Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #5 - Oscars - Himmmm

Was kind of hoping to see this one erupt into an epic cat fight.  The most shocking bad comment and most epic mic drop of the night both occurred in the same confrontation.  Before the ceremony even began.   This (aging permanent A list actress who used to be mostly movies and is now mostly almost television) was relishing the spotlight and happy to speak her thoughts, without a filter, regardless of how inappropriate those thoughts were.  When (this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who had a very big box office year) walked over to pay respects and introduce herself, the older actress was so sweet to her.  When the younger actress walked away, the legend turned to an assistant and judgmentally sneered: "That's her? That's the one they made such a fuss about? I guess we know how SHE got HER starring roles.  At least when I started we had to have talent. Guess she's a member of the right 'tribe', or rode the right 'members'."

She said it a bit louder than she thought, because this (foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee) was very close behind her.  She stepped right up to the older legend and said (while smiling): "She got her roles by being a hard working actress, not by riding her family's coattails or riding some French director. Why don't you get your ass back in your coffin before sunrise, you racist bitch."  Then she pivoted, and walked off without a word. Wow, and WOW.


  1. Uh oh Rita Moreno, Gal Gadot & Lupita Nyongo?

  2. Actually Jane is a better guess, by far!

  3. Jane Fonda is the one who ran off with a French director in her youth and has family in the industry. Gal Gadot for the younger actress. For the one who told her off, no clue.

  4. Rita Moreno for the actress who read Jane to filth?!

  5. Jane Fonda /Gadot/Natalie Portman(or Margot Robbie)
    Portman I think

  6. I dunno about Fonda... she is pretty liberal. Then again maybe she is just a bitch.

  7. Or it could also be Helen Mirren which could be why they appeared icy to each other as they awarded a prize together?

  8. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Fonda, Gal Gadot, Margot Robbie (or Lupita Nyong'O, but for some reason I am thinking it was a nominee THIS year.)

  9. Lupita Nyong'o (Tribe, blockbuster money), Fonda and Margot Robbie.

    1. This one makes sense

    2. Last year was gals year. Plus she's Israeli hence the tribe comment.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I need this BI revealed because I need to know which actress has her SHADE meter on high. That was an EPIC read of Miz Fonda, LMAO

  12. Jane Fonda for sure, probably about Gal Gadot. I can imagine Selma Hayek speaking up for her, she's a feisty little thing

  13. Jane Fonda, Gal Gadot & Helen Mirren

    1. Totally sounds like Helen Mirren's astute observation and sharp wit.

  14. Not sure who the younger actress is, but she went IN!!!!! Good for her!

  15. LMAO!! Great blind!

  16. Portman as the defender makes some sense. It's got to be someone who's been around long enough to have the confidence to take on a legend.

  17. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Fonda/Gadot (from Israel...member of a tribe of Israel) /no idea on the third

    1. Do they still have tribe wars in Israel, though?

      Tribe wars are still a thing in Asia and Africa. I was thinking the racist one was referring to an actress from one of those continents (where well-known tribe wars like the Tutsi/Hutu in Rwanda back in the '90s where being part of the right tribe meant being in a ruling party/being the government).

    2. The (((Tribe))) is a well known reference to the well off Jews hiring and promoting only their own kind. Predominantly in Hollywood, legal practice and politics

    3. JT, it refers to the twelve tribes of Israel. Member of the Tribe just means you are Jewish.

  18. Jane Fonda, Gal or Lupita and Helen Mirren.
    The tribe comment is very explicit, and could apply to both Lupita (from Kenya) and Gal (who is Jewish). I'm going with Gal because Gal is very pro-Israel and we all know where Jane stands on her "left" views.

    1. of Israel has only perceived been a GOP-only thing for a comparatively short time, especially compared to Fonda’s long life.
      I’m not saying Fonda didn’t say this, but it’s not only a “left” thing. Ask any right wing nutjob Nazi.
      C’mon, man.
      At least TRY.

    2. *been perceived

  19. +1 Montana

    Jane Fonda's lack of class is legendary.

  20. Jane Fonda,Gal Gadot,Natalie Postman? The "Tribe" comme t being an anti semetic comment, of course. So called liberals openly hate Israelis, Gadot and Portmanteau both born in Israel. Please let there be a recording!

  21. Someone said Salma Hayek for the one bashing the legend. I could see it.

  22. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Natalie is also Israeli so that makes sense why she’d Be protective of gadot

  23. I'm going to agree with Jane Fonda, Gal Gadot and Helen Mirren. Gal Gadot is Israeli, hence tribe.
    I don't think anyone younger than Fonda would take her on but I can definitely see Helen Mirren, who is a staunch supporter of Israel, saying that completely perfect putdown.

