't think...if I did, I was wrong. At this point all we know is Nader is cooperating with Mueller's investigation, which is a VERY interesting turn of events.

    The FBI has nothing to do with the Saudi Shake Down. That is about demanding billions from billionaires for their freedom and has nothing to do with corruption, btw. Here's a synopsis for you -

    The FBI was totally uninvolved in that. What made you think that the bin Salman would want FBI involved? That would be an insult.

    1. You seem to be very sure about what the FBI is and isn't doing.
      Did you know that you attempting to silence Schneiderisnext is what caused me to stop lurking? A user whose name references Nickelodeon producer Dan Schneider, a prolific pedophile, employed by Sumner Redstone of Viacom, another prolific pedophile.
      Who would @plot be if he were in a story about Jimmy Savile?

  70. Keep dreaming Geeljire. Someday soon one of those pizza toppings will stick to Hillary!

    1. Did you know my dreams came true?
      What does that mean to you

  71. If your guess is over 5 or 6 sentences, I'm not reading it. That policy is holding me in good stead around here.

  72. +1000 Sign Name Below,how this turned to being about Nader is beyond all common sense. Not one word of the discription fits the blind. Even Enty doesn't use that many red herrings. It does say the FBI is using the knowledge of the child porn to get him to say what they want,which should alarm people since they aren't all that interested in the porn itself.

  73. It's not Nadar, it doesn't fit. But if it were,the words "make him say whatever they want" implies misconduct on part of the FBI, since it seems to say that they are using the pedo evidence as leverage to make someone say things that might even be untrue. So I wouldn't use this as proof or confirmation bias for the Russian connection.
    Alefantis fits best although I'm not sure he's a foreign national nor that his rothschild connection ia definetly proved just by his reaemblance. Also he might be too young... The blind says he filmed "for dozens of years", this means at least 24 years.
    As far as Al-Waleed goes, since when he's being investigated by the FBI?
    The detail about the cloud is certainly strange and might be a spwcial clue since there's nothing special in having your own cloud.

  74. Sorry about all the spelling errors. How do you guys comment from your phones? I'm forced to use the "desktop version" since the link to post comments in the mobile version doesn't work, and then it's all miniscule and awkward to use.

  75. "he words "make him say whatever they want" implies misconduct on part of the FBI, "

    Enty does this a lot for effect. It makes his blinds sound more nefarious than they are. So far, we know that Mueller is running an investigation with integrity and by the book. I took that statement to be an example of Enty gilding the lily.

  76. I'm rooting for the FBI ( can't believe I just said that lol) take em down. Don't let Donnie deflect and decimate the highest law enforcement agency in America. He's trying so so hard to do that. Um, I get a Dubai vibe with this. Remember what I said about "slaves" being used for everything over there. From building buildings to clearing land for Trumps family golf courses. To nannying ( unpaid, of course). To their draconian laws about women and gay people. Dubai, playground of the super rich. Built on the backs of the poor.

  77. Pathetic. Truly. Clinton looooved Donald until he ran against her. And Juanita Broderick...Hilary wasn’t fit to run and she should have recused herself just on her treatment of a childhood rape victim she has never apologized to and Juanita...pathetic - rape victims matter unless it’s a democrat GOD doing the raping. Hilary never should have run. Everyone hated her - get over it. We would rather have a realty contestant than that rapist supporting b—. Oh and Plot - you shame rape victims, mock them and call them names then talk about how Trump treats women??? YOU are PATHETIC . Hilary is scum and used to have the man you hate at all of her parties - so if he is such a piece of crap then what does that say about her? I would rather die than be a Democrat. Or a republican ;)

  78. @Guesser

    "the FBI is using the knowledge of the child porn to get him to say what they want,which should alarm people since they aren't all that interested in the porn itself."

    In the first place there is NO FUCKING WAY that Enty knows anything about the Mueller investigation. NO FUCKING WAY. So that statement is ridiculous about "getting him to say".

    Second, why do you assume the FBI doesn't care about the porn? The FBI has a slew of sealed indictments right now in the Northern Virginia counts. Some of those could most definitely be about Nader and his current child porn charges.

