Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blind Item #6

While his A- list actress wife who is an acting family all of you know was at an event this weekend, this foreign born former A list celebrity turned stay at home husband/dad was hooking up with a nanny of a neighbor who lives in the neighbor's house.


  1. Valeri Bure husband

    Utterly shocked that their marriage isn't fairy tale perfect. SHOCKED, I tell you.

  2. Is every married mas in hollywood cheating on their wife??!

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Let’s consider. The average man lives life through his peen like a good little beta cuck. The average man is also only as faithful as his opportunities.

      Therefore the logical conclusion is don’t marry an average man.

  3. Jesus take the wheel.

    1. Wtf.... why?

      Does Jesus even have a US driver's license? Why can't Jorge drive for once?

    2. I think he's undocumented. He might have one in California.

  4. FFS. I need a secret decoder ring to parse some of these.

    1. Long time lurker and still in need of @enty glossary. FOMO

  5. To he fair, Valerie Bure was a hockey player...

    Candace's views seem to be on the extreme end. If I was a man I would probably cheat on her too.

  6. Couldn't have happened to a nicer homophobic bitch.

    1. Agreed. Just sorry her husband wasn't cheating with a guy. Better yet, her brother. Weren't there stories about Kirk cruising an LA park looking for random peen?

  7. I don't think this fits. She is A list? Also her husband is not a former A list celebrity??? I don't think of her as from an acting family with the one brother? (or were there more Cameron's?)

  8. @Kelly
    Don't get too hung up on ratings. It is subjective.
    Candace is A- list to her demographic. Which is white Christian soccer moms/ grandmas who watch the Hallmark channel.
    Valeri is a former hockey player.
    Just two can make a family.
    Candace was at the KCA's yesterday, and Enty blinds are 90% about stuff people/ events currently trending on whatever platform you follow.
    HTH you navigate CDAN

  9. Also, at his peak Valerie Bure was at best D- list, and even that was 99% by virtue of him being Pavel Bure's brother.

    1. I'm a huge hockey fan, and I have been since I was a kid. I wouldn't expect that anyone would know Bure unless they watched hockey. TheresT only a few hockey players that have broken into mainstream like Lemuix, Gretzky, at one point Sanderson, Orr and I would say now maybe Crosby (I'm surprised there's no BIs about him "living with" Mario L....)

    2. To those who would misinterpret: both Crosby and Marc-Andre Fleury lived with the Lemieux family at the beggining of their careers. ML was a mentor to many players, not to mention he had a vested interest in making sure his top players were focused on hockey and not partying, as an owner who was owed millions by the Pens.

      Mario is probably the most generous guy in the history of hockey...there is no fodder for a blind here. Both his philanthropy and appreciation of the fans are unparallelled.

  10. If ya trust a Russian, ya get what you deserve.

  11. Yep I didn't even realize this guy was related Pavel but Candace Cameron is never on my radar either.

  12. Candace Cameron Bure is considered A list? I don't believe it. We need new names here.

  13. I don't believe in spouse loyalty anymore. Guess I'll stay single.

  14. @p swer it happens. I promise that. Just trust the right one.

  15. Sitting here in western PA and i spit my hot cocoa across the room reading an comment in this blind. did i read correctly that this blind contains a ref to Syd the Kid and M.lemieux "living" together?
    tell me it isn't so.......

  16. @Jennacheryl....I am not sure how you would determine the right one to trust. This is all very discouraging.

  17. Not Candace. Her husband isn't really famous



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