Monday, March 26, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has been pressed repeatedly, but still won't say that she will stop working with the child molester. 


  1. Replies


  3. It's dueling links! :)

  4. "“The message we received for years was that it was the highest compliment to be offered roles by these men. As women around the world and from all walks of life marched last weekend, once again joining together to speak out about harassment, exploitation and abuse, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to stand here this evening and keep to myself some bitter regrets that I have at poor decisions to work with individuals with whom I wish I had not.”"

    Kate worked with Roman Polanski, a man who was found guilty in a court of law, of drugging and anally raping a minor. That''s the kind of hard faced hypocrisy this bitch can throw out without breaking sweat. It wasn't like there was plausible deniability, literally everyone knew and accepted that Polanski was a child rapist, it's just that potential Oscar win trumps behaving like a decent human being. None of those #metoo women mean it. They're all about status, virtue signalling and feeding their giant egos.

  5. I think it's Blanchett.

  6. Blanchett was more recently in the news talking neutrally about Allen, so I'm leaning more that way given the way blinds go. But they've both been pretty evasive and either could fit this blind.

  7. @Brayson87,Enty can reveal this blind twice with different answer,and both will be correct!

  8. Man I love Blanchett but gurl....get it together.

  9. Technically, Winslet didn't say she won't work with Allen/Polanski again, but she gave a heartwrenching performance at some British awards ceremony, tearfully expressing her 'regret' over working with 'certain people'.

    I think this is Blanchett.

  10. @Guesser, that's for sure. They are both mothers. Let's see an interviewer ask if they'd feel comfortable having him around their daughter, then we'll really see some award-winning acting.

  11. @Vessimede Barstool- VB wins the interwbs again today!

    1. When @Vessimede Barstool isn't trying to be a cruder not funny Count, he has some very helpful insights into blinds

  12. LOL
    At least we've narrowed it to a C/Kate and Allen and/or Polanski.

  13. I have no fondness for Woody Allen, but this predicament is all on prosecutor and Mia Farrow. You can't decide, to not prosecute, but expect the world to treat someone as a child molester. So many children never get the chance to prosecute. Farrow and the prosecutor made a decision, so Allen was never charged and never found guilty. Action or inaction have consequences.

  14. Cate Blanchet has been all over the gossip sites. She supports Woody Allen

  15. absolutely cate blanchett, who is SO full of it.

    she named her son after Roman Polanski, and she revealed it on a late night show. unreal:

  16. Small quibble: Woody is not, in all likelihood, a child molester.

  17. Winslet. But really can be quite a few people

  18. This #metoo thing is collapsing like a cheap lawn chair.

  19. Blanchett Australian agent is the wife of a convicted pedophile Robert Hughes

  20. I hope this is revealed. I know we have a list of alleged child molesters, but do we have a list of the other actors that appear to condone their behavior for personal gain? It would probably be too lengthy to make.



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