Saturday, March 03, 2018

Blind Item #6

This B+ list comic/actress has been in the news a lot over the past year or two but not many projects. Until she starts listening to other people and ignoring the advice that has got her in this position, no one is going to hire her for anything. Why would they want to deal with it when there are so many other options that are not going to cause possible headaches.


  1. I would say Kathy griffin but even she says she is D LIST

  2. Actually, I like the Monique guess better. She crossed Oprah! Her career is ovah. +1amushed bush.

  3. I'm going to go with Mo'nique. She's been in the news for accusing Netflix of gender/race bias and was on the Breakfast Club a few days ago discussing the same thing. She's been known to have a very bad attitude which is why she was blacklisted from HW a long time ago.

    1. Monique’s “daddy”, er husband is going to destroy what is left of her career, divorce her, and then ask for spousal support.

      At least with her acting chops, Monique can play herself in the Lifetime movie .

  4. Amy Schumer. She has one movie being released soon, and then three projects in the "script" stage. This is low for someone her age with her abilities. Tiffany Haddish has a TV series in post production, two movies in post production, a movie that's filming, another movie in pre-production and then two movies in the "script" stage. That's more like it.

  5. Monique has real talent, but her husband has been a terrible manager for her. I read some of his emails to a (Black) producer w ho was trying to hire Mo'nique and he is a piece of work.

  6. Both Griffin and Monique have their life partners as managers. And they are both BAD at it. Griffin is a pain in the Arse and self sabotaging whatever she has left of her career. So does Monique.
    Can this be a "dowble Blind"?

  7. Mo'nique should find better management than her husband. So much talent. I want to see her in more movies. She about killed me in Precious.

  8. I think Enty would have mentioned Oscar winner/nominee if this was Mo'nique maybe Kathy, but not really news or a blind.

  9. Kathy Griffin because headaches = severed head?

  10. In light of the comments, I think it's Kathy Griffin now. Yes, @tinydancer61 -- Kathy is not someone I'd want to hang out with at all.

  11. Money is about as thick-headed as they come. She should have learned her lesson after her Oscar season diva behavior years ago.

  12. Kathy Griffin. The dude involved in the head stunt didn't get crap like she did, and it was probably his idea.

  13. Monique and her Ban Netflix campaign. Reality is they don't think she can make as much as Schumer, Chris Rock, etc.

  14. Monique tried to say they were discriminating against her for being a black woman, but Netflix gave probably four of their top five contracts to comedians who are either black (Rock, Chappelle) or women (Schumer, Ellen). I guess the discrimination only kicks in when you're both. The reality is that nobody gives a shit about Monique's standup, and getting an acting award years ago is irrelevant.

  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I never heard of Mo’nique until her Oprah beef...and then I stumbled upon and watched Desus and Mero break down Mo’nique’s explanation of her Netflix beef in Mo’nique’s interview with “the breakfast club” and Charlamagne Tha god.

    Takeaways: 1. Huge desus and Mero fan now; 2. Unbelievable Mo’nique telling Charlagmane that:

    “when we watched that movie Birth of a Nation and we saw that man walk his wife into that master's house, we watched him walk his wife in. Then we watched him go back and get 'em— you're that brotha."

    1. I don’t necessarily agree with how Monique is handling her situation. However, that was a vicious and very well-deserved read that she gave to Charlamagne tha God.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Mo'nique is nuts, but a formidable actress. I had nightmares about her Precious character. It was chilling.

  18. This is Mo'Nique. She really should let her husband be a husband and let someone else manage her and she might be able to revamp her career.



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