  24. Not sure about Mirren as would Fonda be referred to as an "older legend" in comparison? Portman sounds about right - it would have to be someone cultured enough to have seen Barbarella!

  25. Portman, stupid auto correct!

  26. Was Natalie Portman even there?

  27. "so called liberals hate israelis.'

    you're fucking crazy. so sick of the bullshit on this site.

    1. They only know what Hannity says it’s OK to know. Also, zero awareness of history.

  28. @Himmmm I want to know if the older, nasty actress had the wherewithal to appear ashamed?

  29. Salma is the one who told cranky racist Fonda off. Yes it probably is related to politics. I always thought the Fondas were Jewish. No filter could mean start of something in her mind. Her mom was in the Looney bin.

  30. @Scandi,"tribe" is used to describe Jewish people in a derogatory way, while pretending they didn't mean it that way. I see it here sometimes.

    1. Thank you, Guesser. I had no idea, not familiar with racial slurs people use against Israelis (I'm Asian). The nuances are lost to me.

  31. Might be Jane but she's faaar from racist. Word has it that shes had more black puntang than any pro athlete in Atlanta!

  32. +1 Guesser, like the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

  33. Haha, that was close to some epic trainwreck lol.

  34. Agree with the Salma guesses as the ballsy one! She has zero fucks to give these days and I love her!

  35. Fonda. The "tribe" and "racist" comments make me think Lupita. Third actress I think is Margo. Aussies are very outspoken.

  36. “Tribe” is derogatory? I’m Jewish, and use it all the time with fellow Jews. Perhaps it’s derogatory if a non Jew says it? Though I’ve never thought of it that way. It’s just slang for being part of the Jewish family.

  37. It's racist in that context.

  38. Jane Fonda as the anti-Semite and Helen Mirren as the one who checked her.

  39. I’m guessing Helen Miran for the actress that told Jane Fonda off for Lupita or Gal.

  40. My votes are on-

    Permanent A list: Jane Fonda
    Foreign Born A list: Gal Gadot
    Foreign Born Oscar Nominee: Salma Hayek

    Everyone else mentioned seemed a little too PC to me...

  41. @Seachia,it isn't meant that way when Jewish people have said it,but look at what goes with the comment. And now that I think Portman wasn't there, Helen Mirren for the win,she would be a better match for a cat fight,and please watch the clip of Jane and Helen presenting, Jane barely looks at Helen, while she looks straight at Jane. All hail the Queen!

  42. like somebody else mentioned, was Natalie even there last night?

  43. Since when is it racist to discuss "the tribe's" vastly disproportionate overrepresentation in media?
    I suppose it depends if the tribe is feeling "white" that day or not."
    How's Arnon Milchan these days? How many replacement organs? Where did they come from?

  44. But Gal is still white, though. I don't think Jane (or whoever, but Jane makes sense for almost TV) would be called "racist" for bashing her. She could be called a lot of things, but racist doesn't really make sense to me.
    I don't think it's Lupita either because "had a good year" sounds like last year. Lupita is having a good 2018. I like her for the 3rd actress though.

  45. There is no way a woman in her 30's is going to taunt an 80-year old about her first of three husbands, who she divorced 60 years ago. So forget Portman as the scold. It has to be one of Fonda's contemporaries--Eva Marie Saint or Rita Moreno, possibly Helen Mirren.

    1. Was thinking the same thing. Would more likely be somebody who was around at the time.

    2. Because a lot of people *here* are unfamiliar with the Complete Fonda History.
      Some might not even be aware of the Ted Turner years or the exercise empire.

    3. Agree. It was someone closer to her own age.

  46. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This is the best "blind" ever. Thanks Hmmm. I love hearing when fake women pretending to be for other women are outed and put in their place.

    Fonda for the two faced older actress.

    My first guess for the younger actress, was Gal (particularly with the tribe and member references and very big box office year hints) but it could also be Lupita since the 3rd woman calls her racist.

    Not sure on the heroine who put Fonda in her place. But both Hayek or Mirren fit. The blind doesn't say if the 3rd woman was older or younger. Mirren, I could see not giving a F*&% and also saying it with a smile. Hayek seems to me to be one of the few actresses in her age range with the balls to stand up for what's right and speak out. But I'm not sure Hayek would do it with a smile. So going with Mirren.