    1. Plot.....

      Quit trying to make "Fetch" happen.

      Sell your Nader theory elsewhere. This smells of Talal until/unless someone has a better guess.

  79. @MrsAmiss

    "Oh and Plot - you shame rape victims, mock them and call them names then talk about how Trump treats women???"

    Where? When? Show where I've shamed victims. Likewise, show where I talk about how Trump treats women.

  80. Just heartbreaking. What is wrong with these people? As for this being a partisan problem, imho both Democrats and Republicans have their pedophiles. Trump won't go after the pedos in the Democrats, because in doing so he would uncover the pedos on the Republican side.

  81. Wow...check out Waddesdon Manor. I'll never be able to live like that. Sigh...

  82. @plot,the only way this could be about Nader is if it is two people. You haven't given a proper guess as to who the foreign national who would be linked to Nader,who was doing this for dozens of years. Hints for everybody, the slavery practice has ended,meaning in the past twenty years or so the country ended slavery, perhaps? Also,@plot,you assume this is the Muller investigation, and if so, the conclusion is that the child porn is being held over Nader's head to get him to say something that has nothing to do with the porn. That is an assumption, not a leak Enty was privy to. As an aside,what was your opinion of Putin/ Russia when Mitt Romney sounded the alarm and was soundly ridiculed? Or to the Obama whispers of dealing with Russia after the election?

  83. I'm getting Girl with the Dragon Tattoo vibes from this. Very intriguing.

  84. This is about members of the Saudi royal family or other Persian gulf royalty types. The clue is that slavery was only officially banned in Saudi Arabia in the 1960s or so and probably persisted later. In some of those countries, there is a cultural tradition about sex with young boys as well

    The Rothschilds have not been among the very wealthiest in the world in a very long time. Their banks have been relatively minor for about the last 100 years. Inheritance taxes and World War II hit them hard. Most of their houses have been given to governments for tax relief. This is an antisemitic myth. And connecting this James Alefantis pizzeria person to them is ludicrous and like the worst and dumbest alt-right trash talk

  85. @Farmgirl is correct, this will be about boy slaves (camel jockeys) in the UAE.

    It's someone from the UAE or who was a regular visitor to this camel jockey scene i.e. a very rich Middle Eastern family. Very few Westerners, if any, would have been let into this circle.

    This has nothing to do with whatever pizza stuff or Hillary fantasies keeps you awake at night.

  86. @Plot
    As has been pointed out, Robert Mueller is no longer the director of the FBI. He was appointed special counsel to investigate Russian involvement in the election. He is not currently FBI.
    No matter how hard you try, this blind is not about Nader. Not this time.

  87. Enty, please be careful. Make sure you maintain anonymity. You are dealing with some of the world's most powerful and dangerous men.

    My first thought is Rothschild. However, there are so many extremely wealthy pedophiles out there, it could be any one of them. There is a victim's testimony (Regina Louf) that this sick bastard, Benoit de Bonvoisin, would go 'child hunting' in the forests of Belgium. Benoit is the son of a baron and very wealthy.ît_de_Bonvoisin

    It seems the world is full of bored, rich, white men who lead double lives. Ostensibly they are cultured, intelligent, sophisticated. Scratch the exterior, and you find men who rape children, torture girls to death, set children to run in the forests only to hunt and shoot them, and force children to rape and abuse each other. Witnesses who come forward are labelled as 'insane'.

    "Maurice Lippens and his brother Leopold have been named by witnesses as child abusers, not only involved in regular rape, but also in the snuff network (185).

    Prince Alexandre de Merode was mentioned by both Nathalie W. (189) and X4 (190) as a central player in the Satanic aspect of the child abuse and -murder network.

    Witness X2 spoke about a girl she had known who had been murdered, and how this girl told her about the domain of Princess Liliane de Rety ("a madwoman") where children were buried (197). Liliane was the second wife of King Leopold III (d. 1983) and lived until her death in 2002 at Chateau d'Argenteuil."

