Sunday, March 18, 2018

Blind Item #6

This person has been a horrible person for about 20 years.  Recently this horrible person received a couple high-profile image makeovers, which made no mention of their past.

This site told you about a month ago, that this horrible person would not succeed at this endeavor.  Many seeds had already been planted.   

About a week ago, it happened - in a very big, very public way.  


  1. OJ, confession tapes

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      +1 wish this guy would just go away.

  2. OJ should prepare to meet his maker

  3. Anyone remember the blind.
    This could be several people.
    OJ can fit but "20 years" is short and why I'm not guessing Hillary.
    But I will guess Brock Pierce.

    1. +1

      i kept wondering when i watched an open secret for the 1st time last weekend how they could allow this guy to reimage himself and come back to the public eye as if nothing happened. I wondered how many people in that industry knew his past.

  4. Hillary Clinton collapsing on the steps in India? And having to be almost carried to the car?

    I got y'all

  6. I don't know if we can call her horrible, but Meghan Markle had a whole batch of nude photos leaked this week, I know Enty doesn't think very highly of her.

  7. Hillary also broke her wrist falling in her hotel room in India, but they are all focussing on the steps.

    The blind is prob OJ

  8. I like the Brock Pierce guess.

  9. In what way has OJ's image been made over? He is still internationally despised, and rightfully so.

  10. So what happenned with Brock? I hope it's him Oj. has no way to redeem himself other than taking selfies with morons.

  11. John Oliver did a piece on Brock's past pedo connections, and Brock had to resign from his big Block Chain or Bitcoin post.

    1. Excellent! Thanks for the info cowbell!

  12. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Yep, two subsequent blinds confirn this is Brock.

  13. Its Brock Piece. He got fired after John Oliver, a very large voice, told people to google about DEN. I don't like John Oliver, but I'm glad hes giving more awareness to DEN. He also had a few blinds here. I'm guessing because he wasn't arrested, he stayed outside the radar because it was only Rector who got caught. Also he uses his twitter to try to dox Gabe Hoffman and others exposing him.

    He also was in involvement in some video game companies too before Bitcoin. One oddly enough had Steve Bannon from Breitbart. Thats a very odd connection

    I also recently found out that one of the Mighty Ducks movies had a pedophile symbol, so theres something fishy going on in those movies. Maybe Enty should look into what happened like he did with that "A+ director"

  14. What 'high-profile image makeovers' did Brock Pierce receive?

  15. Anonymous1:42 PM

    @trufflepig (and others wondering), Brock made the news a few weeks back for his "humanitarian" efforts in Puerto Rico. Immediately following that story, we got a blind implying that Brock is actually using that front to go after underaged Puerto Rican boys.

    1. Implying? No.
      Brock Pierce is fucking underage Puerto Rican boys like it's the end times, because for him it is.


  17. "He also was in involvement in some video game companies too before Bitcoin. One oddly enough had Steve Bannon from Breitbart. Thats a very odd connection."

    Not very odd at all. Steve Bannon looks like the epitome of a pedophile. I'm sure having all the access that being close to the Trump presidency provides was a boon for him in that regard.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      If that’s the case why didn’t he throw in with the Clintons. He would love Haiti.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. John Oliver didn't do a bit about Brock Pierce & pedophilia. He did a bit about Bitcoin, and b/c Brock is part of some Bitcoin startup, his name came up. All John said is that Brock has a terrible history, "all you need to do is Google 'Brock Pierce scandal.'"

    I have a feeling he didn't go too far into it because of somebody higher up that might have come down on him.

  20. It only takes one seed to bloom. Wouldn’t it be nice if this were a tale of Jack & The Beanstalk though? Take every one of those connected POS down.
    Tip of the hat to John Oliver🙌