    I thought Fonda's response to all the stuff coming out about HW was bull shit. So glad she's being exposed as well for her hypocrisy. She seems like the type of toxic feminine women who would have the attitude of "I had to fight and fuck my way to the top" why should you benefit from my hard work" when it comes to authentically being for women's rights and ending sexual harrassment.

  47. I don't believe this blind for a second. Every one is on their best behavior at the Oscars.

  48. Lupita isn't there because of looks or talent.
    It was for that 12 Years a Slave casting couch.
    Probably more exciting than the Django one.
    Is that kinky and racist enough especially as a Kenyan and not an America?

  49. No way the actress who knows Jane's history and Fonda history would be under the age of 40...

  50. @nancer,a large number or very liberal celebrities have called for other performers to boycott Israel, boycott products from Israel,and called for the public to boycott any one who performs there. When you read their comments, they often turn into antisemitic rants that go beyond the pro Palestinian rights it may have started with. Note I said,"so called" liberals , and Israelis, not Jews. If the person isn't anti Semitic,why would it be said in the first place?

  51. I took tribe to mean the tribe of young ones who sleep their way to a role.

  52. I'm not sure on the third actress, but Helen Mirren is eight years younger than Jane Fonda and could drop a mike on Eminem, I wouldn't be surprised if it was her.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. i'm going to go with helen mirren, that "get your ass back in your coffin before sunrise" comment is hilarious and sounds like something she'd say.

  55. Mirren stepping up to Fonda. I read it as Jane being the “older legend” by 8 years.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. First, Natalie Portman wasn't there.
    Second, how many under 40 actresses know about Jane Fonda's history - her carreer started because of her father and yes, Roger Vadin gave her the right start. You really think Abbie Cornish knows who was Roger Vadin?
    Third, yes, a goy using "tribe" with the intention of offend a Jew is racist. Yeah, we could go deep discussing ethnicity x race, but that is not the point. The point is that it fits for someone else to see "tribe" as a slur when used in reference to a Jew.
    Four, there is no fucking way Abbie Cornish, Portmann or any other younger actress said that to Jane Fonda. The only one I can see is Salma, and even so because she is a fucking billionaire who can finance her own movies.
    Helen or the win and if you have any doubts just look at her face when the two where togther on stage. She would have pushed Jane out of that stage if she could.

    1. This is nonsense because we "goyim" know what it means when called goy.
      Quelle surprise.

  58. I hope #3 is Rita Moreno. I love her so much.

  59. +++++ Fonda looked shellshocked when she went out to present. So makes sense now.

  60. Please be Fonda, because it also could be Candace Bergen - and that would be sad.

    1. Yes, could be Bergen. Her father, Edgar Bergen; her husband, Louis Malle.

  61. Jane Fonda, Gal Gadot & Margo Robbie

  62. The person who called out Jane Fonda was Queen Helen Mirren, who a very nice person who posts on this board sent me a very nice pap shot of her chugging down a shot of tequila on the red carpet last night.😎

  63. The Jewish remarks were out of line. But, otherwise, she’s right. It’s baffling that someone with zero talent and less charisma like Gal Godot has become so big.

    1. (I secretly think she’s a nothing burger. Pretty, but bland, like a million others. Can’t speak to her talent because I haven’t seen anything she’s been in)

  64. Jane Fonda, Viola Davis and Lupita Nyong'o

    1. Ohhhhhh! I like this one the most! Viola would absolutely stand up! Dig it the most.

  65. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Fonda/Gadot for sure but no clue on the third one but I'd be stunned it if was a young person like Margot Robbie or Lupita telling off Jane Fonda. I can totally picture a much older/wiser actress doing that like Helen Mirren or Rita Moreno.

  66. Definitely Gal over Lupita, who is an Oscar winner and demonstrably talented whereas while I felt Gal brought refreshing charm to WW, she’s much more the type to make use of the casting couch. Not that I wouldn’t kill for a mere fraction of Lupita’s otherwordly perfection.

    Besides, “rode the right member” is a reference to the perception of Jews running Hollywood, as “tribe” = tribes of Israel, as already pointed out.

    And I remember a Himmmm blind re: the Golden Globes & how a certain actress commentors identified as Helen Mirren standing off to the side and absolutely slaying Kirk Douglas and the women fawning over him. This sounds right up that alley.

  67. I also noticed the iciness and thought I saw Fonda give Mirren a side-eye during presentation. And Mirren slayed it, barely even looked at the cue cards.
    That said, they both looked SMASHINGLY GREAT!

  68. The other actress said "while smiling" could be a clue that the actress is British, so my money is on Helen Mirren! Go Queen!