    "The children were taken to a tower made of natural stone and with a wooden door... In the cellars there were cells where the children were locked up, awaiting their turn. There also were some cells for the dogs (dobermans). The passageway gave way to a room of spectacle. In the tower: dead children's bodies in various stages of decomposition (sometimes dismembered and/or missing body parts) and carcasses of dogs.

    "Spectators: always the same but difficult to identify - about fifty. She recognized the regent Charles, King Baudouin and King Albert, and two others that she calls Charly [De Pauw] and Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]. She thinks to have recognized Willy Claes [later NATO secretary general] and doctor Vanden Eynde. The dogs listen to Ralf and Walter. The addicted dogs are excited. Spectacles = orgies, putting to death children and dogs...

    Gilles (12 years old??) was castrated by Polo. The other children have to drink the blood... Girls are slashed with razor blades. The lips of the vagina of X3 have partially been cut and were given to eat to the dogs... A girl's [large] vulva was cut into slices and fed to the dogs...

    "At the end of another evening a child... had been castrated. The other children that were present buried the boy in a flowerbed. She remembers a child who had been decapitated, then cut and fried before being eaten. She remembers children who hung on hooks in the kitchen." (201)

    The only reason I've added the gory details is because I want people to believe children and victims of abuse. People can do some very sick things.

  88. This guy is George Nadar, Lebanese advisor to the UAE/Russia

    But more interestingly, Alex Litvenko who died from poisoning (nuclear grade uranium that only governments had access to) back in 2006 in London - rumour has it that Putin had him killed because 1. he blew the cover over the extent of Russian corruption and 2. Putin is a pedophile who likes young boys

    I don't put it past this George Nadar being an Epstein type who supplies these rich nasty men with child porn. His ties goes way deep

  89. Plot the only thing Trump has failed at is the thing Putin needs most and that makes me laugh, because Putin does not have a lot of patience. And at this point I cannot see any way Trump deliver it because it would require Congressional approval and no way they are going to do it now unless Putin blackmails them and it is questionable as to whether he is not already blackmailing some of them. Read below.

    Whilst Trump has stalled implementing the new sanctions that Congress passed almost unanimously, he has not been able to repeal the Magnitsky Act - the real subject of that meeting with Donny Dr and the gang with the female Russian spy who also happens to be a lawyer.

    Michel Isikoff of Yahoo News broke the story that Trump was trying to lift Russian sanctions by executive order on day one. Fortunately Trump and his team are not too bright and there were still Obama appointees working in the White House and they alerted Bob Corker and Lindsay Graham of the Senate Foreign Intelligence committee. The same committee that had put new sanctions on Russia in December 2016. The Magnitsky Act was put into effect in 2014 and Putin has been a rampage since. This act means Putin and his Mafia friends CANNOT access the laundered money in the United States. This is hurting them big time along with other sanctions messing up their deal with Exxon Mobil. This is before any of the new sanctions. The rumour is Donny was going to get a cut on that deal but Exxon announced they are pulling out of Russia. Why do you think Tillerson was made Secretary of State. Never mind that Russia is still providing North Korea with supplies breaching those sanctions. Where do you think KJ1 has been and is getting his nuke materials - Russia and China.

    Back to Trump's attempt to reverse the sanctions by executive order. Trump was stupid enough to think that would work and it was Corker and Graham that pushed for the new sanctions bill to be veto proof.

    Now the question is why the GOP are not pushing Trump on this- people forget that the Russians also hacked into the RNC mails but never released them - Lindsay Graham's emails were hacked. McCain as well. Then we have had the news that Russian proxies donated money to some GOP politicians and that the NRA was taking money from Russian proxies and then funnelling it to GOP politician. Remember the odd tape about a conversation between Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan about knowing that Trump was being paid by the Russians and about keeping the family secrets in the family.....I have not heard Ryan or McCarthy deny the tape either. I do wonder who leaked it. Pretty sure that is on Mueller's very very long to do list.

    1. Can you imagine writing this many words to push a false narrative?
      Those creative writing courses pay off!

    2. @Jen Ty an excellent addition to the discussion. Thank you for taking the time. In spite of our hyper verbal resident font of meretricious disdain.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Also Trump can't make changes to the sanctions without Congressional approval since it was clear that Trump could not be trusted even by the GOP.

