Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former A list singer who has never quite been able to recover his status despite still selling a ton of records and playing all over the world beat a woman so badly a few weeks ago that he paid her $100K to stay in his house until she healed because he knew it would be the end of his career this time if it got out. During the time she was healing, he convinced her it was a one time thing and apparently they are still together.


  1. Brown. I hope he dies. Enough is enough. A waste of oxygen.

  2. How the fuck could he convince her that "it was a one time thing" after what he did to Rhianna?

    Then again, how can that fucker still have a career after what he did to Rhianna?

  3. I hoped him having a daughter would make him realize how messed up it is to beat women. Girls are drawn to men that remind them of their dad.

  4. "it would be the end of his career this time" definitely points to someone with a past history.

    Sheeit, she knew about his past. If she was dumb or disturbed enough to believe he wouldn't beat her then she'd believe he wouldn't do it again.

    And now I have a Britney song in my head.

  5. That woman should instagram some photos of her battered face immediately to all her friends and send her whereabouts,
    instead of agreeing, indirectly, to future beatings.

    That would put an end to the idea that his assault of Rihanna was a fluke; it's clearly a pattern of behavior.

  6. His team also had the audacity to smear rhi rhi in the press ( good old spin) by starting rumors that he beat her when she gave him a std. vile vile man. Woe unto you if you're a woman or a child that has suffered in Hollyweird or the music biz and you speak out. Harvey Weinstein's team was adept at smear campaigns and would gather negative 'intel' on people using retired masod officers. Scary af.

  7. The thing is he has genuine talent and does make some good music but what an unrelenting asshole.

  8. None other than Chris Brown. His demons will never leave him. His hanger is way deep.

  9. I would think since he still makes money and still has fans he would feel like it doesn't matter what he does. I think he fears jail more than a ruined career.

    1. Agree.
      He’s already seen that fans don’t care.

  10. Chris Brown.

    That is some deep anger he's got. Bro, just come out of the closet and stop beating women!

  11. To everyone saying how could this happen after RIRI? Well Kobe Bryant and Gary Oldman won an oscar each in the #METOO era, so its a normal occurrence which is not going to change anytime soon! And the whole theater applauded them, including the people who were preaching about girl power and diversity from the stage!

    1. That was revolting, wasn't it ? Not only that but oldman is on record in playboy mag defending Mel Gibson's anti semetic rants and Enty dropped a blind about Oldman using homophobic slurs freely and frequently. And all those hypocrites applauding like little trained seals.

  12. I feel like we won't get a reveal on this anytime soon because it's a crime and could be investigated :(

  13. Is that you Donya. Liar liar pants on fire. Hope you are off all the drugs finally.

  14. Has anyone read the transcript of the gal reporting to officers what Kobe did? It is not a good time, just a warning.

  15. 100K would not be enough.
    1,000,000 maybe...

  16. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Trey Songz

  17. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Chris Brown is an easy guess bc of his history but Trey’s been in the news with all these crazy allegations involving a fan ....

  18. This is no excuse, but I feel as if these men have often grown up in abusive households. We need teachers and school counselors to help children of abuse early on and prevent the cycle from continuing.
    I also feel so sorry for any woman that has to deal with physical or emotional abuse. There are resources available -- I know it is hard, but please reach out for assistance!

  19. Sorry to go on a soapbox, but both boys and girls need positive role models. Boys need fathers who treat their mothers respectfully, and girls need moms who are strong and treat themselves respectfully. If that fails, the schools or community needs to step in and help. They cycle of abuse and victims can be stopped.

  20. Is Chris Brown not A list though? I thought he was still very successful.

  21. Why are women still going for Chris Brown? They know what he is capable of doing to them. It's common knowledge. He is one scary dude. I wouldn't be surprised if he killed someone and had it covered up.

  22. I don't know about the verbal comments, but I believe Lesley Manville and Oldman's son that the ex is lying.

  23. If ahe stupid enough to go to his house, with his history well documented, she deserved the beating.

  24. Since it says one time thing it could possibly be Trey with all of the stories of him hitting a fan recently as someone posted above☝. Chris isn't a one timer so i feel like that's the clue and then his post on IG don't make this any better.
