Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Item #6

This alliterate former singer turned television actress was telling friends that things are on the rocks with the guy she is supposed to marry.


  1. Ahh! @Smalls beat me to it! Good guess!

  2. Marriage is the rocks, get used to it lol

  3. @Brayson LOL!!!!! word
    Sounds like Mandy Moore.
    What's she really like??? I can see a bitchy side to her

    1. Enty hates her but I don't believe the gossip he posts about her. May be biased because I adore her.

  4. She suffers from "I'm on a huge hit show and have more experience than my costars and I'm not getting the attention." I can see it. This business distorts inferiority complexes to psychological issues. Maybe if she works on her life more.

  5. Consecutive words start with the same letter. Janet Jackson, Mandy Moore

  6. alliterate means first and last name start with the same letter.

  7. Brayson - totally!
    I have always gotten the super bitchy vibe from her. I love her current show and she's not bad in it but I totally believe she can be a Cee U Next Tuesday.

    1. Not me. I met one of the musicians for one of her opening acts and he said she was a doll. I love her.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Unfortunately MM is one who's public persona (ultra sweet likeable all american GND) is nothing like her actual bitch/diva/demanding real one. A shame.

  10. i can see her public persona is fake.. i've heard she is not a nice person anyway

  11. Mandy seems more fragile to me than bitchy. I wonder why she's on that list of women Enty hates...and it's a long list at this point.

  12. She seems a bit nuts. She gets in these intense relationships with damaged musicians (Ryan Adams and now the Dawes guy) and seems to make them implode slowly. They JUST moved into a new home they built. She's on the road and he's on the road. I don't really buy this one, but she should marry a non-celeb.

    1. Ryan Adams has his issues and acknowledge them. Most awesome Alternative artist around who is a hopeless romantic.

  13. I honestly didn't even know they were an item. I'm a big Dawes fan and their music is usually pretty fun and uplifting. Does this mean Taylor will pull a Ryan Adams and we'll get some angry breakup music? Not sure how I feel about that.



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