    Oh and to clarify Putin and the Russian Mafia can't get their laundered money out the US because of the Magnitksy Act.

    Trump Tower which is apparently pretty much empty now - it was basically being used by the Russians to launder money, there was a gambling and other operations going on too, and hey are you gonna hang out in a building now crawling with the Secret Service?

  92. @Jen Ty

    "Also Trump can't make changes to the sanctions without Congressional approval"

    True but Congress and the president can call for separate sanctions. Trump is refusing to implement the Congressional sanctions from this year, through his State Dpt which is now withering on the vine under Rex Tillerson (who, I might add is refusing to spend the funds set aside to fix our hacked elections systems, funny that.)

    "his team are not too bright and there were still Obama appointees working in the White House and they alerted Bob Corker and Lindsay Graham of the Senate Foreign Intelligence committee."

    They may be a rare breed but their are Republicans more interesting in protecting the country and our laws than kissing Vlad's ass. This is why Trump can't hold onto staff - there are patriotic Republicans who refuse to do his despotic bidding (besides the continuous array of incompetents that Trump hires.)

    I think most of the leaks to journalists these days are from GOP sources. There would be cause for alarm even inside the GOP.

    It's worth mentioning to folks who criticize Mueller that he is a Republican, so was Comey, so are Yates, Rosenstein and Francisco.

    "This act means Putin and his Mafia friends CANNOT access the laundered money in the United States. This is hurting them big time "

    With Mueller's continued indictment of Russian nationals, they can't visit their palatial homes on the Riviera or in London or Berlin, or Miami or NYC or San Francisco, or Zurich or Malaga...either. This strikes me as squishing the pimple and hoping Vlad's head pops off.

    " other sanctions messing up their deal with Exxon Mobil"

    Exxon totally pulled out of the deal in Russia last week. They are GONE. Exxon holds the patents on the machinery to drill in cold climes like Siberia and the Arctic. No other oil company can do it. Will this make the Kleptocrats angry enough to, I don't know, do something about Vlad?

    What I wonder is if the Klepts are not coming around to the idea that Vlad's personal dislike for HRC affected his judgement at large. Now, if I were working in some capacity to spread ideas, my first order of business would be to make sure Vlad's Vengeance is Killing Russia would be something that got around.

    "Now the question is why the GOP are not pushing Trump on this- people forget that the Russians also hacked into the RNC mails but never released them - Lindsay Graham's emails were hacked. McCain as well. "

    Because of Paul fucking Ryan and Mitch fucking McConnell.

    "Remember the odd tape about a conversation between Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan about knowing that Trump was being paid by the Russians and about keeping the family secrets in the family."

    I sure do! The NRA is actually not one organization. It's three different entities that shift money around for things like legal cases and propaganda. It's probably been laundering money for a long long time to insert into our political system and it's only been worse since Citizens United. Russia chose it well.

    We know Dana Rohrabacher and Devin Nunes are completely compromised by Russian interests. They are suddeningly frank about their favoritism towards Russia (and in Rohrabacher's case how much he enjoys vacationing there. Note, he was denied permission to travel to Russia last Spring by Ed Royce who seems to be one of those few truly patriotic Republicans. They know the score here.) They are also among the poorer (and least educated) members of Congress who have made really stupid investments in the past. Nunes has been trying to share classified information obtained by Congress with Trump and therefore Vlad. He is royally screwed.

  93. Several other strange behaviors from GOP reps -

    House rep Jason Chaffetz suddenly disappears for foot surgery for a few weeks, then reappears and immediately resigns. We will probably see his name again in the news.

    Trey Gowdy was given a whole new committee to head, a prestigious appointment, and promptly resigns from Congress at the end of the current term. Say what??? This is the guy who created Benghazi! the touch stone for every Reich Wing ninny. Now he wants to go back to South Carolina as a prosecutor or some other DoJ appointment? Maybe he was promised Session's job, when/if Donny fired him. But now Gowdy is coming out strong against the White Pride House, after kowtowing since the election. I think Gowdy knows what's up, knows he is somehow personally implicated, and is trying to save face.

