Saturday, March 03, 2018

Blind Item #5

This closeted foreign born A/A- list actor who has had way more success on the small screen rather than the big screen has managed to make sure his foreign born B-/C+ list actor boyfriend got roles in each of those movies so they could spend time together. This may also be why our actor has not been in a rush to find a new beard.


  1. Replies
    1. @Tricia I’m not sure you can say he’s had more success in TV than movies given his role as Loki in the MCU. Financially and name recognition, a popular MCU character is hard to beat on TV unless it’s also a big ongoing role.

  2. Who is the boyfriend?

    1. Someone named Blair Jasin maybe? In a couple of his films (not all for sure)

  3. Or it’s Sam Heugan/success with The Outlanders

  4. ok but Tom Hiddleston had big succes on the big screen rather than the small scene

  5. Yeah I don’t think it’s Hiddleston.

  6. Replies
    1. Exactly what I was thinking. He is so fine.

  7. This is Martin Freeman.

  8. Martin Freeman gay?

    That would be shocking.

  9. Martin Freeman has had tons of success of the big screen. Tons.

  10. Alexander Skarsgard?

  11. I think Hiddleson's better known for his film work than his TV work, though that LeCarre miniseries was fabulous. Could this be Charlie Hunnam? No idea if he's gay, I don't notice his name much about anything tbh because he bores me, but he's a foreign-born TV star whose not successfully made the leap to movies.

    1. You know, there's a troll on Tumblr who's really obsessed in hating Thomas Hiddleston (fans have been talking about how destructive "she" is—but FOR THE LONGEST TIME I've always instinctively sensed a male/masculine vibe was behind Hiddleston's Tumblr hater/troll, and it sounds PERSONAL—he likes to submit asks on fan blogs about how "Thomas hasn't been getting work/any new projects lately", pretending to be 'concerned' but I sense he's just trying to rub it in because he knows Thomas' PR/team track those blogs).

      I wonder if he's jealous because fans always ship Sherlock (Cumberbatch) with Loki (or how they're always BEGGING Marvel to give Doctor Strange/Loki more screentime together). I find that sad/pathetic because Benedict and Thomas/Martin are good friends and ALSO: Sherlock and Loki/Watson aren't even real people (FANS are shipping FICTIONAL characters).

      Someone in Benedict's midst is a psychotic salty/bitter "Single White Female" type who gets really jealous/possessive (and, no, it's not the "wife"). It's very creepy.

      Also, some stalkers gratuitously threw Andrew Scott's name (he also plays a male character fans like to ship with Sherlock, Moriarty) in chart of "illegal/human trafficking activities" (literally he's only CONNECTED TO BENEDICT and there is ZERO reason for him to be included in the "chart of sketchy people and illegal activities", curiously someone who IS connected with multiple people in the chart is conveniently not listed). I wonder if that's because a certain troll is feeding this "inside info" to the fans (I can't imagine WHY these fans persist after THREE YEARS unless they genuinely think they're into something, maybe someone is leading them to think that they are—I wonder if this person is also the one who made them track his "wife's" phone IP).

      This person comes off very controlling to me... I feel like if [HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION] Benedict had a secret girlfriend and he had to find out about her in the news like everybody else (which would be the moment he realises he's NOT really part of Benedict's inner-circle) he would literally set Benedict up with a mutual friend just so he can keep on eye on Benedict via "his choice" (yes, I know that sounds crazy, probably because it IS CRAZY—I don't know why I'm getting that *hypothetical* image, but that's the vibe I get from him). I wouldn't be surprised if HE was tracking Benedict's phone at this point...

      PS: I don't think this BI sounds like Thomas Hiddleston, by the way. I'm not implying anything about any real-life relationships between these actors I've mentioned above—except that someone is consistently trolling/terrorising other actors that fans ship with Cumberbatch (and he's is spreading hate/lies about these people).

    2. *Onto something (not 'into'–fuck this is why I can never finish writing, FUCK).

    3. It is weird. To be that psycho obsessed with people they don’t even know is creepy as hell.

    4. @Lisa: No, no. It's the other way around with THIS particular troll. I'm also talking about someone acting "Single White Female" on someone they DO know. The fact that they claim to be "good friends" makes it all the MORE disturbing/creepy.

      I talk/tweet a certain way about celebrities I don't know (firmly as a fan) but I'm very discreet about celebrities that I DO know. I always put myself in other people's shoes and try to "feel it out", and I think I'd be creeped out if any of my "friends" behaved that way.