  69. Not buying it. Too neat, too pat, sounds scripted.

    "So called liberals openly hate Israelis"

    Oh for fuck's sake...

  70. Could it be Jane, Gal, and Rita?

  71. Anonymous10:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Helen Mirren won the mic drop battle with James Corden. I think that's the clue.

  73. This really sounds like BS but who knows. Whomever is reporting this would have had to have been in the vicinity, no? No one else heard the exchange, which would send shockwaves if publicized?

    If true, money is on Salma, who takes no shorts. If Fonda is the offender, I would be sad. But, she did marry Ted Turner, so her judgment is not that hot, really. She was already a name when she married Vadim, whom she referenced on stage with the Barbarella gag. Hmmm.

  74. Wooden-faced old scold is also nasty on the inside and projects her own well-founded insecurities onto others. This should not come as a surprise.

  75. Jane Fonda has a heart of stone and the face to match.

  76. Fonda, gadot and possibly portman. Gadot and portman are Israeli. Gal served in the IDF during the attack on Lebanon that killed thousands. Conflating criticism of the right-wing Israeli govt with anti-Semitism is an obnoxious move. They even smeared BLM and bernie sanders.

    1. I’m not sure Portman was there.

  77. Jane Fonda and Margot Robbie?

    And criticism of Israel *is* often used to mask underlying antiSemitism, whether or not you choose to recognize that. In this case, though, Jane does seem to be an antiSemite. "Member of the tribe" much like the n word, drips with bigotry and prejudice when used by anyone other than someone of the group the term is used to refer to.

    1. "goyim" doesn't drip with bigotry and prejudice
      "'The tribe' is like the n-word"
      Next thing you'll know it'll be antisemitic to talk about Soros and the Rothschilds release viruses intentionally in Africa to help shape their mining rights.
      (I am no antisemite many of my friends are Arab and Ethiopian)

  78. Jane fonda always been a world class cunt.

  79. (aging permanent A list actress who used to be mostly movies and is now mostly almost television) = Jane Fonda ---> from movies to Netflix

    (this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who had a very big box office year) = Gal Gadot with her Wonder Woman hit, she's Israeli

    (foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee) = Margot Robbie - Natalie Portman wasn't there.

    the tribes comment is definitely alluding to Israeli tribes. I don't know if you would call it 'racist' since technically, Jews are a race - so yes, you could call it racist.

    I LOVE THAT MARGOT STOOD UP FOR HER AND TOLD JANE FONDA TO GET BACK IN HER COFFIN AYEEEE!!!! seriously though, the old people in the academy are on their way out , thank god....

    cute pic of Margot & Gal inside. I love Margot, I get good vibes from her.

    just wanted to say you can be liberal and totally support Israel & Israelis, while not supporting the government's actions & Netanyahu. It's such a complicated issue with the settlements, Hezzbollah using Gaza as collateral damage.....bottomline: really narrow minded and f'd up for an above commenter to say liberal = anti-semitic.....I have a 1/2 Jewish and I dont support the way the Israeli govt handles most things. Does that mean I don't support the people and wish the best for them? Hell no!

    It isn/t black and white like that. If you live a life where its either this or that, well...thats not a life.

  80. Jane fonda and Jennifer Lawrence

  81. I'm with Jane on this one. That was rude of Gal to walk away from her like that.

  82. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Never understood why Jane is considered a good actress. Every since Steel Magnolias, when she was surrounded by real actresses who showed how horrible she is, or 9. to5, where even Dolly blew her out of the water, I've cringed at her wooden performances. Her father had that same quality, but he made it work for him, and he was a great actor. Same for On Golden Pond - she looked so bad compared to the powerhouses of her father and Hepburn, even Dabney Coleman and the kid acted circles around her.

  83. +1 more on Hayek for the third figure. It does sound like something she’d say, and take great pleasure in saying.

  84. WoW!!! Himmmmm, YOU ARE EVERYWHERE !!!!!

    1. @Juliaph: NSA is everywhere. Really.

  85. Fonda (Family, Roger Vadim)
    Nyong'o (starring RoleS - last jedi + black panther). Could also be Gadot, but she had just one role, two movies though...
    Mirren (the only other I could see having the 'balls' is Viola Davis, not foreign)

  86. WOW indeed. As far as, since that was the Oscars everyone was on best behavior, uh....that is Jane's best.

  87. Just watched the best actor presentation. Without a doubt, it's Jane Fonda, Gal Gadot, and Helen Mirren.

  88. Given Mirren and Fonda, what did you make of Fonda's Barbarella reference? If it was scripted and rehearsed, it could explain why Mirren thought of Roger Vadim on the red carpet. Also, is that why Fonda downplayed the line on camera? On the other hand, Fonda could have adlibbed it as a FU to Mirren.