    I think Graham coming out blazing that he was hacked probably protected him from influence. It was so early that anything discovered by the hacking would be quickly linked to Russia, and now any revelations of compromising information about Graham would be hidden under the cloud of this hacking. It was an interesting move.

    And surely he and McCain were not alone. Absolutely not.

    No one with working brain cells ever invested in Trump's properties unless there was direct benefit - such as money laundering potential. They are badly mismanaged and built. Repairs are slow if they happen at all. Trump, like his father, was always a slumlord, in essence.

    My question is what was going on down in Panama so that Trump's staff barricaded themselves into their offices, refusing to leave, while shredding documents for days. They finally left and Trump's management and name are off the building. Still, why would Trump Inc fight so hard for Panama and not the other myriad of properties severing ties with him?

  94. @mary lamb

    "As has been pointed out, Robert Mueller is no longer the director of the FBI. He was appointed special counsel to investigate Russian involvement in the election. He is not currently FBI."

    Mueller has the backing of the DoJ and is utilizing the courts and investigative powers of the FBI.

    Do you know how the FBI and the DoJ are connected? Look it up.

    BTW, where are Mueller's offices now?

  95. @Guesser

    I can't figure out your question to me there. Could you clarify?

  96. It's kinda fun to watch the Trump-haters invent conspiracy theories every bit as intricate and wacky as anything the "vast right-wing conspiracy" came up with over the years. Sorta brings balance to the force, somehow.

  97. @J F

    "This smells of Talal "

    Except Talal isn't being questioned by the FBI. He isn't even inside the USA.

  98. @Water Lily

    If the raping of children is your major concern then do please look into George Nader, because he's been caught with it and is deeply connected to the richest families in the Middle East.

  99. @Cail Corishev

    The difference being is that I can back up everything I've written with fact or statements on the record.

    I don't have to imagine a secret language of pizza toppings or a fantasy basement. It's all in plain view...which begs the question, why are so many people avoiding it?

  100. @Halloweenie


    I know right???? Who would have thought that any of us would be backing the FBI as the good guys? But they are, in this case, and the only thing standing in the way of the complete demolition of our government and laws, which is the ultimate aim of Vlad and the Reich Wing elements of this country (world?) represented by Bannon, Milo Shithead, Ann Coulter, the Mercers and the Kochs, Adelson and so many other GOP political donors.

  101. @plot,took a long time to get to this,but here goes. 1.Nasser may fit if Enty refers to 2different people. The way the blind is written, the FBI is using Nasser to get info not related to the porn. My big question, did you agree with Mitt Romney when he warned everyone about Russia and Putin in particular? Obama and Clinton are on record with wanting to make deals with Russia. Romney was a laughing stock in the media,Obama mocked him in the debate. I remember some years past comments saying he was hot,if you can believe that. I responded he gave me the creeps and yes,even had a pedo vibe to him.

  102. @Nader,not Nasser,got my pervs mixed up,sigh.

  103. I wouldn't put too much stock in how Enty writes things. He's not known to be very fussy on details or care about the ambiguities of his shitty grammar.

    Nader is now a cooperating witness for the investigation. He has damning information about the meeting in the Seychelles between Jesse Prince (Bitsy DeVos's brother who owned Blackwater mercenaries) and the emissary of Vlad, Kirill Dmitriev.

    Prince claimed the meeting happened by chance. Nader is contradicting that and testifying that it was a meeting to set up back channel communications between Vlad and Donny.

    " did you agree with Mitt Romney when he warned everyone about Russia and Putin in particular"

    When have we, as a nation, ever trusted Russia (pre-Donny Moscow, that is? We would never claim them as an ally except on the Space Station. it's pushing it to say that Romney was prescient on that score. I think he was ridiculed more for his lead footed comments about "binders full of women" than anything else.

    "Obama and Clinton are on record with wanting to make deals with Russia"

    Right. Except they both had a hand in imposing sanctions against Russia for Crimea. What a deal!

    "pedo vibe"

    I don't believe in such things, sorry. Vibes aren't real. They are prone to be very very wrong.

