Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blind Item #4

At a big event last night, this well underage A- list mostly television actress who stars on a hit almost television show was doing lines of coke with a tween singer none of you know. Where are the parents?


  1. Millie Bobby Brown

  2. Oh I just saw a picture of her at those awards. So sad. She really is Lohan 2.0.

    1. I dunno-thought she was straight laced? Silly me😊

  3. Yup, Millie and Jacob Sartorius. Sad. :(

  4. She's being couched for sure, and it will be with her loving parents consent and encouragement.

    1. Oh definitely being couched. A lot of these young stars are from disney and all the way around.

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Kindness blind.

    Sharing her stash with an unknown. Sharing is caring.

  6. According to David Hogg the “old ass parents” are the problem. It takes a government run village led by Hollywood to raise everyone else’s children....except the Clooney twins who were MIA.

  7. I really hope this isn’t true, I know there’s a lot of hate for MBB around these parts, but I genuinely like her. She seems like she has a good heart- she’s always reaching out to bullied folks and underdogs on Twitter. Her parents are god awful, though, so one only knows what kind of damage that’s doing. I hope she grows out of whatever phase this is and bounces back to her sweet self.

  8. Kids' Choice Awards!
    Come down and have your choice of kid!
    Dan Schneider already got started but there's plenty and always more where they came from!

  9. I don’t know about this one. Clearly it’s a reference to MBB, but Jacob Sartorius wasn’t at the KCAs, and immediately after the awards she went to a panel discussion with the rest of the ST cast. I’m not sure if she had the chance to snort coke with her boyfriend.

  10. Millie looks a helluva lot older than 13--if they just showed a head shot I'd guess the person was 35 at the very least. I won't even guess why somebody that young looks so old.

  11. I'm guessing the parents are on the phone with bandi arranging appointments?

  12. This is sad. Mbb is very talented and could be a role model. We will hear about her yachting in several years from now, I'm sure. Fucken parents.

  13. This actress is phenomenally talented. Drugs change brain chemistry but drug use starting at such a young age will eventually destroy her brain. Her brain is still forming at 14 years of age. So sad to hear about.

  14. Saw picture of her and Sia doppleganger

  15. I can't believe this about her I need more info. Anyone have any background scoop on her??

  16. Millie Bobby Brown sounds correct. I think Jojo Siwa might be the tween singer, she's eccentric and jumpy and a star for Nickolodeon and 8 year olds everywhere

  17. Her parents groomed her no doubt...honestly I wouldn't be surprised if her folks turn out to have sold her to the upper echelons secret pedo-rings. I don't think child stars are just "discovered". She's supposedly trying to emancipate from them.

    I'm not surprised she's already on drugs. She's been exposed to adulthood far earlier than most kids her age.

    I just hope she's okay and she gets through all this...

  18. I really hope this isn’t true. Her appearance at the KCAs didn’t show any obvious signs of a cocaine high.