  89. Doug...

    NSA... oh yeah, really. "Himmm everywhere" is hyperbole. "NSA everywhere" is fact.

    I almost posted the above until I remembered a new site I signed up for. It's called I don't understand the "how" but I think it impedes tracking by other sites. I used to have a horrible amount of pop-ups. Now I have... wait for it... NONE.

    Maybe they will get inbetween me and the NSA?

  90. damn himmmm what a score. every one of your blinds has been fantastic! you are very good at this lol. I say every third Saturday of the month we get you a notepad and corner table at Craig's, is that still a thing? I'll spring for the appetizer, extra fig even. lol awesome work!

  91. Fonda for racist

    Gal Gadot for star having a great year

    Helen Mirren/Salma Hayek for the slam of the night

  92. I can totally see Helen Mirren sating this to Jane Fonda.

    Mirren would be the only one in that crowd who would have the knowledge and quick wit to come back with a response like that to Jane Fonda. Oh how I wish I could have been a fly on the wall and witnessed that!!

  93. Far as I can see, and I'm old enough to know, Fonda's whole career was based on riding various sleazy cocks, attaching herself to various men and trading on her father's name and connections. Talent? For making a fool of herself in the Viet Cong, maybe. Loathsome cow.

    Gadot seems physically suited for the movies she's in and she's attractive (enough to upset a ageing piece of work who used to trade on her looks and is now a typical Hollywood waxwork whonow relies on surgeries, filler, botox and wigs) and seems fun enough. One doesn't need to be a world-class actress or actor to play a comic book character.

  94. @cc423 Some of the most anti-Semitic people I've ever had to deal with were liberals.

    1. Let’s not forget the GOP’s insistence that the US is a “Christian Nation”.
      That’s pretty anti-Semitic.

  95. @Ann R. Key
    Definitely Mirren! Fonda's face as they enter...She looks sooo pissed!
    @Himmmm, great blind!

  96. Jesus Christ. Of course it's Gal Gadot. Antisemitism is considered a form of racism, despite Jews being white. Being 'a member of the right tribe' is a reference of Jews ruling Hollywood. Why a Kenyan tribe would be 'the right tribe'. It couldn't be more clear. She was an imbecile in the sixties with the Hanoi Jane shtick, and she is an imbecile in 2018 with her antisemitic crap (and her selective memory of how and why she has a career in Hollywood). And yes, many 'so called liberals' are closeted (or not-so-closeted) antisemites (even if they say they are just antizionist), especially in Europe. Too many foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actress who are an Oscar winner/nominee to try to guess. Good for her for standing up to Hanoi Jane, though.

  97. Bend3r,

    Preach it!

  98. Even though a Murphy Brown reboot is in the offing, it can't be Candice Bergen. Jane Fonda has been doing television stuff since 2015.

  99. @Bend3r, it is a generalization to say Jewish people are "white." There are Spanish Jews that have migrated all over the world. There are Persian Jews and Indian who consider themselves Asian. There are Falashas that originated in Ethiopia. The "white Jews" you speak of are the European Jews.

  100. Gal Gadot/Jane Fonda/Margot Robbie

  101. Bend3r: +1

    Hanoi Jane grew up in a bubble of delusions, born into a famous Hollywood family, in sunny California, while Gadot was an officer in the army in a country that gets constantly attacked. Gadot is as real as you could get to female empowerment, feminism or female courage. Meanwhile Jane did 'war' photo ops for attention.

    Whoever put that old bitch in her place is my hero. Mirren is a great guess.


  103. When has Helen Mirren been witty? Love her to death but she isn't really known for that, is she?

    1. She can cut a throat without breaking a sweat & wearing a fabulous smile.
      She uses her power for good.

  104. The "coffin" statement: Helen Mirren isn't A/A-. She would be A+, I think

  105. Fonda has an Oscar wouldn't be say Oscar winner .Doesn't mirren too?

  106. Agreed.
    She’s past the fucks-to-give stage, but that’s a really stupid thing for her to say.
    She was GORGEOUS when she started out, but neither she nor Peter would’ve gotten an initial role without Henry.

  107. Just rewatched the presentation of Fonda/Mirren again. And Fonda was holding her arm across her body grabbing her elbow a defensive body language tactic, and the further up the arm you hold it the angrier you are. Clearly Mirren is the better actress, or really does not give 0 fucks. And the Zinger she threw in under the radar, Fonda looked even more uncomfortable. Haha Nothing like a Dame.. "That's an anomaly here in Hollywood.. an older man with a younger woman.. smattering of laughter Mirren shrugs. Fonda dies inside. Hahahaha.