  104. "I wouldn't put too much stock in how Enty writes things He's not known to be very fussy on details or care about the ambiguities of his shitty grammar"


    "I don't pay attention to wording on a Blind Item, even though that's the only way It's decipherable. Instead I apply my own pre-existing political biases and try to force connections"

  105. Oh, so this is the story being planted to try to discredit anything coming out of current FBI investigations. Which means something major is coming out of those investigations, so time to get ahead of it and spin it: "informer was forced into informing by FBI, and who would believe a pedo anyway"

    Good to know.

  106. Fun fact,Nader worked with the Clinton and Obama administrations! Now go to your corners.

  107. Hahahaha @guesser what a twist!

  108. @Schneider is next,we need the Snickers bars before the next 200. Keep up the fight,wherever it may lead. The main problem I have with @plot and others to a lesser degree, is they try to silence anyone if it takes a turn in the wrong direction. It won't get anywhere if we don't except the fact that people we voted for,saw in films,bought records of,etc.are going to go down,otherwise victims will never get justice. Are you currently updating a thread? Waiting for some news,especially with Singer or Nickor Disney.

  109. No, Schneiderisnext, I write what I mean, no translation needed.

    And I'm hardly alone in criticizing Enty and the Enterns for their shitty writing.


    "Which means something major is coming out of those investigations"

    No this time it's reactive rather than proactive this time. Nader has been cooperating since January and nobody knew about it. With the recent revelation of his cooperation, many of Donny's friends are probably terrified and the latest onslaught is to discredit him and his testimony.

  110. @guesser, I am focusing on "The Church" blinds, I may be falling for a psyop, but so many of the unique details correlate with actual historical events/reporting


    That's the most recent post, I'm consistently updating.

  111. @Geeljire Thank you for calling out these blatantly obvious absurd hacks that honestly ruin every CDAN comment section with their nonstop Brockshite, the moment any blind gets anywhere near their precious masters. Truly disgusting propagandists who aren't fooling anyone or even doing the job they were dispatched to do. I wish they would GTFO permanently.
    @Schneiderisnext Thank you as well. They will take a simple sentence: "This foreign national is one of the richest members of the richest families of the world." And pretend it didn't say what it clearly says, twisting it into contortions to make it about who they desperately want it to be about, then tell you that what was written, isn't what Enty really meant. What a joke. Then they get indignant when they are called on the carpet for being belligerent imbeciles. It is sickening to see someone degrade themselves to this point.

  112. Blogger plot said...

    Oops, sorry, ARMZ is a Russian company.

    There is no reason for them to want to move the US uranium anyway.

    Did you really write that?!?! You cannot be serious. We read the Wikileaks. We read the emails. We know who ARMZ is, we know Rosatom, we know. WE KNOW. Ooops is right.
    Russian atomic energy agency is Rosatom. Rosatom subsidiary, ARMZ, took 17% control of Uranium One in 2009, 51% control in 2010, and 100% control in 2013, after which it made the company private. In each stage of this transaction there were interactions between the investors of Uranium One, who stood to gain a fortune on a Uranium One/ARMZ deal, and the Clinton Foundation. Shortly after Rosatom and ARMS expressed interest in Uranium One, Uranium One and UrAsia investors donated $8.65 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This was leading up to Rosatom taking 17% ownership. Leading up to Rosatom’s bid for 51% control, former President Bill Clinton was paid $500 thousand dollars for a Moscow speech by a Kremlin tied Russian investment bank, Renaissance Capital. Vladimir Putin personally thanked Clinton for speaking. Finally, Uranium One chairman, Ian Telfer, made donations to the Clinton Foundation in four stages from his family foundation, the Fernwood Foundation, totaling at least $2.35 million dollars. This was ahead of the final push by Roasatom to take 100% control.

    Here, would hearing the truth about it from HuffPo help your cognitive dissonance? Because there it is, the Podestas, Saudis, and all. The only person who did not receive millions upon millions from 'the russians' or the Sauds was Donald Trump:

  113. @palmettobug

    You might have a point except the sale of Uranium One to ARMZ had nothing to do with Clinton. It really had nothing to do with the USA at all. It was a deal between a Canadian company and a Russian company. We were lucky that Canada had enough respect, at the time, to send it over to Obama for his okay. We wouldn't be that lucky now.