      But, yes, I also agree with you that it is EQUALLY CREEPY when it's with people you've never met. I also think it's very weird that the some fans on Tumblr have been going on and on for THREE YEARS. I was duped (cat-fished by someone who claimed to be a famous actor) and 110% believed that I was dating some actor. Despite him being with another woman, I kept "sticking around" to "wait for him" (because I thought he was blackmailed into being with her). The rest of fandom thought I was NUTS (I became the resident nutter and to this day I'm still traumatised by how they treated me). But I was so emboldened and certain that when the storm was over, we'd "go public" and putting up with being labelled the "fandom nutter" would pay off when the truth came out.

      Well, one day, I realised that I was duped. And I was never in a relationship with this actor. After that, I'd be so embarrassed and stopped.

      So now when I see fans on Tumblr persisting for THREE YEARS, it makes me wonder: What's emboldening them.

      I sort of give them the benefit of the doubt because I've been in their shoes. I was sure I was right. There's something about their conviction that tells me they really sincerely believe they're "protectors of a secret" or "guardians" or something... They claim to have "inside sources", but something tells me their "inside sources" are just playing with them. Maybe it's a sick prank, maybe manipulation that's part of a long con. I just feel like someone's feeding these fans false info and now they believe they're onto something. They're just being used.

  12. The Night Manager was pretty successful--Hiddleston won a Golden Globe for the role. I could see this being him, too.

  13. There was a reveal a couple of weeks ago that Hiddleston was left out of the big Marvel photo because of his ex Olsen. Enty wasn’t referring to her as a beard then and there’s been previous blinds about him being kind of a philanderer amongst the ladies.

  14. I'm guessing Skarsgard and Osy Ikhile--London born actor who was in Legend of Tarzan and is in Skarsgard's upcoming Kill Team.

    1. This fits but, at the risk of being superficial, Skarsgard could do much better.

  15. I’ll back the Skarsgard guesses.

  16. A. Skars has been described thatvway before, dual threat but faring better on TV. Also has referenced his lull between beards.
    So +1 Ellen for the guess
    I guess this means Jack McBrayer is *not* his boyfriend?

  17. ASkars is usually described as "most of his success coming from this one cable channel" or something like that

  18. It's not Hiddleston. He hasn't worked in over a year. He can't even get a role for himself, let alone any alleged boyfriend.

    1. I frequent a Tumblr blog run by a lady who's very concerned about Thomas' lack of roles lately (I know she's genuinely concerned and she really cares about Thomas as a fan).

      Unfortunately, I noticed there's a troll who's been visiting her blog submitting asks about Thomas' lack of new projects lately (she's aware of this infamous troll, by the way).

      It's weird because when the lady who runs the blog talks about Thomas' lack of work, I sense she's sincere. But when I read the anon ask/submit, my intuition tells me it's malicious intent. IDK. I could be wrong. I'm only human...

    2. Anyway, FA. I think you sound pretty sincere about caring about Thomas' wellbeing.

      I'm just mentioning this because the troll seems to really want this idea that Thomas isn't getting any new roles to gain momentum. There's a reason why I call certain trolls "Salty Salieri". They're jealous of certain people's success...

      Don't let t gain traction.

    3. @Scandi There’s trolls, and then there’s scorned Tumblr trolls. Where do these people find the time in their days?

      The was also an explosion of “Hiddleston is over” from the usual Hiddles-haters during the TS thing. I take things about actors with exceptional craycray surrounding their names on Tumblr with a grain of salt. (Which includes Cumberbatch and Freeman).

    4. Oh this troll is DAMN "scorned". And entitled AF.

      There were legit jealous fangirls, but then there were also people with an agenda riding on that "hate wave" (that's why it dragged so long—you'd think people would be over it by now).

      I just feel like the troll is taking advantage of certain fan sentiments. Like in this case, the lady I follow on Tumblr is super protective of Thomas, and the troll's using that to keep bringing up how he's lacking projects, etc (which if it gains traction would actually hurt him, right).

      It's one thing when I defend Adrien Brody's hotness, it's another thing when an anon keeps highlighting his weakness (and not in a cute way—I smell an agenda).

  19. Whoever it is thats rather sweet I think.

  20. Jonathan Whitesell is in two of A Skars upcoming films and Canadian....

  21. Tumblr is hilarious. This isn't Tom, though. I've noticed that a lot of Americans seem to assume that posh British guys are gay based on how they speak/their mannerisms. They're just prissy upper class.

    1. Hyes, yessss... Terribly, teeerrribleh prissy. ☕️