  108. Isn't Helen Mirren a russian jew? Would make sense if it was her.

  109. @boredatwork boredatwork I agree. Killing rock--throwing Palestinian children is doing wonders for gender equality. You fucking retard.

  110. @ihsahn17. Helen Mirren is Russian, but not of Jewish decent.

    @d bAG, Boredatwork reads a newspaper. Where do you get your "news" from? "We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” Golda Meir

  111. Who's the racist when all of Harvey's victims (so far) were not of his tribe?

  112. @lutefisk

    A 60 year old quote is not news. Where do you get YOURS from?

    boredatwork doesn't read newspapers. She drinks and practices a British accent with My Fair Lady.

  113. Fuck off d-bag! You conveniently forget the tens of thousands of rockets and missiles launched at Israel since they left Gaza to the Palestinians. The killer tunnels as well. The kidnapping of soldiers. The never-ending intifadas. And what have the Palestinian achieved with all of that? FUCK ALL.

    Besides: when you keep attacking someone stronger then you, who kicked your ass every time, like a 'fucking retard', and scream 'we love death like Jews love life', don't cry about getting it afterwards.

    You stupid fucking cunt. If you gave two shits about Palestinian children, you'd see that they are being killed by their own people. Like the rest of mohammedans.

  114. btw the way, cunt, when Israelis left Gaza it was called LAND FOR PEACE.

    Instead they got war. So if Palestinians want war, they get war. It's just that they lose.
    Every. Single. Time.
    They are useless losers, who have achieved nothing, and whose greatest invention is the suicide belt.

    Here's an old quote: Insanity is doing the sae thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
    A Jew said that. A zionist one.

    Whoever supports those psychotic Palestinians is just as much of a useless loser as them.

  115. Bored,

    Can you scream all that in your new British accent PLEEEEEASE????!!!!

    I wanna hear it. Stamp your little feet, too! And raise a tiny little brit fist and shake it at the computer screen.

    Then lie down, with some rotgut US gin, and think of England.

    Girl, you are such a picture!

  116. Well, bored at work, bored at work:

    I whole-heartedly agree with you. Without all the off-color adjectives interspersed through-out the paragraphs though.

    There are some people in this world that will not be satisfied until every single postage stamp sized piece of land is stripped from any Jew that exists, and then every single Jew is annilhilated.

    Not going to happen, but they dream...

  117. A catty, shitty thing to say, but it must be noted that Gal Gadot can't really act. She's awful, like a female Christopher Lambert.

  118. @plot, have you been to Gaza? Have you been to Israel? I have ridden through Gaza on a bus that had rocks, not pebbles hurled at us. I have had friends who have lost family members to terrorists I have had two Palestinian men grab me at a bus stop and try pulling me into their car to take me for "Coca-cola." I watch the news and read the papers, not follow propaganda bullshit. What about the underground terrorist tunnels that are built with money supposedly to be used for schools and hospitals? Why don't you adopt a family of Palestinians and have them live with you?

  119. None of that invalidates the fact that bored is a tiresome drunk pretending she (he?) is British and spams these boards with garbage.

    Pick better alliances if you take your cause seriously.

  120. lutefisk: why do you even bother? This rambling fool is the laughing stock of cdan, he has no life, writes never-ending essays about his insane conspiracy theories or his love for George Clooney (I know, super sad) and no matter how many ppl laugh at him or tell him to fuck off, he's got this desperate need for attention. ANY attention, he's even happy with negative one.
    Every week he obsesses over another poster, thinks anyone gives two shits about him. He's tragic.

  121. lutefisk: he doesn't even talk about the issue, all he does is ramble crap about me. I told him a few times what I thought of him and his tin-foil hat theories, and now I'm a drunk who's not from London. He's kind of obsessed, which in actuality pleases me, I just admit. He makes up stories about me, convinced he's 'got' me.I live in his empty head, rent free.

  122. I rest my case.

  123. boredatwork boredatwork I guess I am just boredathome boredathome, lol. I hate seeing people spew rhetoric about something they have no idea about. My son started freshman year at college with a roommate he was matched up with. We were setting up the room the same time as the other family was setting up their son. The father turned to me and said "Your name is Mrs. ????" I told him our last name but then added my first name and told him to call me by that. Father, mother, and son stormed out of the room. The boy came back and said he was moving out to live with his "own" kind and found another Palestinian boy to room with. How can you make peace with people who think like that? We had no idea the boy was Palestinian and did not care. He withdrew after a year because the school had too many Jews.