    Nothing about the Clinton Foundation matters. Nothing about Podesta matters. The deal was totally above board and non-controversial.

    "The only person who did not receive millions upon millions from 'the russians' or the Sauds was Donald Trump"

    Well, except for the constant stream of real estate deals done with both, you mean, where they overpaid Trump to land substandard properties. Why would they do that do you imagine?


    "camel racing is an old time sport in the UAE, run by the wealthiest of shaykhs who spend millions of dollars financing the events. love of camels is so embedded in the culture that there are even specialized camel hospitals and spas for their upkeep. however, unlike american horse racing where jockeys are all over 16 (or 18), the ones racing these camels are young young boys.

    as in about three years old.

    these boys are brought in from poor countries such as india, pakistan, and bangladesh. often stolen from their parents or bought for the price of $500, these boys are taken into desolate camps. at the camps, the boys are kept undernourished for the sake of keeping them light enough to maximize the camel speed. many of these boys were less than five years old, and all weighed less than 50 pounds.

    if that was not bad enough, the boys are strapped down to their camels. at times the boys slip from the strapping and are trampled under the camels feet to a gory death. "accidental" deaths such as these occur often. yet intentional torture often occurs. if the boys do not make weight, they are starved. if they are already starved and do not make weight, they are made to do difficult tasks to get any mass possible off of their body. boys are beaten liberally by trainers, often with their own camel whips. sometimes boys are tied to chains and hung so they can be beaten further. the clips also included boys burned by hot irons when they did not make food for their trainers. the boys also sleep together in groups of five or more under a small lean-to with a trainer. film clips also showed evidence of child rape by these trainers, who admonish the children to never tell, or else they will be killed. "

    1. @beebopcowboy
      That is horrific. Made me retch

  115. @Han Niam

    yep u got it! more info in nader and Crown Child P*rn King :

    " GEORGE NADER, REPORTEDLY a cooperating witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, was arrested in 1985 on child pornography charges.

    A frequent visitor to the Trump White House in 2017, Nader is the latest enigmatic character to saunter onto the stage as part of Mueller’s inquiry. A New York Times story last weekend said that Mueller was looking into whether Nader, a Lebanese-American with access to Persian Gulf elites, had helped funnel foreign money toward Trump’s campaign. On Tuesday, the paper said that Nader was cooperating with Mueller’s investigation.

    The 1985 criminal case against Nader on child pornography charges was eventually dismissed, according to court documents obtained by The Intercept. Just weeks after the charges were dismissed in 1986, Nader turned up in Iran at the home of the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, where he hung out with members of the Afghan mujahideen.

    In its initial report, the New York Times shed light on Nader’s role as adviser to the United Arab Emirates, a tiny Persian Gulf country with outsized influence in Washington, and his potential involvement brokering the country’s relationship with the Trump campaign. The Tuesday report said that Nader represented *Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan*, who effectively rules the UAE, at a meeting in the Seychelles between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Dmitriev, whose role in the UAE-brokered meeting was revealed by The Intercept last November, had been appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2011 to administer the state-run sovereign wealth fund.

    The meeting has moved into a prominent role in Mueller’s investigation. Prince served as an informal adviser to the Trump transition and has maintained a close relationship with his administration. The Intercept reported in December that the administration considered a plan from the Blackwater founder to create a private spy network that would exist outside of accountable official channels."

    this goes deep...

    1. @beebop That’s what I’m sayin’!

      And rereading the blind it does read like the wealthy guy and the witness are separate people within the same sphere.

  116. @bebopcowboy

    "this goes deep..."

    Yes sir. This is why you can go to many comment boards right now and watch the layering on, AGAIN, of HRC and pizza toppings. Mueller having Nader as a cooperating witness is a huge deal. Prince is probably terrified tonight, and covering it up with religious fervor, while his sister, Bitsy De Vose, bombed her 60 Minutes interview.

    And Nader has been cooperating since January. Oh my.