  124. And here I thought plot was a bitter old woman. Go figure!

  125. Lutefisk: I'm sorry to hear about this. It's unacceptable. No, you can not make peace with a people who don't even allow their own to live in peace. I'm not Jewish, but I too have been to Gaza - that's why this particular issue makes me so passionate - when it was till under Israeli control. What I witnessed there was nothing short of horrendous. And Israeli soldiers were remarkably restrained. The only reason I came out alive, was because of MY name: no jews, no news.
    I don't really like talking about it. People are atrociously ignorant. It makes me angry.

    I think some people hate Israel because it's a (the only) Jewish country in the world, and they don't think it should exist, Jews should be kept homeless and vulnerable, while MUSLIM Palestinians have over 50+ Muslim countries and are now taking over Europe as well.
    Others hate it because it's literally Jews rising from the ashes of their ancestors and punching way above their weight. Some people can only sympathise when Jews are defenceless. But now they got weapons, and the best in the world. Being surrounded by a billion nutters who want to eradicate you, and you still win every war every thrown at you: I respect that.

    Btw, you're not the first person who says plot is a bitter old woman. Somebody else said exactly the same thing last week under one of his rants, when I called him a 'he'. I don't know, I don't claim to know what he or she is, I just know they're a joke.

    Anyway, I have to stop my husband right now from using every pot and pan in the kitchen to make dinner!

    Nice chatting :)

  126. @beebopcowboy Of course you can be a liberal and not being anti-Semite. I read the messages a bit fast and superficially and didn't notice Guesser was equaling liberal to antisemite. I thought he was just answering cc423 who said that probably it wasn't Fonda because she is a liberal. And of course you can be critical to Israeli government and settlers without being anti-Semite, but there is anti-Semitism amongst the left, and it's far from being marginal.

    @lutefisk I understand, but I was answering to those who said it can't be Gal because she is white.

    I agree the actress who defends Gal can't be young if she knows Jane Fonda marriage record.

    I recommend reading Jerusalem chronicles by Guy Delisle. I discovered his work with Pyongyang, a comic about the time he spent in North Korea supervising outsourced animation work for a French studio. I also read Shenzhen about a previous period he spent in China (again supervising outsourced animation work). After becoming more popular, he quit animation and start focusing on his own comics and he published another two travel books, Burma Chronicles and Jerusalem Chronicles, about the time he spent in Burma and Israel while his wife worked there as a manager of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières). The guy has a great sense of humor and his books are totally recommendable.

    For instance this is about a supermarket in a settlement:

  127. About a holocaust survivor:

    Different reactions to nudity:

    Settlers, Politicians, Media and the conflict between the modern Israel and religious extremism:

    And orthodox jews shitfaced during Purim:

    Highly recomendable book.

  128. The world would be a better place if we killed every man woman and child from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean to the Himalayas. Nothing but trouble makers, the lot of em. As long as there are 2 people from differing religions/villages/sides of a puddle alive there, they will be fighting. Killing them all is the only solution.

  129. Lutefisk:

    I'm as gentile as they come, but I find it humorous how people spew how much the Jews are bad, while they are walking around in their Levi's, using their USBs to carry information, using WAZE to avoid the cops, availing themselves of untold medicines to keep themselves healthy. When God said He would use Abraham to bless the nations He was not exaggerating.

    I have never seen death and rampant destruction left behind by the Jews. What was it that Patrick Devedjian said? "...They took away our Jews and left us with..."

  130. FAYE DUNAWAY for the racist old timer. Lupita N for the young one. I'm hoping it's Salma Hayek for the shade thrower.

  131. Faye Dunaway has a long history of opening her mouth and saying insulting things as "truth", that's for damn sure.

    By nature, she fits this blind better.

  132. No one but Fonda has a family with such long and illustrious coattails, and 'the tribe' was a very common way to refer to Jewish people from a certain generation. Jane's dad was no angel and it's been rumored for years that he was racist, among other things. So the sneer was definitely directed at the luminous Gal Gadot, as the insulter attacked her obvious lack of acting talent, but not her beauty. Last but not least, I'm thinking this is Helen Mirren because she ranks right up there with Fonda in the legends of la la land, and would have the hutzpuh to say it. I can just imagine those words flowing in her smooth killer purr. Wow and wow, indeed.

  133. I think the whole blind is bullshit, myself.

    Just a little too titillating and scripted to thrill the masses, for me.

  134. @Bend3r, sorry about that. I thought you were generalizing about Jews being white. Most people look at Eastern European Jews and don't realize that since the Diaspora you can find Jewish people in every color in every corner of the world.
    @Juliaph, Hitler also had a Jewish doctor that he put under the protection of the Gestapo. All of the people criticizing Israel need to get rid of the Israeli technology they are very happily using and not use any medical care that originated in Israel. Roger Waters also likes to criticize Israel from his cell phone and lap top from the same place he asks people to boycott.

  135. @lutefisk:


  136. Juliaph, people tend to forget about that. They only like Israeli inventions when it is convenient for them.

  137. Anonymous6:12 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. Anonymous6:22 AM

    A lot of people here taking issue with "liberals being openly anti-Israeli"; I guess you all have your heads buried in the sand, did you happen to talk to a leftist around the time that Trump announced we're moving the embassy? If you didn't, be glad.

    There's also the inherent racism that goes hand in hand with liberal beliefs, just look at the new "definition" of racism: Racism = prejudice + power, so therefore only white people can be racist. You see? At the very foundation of your beliefs, one of the main building blocks is white supremacy as evidenced by your belief that blacks can never hold a position of power over a white.

    That's not to mention the bigotry of low expectations that people of color have been the beneficiaries of; black people get a handicap on their SAT so that if me and a black guy got all the same answers, he'd have a higher score than me. It stems from your belief in equal outcomes rather than equal opportunities, and you believe that blacks and hispanics can't do as well on tests so you give them some extra help whether they actually need it or not.

    I don't know if this all stems from you feeling guilty for owning slaves (no Republicans owned any) starting the KKK (democrats) coming up with the field of eugenics and giving Hitler the idea for the Holocaust (Sanger) and supporting him up to WW2; but it's clear to anyone with a brain that you're overcompensating to cover up beliefs you still hold to some extent... You doth protest too much.

  139. "Ever hear of communism, the 20th century's most deadly and destructive ideology?"

    That's highly debatable. Nationalism gives it a good run for its money, and certainly the most destructive forms of communism were prone to naked nationalism to fulfill it's desires. Mao espoused a Chinese identity and Stalin espoused a Russian identity that are totally at odds with communism. Why did they do that? Because nationalism, the kind of which you see in Donny Moscow and Vlad, makes people kill others for no other reason than their race, creed, color, language or ethnicity.

    If a leader wants to build a killing machine of a whole culture, they ALWAYS turn to nationalism, fascism and extreme prejudice.


    " guess you all have your heads buried in the sand,"

    Or we've actually read a book or two, not just websites that confirm our bias against one group in particular. Keep digging yourself in deeper there, genius.

  140. SirNotSure;

    Sure I have heard of communism. Have you heard of Stalin? Lenin (maybe was a Jew) and Marx was an ancestral Jew. Every race has their aberrations, and every individual is free to throw their ideas out there, but who implemented the massacre?

    Even a juvenile student of history can see that the Jews have bee pogromed for 2000 years. I know of no mass extinction program that they have implemented.

    I am not Jewish, and I know no Jewish people. But as a student of history I can say that they are a good people.

  141. Who implemented massacres based on national identity? Answer: all of them. What political ideology is built on nationalistic identities? Answer: Fascism.

    So....while you can claim communism caused all the world's ills, I can counter that if this communism doesn't have fascistic facets of nationalism, it can't produce massive numbers of people willing to kill enemies at the whim of the leader.

    Is that you Jew blaming there? Or is it just a crash of thoughts you haven't quite teased out yet? I can't tell since this discussion of ours never mentioned Jews, but you can't seem to eliminate them from your thoughts.

  142. Anonymous10:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. "Trump and Putin claim to be nationalists - Hitler also claimed to be a nationalist therefore nationalism = Naziism"

    At this point that is pretty obvious to anyone who will take an honest look.

    "Who is Jew blaming?"

    The people who keep bringing them up apropos of nothing?

    "And lol at the notion Marxists are free of prejudice"

    Your laughs would be justified if that was claimed by anyone...or just me.

  144. Spill the tea on the blind!! I cant wait to hear who??!!!!

  145. I think it's Fonda and Nyongo. If what LooLooEasy says is true. Also Grace and Frankie is on 'almost television' Netflix.

    Plus Black Panther was a major blockbuster this year. And Nyongo's the only one of the options that's actually won an Oscar and had a smashing hit. I'm eleminating Gadot, Ronan and Portman. And the shady 'tribe' comment is a pejorative for someone from Africa. I'm so effin glad she gave it to her.
